>be mage
>study arcane arts
>become a demigod who makes traditional fighting forces obsolete
meanwhile warriors
>be mage
>study arcane arts
>become a demigod who makes traditional fighting forces obsolete
meanwhile warriors
>be mage
>study arcane arts
>become a demigod who makes traditional fighting forces obsolete
>Make minor mistake in incantation and die horribly.
meanwhile warriors
>drinks beer and fucks eager(or not) elf sluts
>be warrior
>make a minor mistake
>get stabbed in the throat
meanwhile mages
>fuck succubs
>fuck succubus
>little mistake
>be mage
>make minor mistake
>arcane rebound
meanwhile peasant
>fuck baker's daughter
>be cleric
>serve the one true God-King of Man, Bellophant
>Create an army of undying warriors from the souls of my god's followers
meanwhile mages
>*twirls moustache* So you've come to my sanctum have you? Mwahaha!
>be mage
>realise that everything allready goes perfectly and any interuption just make everything worse
>spend eternity gasing into the abyss
>be warrior
>you die from old age and all those who you kill drag your screaming soul to hell
That's only because you, the setting, and/or the system has arbitrarily decided that magic (a fictional force with no universally defined properties) should be absurdly overpowering everyone, rather than choosing to put the arcane and martial arts on equal footing for heroes. I'm not saying this is a bad choice, necessarily, but you should be aware that it is a choice and not an inevitability.
>be druid
>fucking driads, fucking in cat form, fucking in tree form, fucking in every form, smoke weed, fly in eagle form
>be ranger
>you are master of forest camouphlage
>or else druid will fuck you in some weird form again
> be bard
> all the arts
> all the charisma
> friend casters can make me scrolls
> backup melee buddies with buff and blade
> rogue can specialize elsewhere, split the work and profits
> even lighten the load of the cleric
> everyone is happy
> none of them know about all the ntr
life is good.
>become a fighter
>learn how to kill
>learn how to kill people
>learn how to kill monsters
>learn how to kill dragons
>learn how to kill magic
>learn how to kill gods
I'm not seeing an issue from where I'm standing. Don't know what your problem is.
>Be spellsword
>Make my sword shoot fire and shit
>Fuck armor, I got a magic forcefield
>Watch me teleport across the room
>Watch me shank a kender from across the room
>Get to hang out with the bro fighters instead of pompous pajama-wearing pansies
For real though, why's it that 99% of the time class-rivalry shit starts it's from a magic-user? What is it about wizards that sparks a superiority-complex?
Unbridled egos. They think they are the best, and it invariably bites them in the ass.
>Meanwhile Technicians.
Make your plans
Cast your spells
Then tell me which spell
Pulls my axe from your guts
>be mage, one of a relative minority of people capable of becoming one
>study arcane arts for more than a decade until I get to the point where I can reliably cast Magic Missile without getting a cluster migraine and nose bleeds.
>In less than a century, I will be a god among men.
meanwhile warriors
>give any fucker a sharp stick and tell them to hit the guy waving his hands in the middle of the field like an idiot
mad jealous of how much fun martials have at jousting tournaments
>be mage
>make minor mistake
>suddenly on fire
meanwhile bard
>makes small mistake
>have to pay child support
>be user
>come on Veeky Forums for a little inspiration
>maybe see some cool art
meanwhile OP
fuck. -I'd- probably clip a guy with a club for 5 gold doubloons, and I'm a nonviolent pacifist. how many coins do the bathrobe wearers get?
>Raising a family with loving, if slightly chubby wife
I understand why wizardry starts at 30, now.
A large amount of role play and fantasy writers are failed scientists and intellectuals.
Successful scientists and intellectuals notice that it doesn't make sense to make martials a trap option and howl at their own superiority.
Besides if magic is so useful, every martial character should have at least the power set of a combat caster.
>Be anti-mage
>Turn of non-sense arcane magic because it's for fags
>Kill warrior dude who was relying on his magic gear.
>Enjoy your fandom with everyone else who hates magic.
>be warrior
>study arts of war
>become a maverick general who makes traditional fighting forces obsolete
meanwhile mages
>Hey guys, watch me try and wall off the realm of death from the mortal world! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
Anti-magic is just magic tuned to fuck other magic.
Given the current rate of gold, 5 doubloons is probably somewhere in the $8k mark.
I mean, you can enjoy your work, but don't pretend you aren't a special snowflake for hunting other special snowflakes.
Also, settings need more dabbled in magic characters.
Like you have a knight who can cast light because he tried to pass the second magic exam, despite just barely doing the first.
Maybe in D&D, but in Anima it's a ki thing.
Actually, the "No you can't do that" Ki abilities are dead handy now that I think about it.
Say this to my face and not online, fucker.
Fuck magic.
