What was his name again?
What was his name again?
Tammy Linn
Nathan Explosion
Antonio Screaming-Knees
John Redcorn.
Hank Hill
Tommy Wiseau
Sheev "Golden Boy" Palpatine
infact now 40k makes more sense.
Oh hi, Rogal.
John Oldman.
>Used to think the Emperor was some power hungry fag that wanted to rule everyone and be king shit
>Learned that He willingly chose to condemn himself to more than 10,000 years of imprisonment within a dying prison of flesh for humanities sake
>Realise his compassion for every man and woman is limitless
You know what? The Emperor is actually an alright guy.
Phil, from Accounting
Adolf the Hitler
Conan, King of Aquilonia, who bears the crown over his troubled brow
Little Tin Man
Constipation Kneebite
>He was a failure of a father
>Made possible pacts with dark gods
>Killed billions in his quest for rule
>Ignorant to usefulness that is religion
>uptight and unwilling to change
Ya it's cool because he chose to sit in a chair and feast on psykers for ten thousand years to keep the light bulb on for travel.
Every moment he lives in is agony, but he bears with it because he knows that it's the only way for humanity to survive. Without the emperor, humanity would not have endured to the 40th millennium.
You two made me smile.
Maybe he should have stepped in before everything took a big dump all over itself, instead of trying to fix it after the fact and only making things that much worse.
The most namey name there is.
James Lee Johnson
literally "emperor"
he shaped history to make his name mean what it now and in the future will mean
just like sigmar means conqueror or something like that, with the exception that there hasn't been the same time frame for a specializatiom of the language in this sense.
Eh, Sigmar meaning conqueror is reasonable. Caesar meant king within a couple hundred years,
Notorious Big-e
Snoop Doggy Dogg.
You blast him for being power hungry, then blast him for not realizing the usefulness of religion. Do you see your shitty logic?
Why did he take the title Emperor and not President?
Donald Theodore Rump
>usefulness that is religion
If a ruler needs religion to rule, they are weak; and weaklings should not rule.
He did step in, but didn't know that Horus was the one turning the imperium against itself. Don't you know the story? The emperor thought his psyker son was the traitor.
No, I mean stepped in during the Golden Age when all the psykers started popping up again.
At the height of their technological power, not totally confused by psykers/the warp, and led by the Big E? They could have beaten up the Eldar Empire and prevented Slaanesh from being born. Hell, that would have rolled back Chaos and the Eye would never have existed either.
Magnus was a traitor though. He disobeyed everything his father commanded of him
Kemal Mustafa.
While you're right, the Emperor probably should have trusted him a little more and told him what was what.
Hell, curiosity was basically hard coded into Magnus. What did the Emperor really expect?
There wasn't really a need to step in when things were going well.
So you think the Emps telling Magnus everything would have helped? That's like putting a fire out with grease
Things can always be going better.
Also, best psyker in the galaxy can't predict the future? What's up with that?
It's not like he suddenly spawned and said "I should rule all of you". He observed mankind for nearly 40,000 years, and only when he realized mankind was doomed for extinction did he step up and take man under his wing. Killing billions of men to save mankind was all he could do.
Well the most psychic race in the galaxy couldn't predict that having a giant orgy all day every day wouldn't end well. Warp shit isn't reliable.
>Caesar meant king within a couple hundred years
And now it refers to a type of salad.
In English, but in a lot of languages it, or some derivative, still means Emperor/King.
The guy who installed my cable TV was named Cizar. As soon as my dad heard it, he went, "All hail Caesar".
Cizar said it was the first time he ever heard that phrase. I was trying to work out if he was middle eastern or greek the whole time. Now I realize he was obviously not greek if he had never heard of Caesar.
>Not neeeeeiiighborhood
user you had one fuckin job for that meme to work.
They predicted it, that is why they left. At least a bunch of them.
Like T-Pain but with an E.
Fuck sake people, it's "Bob". Common knowledge
ever notice how the silver flame on his left knee-pads forehead looks like tzeenchs symbol
>The eagle head protruding from his dick area
Aren't birds generally associated with Tzeentch, anyway?
Tzeentch is a bird
Not all birds are Tzeentch
Dooky brains. Warhammer 40k in total sucks.
Her Royal Highness The Majesty The Queen and her loyal entourage and psychic guardcorgis.
Ember McLain.
Peanut Arbuckle.
Kadmon you fagots, the name is kadmon.
JesusTron 2000
>What was his name again?
sand nig
Biggus Dickus
John wick
He was a Hittite if anything
Religion is useful in the sense that, if done right, you can get people thinking, maybe make the average man a little wiser at the end of the day even if he doesn't end up thinking you're a god (which is good for the Emperor's purposes).
Also, one might understand that while they personally don't desire power, they are the best one to lead for any variety of reasons. You can be a good leader without craving control--some would say that's the best kind of leader.
"I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men." Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
You've got the right of it.
>caesar is latin, not greek
>The Byzantines had Caesars into the 1400s in the Greek region.
>Greek and Byzantine cultures blended for about a thousand years
The galaxy is well worth a mass.
>could have beaten back the eldar empire
>before the fall
yeah, no.
The Man
The problem with the whole "time seems faster" is that it's more due to degeneration of neurons than the relative amount of time you've spent alive.
The fuck are you talking about, faggot? Humans spread across whole galaxy during dark age, while eldar shits were dwelling in the small empire, jerking off to each other.
Toleth. But he sold out and copyrighted the name Deity-overlord of earthly beings or something like that.
There is no point in human history where mankind was even close to being capable of beating the pre fall eldar empire. The pre fall eldar were the undisputed masters of the galaxy and humanity lived under their immense shadow.
>This is what knife-ears actually think.
Nigger, the eldar were spread all across the galaxy. Why do you think webway gates, ancient eldar worlds, exodite and maiden worlds are found in in throughout the galaxy?
The heart of their empire was located where the eye of terror is, but that was not the only location where the pre fall eldar were present.
No, that is the established lore.
Yet, look at them now. Some galactic masters they are.
Their current state is not relevant to to discussion about their past you moron
I'm just saying, you can't be galactic masters, and also ruin the galaxy twice.
You pretty much need to be a galactic power in the first place to be able to "ruin the whole galaxy".
Again, the pre-fall eldar being the undisputed masters of the galaxy is well established lore. Only hfy fags who can't stand the idea that space elves were ever superior to humans fight against that lore.
> No, I can't. Anyway, how is your crusade life?