REMOVE Lilliana

Literally How is this balanced?
How long before shes removed from standard?
Are new Eldrazi werewolves shit?
Why are Wizards of the Coast trying so hard to replace slivers with Allies?
How many friendships will end thanks to the new expansion?

Find out next time in MTG general!

Thanks for giving me my new phone background. Here's some Lilliana fanart for you.

Lilliana is worst girl

I cant wait for her to give up her powers to protect her friends fighting the last demon

I don't think she's very imba, -2 is pretty OP but she's pretty frail unless your board state is ass anyway.

>protects herself
>fetches chump blockers
>her -7 is a damn near autowin

I just usually hope i have a lightning axe

>giving up basically the entire reason she exists as a character

Wizards would have to really step their game up if they want to pull that off gracefully.

In other words, that would be a disaster.

>How long before shes removed from standard?

Never. It's a good card but not broken in any way. Just compare her to coco.

Why are Wizards of the Coast trying so hard to replace slivers with Allies?

Allies are all about ETB triggers while slivers are all about synergies. Two different things.

That's what happens when you play literally the worst format and waste thousands of dollars on bad cards that will be worth cents come fall. I don't know why people keep playing this meme format.

>planeswalker ultimate is auto-win

Lightning Axe doesn't hit Liliana.

Remember when tg was complaining how terrible nuLili was? Good times

It's more that a planeswalker which can protect itself, is well costed, has an autowin ult that it reasonably expects to see, and fits well into an archetype that supports it, is still a relatively rare thing compared to the total number of planeswalkers printed.

>it's where the current set's cards get used
>budget decks are $20, not $200
>Most FNMs are Standard
>It's lower powered as a format by comparison
I mean, Limited is better in every way, but Standard is a superior format to Memedern. 4

You probably play Highlander.

Everyone was saying she was trash for modern, because everyone was expecting Liliana of the Veil 1.1, and we got Liliana of the Veil 0.5b rev 2323 Early Access.

t. Standardbabby poorfag.

Enjoy your 2CMC mana dorks goy!

I opened a normal and a foil lili at pre release and sold them off the bat

They're apparently worth like $10 more currently, but oh well

The cycle of Veeky Forums card evaluation

>X card is shit! What would this even do? Good luck getting this one kind of decent part of it working in magical christmas land LOL!!

>I knew X card was good all along, you dumbies were all shit talking it while I was the only one who saw true potential

>When is X card going to be banned? It's so broken i can't believe Wizards keeps printing broken shit like this

Thus, the cycle of life and death continues

More like
Vintage Players: [laughs quantumly]
Legacy Players: It's shit
Modern Players: It's shit
EDH Players: Perfect for my- fuck it it's shit
Standard: Please ban

OP is a salty phaggot

Pretty accurate, except for Vintage. All the Vintage players I've ever met, including myself, are always out to find the next Slash Panther, something to fill some niche.

>talking shit about highlander

Fucking lol. Standard babies

This is the same shit with flip Jace. It's a shittier Snapcaster, it's so bad! News fucking flash, a generally shittier Snapcaster is still a pretty fucking good card.l, and then there's the games you get to do it twice or more.

I'll be filling your mother's niche later.