Next MTG block

Looks like the next MTG block is Amonkhet and it's expansion is Hour of Devistation.

Finally get our Egypt themed block.. get HYPE!



C'mon, mummy tribal.

Think Devotion will make a return ?

You could easily flavor it to kemet by going all >devotion to red in your graveyard

and so on


>yfw those are Bolas' horns in the background

If there are Egyptian gods but there's Bolas "ruling over the plane", what do you think that means?

needs more tomb kings

I'm ok with Egypt, but I think that MTG is using the real cultures too much...
All planes are "return to" or "inspired in the X culture" since i started playing again in the Theros block... Why they can't create something new?

Next year what? Aztec block? ZulĂș block? Return to Phirexia?

I'm starting to miss the simple fantasy dominaria setting.

But user, there were sexy elves and ugly goblins in Dominaria. That's both racist and sexist.

12th for Damnation reprint in HOD

And remember, the jaceshite league is here forever!

An user called this a bot back, he also said the block after was return to return to ravnica. Whos ready?

I seriously hope there is no WE WUZ KANGZ shit in this. If there is, I am quitting off of magic forever.

Just quit now.

he actually called kaladesh being the egyptian block, and that it would be a mystery completely separate from ongoing storylines (which maro has stated repeatedly they're not doing anymore) so how much faith you wanna put into those predictions is your decision.

It probably means that he's like Aten, as in there are old gods that have fallen out of favor and Bolas is the new god they worship because if they don't he'll fuck their shit up

please god give me a sphinx planeswalker

It's too late
You know that every other character will have an afro along with their ceremonial court robes. Despite being in the name of diversity, there won't be any ethnic Egyptians as ethnic Egyptians don't buy packs.

Krienes is the lead designer so get ready for tons of We Wuz Lezbians, just feminist up a cool plane. I hate neo Wizards

Look I know I will sound reddit and shit but we're litterally getting an indian plane filled of white people with a redhead protagonist. They are already appealing to SWJs with the "MUH DIVERSITY" meme, but at least they're doing it in a tolerable way.

There will be, so quit now and spare me

His prediction was likely one set off because of Innistrad being inserted ahead of schedule


Aztec block would be the tightest thing ever though. Just throw in dinosaurs and have dino-riding aztecs battle aztec-riding dinos.

>Pharoh from 2012 has Nicky B horns for his crown and sceptre
>Egyptian plane is ruled by Nicky B
>Wizards has had this planned for five years at least
How much time has passed since the Conflux, exactly? Clearly long enough for Bolas to bail from Alara and instate himself as the new god of a plane and be worshipped by a long dead Pharoh. What does it all mean? What's his endgame?


The Mummy creature type became Zombies.

The conflux wasn't that long ago story wise, thoguh I don't know if we have an exact figure. I recall hearing that since Innistrad it's been going roughly the same pace as the sets release. But it's possible Bolas had long seized control of Amonkhet. I'm sure as a long-lived, extremely powerful elder dragon planeswalker, he probably has many worlds under his thumb tbqh, from pre-mending if not post.

Ay what if Garruk shows up and is in league with Bolas

>Due to the Gatewatch's constant meddling, an Axis of Antagonist forms
>Led by the nefarious Nicol Bolas, they scour the multiverse for ways to foil Jacetice League
>Other members include Garruk, the slayer of planeswalkers
>The dynamic duo Ob Nixilis and Tibalt who function much like Blackadder and Baldrick
>There's a rumored fifth member but she doesn't show up on meetings and nobody has seen her in a while

>devotion to red in your graveyard

Nega-Rangers when?

Get used to it. Mtg is owned by Hasbro, a publicly traded company. They need to get higher proftis each quarter, and once Mtg has peaked between young white male adults (it has) they need to expand to a higher public. That's why you see so many attemps to appeal to women and black people. It won't change unless they chain faillure after faillure, and I don't think that that's going to happen.


As a black guy I wouldn't mind a little WE WUZ...

I'm just curious as to how white colored cards will be represented on the plane.

...and now I'm sad

I liked Mirrodin cause it was all OC, do not steel, but other than that, Zendikar and some shards of Alara, I can't remember any planes not based on real world mythologies...

I wonder if stormcucks can even see this post?

>egypt is in Africa
>Americans would be triggered if they saw a nigger on a plane based off that.

Shit, this is the one place you would expect to see them.

Yeah, people on this board are sometimes a little sensitive to what they perceive as blackwashing despite the majority of depicted characters being white or non-human (but likely white).

