The Protoss race is now part of the setting your last game took place in.
What happens?
Other urls found in this thread:
>what happens
the protoss are now a part of my setting
Not much, given that they're all the way out in the Koprulu Sector whereas the last game I ran took place on modern Earth.
You guys are no fun.
Though, I pretty much made this thread to just discuss protoss.
I instantly retcon them.
There's a race kind of like them already. Somewhat enigmatic alien species of psykers who wear ornate armor and mostly avoid contact with other races.
They're a bit more like Chozo with an Egyptian theme, fewer arm blades and a thing for making their spaceships look like mechanical dragons, though.
Then just *say* that in your OP, user.
Had to make it tg related somehow
Nothing really happens. Without the zerg to cause shit to go haywire or whatever xelnaga bullshit to do the same, the protoss just watch and observe all lesser races.
They end up becoming cool guys overall. Kinda like space guardian angels or some shit.
However you should be specific, are we talking starcraft 1 or 2 protoss, as in before or after blizzard made them less alien.
Remember that protoss are weird, orifice-less mofos who eat and shit trough their skin, and absorb sunlight for energy.
I hate how Blizzard got rid of the Khala in the legacy of the void.
Khala was one of the most unique aspects of the Protoss.
Blizzard can't be trusted with lore.
I loved playing Wings of Liberty, but I could already see that they were going to fuck StarCraft up as much as WarCraft. I never bought the other two, but everything I've heard supports me.
> Touch your Protoss waifu on her face
> Get shit on your hands
10/10 biology there.
That's what you get from waifuing aliens.
>implying I wouldn't kiss this face anyways
Veeky Forums is less traditional games and more traditional gamers anyhow.
I felt that the badguy hijacking it was an interesting plot point, but the implication that its gone for good seems silly, they are born with those, are they really going to just give every kid a haircut now that the reason they did is gone?
>their skin basically runs their whole body
I'll remember that the next time I send crazed murderers to drench them in space napalm.
SC was approaching WH40K levels of METAL, without getting too too silly. Then Blizzard and LOLORE.
so namekians? are they like transformers were male and female are just aesthetic and they pop out of the ground or some shit? do they breed via MacGuffin?
>age of sigmar
They'll fit right in.
their teleport effect is how I imagine the seraphon's summon effect
>playing catachans in only war
>currently fighting viet ko- I mean Orks
if Protoss become relevant to our fight, we dead and then rolling up characters for deathwatch
Blizzard has not specified how protoss reproduce, seeing how they have two genders, that are clearly distinct from one another (picture related, it is a protoss female), they presumably reproduce sexually somehow.
Speculation in another thread about them came up with the idea that they pass genetic information via skin contact (seeing how they are capable of transferring complex molecules into and out of their body, trough their skin), and the mommy protoss sorta "buds" the baby from her body.
Forgot the damn picture.
And here is a male protoss for comparison.
I'd kill for Citadel quality protoss miniatures.
>mfw just imagining posable, multi part plastic kits for Zealots, Dragoons, Stalkers etc.
would be neat if Blizzard and GW could bury the hatchet and make a supplement line for the craft games, kinda like what they had with lord of the rings
What Hatchet?
Outside of internet rumors, have GW and Blizzard ever actually even interacted with each other?
>I'd kill for Citadel quality protoss miniatures.
Oh goes yes. Would love to play a proxi eldar or anything army with protoss looking units.
Nothing in 40k plays like the protoss do.
>basic melee warriors that are tough as shit and pretty fast
>ranged units being for the most part, walkers
>numerous support units with powerful spells and abilities.
>Extremely powerful airforce.
and thats befor getting into variant units
>basic melee warriors that are tough as shit and pretty fast
Wraithblades and striking scorpions
>ranged units being for the most part, walkers
War walkers, also vipers. Scatter bikes can be modeled as blink stalkers
>numerous support units with powerful spells and abilities.
The goddamn eldar do that
>Extremely powerful airforce.
The goddamn eldar have that
Add a little forgeworld and maybe mix and match from DE, harlies and corsairs and you have a protoss force.
