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Dust flowed over the cannon wall, bringing with it the putrid, yet tempting smell of burning flesh and hair. And slowly the bandit Higa crawled over to the ragged, stone edge and tried to peer through the smoke rising out of the human nest called a village. Hunger nawed at his stomach as excitement cut off what little logic the addled monster had left in him. If he wasn't so reckless, he would've turned tail the second he heard steel clashing and fresh screams leaping up from the once verdant valley bellow. He simply didn't care, his lust for excitement and hunger for fresh marrow drove him down the cliff side, running down it like a bird, sliding between stones and prancing down it as he held his arms to his sides to avoid them catching on any of the sharper rocks.
"HOOOWAAAaaaah!" He cried, kicking up dirt and sand as he reached the bpttom of the cliff, leaping into the air as he struggled to draw his sword.
He landed, and swung his blade out, feeling suitably impressed with his feat. He thought for a moment it was just like those shows humans watch sometimes.
And then the smoke cleared from the force of his swing, all of his usual jovial madness vanished as he found himself face to face with a monster in a steel mask, holding a human girl by her neck.
The thing was massive, at least twice Higa's size, and was covered in stone spikes, and rough sandy skin.
The would be bandit gulped nervously as more monsters wearing the same, jaw like mask emerged from the darkness of the smoke.
"Oh..." Higa said weakly, as he saw the tattered banner proudly dancing on the top of a shattered fountain, it bore a symbol of a dragon curled around a vast desert in flames, like a cat around a yawn ball "Nooo, you're all scourgemen, uh...I thought this was a human place....good fortunes, I must be Oaahhf"