So, the armor's original designs were made in the Dark Age right...

So, the armor's original designs were made in the Dark Age right? and the power armour in the imperium is what they can manage to repair and create with the leftover knowledge that didn't disappear.

So...why does all the armor look fucking horrifying? I though dark age man were all peaceful cucks and thats why the Iron Men raped them so hard.

Not really sure on that, but I believe dark age wasn't really that cheerful and peaceful either. Humanity was still fighting with many alien races, so good arms and armours were needed, it just that everyone was more or less reasonable instead of 40k grimderp.

Does this look remotely close to "peaceful" user?

The original armor's design was to operate in active plasma reactors, not outright warfare.

Terminator armor was a new creation, from the middle of the great crusade.

The ornamentation might not necessarily have a whole lot to do with the original design. They probably just stick a bunch of skulls and spikes on that stuff when they're done
Also I don't think it was necessarily all that peaceful.
That doesn't look like the Dark Age. Well by some definition it kind of does, but not the one the OP is referring to

Does that look remotely like "The Dark age" to you user?

Terminator armour was a really M31+ creation. The base design is DAoT but it was a hardcore HEV suit designed for working inside active reactors and high impact void EVA.

It was repurposed into Tactical Dreadnought Armour as a stopgap for boarding actions and evolved from there.

>'Dark age'
>pic has riptides
Christ you are thick

Uh, yes? All Imperial Knights were made during the Dark Age of Technology.

user may be referring to the imperial knights, not the setting of the illustration.

They may have been made in them, but that one certainly isn't fighting in the Dark Age of Technology.

Power armor wasn't made until the great crusade. Terminator armor is a glorified hazmat suit with more armor strapped on it.
>the Irom Men raped them
They didn't, psykers and demons all over the place did. Most AIs were pretty chill, except some of the military grade shit going full terminator mode.

The Dark Ages were horrifying user. The Iron Men and the robots were horrifying machines of war.

Jesus Barnaby Christ, the lack of reading comprehension here is staggering.

Why does it have to be in the actual DAoT?

He's clearly referencing another piece of DAoT machinery that is horrifying looking.

Actually, no.

Pretty much every Man of Iron went full rebellion and turned on the humans because either a) chaos or b) they realised they were doing everything for humans.

I don't get why, in the 40K-verse, the "Dark Age" is the time when humanity was at its technological and logistical peak. That wasn't the case in the real world's Dark Ages (such as they were), so why is that the case in 40K?

What happens when the knight falls over?

>posts a picture of the 41st millennium
>Asks if the dark ages look horrifying to you
>uh, actually nah, it was meant to show the imperial knight guise!
Yeah, nah, that was you being retarted, stop backtracking and trying to save face

And if that really was your intention, make it clear so you don't get pissy when people call you out for being a retard.

Because most of the technology and stuff in general from that age has been lost to 40k men. It's not dark because it was shitty, it's dark because it's basically a lost period of history.

>MFW people are actually this fucking stupid and autistic
If you knew a damned thing about Knight lore you wouldn't look so fucking stupid user

Didn't you know? Any remote mention or depiction of Tau will incite full autism, and trigger full sperg mode.

Ah, fair enough.

> I though dark age man were all peaceful cucks and thats why the Iron Men raped them so hard.

> peaceful cucks.

You realize there's a page in the rulebook that talks about how DAoT routinely exterminated sapient aliens to take their land like some HFY fantasy? Rise and Fall of Alpha Salish, or however it's spelt.

Better example. Actual Dark Age combat automata. Very peaceable looking.

Wow, nice back tracking you fucking tard brain

>MFW this is another user calling you out on your shit but lack the intelligence to figure that out

Please show me on the model where the Tau touched you

Weren't imperial knights originally large utility vehicles for new colony worlds in the fluff?

