>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumpity bump
>GM or Player
D&D 5e, Symbaroum, open to anything
>Time availability
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
Preferably after 8pm Gmt+2
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: slyrone.tothorp
>Additional Information
I'd be up to just join another group, but I'm looking for a group
where the primary language would be French. I want to improve my
French speaking skills so I thought this would be a good way to
do it. I was thinking I could probably justify it characterwise
by playing a recluse, or some druid that only talks with animals and
therefore doesn't speak the common language very well.
>>GM or Player
Group who've played for almost two years together are looking for new recruits.
Shadowrun 5th edition, although experience with the system isn't mandatory
>>Time availability
We play between 20.00 to midnight (GMT +1) every Tuesday, although the schedule is up for negotiation
>>Text or Voice
Voice over Skype
>>Contact Information
Stonetroll at hotmail dot com or look for Bugpope on Skype.
>>Additional Information
Our Shadowrun team have recently found out there's a dragon deep in the caves under Los Angeles (best case scenario, it's just a highly valuable pile of bones. Worst case scenario, it's awake and wants to get into politics), and are looking for reinforcements. We're especially looking for some kind of spellcaster or spelunker, but other characters are welcome. Previous experience with role-playing or Shadowrun isn't needed. Contact me for more information.
Pic related, it's an ork from our previous campaign who gets posted on /srg/ every now and then.
don't play with these guys, they're weeb cucks
We're pretty weeb, yeah. How did you know?
Never played Shadowrun before but this seems interesting. I'm not home now and won't be for a few hours so I can't contact yet.
Whoops, forgot to link
I want this meme to die.
Sent a skype request.
I want you to die.
Take your time. You don't even have to commit to a whole campaign, you can just try out for a session or two. We're not the best at the rules, but we're very forgiving of noobs.
I'd be all for playing if it wasn't for two reasons
>burger timezone
>voice game
well, that's that. good luck with your search m8ey
And how is that working out for you?
Have you experienced a sudden influx of motivation in your life?
Alright, I'll try to message when I get home.
New World of Darkness
5:00 pm MT
Here's the campaign listing on roll20.
The game is listed as mature, meaning there will be mature themes, but this not a magical realms game. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.
>GM or Player
Savage worlds with the super's book
>Time availability
Every other week, days up to negotiation which day people pick will determine which week we start. Times are between 6pm EDT and 6AM EDT.
I'm starting this up here, and will later make a post on roll20, so I'm not really pushing a specific time right now.
>Text or Voice
Either or, again player preference, just not both at once.
>Contact Information
[email protected], get in touch if you're interested. We might end up using skype, might not.
>Additional Information
I don't know if it's still part of the current 2.0 super's book. But the 1st edition specifically mentioned that you should never combine it with other books. Fuck that it's terrible advice. I've run fantasy super's before and it was a blast.
The premise of the game is simple. Take a gritty, dark, and "realistic" fantasy setting. The magic is low, and monsters are something an entire village militia has to deal with. Ya'll fuckers have super powers (ancient magics?). Why? Good question. I might have an answer, you'll probably never find out or you might, that's on you. Are you the only ones? Fuck no, but all of this is fairly new, so who knows how many other's have gotten their magic on.
I've a few ideas for how things are going to start, but that's going to depend on party make up by the times things get going. I have several ideas, but I also intend to take advantage of 2 weeks of prep time in between sessions.
How is game/player advertisement a meme?
>reply to interesting sounding game
>seems to have cool players
>get strung along for a while but told it's basically a sure thing
>do reading and prep for the game
>finally get to interview with the DM
>he's a controlling dick and ruins any excitement you had for the game
For what purpose.
Also, is that time for when you can start or when you want to finish?
wut gm
Though I wish I signed up after @aaathats3as.com became an option.
Those are the edges of my availability. So start sometime after 6pm, and end at some point before 6am. I should also probably say, that things can get going once I have enough (3 or more, but less than 6) players.
Damn, that's a shame. Good luck with your game, then.
