How would Overwatch do in the Shadowrun setting?

How would Overwatch do in the Shadowrun setting?

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Very, very poorly.
An ape with a lightning gun, a DJ with a sound gun, or a dude with flash-bangs and a pistol hold little hope when compared to the kind of shit which exists in the 6th World.

Force 12+ Spirits, Great Dragons, Cyberzombies.
They'd be torn to ribbons.

Also they'd never have clearance to do anything, bar working directly for the Corporate Court. In which case they'd be chained down by paperwork, and only ever able to deal with the most dangerous, world-threatening crises.

Also you know, even TRY and do anything, and you'll likely upset the plans of a Great Dragon. And then they'll eat you, your friends, your family, your team, and then everyone will blame you for it. Because you don't fuck with Great Dragons.

They have no magical defense.

Otherwise they should be doing pretty okay I think.

If the cinematics have shown anything, it's that Winston is way too strong compared to your average ape. And his main superpower is being smart anyway.

Honestly, the main Overwatch team is probably more dangerous than most groups of Runners.

>Captain America with nothing to lose
>Cyborg cowboy who can deadeye a shot from insane distances
>Time displaced British pixie with reality hack shenanigans
>Super intelligent super strong ape with power armour and a jetpack
>Sniper Mom
>Medical genius who can raise the dead with nanomachines

Genji would be a super oddity, though. By Shadowrun rules he shouldn't exist.

It would suck ass using the SR system, yeah.

What you want is M&M.

>By Shadowrun rules he shouldn't exist.
I haven't played Shadowrun, do ninjas not exist? Or Japanese people?

Wouldn't Genji just essentially be a cyberzombie?

If you get too cybered up you die, because souls or something.

In Shadowrun, cybernetics fuck up your soul and your ability to do magic.

I think it's just his limbs and outer surface that are robotic. Could be wrong.

Too much cyberware eats at your spirit/soul/essence. Cyberzombies are what you get when you replace too much flesh with tech. Corpses puppeted by their augments more than an actual person. Think 40k servitors rather than anything else.
You can also bind the person's spirit to the thing but you've basically just torturing a soul by forcing it to in a painful existence in a mockery of life. So of course occasionally a corp gets the idea to try that for super soldiers.

Genji should be this shuffling monstrosity who requires way to much medical care to function.
Of course it's not clear how much of him is cyber, it could be mostly a cybersuit, so he could just be a literal cyberdragon's street samurai.

Aaaaand of course autocorrect fucks with me on the last sentence again.
Though it's not entirely inappropriate I suppose.

I'm not sure, but I think he's about 80% machine. He still has most of his internal organs and a lot if not all of his head but I think the vast majority of his musculature and soft tissues has been replaced with synthetics.

Genji would be urban myth tier in Shadowrun. An almost full cyborg that somehow not only has kept his humanity, but is capable of high tier adept feats and is in fact extremely spiritual.

That clears it up, thanks. Could just have Genji be some special snowflake if it was necessary. His back story had him meditate for years and discover his humanity despite his body being mostly metal.

given how his generally kind, noble, and considerate nature as well as his constant drive to seek goodness and justice, and belief in forgiveness and redemption, he is actually one of the most human of them all out there

The Overwaifus could go far.

Dragons would give away their hoards for a bite outta those asses.

What you're looking for is RIFTS, obviously.

>Honestly, the main Overwatch team is probably more dangerous than most groups of Runners
No shit. Because most Runners are two-bit morons who only get hired because Megacorps don't want their shiny toys getting scuffed.

But compare them to the kind of shit Overwatch would be having to deal with you know, as Overwatch in Shadowrun. Then they come up waaaaay short.

There's also

>Spoopy ghost man who dresses up like a highschool shooter.
>A Germanic Don Quixote who'll ram your ass at the first chance he gets.
>Chinese Climatologist who shoots icicles in your face after she's frozen you.
>Disney princess robot who goes into Vietnam ptsd episodes and slaughters people by the bucket load.
>Build-a-buddha who has no qualms about beating your ass with his balls.
>Swole Russian Gal who gets stronger everytime you hit her.

>Disney princess robot who goes into Vietnam ptsd episodes and slaughters people by the bucket load.
Bastion ?

This. Shadowrun is too gimped for the crazy Overwatch brings.

M&M or OVA, or go home.

Yeah, his new short is him befriending a bird then getting PTSD after hearing a woodpecker smack a tree.

You're never too omnic for a Vietnam flashback.

You almost never fight any of those in my SR experience.

When you'd be hard pressed to find a story.

You would if you were a member of Overwatch, and not some two-bit Runner.