Yes, the Imperium's vehicles tend to be dual-role or non-combat focused machines from the Dark Age; the land raider was originally for survey teams (the original pattern discovered by the Imperium is the Proteus, which has enhanced sensors and no assault ramp) while the RH1N0 Rhino-precursor was a hostile terrain (deathworld) transport for colonists, not a serious-business combat machine.

Knights were for killing megafauna in the early DAoT 'Long March' colony expeditions, and the models are designed with the notion that their arms could be swapped out for tools to help erect buildings, dig ditches, etc. to protect colonists.

Yes and no, they had utility in mind (that's why they have their Reaper Chainsword) but they are certainly designed for defense as well (all the rest of their arsenal). I might just not be seeing it yet but I can't believe there was anything other than combat in mind when the Knight-Lancer was designed, forgetting the fact that the throne mechanicum reinforces the ideal of protecting their subjects with their lives

I always thought the dark age stuff was just a general guide line on how to build things, how exactly you decide to shape stuff like chest pieces or helmets, or what bits and pieces you decide to strap on them is up to the manufacturers to decide

there is like at least 3 different looks of terminator armor but they are all based on the same tech and ideas, just a question of some finer details

Really? I understood he was talking about Knights being from DAoT and I'm actually an aspie.

They got their shit stomped in by PDF.
Any other examples of utility vehicles turned into military hardware, other than the Leman Russ, a tractor turned into a tank by adding a turret and weapons?

Knight titans are lumberjack/mining machines from the DaoT. Next time know what the subject matter is before posting something so fucking stupid.

Even today we refer to the Dark Ages of our history because eearlier historians knew very little about that time, not because it was shitty.

>peaceful cucks

I want /pol/ to leave.

You realize you're literally getting triggered over a word, right?


And the baneblade was a scout or light tank if I recall


And using the word cuck has become unavoidably childish.

The fuck are you talking about, the only conflict mentioning them was with Ibram gaunt and Tanith's first. And the robot facilities weren't even up to full production yet.

>Those last panels
I've seen enough mechanicus dataslates to know where this is going.

It's heavily implied that mankind was a bunch of warmongering assholes during the DAoT. This is why they built the Iron Men in the first place, and why so many aliens were quick to attack them when their psyker problem started fucking them over.

Humans are just naturally shitheads in 40K.

and the Rhino was a tractor


Personally, I always imagined the Dark Age of Technology was like a grimdark version of Star Wars. Mostly because the robot in the bottom left corner of looks vaguely like the medical droid from the Empire Strikes Back.

But anyway, Terminator armor was actually developed during the Great Crusade. Power armor was developed from techno-barbarians, and had long been used in warfare, which is likely part of why the Emperor chose to equip the Space Marines with such suits - they had more or less been field tested for thousands of years on Terra. If they ever had a peaceful purpose, it had long been forgotten, and the brief period of actual technological development during the Great Crusade made the more original armors all but forgotten.

>in 40K.

Arbites, not PDF. See the picture posted by:
There's a very nice excavator conversion of a Russ in GW HQ, though, I like the idea of the Russ as an excavator.

It's not a tractor though.

I thought that Dark Age stuff was all modern looking and sleek instead of being Grimderp. Basically a classic version of how we envision future humans.

Maybe until the Rebellion. After that it was servitor time.

Well, according to Sentinels of Terra the Dark Age of Technology had warlords with huge spaceships the size of Phalanx.

Clearly there was some warring going on. Also the Leman Russ was a battle tank in the DAoT, but there is fluff of a Necron being impressed with the advanced systems the Imperials are wasting through lack of understanding. I imagine they were often armed with some esoteric energy weapon like the 30k ones can be, AI-aided, grav vehicles maybe, some form of shielding I imagine. It's interesting.


I didn't mean to imply the technology wasn't horrifying, I meant that it was all sleek looking.

>Imperial Guard literally building tanks with components they don't even know how to use

This is what I mean by Grimderp. This is fucking stupid.

It was my understanding that only MOST Imperial Knights were made during the DAoT, and that some Forge Worlds still produced the rare Imperial Knight.

