A E S T H E T I C edition

A E S T H E T I C edition

>Hawk Wagame's website, with links to models, rules, and forums

>DZC rules, units, errata, etc

>Phase 2 units

>free DZC army builder

>dropfleet preorder, showing prices and lotsa pics

>DFC Kickstarter, lots of useful information to drudge through

Reminder to ignore bait, unless it is masterfully crafted.

Initial topic of the thread: What are some unit concepts you'd love to see in DZC, regardless of how OP or UP they are?

Other urls found in this thread:


Going forward in DZC, I'd love to start seeing the Resistance becoming integrated into UCM armies. I'd love to see this rivalry show up between UCM and UCM auxiliary units, as the resistance recruits constantly moan about how they miss their technicals, hannibals, lifthawks and other vehicles. Special points for UCMified freeriders and battlebuses. (could we get tron light bikes?)

I feel like that would start to remove Resistance as a unique faction, unless they started to get their own shit that UCM never got.

To be fair, that's how they're going in the fluff; Eden Prime is well underway to being assimilated into the UCM, and they're starting to recruit legions from there, which I paraphrase "will be the toughest and most elite common soldiers on the UCM roster"

In exchange for "UCMified" resistance coming into the UCM, we might get to see more UCM support assets worming their way into the resistance, as well as whatever else the resistance dig up on their own.

I think they'd keep just about everything, UCM combat strategy means they're never going to use lifthawks, any of the Resistance tanks or their slapdash technicals. The only things I could see the UCM possibly adapting is maybe the freeriders and special sapping units, and just maybe their own more efficiently designed battle bus. Add on other weird eccentric weapons the UCM would refuse to add to their army because it doesn't fit with their doctrine and you could keep the two separate.

Shit, I just realized I forgot the subject line, fuck me.

I'd like to see area denial munitions as an option for thors and taranii, some sort of nanomachine minefield, so to speak

So, how's this look for a 950 starter Resistance

Breaching Drills(2 Units) 100

60 Leader
Thunderstorm 205

Gun Technical(6 units) 60
Kraken 38

Vehicle Detachment 1
Rocket Technical(6 units) 60

Rocket Technical(6 units) 60

Vehicle Detachment 2
Rocket Technical(6 units) 60

Rocket Technical(6 units) 60

Resistance Band 1
Resistance Fighters(3 units) 72 points
Battle Bus 15
-Heavy MG 15

Resistance Fighters(3 units) 72 points
Battle Bus 15
-Heavy MG 15

Kraken 38


Keep in mind that for a skirmish level battle you don't need to bring along a command unit. Commanders are still helpful, and most command units are great centerpieces to help hold the line, but they aren't literally required for play at that low a points level. That said, the Thunderstorm can put out some withering anti tank fire at decent speed, and in a pinch it can knock down buildings hilariously fast since all 4 guns have demolisher 2. I think its a fine buy, especially if you plan to build larger lists with it later.

List seems fine. between the gun technicals and the party buses, you've got enough AA and the rocket technicals are going to be annoying as hell when they exit out of the breaching drills.

I absolutely plan on doing that, I'm basically going all technical, all the time. At 1500 points, I want to buy the Retinue, though I can't for the life of me figure out why those 12 technicals are 80 points more than 12 regular rocket technicals.

Oh, because they have E+2 which means any shot to hit has to roll 2 higher than it normally would. Really helps their survivability.

>At 1500 points, I want to buy the Retinue, though I can't for the life of me figure out why those 12 technicals are 80 points more than 12 regular rocket technicals.
They cost 5 more points than a rocket technical per vehicle, in exchange for getting E+2 countermeasures.

This pretty much means that they can only be hit on a 4+ at minimum, unless they're fighting Ares or other similar units.

Oh, that seems sweet.

But yea, I figured on basically flooding the board with technicals, with some support along the way. I can't decide between some sappers to take advantage of those IEDs, attack ATVs to flood buildings with gas, or some Mehmeds because they seem cool.

Of course, I haven't played a single game yet, so I'm mostly just looking.

