>standard issue gun can fuck up a vehicle
>they can reassemble themselves
>they don't give a shit about Chaos
>Tyranids don't bother them
>they already wiped out this shithole galaxy once
>only needed one resource in DoW
how can other races compete?
>standard issue gun can fuck up a vehicle
>they can reassemble themselves
>they don't give a shit about Chaos
>Tyranids don't bother them
>they already wiped out this shithole galaxy once
>only needed one resource in DoW
how can other races compete?
don't forget their stupid fucking scarabs can just disassemble almost anything and make fucking space fleets out of nowhere, that's right necrons combine the best features of the imperial guard, the tyranids, etc
other races don't have the problem over having only 30 waking soldiers at a time.
also they dont' have super-luminal travel
Half of them are not awake or have had defects during their slumber e.g. flayed ones. Also they aren't sentient, the normal warriors have no independent wills so they are nothing beyond their leaders.
Yes they do. They have FTL that does not need the warp.
The only thing really stopping the Necrons from winning is
A) the fact that they're so disorganized when it comes to being a singular force. Some tomb worlds don't even want an empire and are happy just governing their own planet (once it's cleansed of filthy non-crons of course,) and
B) the fact that they're not all waking up on schedule. Some are slower, some go crazy, and some never wake up at all.
We will soon rise brother, the sands of time are but fleeting winds to the deathless.
And they STILL shit all over other races. Really makes you think.
goddamn these guys were OP in DoW now that you remind me
even in the multiplayer where you could abuse how slow they were when it came to map control wraiths basically handwaved all those problems away and then some and they could turtle easily
>People legitimately think tyranids could kill off the necrons
>People don't think the necrons would set up a planet-sized bug zapper near the tombworlds to attract the swarms and kill them as they touch down
They wield handheld bug zappers, for god's sake!
And before anyone says Dolmen gates, They also have their inertialess faster than Light drives still.
The Webway is just more convenient at getting to some places. Also unsure if Tomb ships can even fit in the webway.
>>they already wiped out this shithole galaxy once
Yeah, this is why the Old Ones won the War in Heaven
The Necrons we see and hear in the fluff are classed as the tip of the iceberg and some of their more bigger, God Killing shit from the war in heaven is still not awakened.
I had totally forgotten about the silly Derp Gates.
Hate warp, can't use warp. Hack warp gate! The flying fuck?!
Maybe cut them off the network could made more sense.
Hope Battlefleet Gothic Armada brings Necrons. Beside my Chaos fleet (god it is boring to play and fight chaos) everything is max level by now.
It's Arnold Schwarzenegger as T-800, I work at GW.
Only in Dark Crusade.
Soulstorm made them utter trash, but at least balanced out the other factions for the most part.
Oh my fucking god, what is this shitty and plebeian art?
yeah i meant dark crusade. i haven't played soulstorm. getting torrents to work for GW games is such a bitch
dark eldar tho
Then why the fluff says they are doomed to isolation without Dolmens?
Tyranids have literally zero interest in a tomb world. They'd avoid them and move on.
The old ones lost the war.
Sort of. They certainly didn't actively win, and they had a worse outcome than the 'crons did.
The only winners of the war in heaven were the orks.
>And before anyone says Dolmen gates, They also have their inertialess faster than Light drives still.
Where are proofs?
All matter is of interest to them. Rocks, minerals, atmosphere - they can make use of every last bit of a world by distributing the elements throughout the fleet. After all, it takes a lot of varied elements to create life, especially en mass.
>The only winners of the war in heaven were the orks
Why does Veeky Forums act like this whole thing about the Eldar being the undisputed masters of the galaxy doesn't exist?
Tyranids ignored lifeless Necron tomb worlds and planets devoid of life. They are after biomass. Getting rocks and whatever is just a bonus.
Can anyone give me a tl:dr difference between oldcrons and newcrons? I always get confused.
Oldcrons were the lackeys of the C'tan, newcrons are the other way round. Sort of.
Pic related is the compositional percentages of a human. A single, unspecialized, single species human.
Tyranids are much more varied, and are almost assured to require different elemental compositions for their different species. Almost every single natural element is practically assured to be of use to them - yes, even the highly radioactive ones.
I wouldn't doubt that they have special units to break apart solid stone and strip away planets layer by layer.
I dunno, man. I personally think playing "Hunt the Webway Gate" and dealing with Wraithknights backed by Prisms backed by Eldritch Storm was leagues more infuriating.
Fine and good but what does the fluff say? Tyranids avoid lifeless tomb worlds.
Wraithlords, I meant.
For now.
Their aim is to consume the entire galaxy eventually.
