ITT: We Design a system from the ground up

Veeky Forums let's design a game system. We're going to make it system neutral, unless someone suggests a kickass idea that we decide to focus the game around.

The core mechanic will be 1d10-1d10, with a tens and ones digit d10 being assigned to each place. I like this mechanic because it creates a statistical bias towards 0, with higher rolls being outliers. This means that more extreme failures and successes (-9 and 9) are less likely, and creates an easy-to-use degrees of success system. It also puts more emphasis on character skill, to both mitigate failure, and increase the rate of success.

I like the idea of staying away from Hit Points, and instead using a durability system. Or making Hit Points a variant option.

New mechanics and suggestions will be decided by popular vote.

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it should be called Rule 43

I don't get it

The fundemental dice system angers and confuses me.

Im interested. What cardinal attributes do you propose?

What's the max skill bonus going to be? The system is biased towards low numbers, which means you're most likely going to get between -2 and +2. I actually like this because it's more realistic that players fail or succeed by a consistent amount, making outrageous Critical hits or misses much more rare, and meaningful.

Also, are we going to make this system with Bounded accuracy in mind?

System's focus is on police work; players range from beat cops, a detective squad, and high-level law enforcement agents.

I was working on a D100 universal system

takes forever, got stuck on a currency or wealth based system and haven't touched it in months, should really get back to work on it, but damned is creating a monetary system boring

it's also missing a fair amount from what I had previously written out

Dice system seems pretty shit, explain it more please

Do you need to roll 2 d10s and subtract one from the other? Having to roll one and then the other instead of the same time would bog the game up a lot more than you'd think

d20 or 3d6 are much better

Favor of the Gods is supposed to be

You may switch digits in your roll Ex. 69 would become 96 once every 24 hours