Quick, post cheese

Cyber Cheese
Skirmish: 749/750 points
Standard Army
PHR Standard Roster [749/750 pts]

Hand of the Sphere [245 pts]
Nemesis Command Walker: Nemesis(Councillor) [245 pts]

Battle Pantheon [126 pts]
Type 1 Walker Squadron: Phobos [63 pts]
Type 1 Walker Squadron: Phobos [63 pts]

Immortals Phalanx [208 pts]
Immortals: 2x Immortals, Triton A1(+Miniguns) [104 pts]
Immortals: 2x Immortals, Triton A1(+Miniguns) [104 pts]

Heavy Pantheon [170 pts]
Type 2 Walker Squadron: 2x Odin, Neptune [170 pts]

go real cheese, cut the commander entirely, cut the odins and have a hades instead. What's better than 1 scorpion walker menacing its enemies with a large dong cannon? 2!

Those all seem like okay choices to add on to your army, but I'd suggest getting a game or two in with that 950 point army and seeing if there are other units that might better fill out your army. For instance, packing some storm wagons in lets you deal IF damage and menace light vehicle swarms that might give your technicals some issues (for instance, other technical swarms)

That's the goal, to mess around and see.

Are the Chem grenades on the Attack ATVs any good? I love the idea of just having a drill set up right next to a building then having the ATVs pour our and just fill the building with gas.

Another question to ask, I guess, is the difference between mining drill ambush tactics with technicals versus mounted tactics with them.

Like, if I switch my AA role by bringing Leviathans, I can lose at least some of the gun technicals, and pour the mining drill points and that into bigger squads of rocket technicals to swarm with. I'm just curious what the advantages/disadvantages to each tactic would be.

I personally haven't played with them but my biggest concern is that since these will occur during the roundup step you will probably only get 3 to 4 rolls with them assuming favorable conditions. Then once they arrive, half the time their shots will dissipate or do absolutely nothing. That said, you've got some weight of fire going on that makes them a bit better. whiffing on one roll but getting a 6 on another evens out the use.

I think they're fine, especially if you're not putting many infantry on the board yourself. Lets you force the enemy to take hits and possibly clean up a base or two of infantry and potentially even push them out of the building. just be sure not to gas anything your infantry are going to want to enter.

I'd say that's a lot to points and how you want to deploy the drills. With your current style you've got 4 squads exiting the drills, meaning you're going to want to be a little conservative of their placement to keep the drills alive and fully disgorge your troops. If you only have 2 squads, and they're great in number, dumping them out of a drill right in the center of the enemy is much more reasonable.

A lot of that will boil down to deployment though, and it'll be up to you. Maybe try out making bigger squads on occasion.

Is there anywhere I can get this cheaper...?

Picking up both is unfortunately not going to be a cheap endeavor. You seem to have found about the best deal for both,though the dropzone commander set is on amazon and about 10 dollars cheaper there.

Where are you buying it from?

Things aren't looking good for shipping in August!

Now taking bets for when the printers will be finished!

You're 24 minutes early senpai.


Guys I cant stop myself, send help! Or more artillery and shaped charges!

Battle: 2496/2500 Points

UCM Field Command
Kodiak+Captain 203 pts
Kodiak 108 pts
Snipers 108 pts
4x Wolverine B
2x Raven B w/ MPs 110pts

Colonial Armored Formation 1
6x Sabre 284 pts
3x Rapier w/ Albatross 201 pts
2x Longbow w/ RavenB 90pts

Colonial Armored Formation 2
6x Sabre 284 pts
3x Rapier w/ Albatross 201 pts
2x Longbow w/ RavenB 90pts

Colonial Legionnaire Corps
4x Mortar Infantry
2x Bear
Condor 207 pts
4x Longbow w/Raven Bs 180 pts

UCM Expeditionary Group
4x Wolverine B
2x Raven B w/ MPs 110 pts
2x Praetorians w/ Raven As 248 pts

Colonial Fleet Air Wing
2x Archangels 134 pts

I'm more surprised you didn't buy a seraphim or two instead of those archangels. Also, your list reminded me I really need to pick up some heavy dropships at some point, after I get my armies up to the 950 level.

Switch those wolverine B's to A's soldier, 6 rapiers and 2 archangels won't be enough to clear the skies at 2500.

Why no Ferrum?

Bro. What are you doing? Where is your infantry?

This as well, Starsprites count as scout units.

