Cthonian Fashion: Organ Cloaks and Topknots Are Forever Edition
Beware the Overwolf Sub-Edition
Let's try acting like civilized Mongols this time. We discussed what the legion exclusive Consuls the SWs/1KSons are getting would be like and Horus's childhood along with Cthonian culture, an user learned just how wolfy the Wolves are in his setting and proper wolf levels were listed, we talked about what Magnus is going to be like in the game, we went full /k/ as the missle launcher design became a subject of discussion and Primarch cupcake baking results were posted. See it all in the last thread Red Book Links: sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
Strawpoll links: strawpoll.me
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Other urls found in this thread:
And so the /hhg/ rolls on, leaving nothing behind and building nothing up.
Has anyone fluffed up a planet/system/sector for a Horus Heresy Campaign? What is it like? Why is it being fought over?
You forgot that knight-user decided to repaint his guys. I think it's a great thing that he's decided to invest more into his minis. I became a bit tearful.
We can make a sector now for a campaign. I'm down for that.
>Why is it being fought over?
Fabius heard there could be materials to further his research and experiments? The sector's population's genes may play a key role in this so Fulgrim has sent some of his boys and mortal cannon fodder to subjugate the sector so that Fabius can have test subjects and access to the rumored gene-tech?
Solar Auxiliary and Imperial Militias who don't want to be Fabius's Guinea Pigs?
I'm up for /hhg/ making a Sector for a Conquest Campaign. I fully expect it to have at least one Iron Warrior Fortress world in it.
Let's do it. I have a name for the Sector.
>at least one Iron Warrior Fortress world in it
Maybe abandoned.
>night lord renegades who serve neither the soon-to-be-corpse or the warmaster, who just want to flay as many civilians as they can catch
>Iron warriors used to garrison the area are schisming, with some loyalists and some traitors fighting each other on their own battlements and sending waves of auxilia at each other
>Istvaan Shattered legion force and a Sagyar Mazan turn up to reinforce the loyalist IW
>mid-fall EC backed up by a SoH drop vanguard and a WB contingent led by an EC commander who is Fabulous Bill's puppet
How big is the sector? 5 inhabited star systems? 50?
I don't know how big sectors are supposed to be.
Will you go to plastic if more stuff starts to come out in plastic?
The detail of GW's plastic models is crisp as fuck now, I admit, but their minis still look more cartoony and have less detail "per square inch" than FW models.
On the other hand, they're easier to paint well.
The Iron Warriors are actively working to screw Fabius over.
It can vary wildly. Some have hundreds of systems, others only a few. Conquest has a page on how big a Warzone can be.
I was thinking maybe the EC could be trying to make preparations for Bile's arrival, and following Fabius's list.
>Don't bleed the sector out too much. I need live test subjects.
>Go easy on collateral damage as the gene-tech could easily be destroyed, or an environmental factor could be lost.
>Conquer the sector fast. Do not allow the mortals to destroy anything I might need.
I think it really depends.
That might work.
Do you know of any heresy corpse I can buy to put on a red butcher's base?
There's a model that seems like he's stomping something, but FW added a rock underneath the foot.
I can't not put anything under there, because the sole of the foot is not sculpted.
A banner or some other thing could also work, but I was thinking at a dismembered marine or solar auxilia
Just chop a BaC marine in half roughly, paint it in your leas favourite legion's colours and put some bloody viscera at the wound, a two-base-corpse-in-one deal. Or buy some mk2-3 if you have money to burn.
If you have/are getting Kharn and don't feel like making his scenery base, that comes with a dead marine
Someone should make pdfs of all the campaigns and other game stuff. Like Strike Forces, but in a higher quality then the pdf that's already floating around.
Blood Angels also sent a detachment there after hearing that the population in bygone years suffered from something similar to the red thirst
Actually Omegon set up the rumour as their is vital gene tech that could uncorrupt the Primarch DNA they have to the emperors children
I'm liking that. So we have
>Loyalists: Some IWs and BAs. One full sector of people who do not want to become fuel for Fabius's dark works
>Neutral: Some Night Lords
>Traitors: EC making way for Fabius, some WBs and SoHs, and some mortal cannon fodder
Things you'd change with your army.
Mastery of the blade becomes a flat +1 to weapon skill when fighting with a sword or another of the listed weapons. This makes it a bit more useful and applies to a few more situations whole not being totally op.
Also add stubborn to the Dangels legion rules. Being the oldest legion and, at one time, the personal army of the Emperor they need something a bit more than what they currently have.
One of the IW characters is this guy.
Does the campaign have to revolve around a boring fucker with no rules? And from the fuck up legion as well.
We have the opportunity to make this truly interesting but things start with 'generic character searches for stuff'.
I'm sure everyone would love to hear your alternative.
>Does the campaign have to revolve around a boring fucker with no rules? And from the fuck up legion as well.
>We have the opportunity to make this truly interesting but things start with 'generic character searches for stuff'.
user, I was just suggesting an idea. We can scraped it if a better idea is posted.