These "my favourite setting is too hard core for you guys" are really fucking tiring. 40k, CoC, OD&D, hardcore historical stuff, I like it all but the way it gets treated by some fans is just cringe inducing. Yeah they have some brutal bits but the way some guys build it up makes it sound unplayable. I guess under some GM's it is. Personally I find the 'you die if you do anything' kind of game get old after about two sessions.

I think most Overwatch characters have a decent chance, equivalent to high powered runners in terms of raw fight-stuff. Most of the things that could really fuck them up are the sort of things you don't directly fight anyway. As long as do or have someone to do legwork for them they should do fine (or at least as close to fine you can get in the 6th world.)

Unless of course you are playing black-trenchcoat shadowrun but at that point I have to wonder why you are using shadowrun at all.

i thought he ended up like that because of his years with zenyatta.

so i guess a pacific rim/evangelion camgirl & samus with a jetpack are pretty common in the world of shadowrun

South korea recruit gamers for those mechs. Those jetpack suits are pretty common among Helix security international personnal.

is pharah's suit actually standard issue? i thought her origin's costume was a her actual security suit.

She's part of a strike team that had to go into the temple of Anubis where it's holding an AI akin to a TITAN.

Does this involve a Omnic Crisis style event or? Because a giant robot constantly coming out of the sea to fuck shit up to the point where you need mechs piloted by /v/irgins to fight them is pretty fukin nuts.

This. They'd have a rough time against magic but otherwise they'd work pretty fine.


Hanzo, the japanese sniper guy with the bow and arrows. He can also turn arrows into dragons.

Same as any other Runners. Including not dealing with any dragons.

But lasers would rip Spirits even at force 12 apart, awakened animals are a thing within the setting.
Most of them at the very least would be equal to a physadept, or some kind of borged up street sam. Their big weakness would be the lack of true magic if you were to directly port them into setting.

soldier 76 is apparently superhuman, confirmed by dialogue with ana, and he was able to take a point blank frag grenade explosion without any serious harm, and he is on the average level of toughness for a hero

there is no way to compare his pulse gun to any existing weapon, but it would make sense to think it is way stronger than an average gun, which are still in use by normal gangsters in their universe

what is an overwatch ?

Don't forget that it is also smart-linked as seen by his ultimate.

Team Fortress 2 with waifus.

Overwatch as an organization would step on a metric fuckton of toes from the Corporate Court. It'd probably be called on in as a last resort then get nuked back into obscurity when the issue was solved...

Soo exactly what happened in universe before they decided to go freelance.

Mei = D.Va = Symmetra > Tracer = Mercy > Zarya = Pharah = Ana

>>>...>>> widowmaker

Good taste for a twelve-year-old!

>implying fat Elsa, NERF THIS, and autism aren't superior waifus

>Tracer not wearing her chest piece

Did I miss a lore thing? I thought that is what kept her in the timeline.

short version:
Gabe Reyes, head of blackwatch, felt that he never got recognition or fame for his deeds, even though blackwatch handles top secret missions, and was extremely jealous of the leader and face of overwatch, Jack Morrison

eventually he led a coup against Jack, which failed, and the fight leveled their HQ, with them in it, and both were presumed dead

after that, overwatch disbanded, since all their classified information was made public after the explosion

with no where to go most members struck out on their own

I think it's been said that Winston was able to build her a home with the tech embedded in the walls, just so she can change clothes, shower, and generally not have it on all the time.

Presumably, the dropships also have that tech.

"I learnt THAT from my brother."

Well in the Trailers and Animated shorts, the Accelerator tends to short out at times, but she still remains in the present.

I think she can have it off for short periods of time before it starts to wear off, or it permanently fixed her and the device just gives her more control over her time powers.

also worth noting, despite many valid criticisms regarding their operations, blackwatch notably, almost immediately after their dissolution, the world quickly went down the toilet, with civil unrest rising rapidly

while the kid claims that most of them became mercenaries, most heroes playable in the game directly linked to overwatch, continued to fight for the sake of the world, rather than for cash
(mercy, torbjorn, reinhardt, genji,S76, winston, and tracer all continued to contribute in some way to the betterment of humanity)

Tracers also eating bread. Thats empty as fuck carbs and not something that someone with that figure would eat nor would a cardio bunny touch.

I'm fairly certain Tracer is just naturally hyper as fuck, and not just a cardio freak.

It shorts cause widowmaker fucked it up hence the 3 jump ingame limit and cooldown for rewinds.
The main deal is the device overall keeps her "stable" in our timeline. It even seems to prevent her aging.
It seems all BestWaifu's have some sort of immortality.