Ferrum is so ubiquitous and obvious. Gotta try something different.

Not gonna lie, I goofed and got my Wolvies confused. Simple fix is ditch the mortar teams for legionnaires in a raven, also with missiles.

Are 13 Ravens with missiles enough to count as a murder?

Yeah, ditching the mortars would probably be for the best, you're only bringing the big guns, anyways.

The War Store.

Why does the UCM not have any K9 units? You'd think they would be perfect for searching buildings for stuff.

there might be difficulties transporting dogs. Hell, we only have colonies, dogs might be extinct or only on Earth. I'd personally mark it down for Phase 3.


23 hours and 7 minutes to 7 days 23 hours and 7 minutes

So, new player here, I finally started reading through Reconquest Phase 1 and absorbing all that sweet, sweet fluff. I gotta say, Dave's actually quite good at writing the sort of high-view war documentation type stuff. The scenes written in usual novel prose, though, kinda amateur. I winced a little reading that one with the PHR agent meeting Salakhan. I mean that's fine, the guy's already an awesome modeller, pretty solid rules designer, his world-building is great, you can't expect him to be good at everything, but I think this universe could really benefit from some solid write-faggotry and not the smut kind, although we still love you jungle devil story guy.

So being a somewhat decent writer myself I think I want to start doing some short stories and things for /dcg/, and I hear they also have a writing competition over on the hawk forums which I'll likely participate in at some point. Give me prompts, and specify one of the theatres of engagement in Phase 1. Dubs wins.

>and I hear they also have a writing competition over on the hawk forums which I'll likely participate in at some point.
Unfortunately those have been on the backburner for a while, last I saw.
As for fluff, you'll probably want to read the fluff for phase 2 which I PROMISE I will scan tomorrow, there's a whole bunch new developments that will probably pique your fancy.

Actually, that is a pretty valid criticism, along with all the typos that tend to be left in the books. With Hawk Simon now off the roster, it may be possible that Dave will bring on a proper Writer/Editor to collaborate with, as well as whatever other duties there are to be done.

Dubs wins seems like a terrible idea, considering the slowness of the thread. Nevertheless, I'll toss out some suggestions.

For the first time in a 120 years or so, Eden Prime has enlisted humans on shore leave! Crazy adventures of a couple UCM ground pounders and their resistance buddies as they explore giant skyscrapers, ancient monorails and a few hideouts of the resistance before they all get deployed to Atlantia to continue the fighting.

An engagement between Jessie Adams and Gunnarr, interrupted by the arrival of a scourge patrol that gets to feel that the only thing that can stop Resistance forces fighting is the arrival of an even more hated enemy.

UCM forces have been deadlocked by Shaltari walkers. Its up to a fireteam of hazard suits and 3 squads of Legionnaires to secure a position in nearby buildings and take out that Ocelot. Emphasis on the Shaltari and their alien nature, as the unit presumably encounters all sorts of defenses that try to keep them from their target.


Well fuck me sideways. Guess you get to pick the prompt.


Quick, post an aesthetic you want to see a faction of your choice in.

Shaltari as pic related

>I'd personally mark it down for Phase 3.
I hope so. Not enough wargames have war puppers.

>Dubs wins seems like a terrible idea, considering the slowness of the thread.
Lol, the irony.

Alright so going through the three you listed:

>For the first time in a 120 years or so, Eden Prime has enlisted humans on shore leave! Crazy adventures of a couple UCM ground pounders and their resistance buddies as they explore giant skyscrapers, ancient monorails and a few hideouts of the resistance before they all get deployed to Atlantia to continue the fighting.

This is an interesting concept, being a completely non-combat scene in a wargame, and definitely something I will revisit, but for my first few stories I simply must have combat action.

>An engagement between Jessie Adams and Gunnarr, interrupted by the arrival of a scourge patrol that gets to feel that the only thing that can stop Resistance forces fighting is the arrival of an even more hated enemy.

Also neat but I don't want to write anything involving special named characters, at least not yet. I may, however, just remove the named characters and keep the general concept of Resistance vs Feral Resistance vs Scourge on Elysium Prime.