>He just whacks a guy with a club
>He doesn't go beyond 100%
>He doesn't fight to protect the smiles of his loved ones
>He isn't H-HAYAI
>literally being autistic in 2016
I guess I shouldn't be surprised
Not for the weight of the gold. By weight each doubloon is worth about $286, as where the value of a doubloon you could buy on Ebay depends mostly on the condition of the coin and can go for a couple thousand for a 2 escudo.
>anons are biting
Out of Setting, Ki's just magic but with a special name.
When I can wield my life force to set trees on fire, I will stop calling Ki magic.
Ah shit, a doubloon isn't even an ounce of gold?
Fuck that noise. What kind of scub currency are they running here?
the real reason crossbows were banned by the pope was because they could break the magic barriers used by his followers, not because they could harm knights and nobles in full gear
A doubloon refers to a 2 escudo coin, the escudo coins go up to 8 escudo, though even that one below an ounce. Though an 8 escudo in good condition can go for quite a bit more than the value of the gold in it.
>be acolyte
>make minor mistake
>executed for heresy
Meanwhile Inquisitor
>make minor mistake
>Imperial tithe is one planet shorter
>>be warrior
>>train your whole life to be a perfectly honed human weapon of mass slaughter
>>perfect martial techniques that make you clearly superhuman
>>break a rainbow with your fists to use the impossibly shattered pieces to forge a sword that can murder gods.
Meanwhile mages
>>just pathetic performer magicians with no real power that awe the ignorant masses with their tricks untill the guards get them.
Magic is arbitrarilly powerfull because it doesn't exist so nobody knows how powerfull it should be. The whole argument is idiotic and depends on the setting.
>settling for domestic life with fat Daisy Baker and a litter of fat kids
>giving up a life of exploring the arcane, adventuring to the edges of the universe, and screwing a different beautiful planar being every day
Martialfags, everyone.
>The More You Know
>implying that's not the ultimate truth
>implying caster supremacy is not woven into the very concept of ᅜM A G I C K
Since the dawn of time humans have been coming up with various gods, prayers and rituals to honour them, all for one purpose: to alter the reality around them. And now imagine all of that being a real, working method. Only FEEBLE would pick swinging a sword over that.
Besides, sorcery has plenty of out-of-battle application. Charms, hexes, even bringing people from the dead. Good fucking luck doing that with a sword.
>but all wizard p-players are just ego-tripping asshats
>be a monk
>Train. Meditate.
>Achieve Enlightenment.
I got yalls beat.
>As a result, the king has given the mage university tax exempt status and a number of donations from his personal coffers under the condition they don't actually practise magic and instead spend their days eating and relaxing.
>implying casters have ever been more than support for martial in basically every mythology on earth.
>implying heroes don't BTFO out of your concept.
>not just fairy tales to teach people how good it is to be hard-working, brave and so on
>implying people could relate if main hero could btfo their enemies with a single spell
Also posting the most badass sublime chord there is.
I never agreed or disagreed with you. I just said it was bait. Something can be bait and correct at the same time, you know.
>be a monk
>train. meditate.
>no sex for 30 years.
>I'm actually a wizard.
Next level shitbaiting.
>be dick-ass thief
>steal scrolls, wands and artifacts instead of wasting your life learning magic
>trick people to fight for you instead of risking your own skin
>live a life of luxury off other people's hard-earned money
>make a minor mistake
>get stabbed by an inanimate object
>implying I'm not right
Martials can't make themselves invisible, they can only try to blend in with the surroundings.
Martials can't enchant people to do their bidding, they can only coerce or inspire.
Martials can't bring people back from the dead, they can only try and treat a wound before the spirit leaves the body.
Magic is better because it's completely out of bounds, because it warps the laws of the universe however it likes.
Martial characters overcoming obstacles on their path with pure wit and brawn sure are charming and interesting to play, in their own way, but magic is still inherently superior.
Because it's magic. A miracle.
Simple as that.
>implying that you can't shout people back to heath and seduce the world that is to revive people at high enough level.
>Be warrior
>Train for years
>Get magic resistant gear
>crush "demigod"'s head with your hands.
>Keep training
>become so strong that you collapse into a super-massive black hole
If ki is a supernatural force, that makes it magic. Perhaps not arcane magic, but still magic.
>>fuck succubus
>>little mistake
Magic can have all kinds of wacky drawbacks and requirements tacked on to make it frequently tactically less useful than non-magical methods, though.
Well, duh, your muscles also hurt from several hours of combat and sometimes you can get some nasty bruises.
>Martials can't make themselves invisible, they can only try to blend in with the surroundings.
>Martials can't enchant people to do their bidding, they can only coerce or inspire.
At a high enough level of skill the distinction might be irrelevant.
this. truly high level martials can balance on clouds and leap over mountains.