While the Olympic games skins imply she does track and field, She herself might not even be that much of a cardio bunny. Or even that fast, she just speed up time relative to herself.... or others. How does time personal manipulation work again?

The gubment labeled all of them illegal mercenaries and war profiteers after disavowing so as to paint them as the reason shit went down and that the goverment is whats keeping the world safe. Talon just helps make this story stick.

It doesn't according to current lore. Her time control amounts to 3 short speed ups and 1 rewind both require a cooldown. Assumedly winston could do her up a new one but it's war time and it's current main function still works so the time required to do so is best used elsewise.

except Dva

Mei also doesnt really count since she isnt actually immortal per se, she can simply put her body on hold via cryonics instead of reversing cell death

I said some form. I also said BESTwaifu. Not worst.

>Playing quick play with random muisc playlist
>Switch to Tracer
>Don't stop me now by Queen plays
>Get POTG.

I think i've discovered something here.

mei or Dva?

This actually just sounds like a really fun shadowrun game the more I think about it.

No, it's more that Shadowrun rules are completely horseshit for Overwatch characters and half of what they do would be poorly kitbashed together at best.

For fuck's sake, Shadowrun's rules aren't even always that good at what SHADOWRUN for that matter.


>fat Elsa
Have you seen the spray of her in a singlet?


given her extra health, i think she has armor or something under her coat

Hanzo and Genji can both summon spirit dragons, Reaper seems to be made of magic smoke and bastion can create salt out of nothing so there's at least some level of magic on overwatch.

It's Armour surrounded by fuzz and winter stuff... probably. Armoured winter jacket.

Reaper is in a constant, body wide state of cell death and regeneration as a result of an early version of Mercy's resurrection tech. Apparently it is pretty painful but idk how that lets him teleport or go ghost.

She still thicker than a bowl of oatmeal tho.

Reaper is nanomachines, son.

He full on died same as morrison. Reyes became the literal avatar of death as he's a physical manifestation of death.
Morrison became some sort of revenge type revenant. Both are possibly soulless. Magic might not exist in overwatch, yet, but it IS in the same universe as warcraft which does have magic so it's a possibility in later characters.

Not convinced that mercy didn't try and fail to save reaper with science, and so turned to alternative medicine. And by "alternative" I mean "summoning" and by "medicine" I mean "a demon to drag his soul out of hell and magically staple it back into his corpse"

Those are arctic pants.
Very unflattering.

How is it the same universe as warcraft? And isn't it that Morrison just beat the crap out of Gabe and walked away from the explosion?

Nope. Official, he's fucking walking, talking grey goo.

Well, black goo, get the idea.

It's not in the same fucking universe, there was just an Easter egg of Tracer in the shitty live action Warcraft movie that dumbasses are using to claim "IT'S ALL LINKED GAIZ!"

Pretty well. Tricky to model many powers, but cyberware can coexist with magic (it's just hard mechanically and barely even a rumour in-setting).

The only real problem is that in SR5, all nanomachines (implants, industrial, medical, etc, etc) turn into evul AI possession crap (but don't collapse the world's industry somehow) to justify removing the parts that a certain ascended grognard didn't like (anything not 3rd edition).

could have sworn both got fucked up.
Blizzard has it that all games take place in the same universe. Starcraft has tauren marines that originally were a joke for example.

>Blizzard has it that all games take place in the same universe
Citation strongly needed.

Most of the more dangerous Overwatch characters aren't actually directly affiliated to Overwatch, including Soldier 76.

Various inlore and ingame references to other lore and games as well as character cameo's. I'd google it to confirm myself but i'm heading off to work: apparently blizzard has made several statements correlating it as well, possibly during one of their conference AMA's.

Starcraft exists in Overwatch - as a video game from the late 20th centuy.

i thought he was jack morrison, former leader of overwatch

Google gives me jackshit but fan guessing.

Wait, holy shit, I almost totally forgot about that. Yeah, that's right.Hana fucking plays it.

Key word here being former; now he's a terroris- er, freedom fighter, Captain America Nomad-style.

Plays it? She's world champ!

A joke reference isn't really the same as 'In the same universe'

Still technically correct that she plays it!

I'm still fucking pissed that I got at least one or two duplicates a summer box but never Tracer's skins for the summer. Either of them.

Wait what the fuck is Hanzo's dragon ult exactly?

Maybe magic, maybe nanomachines, who knows?

something only a shimada can do

idk his cinematic kinda implied it was some family lineage thing which to me sounds like magic (which is just super out of place in Overwatch honestly).

Probably hardlight constructs stuff like Symmetra.

Except while Symmetra fuels it by pure Autism, the Shimedas fuel it with MUH HONOR!