Don't rely too heavily on official sources, pal. It's okay to take your own jumps in logic, makes things funner, and it's nice to think about things beyond what's been told to you.
yeah, the webway hunt was the most annoying thing about dark crusade. and eldar were so good when you let games stretch out like that and they could get the banshee upgrades, transports, and wraithlords (who did like 500 melee damage or something)
also fucking HARLEQUINS with dance of death knocking all your guys down
Eh, they're the old DEldar. Who actually kinda look like trash. Comparatively at least.
Fan art.
i like them. they're so over the top in an awesome way
>For now.
Says you. However, nobody is interested in your headcanon. Tyranids avoid Tomb Worlds even when they clearly have the numerical advantage.
Their aim is to hunt biomass. That's why they are in the galaxy.
Untrue even in the Necron codex, where Tyranids invade a tomb world. Many tomb worlds still have life, not all of them are run by Destroyer Lords.
This whole premise is absurd. The Silent King's main foe is what, again?
Seriously, why I am forced to deal with dumbasses?
I specifically said lifeless tomb worlds. Awakened Tomb Worlds tend to be lifeless because the Necrons purify them of life.
The Tomb Worlds of the Dynasty that the Tyranids invaded were slumbering tomb worlds. Life had sprung on them while they were sleeping. Even then the dynasty sleeping tomb worlds were destroyed mostly by the Imperium blowing them up to prevent the Tyranids from consuming their biomass.
>The Silent King's main foe is what, again?
Tyranids? And why, you dumbass? Not because the Tyranids are a threat to the Necrons, it's because the Tyranids will consume all flesh and by doing so prevent the Necrons from returning to flesh.
>Seriously, why I am forced to deal with dumbasses?
youre not
you dont have to reply
as soon as the thread goes to the archives and the sun rises tomorrow no one will care who was right here
If I am going to make things up not in the fluff then I am Tyranids are being controlled by the Chaos Gods. Going by that user's retarded logic.
This is factually false. Tyranids strip planets to their mantle, absorb atmospheres and suck up oceans. The only planets they would be disinterested in would be barren rocks that resemble what planets look like after they've consumed one.
I do.
Because if I don't stamp it out, I will have to deal with more dumbasses repeating the same bullshit.
user, I'm not trying to be insulting when i say this. But you seem like you might legitimately have autism.
Not Veeky Forums autism, actual autism. Medically defined autism.
In their hunt for biomass. You don't see them doing that to barren lifeless worlds that the awakened Necrons inhabit.
Why do they even stop at the mantle? Planetary cores have a large amount of magnetic heavy elements. Getting a fuckton of iron sounds like a good idea to me - its good for blood, after all.
Not an argument. Seems like an disguised Ad hom to me.
>Awakened Tomb Worlds tend to be lifeless because the Necrons purify them of life.
Still wrong. There are various examples of worlds accepting enslavement when the Necrons arose. Imotekh has a shitload of vassal worlds!
I'm not trying to make an argument here, I'm stating that your behavior is extremely prominent in people diagnosed with autism. Have you sought out medical diagnosis?
They use Magma Corers for that. They leave it not only dead rock but cold dead rock.
You are still an idiot. Tomb Worlds are cleansed of life because they are dwellings of the Necrons. Alien worlds are enslaved.
Because you don't have an the ability to make one and thus go with Ad Homs.
Source this because the only source about tyranids harvesting minerals only mentions them eating at the surface crust.
Everyone in this thread know's you're wrong but you. What's it like living with that level of delusion?
Yet they failed to prove I am wrong in any way. This came out of nowhere which shows you are just trolling. Piss off.
There is a Planetary Governor who accepts enslavement by the Necrons who woke up under him.
There were living humans enslaved on Damnos! It's in the book! Even the Oldcrons had slaves sometimes!
I'm not attacking you, user. There's plenty of people with legitimate autism in the world.
Everyone has their own issues, I just think it would be good for you to see if you do in fact have autism or not, and get the aid you need if you do.
I know we're on Veeky Forums, but we're not all going to be assholes who only want to insult you over arguments on the internet.
>People keep asking for sources on shit
When will this fucking stop? It's the most ANNOYING god damn thing. You might as well just say "I don't believe you and nothing you say or provide will convince me that it's true or sensible" like you fucking mean. Every god damn time.
>There is a Planetary Governor who accepts enslavement by the Necrons who woke up under him.
Source this. I have the dexes with me. Ready to look it up.
And the Damnos humans weren't enslaved. The Necron message was simple. "Surrender and die". They were wiping life out of Damnos.
>The very next post was a sourcefag
Far be it for someone to prove that he is right and back up his position, user. /sarcasm.
I even offered to do the leg work for him. Point out where it's from and I will look it up.
>It's the most ANNOYING god damn thing.
