i really want to draw dungeon maps, Veeky Forums
are there any tutorials for drawing them?
i really want to draw dungeon maps, Veeky Forums
are there any tutorials for drawing them?
Huh, most of my mapping stuff seems to be world maps rather than dungeon maps. Well posting anyway.
Related question. How important is graph paper in dungeon mapping? Can I freehand it and just bullshit the measurements, or is an even, reliable scale preferred in these sorts of things?
This seems to be part of a set, but I've only got two parts for some reason.
And finally, the other part of this. If anyone's got the rest, please post 'em.
I'd say it's optional. It's nice if you've got some measurements right there, but grid-and-hex overlays were a thing, and now you have computer programs and Roll20 features that let you throw measurements over any arbitrary map.
Kinda depends on what you're going for. The old-school style tends to lean to the grid, but I only loosely rely on it in my own maps. However, it's a really good tool for making uniform shapes. Inclining rooms at increments of 30 and 45 degrees is pretty simple stuff and can make a map a ton more dynamic, and if you're on a grid you can do that while looking more or less completely ordered.
It's mostly going to be for my own reference. I've got three big sheets of posterboard that I've had kicking around for a while and I wanted to map out a megadungeon. It'd still be nice if they looked good in case anyone sees it though.
With posterboard, I'd suggest tacking pages of smaller paper onto it as your format for the whole thing, give yourself some modularity and the luxury of grids/desks
Assuming this is a building with a purpose besides being looted by PCs, what on earth is this part meant to be used for?
Solitary cells?
blood sport
>Assuming this is a building with a purpose besides being looted by PCs
Some thing to consider is the level of detail you want out of the map.
Why the fuck are there no good battle map programs!?
So many have cropped up over the years, only to die off immediately.
Our only options are things like the esoteric campaign cartographer and the jew tier virtual battlemap.
I mean look at this shit. I would've fucking killed a homeless man to get this shit released. FUCK!
What is that from?
A program that was in development for a couple of months after the Dev came on Veeky Forums to see if people were interested in his prototype- it was very promising with a few dev blogs and such...
There was even an alpha at one point for a few people supposedly- sadly the project died, though not officially, the website went down and the Dev stopped talking about it.
Other such programs have popped up in the past and since- though none got as far as this one seemed to.
We're still here Riley. We're waiting.
Is there any guide for quickly and easily drawing maps in this sort of perspective style?
Basically, programming anything graphically interactive is hard. Campaign Cartographer works because it's all Java, and it's an ungodly mess of shitty code and they charge you an arm and a leg for anything beyond the basic shitty sprites.
This problem has vexed me for so long and so greatly that I've started to try and learn programming myself to get this to fucking happen.
I've started with python after being mentally assaulted by a book on c++.
This particular perspective is a really cutesy but the trimetric projection being used is hard to emulate unless you have a good eye.
I'd recommend going for a more isometric view by starting with a rhombus-grid to draw on.
I love the look of Dysonized dungeon maps, but it's such a time-consuming pain in the ass.
Are there any guides/tutorials for making dungeons that don't suck? I always feel like my dungeons fall flat and are terribly boring. Pic related is a map I did for a mine that ended up running into a Kobold warren.
Can't say for sure, but it reminds me of either an archive or a museum, with the "walls" and "collumns" actually being displays.
Alternatively, it could be a trapped maze, where you can go through straight, but not without getting chopped to pieces.
Could you give me a list of features that were promised for this?
I mean I'm not an expert programmer, but just looking at this setup makes me think this I could probably pull this off with a bit off effort (there's plenty of royalty free textures available for this sort of thing anyway)
Might emphasis on the might, since i don't know the promised features be able to throw something like this together when I get the time.
Personally I prefer using Gimp + AutoREALM, but I can see why this would be better for some.
1. Exporting high quality maps for print aka 300dpi
2. Some kind of rudimentary lighting system was in place, based around place lights like torches and campfires and such.
3. Terrain brushes, so you could brush a cobblestone or dirt pathway, etc etc.
4. Ability to add custom item and object images.
Really only 3 is key to me, 100dpi exports would be fine substitute, especially for web use.
2. Is an interesting idea that they had demonstrated, but production died before full implementation.
The real key here was how intuitive it is in that gif- every other map maker is ass backwards in every form of functionality.
I will 100% pay 5-20$(maybe more) for a program like this- depending on quality. With potential for more out of high quality art packs that expand on a base pack.
Also if you're gay I'll suck your dick if you do this.
Well, I might go the pussy's route of using Unity, if for nothing else, so that I can include a lighting system without much of a headache, but I imagine I should be able to create at least a framework.
If you ever get serious about this, make a post on Veeky Forums later with a twitter or something so people can follow you.
God fucking speed. If you need anything that an unskilled plebeian might be able to assist with, don't hesitate to ask.
I love you user, even if you never get anywhere with it, just for stopping to appreciate my years long plight.
Some other gifs demonstrating...
I've honestly no idea why the dude would abandon the project, it looks practically complete.
I guess his hard drive got toasted or something along those lines.
From what I gathered from my internet stalking the dropping of the project seems in line with either
1. Falling out with a colleague
2. Getting a new job, causing him to lose availability to develop.
This is purely speculation based on the little I saw, an extremely flimsy narrative really.
That's useful too. I tried to find good isometric templates to use in Photoshop but there's nothing.
An updated ui that was posted at one point...
Trimetric looks so much better though.
>The real key here was how intuitive it is in that gif- every other map maker is ass backwards in every form of functionality.
Yeah, I seriously don't understand why Campaign Cartographer feels like something out of the 1990s when it comes to putting down elements on the map. It's just so shit.
Because that's when the progam its based in was made... back in a time before any kind of usability standards had emerged everyone was just throwing shit at the wall. The real fuckup is why they stuck with that in later editions as usability became standardized.
Tutorial for making good artistic decisions or tutorials for making good gameplay decisions?
>Related question. How important is graph paper in dungeon mapping? Can I freehand it and just bullshit the measurements, or is an even, reliable scale preferred in these sorts of things?
Depends on how much of a hard-ass you're going to be as the DM. The more strictly you're going to be interpreting things, the more strictly you must design your basis for interpretation.
>I've started with python after being mentally assaulted by a book on c++.
As a professional C++ programmer: Don't use C++ unless you know you need to use C++
>Don't use C++ unless you know you need to use C++
I thought C developers thought C is the saviour of mankind, and Java/Python and similar a pit of corruption.
C is not the same as C++, and there's nothing wrong with Python as a scripting language. You prototype in Python, then replace performance-critical parts with C, and you've got it made.
C++ is an improved C with a ridiculous superset of elaborate, designed-by-committee horseshit on top. There are some good changes, but a lot of unnecessary garbage, too.
Most C++ programmers use the C parts and a couple of the C++ improvements that they need, and ignore the rest.
(Java is elaborate designed-by-committee horseshit all the way down.)