>grasping at straws
>be gay
>literally every other gay wants my penis
>I'm getting laid literally all the time
>every big corporation bows down to my gay ass and paints my flag on their merchandise
>die of aids before I get old and wrinkly on my butt
Feels good man.
Warrior here.
I am tired,
Tired of life.
Tired of working 9 to 5, 5 days a week.
Tired of 2 hour round trip bus commutes.
Tired of force feeding myself a packed lunch consisting of a peanut butter sandwich and a bag of grapes.
Tired of coming home to my parents pigsty.
Tired of seeing happy people.
Tired of seeing Chad get all the girls.
I just want to fuck off from into the backwaters and have a high speed internet connection.
Is this too much to ask for?
Let me know when you cure cancer by yelling at it
I think you may actually be on the wrong board. /r9k/ seems a biiiit more up your alley.
Let me know when reading books lets you develop the cure for a cancer.
ITT Veeky Forums argues over how to destroy Veeky Forums
Druids are degenerates who shapeshift into animal forms to fuck other animals.
Second user.
I laughed.
>> Be magefag
>> Be this obsessed with the comments of others
>> Be martialfag
>> Not understand the magefag's shitty joke thread
Christ this sounds like a joke but literally the first player i ever had who wanted to be a druid came to me 1/3 through chargen to ask several questions about cross species breeding in animal form.
>be OP
>study shitposting
>become moron who wastes board space with bait
I would comment on the fact that you're comparing high and low level characters, but you already know that.
What's this from? Google gives me nothing.
Netoge no Yome. Long story short it's about dorks playing vidya. It's fun.
Bellophant, the one true god-king. Hero-God of Feldannr, King of Men in life, and King of Men in the heavens! Let the Fylkirites tremble at the mention of his name!
>be mage
>study arcane arts
>live, love, laugh, fuck
>die because mortal so wreck shit before I go
>be warrior
>study the martial arts
>live, love, laugh, fuck
>die because mortal so wreck shit before I go
Robert E Howard is the only true lifepath.
>Be tanker
>Operate a 30 ton mass of "fuck you"
>Kill a thousand men with me, my buddies, and a huge honking block of steel
Meanwhile warriors
>Be mage
>Study arcane arts
>Perish at ripe old age
>Burn in eternal hellfire for practicing withcraft
Your mistake, infidel.
Excellent, thank you.
>be mage
>study arcane arts
>Hang out with the warriors on the weekends
>form a party with them later, enchant their shit, share experiences of gain, loss, love, and triumph
>Retire at an old age, having lived a rich life. Some regrets, but everyone has those. Spend rest of life quietly whiling away the hours reading/fishing/playing with the grandkids.
>Be warrior
>study art of war
>party with the wizards on the weekends.
>form a party with them later, stand between wizard and orcs, share experiences of gain, loss, love, and triumph
>retire at middle age, some regrets, but mostly content with life. Spend rest of life fishing/baking/playing with the grandkids.
>Need to summon semen demons to enjoy any "female" company at all
Top kek
>pick technician
>everyone has ki and can use and harness it(its life/soul force)
Naw, anima's ki is pretty mudane
>be a nerd sitting at home
>Chooses not to play D&D 2e or 3.X or Pathfinder
>Doesn't have to put up with any more of this caster vs martials bullshittery
meanwhile D&D fags
An unfortunate consequence of having 1d4 hit points is that you overrate the ability to do 1d4 points of damage.
Those young mages that survive combat with housecats can get full of themselves quite fast.
>be warrior
>study martial arts
>become a demigod who makes traditional fighting forces obsolete
meanwhile mages
>physical and magical prowess aren't inseparable
Y'all niggas need wuxia.
This is what it's all about
>be barbarian
>beat the shit out of a mage with his own foot
>be mage
>go to study arcane arts
>choose to specialise in fire magic
>every day my clothes are charred and I stink of smoke
>meanwhile the illusionists git gud at looking gud
>illusionists are drowning in pussy
>regret my choice of study
>barely graduate with mountains of student debt
>can't find work in this shitty economy
>have to go back and work on dad's farm
Fuck my life.
eh, fighters could become well paid banner carriers, leading the charge straight into the enemy
you get paid partly in gold, partly in glory
underrated post
>be abjurer
>develop natural resistance to demonic possession
>get welcomed into a church of Helm
>marry a nun
>settle down and have kids
>no time for studying magic
>Teeth falling out
>Poop your pants
>Wait all summer for your grandkids to call you
>Be knight
>Some rich asshole PAYS you to beat up peasants with a pointy metal stick
>He gives you land too
>Elves and shit like your shiny armor
>You have a horse
>You can eat
>You stuff weakling apprentice mages in lockers while taking Za'sharahunn out back and cucking him under the beakers
Literally a case of "Wtf, I HATE warriors now!"
Best post