To throw some ideas our there we could fluff up our own guy rather than use an established character. Little used roles are chaplain (not WBs), moritat (although may be hard to fluff a motive), librarian or a vigilator.
Motive for the campaign could be something like a race to secure a bunch of smaller star forts or orbital docks large enough to supply capital ships.
This mean the mission simply isn't 'destroy everything' as you have to not damage the dock as well. And since everyone seems to be complaining about giant tank battles now we can have a campaign of boarders, dreads and other stuff small enough for zone mortalis operations.
But it's not such a bad premise:
X wants to take hold of several planet systems, but the Traitors can't simply roflstomp the sector and take the resources from its ashes, because X also wants the people from there, so the Traitors are forced to fight warrior vs warriors instead of pressing a button to release the nukes.
It only happened that X is Fabius.
Who, might I add, isn't even there. He just ordered the campaign.
How about having some pirate Blackshields (who consider some part of the sector as their own) lurking within the asteroid fields thrown in the mix?
I demand progress! Breadanon, how goes the generator?
Please no, I have PTSD from everything and everyone in 40k being turned into pirates by GW. The only faction that doesn't have pirates yet is Tyranids, though that can only be a matter of time
Sector size nost likely depends on the number of inhabited worlds, uninhabited but exploitable, classification of both kinds of worlds, and most definitely the number and stability of warp routes between sector worlds and outside the sector.
Maybe Kaedes Nex has attracted a following (unwanted) of legion and auxiliary troops during the course of his killing spree.
While he's unable to organise these into a coherent fighting force (because being a murderer is his only experience), there are others who serve in various roles doing these while he acts as a symbol of vengeance, thus the traitors have several high-value targets.
Traitors could be commanded by a cabal of techmarines and darkmech leading their own forces. Maybe the forgelord in command was formerly of the Iron Hands who survived Isstvan V but saw greater strength in the Warmaster (and the lure of knowledge forbidden by the Martian Compact), so the conflict between him and Nex has a touch of personal.
How the hell would pirate Tyranids work? Would they be led by Old One Eye or something?
Genestealer brood-based pirates maybe?
Old One Eye being their connection to the Hive Mind
Well, it already has a fitting name...
I bet Perty secretly likes the gondola meme
55% done, Pert. Just two more days until I can get back to my home computer.
Where should I start with a 30k World Eater's force? I really want to start a late Heresy World Eater's army because I love the paint scheme and I want to try out a melee force because it's different then what I usually play. So what are some good units to start with?
>late heresy paint scheme
Mah nigga. Despite the meme, Calth is a good place to get bodies. That's what you really want, plenty of bodies. I'd say 20 tacticals in a kharybdis is a good start, some apothecaries, and assault marines.
ow jesus my neck
Try using paint to rotate the image.
Why is the Crusade Army List link not the most recent edition?
Show me more of your painted dudes /hhg/.
Here's my non-metallic AL
Nice work user, I like the helmet
I agree with the other guy, helmet looks good. Non-metallic AL is always refreshing to see. Nice work, but you may want to soften those shades and highlights. Maybe it's just on the photos.
My Iron Hand apothecary
I would've but I'm on my phone. Normally I save them to my desk top and just rotate in windows picture viewer but I'm at work
Here's my 40k armies. Got 2000 points of Dark Angels and I run them mostly tactical heavy as you can see. Is that a good tactic for DA in 30k?
If you intend to use your 40k marines in 30k, begone and leave this place.
Someone help me out here, what HH novel was it that Necrons or a Tomb World were hinted at?
>read that as 'Iron Warriors Apothecary'
>wondering when the hell Pert sanctioned those
>wondering how awful their job would be
>wondering how often they would just let their battle brothers die or make their demise even more painful and excruciating
my first attempt at a late heresy traitor WE
I know it ain't great, but its the best one i've done so far and wanted to share.
Careful anons this must be bait.
Halt the rage before it festers.
NEVER. What am I some kind of shit?
And just wondering if spamming tacticals is more effective in 30k. Especially for DA.
didnt mean to post it sideways
The game seems to favour larger infantry formations, so I'd say so. And DA get some nice toys for their units, so I imagine it'll work well for them.
Thin your blood. Do you sponge it? If so, sponge on paper first so you don't get such big thick spots and get a more subtle and realistic texture instead.
I also have some non-metal AL. Sorry for mage size, phonepostan tenda to leave the resolution obnoxiously high.
i load up a drybrush with the blood technical paint, then just flick it at the model
Also, I'd add some blue (maybe to the backpack?) so it would be more clearly WE and not a mongol marine. The white might need a wash or something too.
You should try to cut up some foam and sponge the model instead. In my experience you rarely get a realistic looking weathering/blood with a brush.
Thin your fucking paint and get some damn transfers.
One of the main jobs of an apothecary is recovering geneseed from the fallen. I imagine that an Iron Warrior apothecary would have his hands full with that task alone - literally.
