When you want your players to grow fond of and get attached to a particular place in the map...

When you want your players to grow fond of and get attached to a particular place in the map, what should you as a DM do?

Other than have slutty farmers' daughters, I mean.

Give it a great new hideout, far better than any they already have.
Offer them a quest or numerous opportunities for locals to befriend them, specifically reciprocate this with the occasional "local hiding you from trouble" provisions of food and such or even just a few good celebrations and feasts.
Most of all give them some or any kind of task in the region to which they can feel a sense of accomplishment, such as the building of. . .something, a church or some other relevant to them. Tying the place with a physical thing to be proud of, and a desire to defend if under attack.

build it up. make lore. let the players explore what you create. let them affect the politics and become merchants or the ruling council. the "deep dark secret" or "artifact hidden in the crypts" tropes are overused, but give interesting backstory to the tavern or the castle.

Burn down every other place they get attached to until they get attached to the right one.

Strategically abstract the place as conveniently in the middle of the player's sphere of influence. Such that if they are there, they are at a fair distance to any other places they may need to, and anywhere you plan for them to go they know that this place isn't too far behind. Make it the "middle earth" of your middle earth.

It's a place the players will treat as "our go to home" when needed, filled with friendly locals who will provide food and provisons, a great hiding spot, and places to stash their loot.

And yes, slutty farmers daughters or slutty dryads or whatever other things you can entice them with.

Don't. Burn. It. Down.

I fill it to the brim with whores. Works like a charm.

depends. the DM I typically play with goes for massive dungeons that take multiple dives to complete, so by the time we feel comfortable moving on, we're so invested the village we started in is essentially our home, and noone wants to just abandon it. I'm p used to it at this point, so upon starting I start improving relations with people in the surrounding environs- going out doing healing work for the farmers when I have a day off, doing favours for the rich and powerful to make them like me, and making intentional decisions that might reduce my treasure but allow me to make a good impression. Right now this is to eventually convert the populace to worship of Athena.

Make one of them the baron of (wherever).

Drop some plot hints about artefacts of great and mysterious power in the castle, the fate of all are not known.
The Man in Chains dwells in the depths below. The Raven King in the Moonlight Tower. Get it into their heads that serious shit exists and could go down in this place, and leaving means losing out on the chance to get phat lewt and titles and shit, or at the least miss out on the DM's world building.
You dont even need to have world building. Just when you need a sage character, make it one of the names already mentioned. The party is stuck? They find a raven with a letter in it's beak summoning them to the forbidden wing of the castle, at the southernmost tower.
The party needs a macguffin? Well wouldn't you know it the archives say that the Man in Chains holds that even now. Guess you better do this hastily refluffed dungeon then