Meanwhile I will enjoy the diverse art and cast in my card games :)

I'm OK with this
Magic is basically shonen anyway, isn't its target audience's average age 12?

The problem will be if the Pharaohs are depicted as modern-day Africans, rather than the basically-Greeks they really were

There WAS a Nubian dynasty, you know. You can certainly argue that they weren't "Egyptian," or that they came towards the end of what we call the Egyptian civilization, but for a period of time they occupied it and ruled it at least. If I'm not mistaken, having black pharaohs would have more historical precedence than having black female philosophers in not!Greece.

Also, fun fact I found while double-checking my facts on this: the King of Nubia from right before they took control of Egypt was named "Alara."

I think white will have some Spirits, definitely several Clerics and Warriors too. Since we are apparently getting Gods other lesser mythical creatures aren't out of the question either. We'll also get a legendary Sphinx. Probably WU.

Other races I'm expecting to be a thing are Hounds (a la ainok), Birds (aven), Snakes (Orochi-like).

Devotion may make a return, but that's where the parallels with Theros will end and even devotion is pushing it. They can't step on Theros' themes if they want to make a Return.


We already have a legendary WU Sphinx. I hope they do one in different colors this time.

>the problem will be if this made up world doesn't conform to real world precedents

You have Shandalar.


There will be gods in the block so which ones do you think we're gonna see?

My guesses are:
Anubis (clear from the pyramid, Bolas probably takes up his mantle)
Ra (bird-headed god to represent the forces of good that the Gatewatch team up with)
Osiris (quest to reassemble him)
Thoth (Bird-headed blue god of knowledge)
Bastet (the tumblr/reddit crowd loves cats too much to leave this out)

Won't include Isis because ISIS. Maybe Hathor if they feel the need to balance gods and goddesses.

>You have Shandalar.
I wish...

>Mirrodin, Zendikar, Alara.
And since V edition I started to play again in theros, but I still don't like the "return to" editions.
At least they could intercalate new/original sets with the return to/inspired in sets.

>tfw you know they will never make Kephri into a legendary insect god creature for your edh

the dream tho


>Osiris (quest to reassemble him)
>Egyptian Mythology and assembling gods
We Yu-Gi-Oh! now

>this one black dynasty whitin hundreds of non-black ancestors of berber/semitic dynasties.

We already have legendary insects.

Yeah, he was a way bigger deal before the mending, he's only risen to relative prominence now for narrative reasons; he's more active since he's trying to regain lost power, but he was always a veritable god who ruled many planes and was so wealthy in this regard that he could afford to set aside an entire plane just so he had somewhere private to chill.

Yeah except doing that doesn't actually help profits in other demographics. What they actually need to do is work at the low level, getting local communities to not be total shit-stains.

Cool it sherman. Besides who gives a shit? We have greeks and Indians beings being portrayed as white. You don't see anyone being ass blown by that.

.... I await more Part 3 JoJo.


Why does that mummy have an emo cut?

Crawling in my skin, these scarabs I do not feel?

Depicting Egyptians as western Africans is every bit as accurate as depicting Europeans as Indians, because hey, they're both "Aryan". Actual Egyptians, despite being geographically on the continent of Africa, were Mediterranean in cultural similarities and ethnicity, inasmuch as they were anything besides Egyptians, and while they're not exactly "white", they're arguably closer to it than they are to black. Of course, in reality, ethnicity isn't that fucking simple, and what they really are is Egyptian.

I would be surprised if we don't see Set, if not immediately then at some point in the cycle.

Is dat some cultural apropration?

Greeks aren't white?

Say it with me... MONO. WHITE. ZOMBIES.

Not really, no.

Temur=East siberia

It's a "inspired by" set.
It's ok and I liked it, but the inspired thing reiteration is what is tiggering me.

>Maybe Hathor if they feel the need to balance gods and goddesses.

Hahaha you're deluded if you don't think 3 of the 5 will be chicks. The W mana head god (Ra or Horus) will certainly be a chick, so will the R and G gods because those are the colors chicks play the most.

So you'll only accept completely original settings? You realise magic has never had those? Dominaria was Generic Magical Land, Ice Age was MUH VIKINGS, Visions was MUH AFRICA, etc etc.

I mean, ancient greeks.

Only for a broad definition of white.

>mono-white zombies
>good and neutral characters in black
>mono-red villains
inb4 none of this happens and we get generic evil mummies

The egyptians were neither white nor black.
But they were caucasian.