I don't believe you and nothing you say or provide will convince me that it's true or sensible
C'Tan are a mess, they care more about rebuilding their own territory than anything else, really groggy after so much sleep.
This is a discussion on Veeky Forums, user. This isn't a fucking thesis paper or wikipedia, where we have to tack on our sources at the very bottom of the page. If you want the kind of discussion with constant reliable sources, go to fucking college or a university.
>You might as well just say "I don't believe you and nothing you say or provide will convince me that it's true or sensible" like you fucking mean.
source on this
The dudes with collars! In the feast scene!
Aryand, the crownworld of the Nephrekh Dynasty!
>Colonel Tarn activated a different message spool on the vox-unit. After a few seconds of charged silence an unearthly voice issued from the speakers. It resonated with age and archaic menace, as if drawn from the grave or the depths of a planet-eating black hole.
>We are the necrontyr. We are legion. We claim dominion of this world… Surrender and die.
>‘Throne of Earth,’ Adanar could only rasp. He found his composure again after a few more seconds. ‘Surely, it means surrender or die?’
>Karnak uttered a sombre reply. ‘No, Lieutenant Sonne, the translation is accurate.’
>‘In the Emperor’s name, what are these things?’
>‘Death, lieutenant – they are death. Adanar,’ said the colonel, getting to his feet at last. ‘Take your family and get out of Kellenport. Go south. Do it quickly, before it’s too late.’
-The Fall of Damnos
Not join us or die. It's join us in death.
The wasn't Damnos. That was the World Engine, dumbass.
The Necron slave lord brought a small contingent of slaves with him to the World Engine which is a oversized Tomb Ship.
I know what you are doing.
I have a distinct recollection of a feast scene in Damnos, with slaves.
Again, Aryand. Check your codex.
Was a Hiveworld that was invaded by the Necrons. The Necrons didn't come from beneath it
So you are dead wrong on that one. Oh...pardon the pun.
You have the recollection of a dumbass, dumbass. The Feast scene comes from the Lords of Borsis short story which is set in the World Engine. Picture related. I know it and the World Engine novel.
And here is the fluff piece from the dex.
Look what you did, Veeky Forums. Your 1d4chan article has inspired a whole branch of cretins shitting up DoW threads, parroting uninformed, exaggerated opinions.
There are more examples than I can think of. For the love of God, make a '/b/-like' disclaimer next time.
So a dynasty decided to settle down on an alien world?
7e codex, it is the capital of a dynasty!
>So a dynasty decided to settle down on an alien world?
No, they didn't. They added it to their empire as a vassal world/slave world.
>7e codex, it is the capital of a dynasty!
The Altymhor dynasty is not mentioned in the 7th ED codex.
Fail troll.
I said the Nephrekh dynasty, retard.
Wow, you are retarded. Aryand is just some random Imperial hive world conquered by the Altymhor dynasty
The crownworld of Nephrekh is unnamed. What's below is the sum of all the fluff about the dynasty in the 7th ED codex.
>The trinary stars of the Nephrekh crownworld glow golden upon the burnished shoulders of its legions. Rich in the solar wealth of scores of systems, the Nephrekh’s worlds cluster around the galactic core, its radiant brilliance filling the skies of their tomb worlds with a near-limitless supply of energy. From this golden chalice of flame the warriors of Nephrekh drink deep and grow strong.
>Phaeron Sylphek awoke consumed by an obsession with the stars themselves, announcing to his bemused court he wished to drape himself in their molten glory. To placate their lord, the Crypteks of the Nephrekh crafted him a living-gold skin – a gift he has shared with his followers so that they might embody the glory of the triple suns of Nephrekh as they do battle.
Don't trust wikis, you idiot.
And Eldar players went and defaced the Dawn of Eldar page. Now it's a fucking boring read, rather then an amusingly, and only slightly hyperbolic thing.
Goddamnit, we can't have nice things anymore.
Hint: near Fenris.
I fucked up.
Whatever, I'm cool now, it's just there's a bunch of faggots citing Dawn of Eldar at every turn, shitting up 40k discussion in /v/, pretending they played the games in the first place.
Now go and rock on, but be more mindful about the hyperboles next time, please.
Then the map is mistaken. Aryand is located in the Altymhor dynasty's space. Happens the current map in the DW also fucks things up geographically
You're mistaken, my friend.
I guess that's why the Altymhor Dynasty doesn't appear in 7e, eh?
By having less bugs and still having their souls.
And no they did not wipe out the galaxy. Eldar and Orks among others survived just fine.
So do the 'Nids. Only they did not suck star god cock for it.
Tyranids have uses for tombworlds, lets just remember that from a mining standpoint, the only difference between extracting carbon from your dead body and a rock is the purification process, bot have the same elements and I would guess that a species such as the tyranids that have to cross huge amount of lightyears with an almost unlimitless warpack has star system level of food needs.