You disappoint me user.
Neither Striking Scorpions or Wraithblades really work like Zealots do. Wraithblades are closer than Scorpions are though, but they are too slow.
War Walkers are the only walker unit in the Eldar arsenal, and vipers or scatter bikes are not walkers.
The eldar have powerful spell casters yes, but the Protoss also have shit like Sentries, Arbiters, Disruptors, Oracles, the Mothership and so on.
Also, the Protoss air force is arguably stronger than the Eldar one, at least what you can use on the field. Though, basically all aircraft in SC are actual space ships, so the comparison is not entirely fair.
The Eldar come close, but still lack some of the core features of the Protoss.
Protoss are very tough for one, which the Eldar really aren't.
the point is that if they could just partner up, shit could be cash, we could have two badass sci-fi and fantasy settings produced by both
Though I doubt it will happen.
Lord of the Rings line wasn't exactly a resounding success for GW after all, and another line of Scifi miniatures, that are not even their own licence wold simply compete with 40k.
How would you stat, for example, a Zealot in 40k?
Planetside style Starcraft game when?
Now I kinda wanna stat Protoss for 40Krpg
Please point me to any if you find them I'd love to run a Starcraft Crossover in Deathwatch, Most Zerg can be done by reskinning nids
Selendis is best grill
Nothing really for stats, but reddit comes to the conclusion that if a basic Zealot and a basic Space Marine were to fight, the Zealot would have a slight edge.
Zealot wins in Melee, though gets thoroughly beaten if the Marine can keep it ranged.
Not sure how much that would help.
WS - 4
BS - ?
S - 4
T - 4
W - 1
I - 4
A - 1
Ld - 8? 9?
Sv - 4+/4++ (said to be effective against small arms and contains an energy field)
Psi-Blades (2 ccw, S user AP 2)
Leg Enhancements: Grants Hammer of Wrath and/or re-roll charge distance
just spitballing based on the starcraft wiki
for a zealot, I guess I should specify
maybe khala braids (or w/e they're called) grant fearless or atsknf or re-roll leadership? considered mastery level 1 psykers with no powers?
>go on a quest to find out whos building fucking pylons everywhere
Can I play in your setting?
I'd go AP3 or 4 for the psi-blades; they still take a few hits to kill Terran Marines, and those are shit compared to Astartes.
Basically this. I have read that they have to disactivate their forcefield to fight in CQC, lorewise. So, maybe make it so they don't get the 4++ in CQC, thus making them cheaper, and putting their armors to some use
I would try to use the lore more than the crunch to stat them. After all, a few hydra can pose a serious threat to a carrier in game.
Still, AP3 would be more reasonable, indeed.
The wiki says something along the lines of "cut through any physical substance, but can be parried by other warp blades or void blades"
Just like a lightsaber can cut through a very thick piece of metal, or a blunted knife can cut through cold butter. It takes time and strength to go all the way.
I mean, I don't realy know. But putting this on the same lever as power swords seems OK
The Immortal pre-human archmage Zzabur yawns, stretches, climbs the stairs to the top of his dread tower, on the lost isle of Brithos, somewhere in an unknowable sea.
He flexes his weathered, ancient hands and begins to incant in the language of the Erasanchula, a tongue lost to the abyss of time; incomprehensible even to the immortal and learned Brithini.
An outside force has penetrated the outer shell of Glorantha; a flat cuboid world floating, upper surface exposed in an infinite sea, crowned by the dome of the heavens about which the heavenly bodies wheel overhead.
This is not the first time unwanted guests have crept in from the outer dark to disrupt the natural order; he furrows his imperious blue-grey brow, but then he smiles.
"With neither craft of Sorcery nor Pagan Gods to call on, nor debased lesser runes from which to draw meagre sustenance, these strangers are unlikely to find purchase on this embattled soil".
And so, in his infinite and ponderous wisdom - Zzabur - called The Great Living Rune, The Wise Man of Kiona and Master of all Sorcerers, elected to do nothing.