I like it user. Going for pre-heresy or post-heresy loyalists?
m8 even if the painting is bad we can't tell due tot he awful picture quality
neat to see another luna wolves player, although I haven't even dared to try to make the wolf head (yet).
its also a work in progress :^)
Try taking a better picture.
Spamming Tactical Squads for Dark Angels isn't yet viable, only because of the scarce rules they get without a Rite of War.
However they get plenty of exclusive equipment, I dare even say the most of all the legions. For full experience you'll be best served with either of the currently available Protocol Rites although at least one wing will be centred around infantry.
Also on the issue of wings, I've had some thoughts on the Firewing I see no harm in sharing here.
The Pyrae cult of the Thousand Sons didn't play only with fire, but with robots as well. Salamanders did have a strong affinity with fire and technology too.
The Firewing warrior in Book VI was part of the Dark Sovereign's assigned crew, while the Deathwing terminator wasn't and his identity is unknown because of that. And the strike force went for the Mechanicum ship, easily captured it and turned to their service. Make your own conclusions from here.
Post-heresy cos mark4.
I imagine them as a small group of loyalists that weren't present/escaped isstvan and reverted to the old colours.
I do need to get round to getting rid of the eyes on lokens armour.
Only thing you need is to practice your highlights. Still looks good!
If you're up for making a pushmold there's a shoulder pad on the SW sprue that has a perfect wolf head for them.
from what box, been looking for a source of furs anyway?
Just as planned :^)
Yeah, im not doing the head for every marine thats for sure, just sergeants and specials.
is right, space wolf bitz are useful.
3 seconds on google finds me this;
but also that there seems to be a somewhat fitting shoulderpad from the grey hunters box;
found em for sale on ebay if its interesting
Why were all primarchs who weren;t Sanguinius, Ferrus, Vulkan, Dorn, Rowboat and Khan such complete trash?
Sanguinius and Khan were good dudes, but the rest? Dog dick-tier.
Looks familiar
Shame i cant bid on yankeebay
Big marine user here. Here's a praetor model I've been working on, the only pure mk4 in my planned DG legion.
I have a question regarding shoulder pads. Would it be total heresy to have the legion symbol on his right shoulder, the left being covered in bonding studs? From what I've read there was some lenience on which pad the legion symbol is represented, left one being the preferred option.
So... why exactly wouldn't you use white primer for these guys?
You are tearing me apart, Horus!
so if i miss a bit thats hidden away it looks shadowy rather than stands out
Hey /hhg/
I have a 3000 point Word Bearers list up and running but want to include World Eaters in it as well.
What units do you recommend?
It doesn't have to be competitive at all- but I'd definitely like Kharn in there, and maybe the World Eaters special units? What's good? What's not?
really like the pose on him, carries a certain gravitas, and I'm pretty sure you can put the symbol wherever you want. I'm doing left as squad, right as legion and one of the kneepads as company.
because I hate working with white primed things and it feels more natural (for me) to work from dark to light colors rather then desperately try to darken light colors. also the problem mentioned.
kharn, some inductii and some butchers in a pod? whats your WB list. worst legion.
Hi guys, retard here!
Cannot find the despoilers squads in LA:CAL, in what book are they?
They don't have a formal entry.
They're basically bolt pistol and CCW armed Tactical squads.
Oh, thanks user. No despoiler for me then.
Cheers. The troops will naturally have the legion symbol on the left for cohesion.
Assault squads with chainaxes and apothecaries, maybe a chaplain for hq.
Inductii need that special apothicary
Damocles Command Rhino
Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Burning Lore, Plasma Pistol, Power Armour]
····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]
····May be upgraded to one of these Consul roles: [Chaplain]
Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Burning Lore, Jump Pack, Power Armour]
····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]
····May be upgraded to one of these Consul roles: [Chaplain]
Legion Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
Legion Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought [Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons]
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought [Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons]
Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren [9x Dark Brethren, 2x Plasma gun]
····Dark Martyr [Melta Bombs, Power Armour, Power Fist]
····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]
+ Fast Attack +
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron
····Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles]
····Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles]
Legion Outrider Squad [4x Legion Space Marine Outrider, Melta Bombs]
The Ashen Circle [9x Incendiary, 7x Power Axe]
····Iconoclast [Melta Bombs, Power Armour, Power Axe]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]
Lorgar Transfigured
since you're a bit light on troops I agree with maybe 18 despoilers with axes, combo'd with an apotechary and a chaplain, stuffed in a deathball(dreadclaw)
>Tfw no Pirate Sisters
What are people's general opinion on the Armoured Breakthrough rite of war ? It is rapidly becoming the most popular one over here, because it allows you to play an army with all vehicles and zero infantery.
To me it is the most dull, dumb and boring rite of war, because with no units that have Legion Astartes it make absolutely no difference what Legion you play. I thought people played 30k because of how awesome their favorite Legion is, not to all play the same parking lot army.
There are pirate Tau?
Wow, they can all fit in there?
Also forgive my stupidity- I have the new red book and don't really know what despoilers are- are they just regular marines with two CC weapons?