For you math-poor Americans, that's 4pm to 8pm EST.
Nothing to be done with people who can't into voice games.
Thanks, and it is. Thank my weird night shift schedule.
He wasn't so bad that I feel the need to blast him on Veeky Forums but I also don't think he will be advertising on here again. The game was pretty much full and it seemed like a one-off thing.
I'm a GM
Running Shadowrun or DnD 5e depends on votes
Anytime in the week I just need to set the time a week in advance
Skype: notthensa[spoiler/]
Old group disbanded and I'm looking to start a new campaign. It'll either be standard fantasy in 5e or playing as bank robbers in shadowrun.
There's 3 guys who come up when I search notthensa
Just remember to leave a "do not play with this man, he is a cuck" response to any further ads he leaves here.
So, i got tired of waiting for a GM so im running my own TME game!
>GM or Player
The Mutant Epoch
>Time availability
Wednesday, at 9 PM, UTC+2
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: jaso111111/Jason Kordelis
>Additional Information
I have the books and im willing to provide them for anyone new to the system, as well as help with generating characters.
I expect you to be on time of course, and have at least some investment in char gen. No fancy backstories are needed since this will be a one shot.
Lets show em' Gamefinder ain't dead lads!
Not that guy, but for a start you're playing Shadowrun. I have nothing against Shadowrun but it's literally magical cyberpunk in a world where the standard currency is "new yen" and Japanese is used in slang all the time.
>GM or Player
Shadowrun 4E
Thursday Nights (subject to change based on player availability)
South Florida (West Palm Beach area)
>Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Skype: Firebomb199
>Additional Information
Planning on running the game focused mostly on the premise of the PCs dealing and running guns, if that sounds like your bag hit me up.
>Get hype when I see shaodwrun
>Then 5e
>Get hype when I see a player response
>Then they're a cock
What happened to Dark Souls user? Did he decide on a system?
>Implying I don't still want to play
What timezone are you in?
I might be thinking of different user, but I think I remember someone saying they were using the Corruption mechanic from Symbaroum for hollowing. Symbaroum would work pretty well as a Dark Souls rpg if you changed some of those things slightly.
pls provide more relevant details
>Implying you don't still want cock
Frankly at this point I'm in need of a game fix that badly.
>get hype when I see shadowrun
>Then 20.00 to midnight
>1e CofD
>never get hype for any game
>they're always weekly
I know there's a bi weekly game in this thread. That's me.
I assume you're GMT+1 then? Cuz if you're in the Americas it shouldn't be that big of an issue unless you're working or have other stuff to do those hours.
>GM or Player
Old World of Darkness (Vampire, Demon, Wraith, KotE, Half-Damned), Double Cross, Nechronica, Maid
>Time availability
Until further notice, whenever. NEETs have no schedules.
>Text or Voice
Text preferred, though I have nothing against voice if others want that.
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
I had a lot of games going a very short while ago, and then two of my core players, one of which was my GM in two games as well, fucked off to university. I'm not looking for anything big - just for some people who want to play some games I consider fun, without caring that "WoD is for emo kids" or "Double Cross is for weebs".
I'm not planning on any huge chronicles or strict playtimes unless people want to - the only thing I want is that you can take the in-game part of the game dead seriously and that you don't stir shit, which should be pretty easy.
I'm not Amerifat.
Why would I get butthurt if it wasn't that big of an issue?
Time zones, for the love of christ man
GMT+1, I'll have to add. Afternoons are good, evenings are great, mornings will take some planning and nights are iffy.
>location: South Florida
That's either EDT or EST.
Or the location that the game is being played
>the location of the game and the timezone are unrelated
Do not play with this man, he is a cuck.
How the fuck can a virgin be a cuck?
Firebomb is probably okay, the cuck you're thinking of is hardfire.
Nothing about watching your girlfriend/wife/etc getting fucked by someone else requires you to have ever had sex. It's even more sad that way.