Amon is dead at the end of the epilogue so they woundn't have to do that, its all back to normal except for protoss currently alive
We Fuck their women!
I just wonder if they're going to get replacements like what Karax has.
It gets as consistent as scrambled eggs, unless they come from outside the Solar System.
They could destroy the orcs, help with leyship development...
The dragons and fey are probably going to react though. That's Not Good, at all.
What happens is a very interesting game of "Everyone is John"
They have no orifices which to fuck.
Imperium purges it gleefully
>no orifices which to fuck
>Immortals setting
>Low fantasy Conan esq. landscape
>Most people are iron-bronze age
>A few factions have steam and are considered cutting edge tech
Probably considered "aberrant" by the greater powers of Soi and would cause the greater nations to have a collective panic attack.
Dude has nipples. Nipples, and no mouth. Wrap your brain around that one.
The most reasonable answer is "Blizzard artists are fucking retards".
What the fuck would you kiss? Lick her glowing eyes? It'd be like tongue fucking a power socket.
Forehead? Smooth lower face? Cheeks?
At least twice.
Blizzard made a Warhammer vidya, and tried to sell it to GW. GW said no, B filed the serial numbers off, and sold Warcraft. GW sued and lost.
Blizzard then made a WH40K vidya, and tried to sell it to GW. GW said no, B filed the serial numbers off, and sold Starcraft. GW sued and lost.
The moral of the story is that GW has zero foresight, and B was and continues to be staffed and run by spiteful fanboys.
she would literally give you a handjob and absorb the semen after a facial. other than that, there wouldn't be normal human physical contact. holding hands, touching foreheads, etc are the norm. you could kiss them, but they cant return it.
Any proofs of either of those claims
No proof, just internet rumor. I guess the lawsuit part is bullshit, since Patrick Wyatt mentions the connection in passing but makes no mention of anything coming from it,
How would you stat the various protoss units for the 40k RPGs?
BS - 0
LD- 8
SV - 4+/ 5++
Psi blades - (S- user, AP-4) Rending, Specialist weapon (but they have 2 so)
Crazy fucking leg upgrade thing - May re roll dice during run or charge
They should have hammer of wrath
Brood Wars/early Starcraft was the perfect amount of metal and grunge.
Now I know- if I don't invest myself in a video game setting I won't care when it's fucked over.
The setting is now 200% more boring.
The aesthetic direction of SC2 is so boring and generic when compared to BW.
We'd have to stat them first.
Lets start with the basic. Zealots? Toughness, WS and Strength 4?
Brood War was the shit.
Those fucking Terran cinematics.
Pleb taste.
That sounds like a good baseline.
Id go with this:
Psi Blades (S-user, AP 4, Rending, Armor bane)
Special Rules:
Feel no Pain (to represent the replenishing shield), and Zealot
The whole squad can purchase Charge upgrade, that grants the unit the following special rules:
Fleet, Furious Charge, and Crusader
Would NOT give them T4, they aren't orks or marines, they are slim and average looking, their tech gives them all their toughness, leave them with T3 and a 5++ save
Armor not as Strong as astartes if anything. 4+/5++ or just 4++
S/T - 3 not 4 but psi blades could be S+1/S+2
Protos aren't physically tough but they compensate with tech and psi.
maybe adamantium will for all?
Would drop Crusader from the upgrade.
Maybe hard shields for +1 to invuln or FNP
Zealot should have Zealot USP ;) (fearless and hatred)
I-5 they are faster than an average space marine.
Khala - all protos can use the highest leadership in the army while making morale tests
The protoss are stronger and tougher than humans are folks. They aren't puny or frail.
They are the purity of form after all.
Yeah but they are not as strong or tough as a 7th feet tall power armor wearing space marines(wh40k) which are S4/T4
Everything stops and games workshop sues them for being similar to eldar. Blizzard doesn't agree with this and starts the corporate game wars. Soon fictional characters are battling it on the streets of LA in VR.
Protoss and Eldar are barely alike m8.
The only thing they really share is both being psychic elder races with advanced tech.