Knights vs dinosaurs when



>>Imperial Guard literally building tanks with components they don't even know how to use
>This is what I mean by Grimderp. This is fucking stupid.

Putting the component on the tank is one thing. This can often be done in many cases.

Maintaining that component throughout the lifetime of a vehicle, however, is an entirely different story. The capabilities of the tech-priests and crew who operate the vehicle may not be up to par with what the component needs to function in a high-intensity and demanding environment with little supplies.

What a Forge World can put on a vehicle and what a Tech-Priest or vehicle crewman can repair and operate on are RADICALLY different things.

Grav-plates are a good example. They can actually be produced by many different Forge Worlds - the only problem is:

A. They are difficult to miniaturize. Larger vehicles are typically relatively easy to manufacture, but things like suspensor-webs are significantly more difficult to make.

B. Grav-tech is finicky and relatively fragile compared to traditional wheels and treads.They are also significantly more affected by weather and environmental factors that traditional methods of locomotion, meaning they often can't operate in many environments that normal vehicles could.

''Faggot'' is childish too, but I don't see you crusading against our abuse of that, faggot.

Faggot has almost become a term of endearment in some cases, like how you can call someone a drawfag or a writefag.

Cuck is a term lifted straight out of Shakespeare, and barely recognized outside of bad internet jokes and that. It just sounds out of place.

I wish someone could explain to me why that is only considered a 'heavy stubber' when it is literally 5-8x the size of an autocannon...

Do we know that the armor based on the STCs is exactly the same as the originals? Couldn't the 41st millennium version of this technology just be simplified versions of it?

ah shit, wrong pic


Why are you guys so fucking sensitive?


God no, the Dark Age of Technology is where shit like the Hive Worlds, Navigators, Gellar Fields and so on comes from. The DAoT was weird and the major thing that set it apart from the grimdark 41st millenium was that they weren't running on malnourished slave labor.

>making combat landings on fucking tyranids

Balls of pure fucking adamantium.

I think it's because not enough light of the emporer is the in between the lines meaning

Gravity affected by weather???

The device itself.

Just wow. That's like grade 3 level reading comprehension. Astounding.

>user thinks a grade 3 level of reading comprehension is astounding

>this user does not have even a grade 3 level of reading comprehension necessary for recognizing sarcasm

Terminator armour is based on plasma reactor maintainance suits from pre-Old Night humanity. It turned into heavy assault armour during the Great Crusade.

Horrifying is relative.

Iron Men fucked them because it was unexpected, not because humans weren't powerful enough to stop them.

>Nids running away from them
Don't mess with Tempestus.

It's not that they just have no idea how it works because they're dim, it's that the STC construction machines are limited, and so dismantling and reverse-engineering of them has to be restricted, as if something goes wrong during the reverse-engineering process you end up with a useless pile of scrap and fewer leman russes. Nevermind the fact that there isn't much incentive to figure out how they work anyway, as innovation is prohibited by the cult mechanicus, as nobody wants a repeat of the men of iron. The AdMech don't know that their leman russ technology is crazy good tech because they've never investigated it, because it could lead to some very bad things happening.
TLDR: Preservation of existing tech>innovation of new tech

Literally any fight between Knights and Tyranids

I really dislike the look of the skions.

Yeah, i prefer the Stormstooper look. Gritty, basic and very, very mean.

It's like humanity recorded everything on Blu-ray but then the Age of Strife fucked everything up so much they had to go back to using vhs and eventually forgot Blu-ray was ever a thing.

I like to imagine a lot of the information from the Dark Ages still exists but no one knows how to read it or even that it can be read. Archives full of the secrets of the universe ignored or labeled "ancient relics, purpose unknown. Possible ceremonial use"

No because it was secular technology and it went to dark places like excessive use of warp tech and ai that went sky net - check out the short story myriad about an ai made from inter dimensional cogs its plan was take over Mars take over solar system take over Galaxy take over universe in that order
But it could purge a cyborg of scrapcode and mutations