>UCM forces have been deadlocked by Shaltari walkers. Its up to a fireteam of hazard suits and 3 squads of Legionnaires to secure a position in nearby buildings and take out that Ocelot. Emphasis on the Shaltari and their alien nature, as the unit presumably encounters all sorts of defenses that try to keep them from their target.

This sounds more like what I was looking for out of the first story. I think I'm going with this one for now.

>As for fluff, you'll probably want to read the fluff for phase 2
I certainly do! Get to scanning it mate!

Hawk should really pay somebody to write a fluff novel or something

you know, with all the talk about writefaggotry, what happened to lewd user? I'm jonesing for tankerxJungleDevil.

did anyone have that DL for the phase 2 units? cant seem to find it

In the OP man. the mediafire link marked 'phase 2 units'

At work, also a bit of a writefag, will be doing legionarres holding out against evicerators to get a maguffin. Will be a few hours.

Speaking of missing Anons, where's prepainted model guy?

Oh he lives in all of us. Whenever a good paintjob gets posted we get to all ask in our hearts 'was that model prepainted?'

well shit, i was just looking in the regular mediafire
i am confirmed for extra chromosome

Not sure what you guys are talking about.

Man these are actually pretty great prices considering you don't have to drop money on hobby materials like paints.

How could someone with such nice dubs be so ignorant of our own dankest meme?

I think you need to reread the second part of that post

You should probably read the second line.

Well now I just feel silly.

New Dropfleet video up from the german admiral:


Notably he's been using Corvettes for nearly all of his games. There must have been rules for them included in the beta. Makes you wonder if they have rules in the main rulebook, then, even if the models won't be released for awhile (we know Battleships are in but their models are also a couple months out from the general release so it's not a stretch).

Well hawk sucks - there will be a update later on. Will do some dance about the printers - but we all know what is the real reason. Game is rushed and garbage.

It sucks phr shits all over you

Yeah what the hell are you shiting about ?

This guys has really gone all out the demos. Those card ships make it much more accessible.

Ever wandered why the fuck hawk went into DfC even tho DzC havent sell or establish any significant player base ?

No Ferrum List

Clash: 1500/1500 points
Standard Army
Standard Roster [1500/1500 pts]
Field Command [459 pts]
Praetorians: 2x Praetorians, Raven A [124 pts]
Phoenix: Phoenix(Captain) [285 pts]
Falcon B Squad: Falcon B [50 pts]
Armored Formation [308 pts]
Sabre Squad: 3x Sabre, Condor [142 pts]
Rapier Squad: 3x Rapier, Condor [166 pts]
Legionnaire Corps [210 pts]
Legionnaires: 2x Legionnaires, Raven A [80 pts]
Legionnaires: 2x Legionnaires, Raven A [80 pts]
Falcon B Squad: Falcon B [50 pts]
Legionnaire Corps [213 pts]
Flak Team: 2x Legionnaire Flak Team, Condor(+Missile Pods), 2x Bear [141 pts]
^ Sharing ^ Mortar Team: 2x Legionnaire Mortar Team [72 pts]
Expeditionary Group [176 pts]
Wolverine Squad: 4x Wolverine A [72 pts]
Hazard Suit Team: 2x Hazard Suit, Raven A [104 pts]
Air Wing [134 pts]
Archangel Squad: 2x Archangel [134 pts]

To fuck with you.

It has semi-regular Veeky Forums generals. That's more than most games can say.

Agreed. It took me awhile before I could sit through watching the first ones but I eventually got used to ignoring the bad proxies. Now with the card profiles it looks a lot better.

If you compare it to something like 40k which literally dominates the fucking market with an absolute iron grip then yes, it doesn't have a significant player base. But it's still doing pretty well for itself. I stopped by the new FLGS for the town I just moved into this weekend, up in the middle of fucking nowhere-ville North America, and out of the 10 or so guys that were there, two of them indeed already owned DZC models. If people play it here, they play it everywhere.

Also, DfC seems to be bringing in a LOT of new blood, lots of other people like me who were on the fence about DzC but now want in just because in ties into the same universe for the new space game.

Shaltari is too gribbly to achieve that crackling effect.

Spiky, not gribbly. Gribbly is a descriptor for buglike disgusting tentacle-creature races like the Scourge.