As the guy who started this meme, I can say that Hardfire is actually a cool guy.
I love calling him a cuck, though.
Fuck off Hardfire, I made you the meme.
and nigga, you aint that cool.
>I made you the meme
The only cuck here is you.
Do not listen to this man, he is a cuck.
I am indeed a cuck, but atleast im not Hardfire.
Gamefinder's been dead for longer than you've been posting, boy.
Wednesday or Thursday during day (Pacific Time)
Voice preferred, in person would be ideal even if it's a small party (Richmond, CA)
[email protected]
Can play any class, but probably don't expect AL-level stuff. I'm not a minmaxer and I haven't really played 5e a whole bunch yet. Narrativist first, then gamist, so I'm down for some murderhoboing but would also appreciate, y'know, a story.
With people like you around it is.
How could it be me?
I've only been posting here well after started posting.
Didya get a bunch of people already?
I mean people with that attitude. Gamefinder can, has, and will produce good games. The whole "gamerfinders ded" thing is just a meme started by That Guys who can never find a good game.
Reminder to ignore every post around randomly accusing GMs of being shills/cucks/magical realmers. They're all part of an organized shitposting effort.
lmao, gang stalking aint real, faggot
No one ever actually payed attention to those posts you immense cocksucker.
>screencapping you're own shitposts in order to try and force them as a meme
It's meatspace, might run it online if there's enough interest, either way to answer your question GMT -5 (EST)
Fuck off Hardfire and or Neon
What are you doing.
Not sure if you're asking what I'm running in which case see: or inquiring as to why.
I am inquiring as to why.
Seriously, just in terms of numbers, there can't be enough people here, right?
Can't hurt to try to get an IRL game gong, and if I can't I can always run it via skype/roll20
I'll probably hit you up when I get home from work, but I would like to know what day
everyone here except for me is a cuck
Do not play with this man. He is a hardfire.
More like cuckfire amirite
I play World of Darkness, not CofD
I'd be interested in a DnD 5E game, but am having trouble with the Skype contact thing because there are multiple people with the name NotTheNSA.
fucking nevermind, mortals only
It's possible to become a non mortal, but you start as one. That said, I would never accept a fuckboi like you.
>GM or Player
Nobilis 3rd Edition
>Time availability
Play-By-Post (probably via rpol)
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected]
Pls ignore weeb throwaway
>Additional Information
Diceless system with easy introduction to the setting. Begin as mortals, become gods early on, rock the world-ash, fuck excrucians. Three rules; Have fun, don't be a cunt, no autism.
>Pls ignore weeb throwaway
Why did you make a weeb throwaway in the first place?
>For you math-poor Americans, that's 4pm to 8pm EST.
Are you sure about that? EST is GMT-5, therefore six hours behind GMT+1.
20-6 = 14 -> 2PM.
00{as 24}-6 = 18 -> 6PM
Therefore 2PM to 6PM.
>Double Cross
You have my attention. Do you care if I play a dog?
>double cross
Sent you a thing.
>Play-By-Post (probably via rpol)
Now I want to see a play by post where everyone posts their voice response or something like vocaroo or whatever that site is called. That sounds like it would be a real cluster.
>GM or Player
Rogue Trader
>Time availability
Eastern Standard Time, Sunday evenings prefered.
>Text or Voice
Voice, via Skype if that isn't too much trouble.
>Contact Information
darkspineryenzx on Skype
>Additional Information
Me and another guy off of these threads have been trying to pull together a group for a game of Rogue Trader, or any other 40k RPG if that doesn't work out. Other guy is decently versed in 40k lore and the universe and I know what's generally going on, but I'm by no means an expert. The both of us are completely new to the system but other guy said he would give running it a shot if noone else did.
Because obviously I'm a closet weeb.
Sent you an email bruh
Do not reply to my post, I am a cuck.
Yes, yes you are.
Whats wrong with cuckolding? It's just a sexual preference.
I've seen your mails, and I'll send something back when I haven't just woken up.