I'll get triggered if art has either french looking or niggers. Both are fucking wrong.

They wouldn't include Isis in the first place, they didn't just rip actual Greek Mythology names out of the canon for Theros so why would they here?

It will be niggers. Search your feelings, you know this to be true.

>It's ok and I liked it, but the inspired thing reiteration is what is tiggering me.
>So you'll only accept completely original settings?
I never said that I only accept that, I even like some of the settings, but I will like to see more original settings. In fact tarkir is pretty acceptable because the mixture of cultures. I was expecting worst for Tarkir at the begining when I thought that all will be like Mongolia.
Maybe if the Egypt thing is only one of the colors and they add something like Tarkir the plane will improve by my opinion.

Anyway, yes I realise that magic is pretty much non original flavor wise, but I would like to see more attempts to create something relatively original like Mirrodin or Zendicar, even Ravnica (which I hate) at least is a try to create a melvin plane.

I would be happy if they just killed the Gatewatch.

That would make a great set, actually.

Tarkir is as original a setting as mtg has ever had. Zendikar? Literally D&D: The Plane? Muh artifact gimmick plane? Muh ecumenopolis? Do you even know what original means?

Yes, that's my point. Theros had a lot of speculative stuff that moved from the flavor of ancient Greece, which happened to include stuff like it being cosmopolitan enough to have black female philosophers in Grecian robes, something that almost certainly did not happen in Ancient Greece.
And yet, people are going to get just as assblasted about black pharaohs as that, even though black pharaohs happened in real fucking life that we know about. And that's stupid.
Then again, the same people also got pissed off because there was a depiction of male homosexuality in Theros. Because God forbid somebody question how gay the Spartans were, right?

I'm betting on at least one white legenary zambo because Osirus casts a large shadow regarding Egyptian myth.

>your post
>almost word for word with pic related
You have to go back.

Ravnica has a lot of stuff from slav mythology, bro. Rusalkas, for example.

Wizards better watch its ass regarding likeness to the Tomb Kings, I can feel the itchy litigious trigger-finger of Gamesworkshop rearing itself like a proverbial eye of sauron.

The last set in the block IS called hour of devastation

But user literally said they were caucasian, which they are.

Small correction. Jeskai is Tibet, not China at large. They left coastal and central China open, which I believe is so they can come back and do a China plane.

GW would be suicidal to aim their legal department at WOTC. Hasbro would slap their shit sideways.

GW is big enough to pick on their own fans and independent publishers or whatnot, but they are small fry compared to the backing WOTC has.

I don't play D&D. So I thought that it was original, my mad friend.
Anyway You're taking everything to the most radical option. I only want to say that I will like to see more original planes, not that I only accept complete original planes (imposible thing).

In the other hand, the planes inspired in Earth historical nations looks more like a Civilization PC map. It reminds me the old Warhammer fantasy world, the separation between planes it somehow useless now.
They could have created a crossover plane with Theros, Amonkhet even with kaladesh (Greece, Egypt, India and add Babylon and siria or something) and other things like in Tarkir and attempt to create another more original planes between them.

All of Gatewatch dies except Lili and Gideon, she ressurects them as super zombies and he goes off to pout like the tassle wearing gigafaggot that he is because he can't fight his corpse freinds.

Fuck me, now Ravnika is an slav "inspired by" plane too?

I hope that hour of devastation means that the jacetice league usurp bolas who then throws a fit and destroys the entire plane

>from the caucuses

I was right about to respond on that point when I was looking up evidence and found that link and realized it wasn't worth it.
Stormfaggots need to go.
Ever heard the saying that nothing is original? For what it's worth, the whole "entire plane is a city" thing is fairly unique, and as far as I know it doesn't have an equivalence in most Slavic folklore.

>Stormfaggots need to go.

Are you dense? Egyptians both in ancient times and today are caucasians, this isn't some stormfront thing it's literally how they scientifically classified.


You sound worse than the WE WUZ blacks.

Caucasian doesn't mean white you fucking murrican

>I would like to see more attempts to create something relatively original like Mirrodin or Zendicar, even Ravnica

I said that and someone tells that Ravnica had much from slavs myth. I don't know I always thought that Zendikar were fairly original and some user said that it's like D&D, I thought that may Ravnica wasn't original too because the conversation.

I think they'll be mixes and matches but in general I think they will try and give each god an associated animal theme since that's the most resonant egyptian god theme. Lots of different ways to assign the animals though. I think the most important are the jackal, falcon, and crocodile though.