At some point, sheltari-user, you're going to have to accept the fact that it's not your faction that sucks ass at the game, it's just you.

I tried my LGS. Nobody there plays it. Likely because the owner only sells MTG, 40k, and random boardgames.

Your best bet is to ask him if he can order a 2-player starter set for you, then paint it up and offer games to other people at the store til you get someone interested enough to order some stuff of their own. Once a few people at the store are playing then the owner might be convinced to just carry the models directly.

Can confirm that this is the usual way new rulesets get picked up at a FLGS.

At some point you will have to accept that calling all who dont agree with you shaltari user doesnt make your point valid.

It has this fat prick of a designer wasting his time here instead of shiping out KS pledges.

I tried ordering a 2 player starter set (DzC). The guy running the place kept trying to just sell me on 40k. He took down my info and said he'd call me when it came in. I tried calling back every couple weeks, but gave up. This was back in May.
It probably doesn't help that I've only been there a couple times because I don't like MTG anymore.

well he is doing a good job - not letting more people get into dead system

Hm, sounds like this place is lacking the first part of FLGS.

I'm kinda in a fortunate situation with that locally; the FLGS owner dropped his stable job so he could open a tabletop gaming store with playing room and the place has been running pretty steadily for the last couple of years.
They even upgraded to a bigger venue with like 50% more floorspace for both gaming and the shop itself.

The place itself is pretty big. They just moved into it this year. Looks like it used to be a small warehouse or some bullshit. It just has random stacks of MTG cards fucking everywhere. I don't think they're even for sale, they're just there.

New Shaltari named commander CONFIRMED

Changing your typing style doesn't trick anybody. The number of posters in this thread hasn't changed and no one else in this community is such a fucking asshole.

Oh look, more of your samefaggotry.

>implying dave has time to post on Veeky Forums when he spends 10 hours a day designing models and the rest of it running a business and writing rules and fluff

sure I'm the only one that can see that hawk has dropped the ball on KS. I'm the only one who doesn't give a shit about dropcrap because its the big game now and over 4 years on the market it accumulated this huge fallowing. Dude insinuating that I'm the only guy not happy with hawk and its faggotry is like my saying that you are the fat retarded dave - love child of backwater cousins from Killarney ... get a life ffs

You're so fucking easy to spot you retard, lol.

Literally no one cares what you have to say. You are the dumbest faggot I've ever seen on Veeky Forums. You are even worse than Carnac.

Please tell me more about how only 2 of the special orders in DFC will ever be used because the rest are pointless.

My FLGS owner is pretty timid to pick up new games after being burned by fickle players demanding an then bailing on Dust, Heroclix, Spartan Games, Relic Knights, and Wrath of Kings so it's been a struggle the past couple years to get him to stock any DzC. We've still managed to cobble a player base of half a dozen out of special orders and online sales when we had to. Hopefully Dropfleet will convince him to carry some Hawk stock, he doesn't believe me when I tell him that we're still going to buy stuff from him after the Kickstarter even though I explained that battleships exist and we have at least two people that want in after missing the Kickstarter.

The point is that the game is doing fine in pockets, even in stores were the FLGS is wary to stock it. I hear it's even better in the UK. Last CaptainCon I ran a bunch of demos for it and I know a few people ended up buying starters over the weekend.

Sure dude - I can belive that with his IQ he has to do it for such long time to get crappy results as we can all see.

you seem to care enough to take all random post you don’t like and attribute it to some 1 mythical shaltari

This guy has a real fixation on calling Dave fat. Maybe he's a spurned lover trying to shame the man who broke his heart.

>he's so fucking stupid he doesn't realize how obvious his posts are as the same person

It's like you're as bad at self-awareness as you are at wargames and spelling.

Probably projection, I'm guessing he is as landwhale as they come.

>as we can all see
you mean.. just you? your samefaggotry is as rampant as the faggotry that is your existence.

He still bumps the thread tho lol

He's also feeding us memes.

Prepainted, Sheltari, etc.

Its funny how there is always one or two dudes like that one these forums. They say the same shit and are easy as hell to spot.

You think they would get tired of making the same shit jokes when hardly anyone cares.

Has hawk said when the backer rewards are supposed to go out for DFC?

It is still Soon(TM) bruh