Now, there is something that can be used to explain this. And that is density, the swarm that goes first is usually a conquest fleet made of the usual stuff that conforms the tyranids and cleans worlds, but as the swarm advances, the tyranid density increases, hence why they usually steamroll anywhere they go.
This first invasión force have to replenish their loses, this can be acomplished with the usual process where they extract most things from the crust, where they probably retake 80% biomass(biological process are efficient as fuck but planetary level recycling is a fundamental nightmare) lost and the other 20% can be replenished with the worlds lifeforms+wathever you can get extra in the form of gas or crust, hence the swarm increases, and this explains why it makes no economical sense to attack a lifeless world if there are much better targets.
But as the tyranids advance, the core force gets closer, and the core is protected by the outer invasión fleet+wathever they have, so they can have more vulnerable bioforms but more able to extract deeper resources that are harder to separate and use, therefore effectively consuming the planet, this can also explain why even creating a "deadworld barrier" only stops the nyds for a while until the huge flow of resources from the rear allows them to keep moving.
Hence, attacking the necrons, which clearly is a difficult/time consuming/biomass consuming task is just a matter of time/nydconomy.
Nope, the map is or there has been a retcon.
And they very map you posted has the Altymhor dynasty on it. It's right of the Eye of Terror.
But it sucks though. It gets them to systems but then they have to go STL when they arrive.
That's what I mean. They clearly got bitchslapped by the Nephrekh Dynasty and ran away because they tried to enslave a dormant tomb world, so there is no fluff mention.
Meanwhile I see nothing saying the Nephrekhs killed the slaves!
>Meanwhile I see nothing saying the Nephrekhs killed the slaves!
There is nothing stating that Nephrekh doesn't follow the policy of other Necron which mandate the annihilation of life upon tomb worlds.
And I find it difficult to believe that a neighboring dynasty wouldn't know about the Crownworld of its rival dynasty. Also after the conquest of a rival tomb world, the Necrons below would have been reprogrammed and their treasures would have been looted.
>and only slightly hyperbolic thing
>only slightly
It did a lot of damage, so many anons that never played the game seriously believed that the Eldar were a completely bullshit faction that can't be stopped, have no weaknesses and are the best at everything.
There were jokes in there?
There is no evidence either way. And look, Altymhor has no capital at all!
So does many other dynasties for a myriad of reasons.
If the Altymhor conquered the Aryand of Nephrekh, then Phaeron Sylphek wouldn't have awakened at all. His household will be put to death and his legion absorbed into the Altymhor dynasty.
They poked a sleeping bear!
This is the problem with newcrons. Necrons were always OP as fuck fluff-wise but we didn't really know about what they wanted or how many there were. This made the question of "Why haven't they won yet?" easier to answer because we didn't know what 'winning' was for them. And even if we did there probably wasn't enough of them to make that much of a dent.
Then newcrons come along and add not only a goal but more super strong tech (one can turn off suns at will). This makes the question of "Why haven't they won?" only really answerable by "HUBRIS" which is a really fucking uninteresting and overplayed 'why is the BBEG acting stupid?' trait. It's a shame really.
Real talk now guys.
Necrons vs Tyranids vs chaos vs orks
The imperium, tau, and eldar aren't included because they most likely wouldn't survive against the superior numbers or ability of the enemy armies.
Assume the necrons awaken fully, eradicate all life from one side moving in.
Assume the Tyranids have spread uncontrolled from the opposite side moving towards the necrons.
Assume the orks are to the north waaaghing on a massive scale down south
Assume that chaos; daemons, marines, have conquered the south, and wrenched open portals to summon more daemons. And are marching to the north
These 4 super powers will meet in the same system, for the final war of the universe.
Which massive army would win?
The one the author wants to win. Like everything in 40K.
>This is the problem with newcrons. Necrons were always OP as fuck fluff-wise but we didn't really know about what they wanted or how many there were. This made the question of "Why haven't they won yet?" easier to answer because we didn't know what 'winning' was for them. And even if we did there probably wasn't enough of them to make that much of a dent.
Oldcron goal? Their codex said they wanted to enslave the living, seal the warp, and rebuild the C'tan's empire of Destruction.
Why didn't they win yet? Because they and their masters didn't fully wake yet. Only a small fraction of the Oldcrons wakened and only two C'tan Gods were awakened and one of them was in weakened state and needed time to replenish his power.
Going to the Newcrons, What does their codex says? It says they haven't won yet because only a small fraction of them have awakened and that small fraction is suffering from madness and faults. Despite conflicting agendas and madness, the Necrons are steadily awakening and uniting. It will take time for them to fully revive their empire and conquer the galaxy.