Your NPC waifu says that killing is wrong and you should stop.
How do you respond?
Your NPC waifu says that killing is wrong and you should stop.
How do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
>how else would I protect you from christian paladins, my semen demon waifu?
I explain her that morality is a spook and that it should not disturb our union of egoists
>"Tried that once, Lich nearly took over the world as some chucklefucks tried to legalise gay marriage."
Kill her
I point out that I haven't killed anyone. Ever. Stick'n'shocks, NeuroStun patches, shock batons, Adept martial arts dickery, that kind of thing.
No blades and no live ammo on jobs.
The average corporate security chump is a regular guy just trying to feed his family, not some evil monster.
Plus leaving body counts just means the law looks harder for you.
Bitch shut up, you knew what you were getting into when we started this relationship.
Eh, fine. He's probably sitting on enough tomb lucre at this point that he could stop doing the adventuring thing, but he finds actually going out and using his magical powers exhilarating and/or spiritually profound so he might just start being pickier about accepting missions that might involve fighting intelligent creatures.
I look up that homebrew pacifist class and take up nonlethal combat.
She's obviously been possessed by some malign force that's corrupted her firmly held beliefs or is controlling her every move in an attempt to manipulate me. I incapacitate her as painlessly as possible and begin researching and questing for a remedy immediately.
I remember that one
I remind the GM people can't talk when they're being choked by cock.
I kill the imposter who took the place of my NPC waifu on the spot, because she would never say such a stupid thing.
>imposter of a kitsune
We're getting into Inception levels here.
"Gods, woman. You've been complaining about that ever since I sworded your husband and spirited you away to my tower."
I kill her.
Pick up a contract from a local guild, take her with me, set up camp on a nice overlook of the village, make her watch as everyone gets murderaped by goblins and bandits, show her the contract i took for saving said village then explain that this is what happens when someone with the power to do something doesn't do it based on arbitrary moralities.
Anyone other setting? Explain that the journey means as much as the destination and all heroes get to their destination of defeating the big bad by wading through their cronies. Anything less is willfully letting genocide take place.
>Implying this hasn't happened before
>Implying pic related didn't happen to object to killing
>Implying my PC doesn't just do it anyway and the two of them reconcile opposing beliefs like adults
>Implying some things weren't killed by my PC only to be brought back as a semi mangled corpse on life support that begged my PC to be killed again
>Implying PC didn't just shrug and say "well she objects so..."
This is the kind of shit you don't hear about when the tale is told by some random bard
Well, time to start min-maxing then.
>the two of them reconcile opposing beliefs like adults
I save the game so that I can do both playthroughs from this point. Genocide first.
What if she's an exceptional ventriloquist?
Imprison the doppelganger, look for my actual wife who would never ask me to stop hunting and is well aware that I do not kill any man or beast that can ask me to spare it.
Underrated murderhobo answer
Clearly that means she's not being asphyxiated enough.
>the two of them reconcile opposing beliefs like adults
Or you know, just act like its a 90s sitcom and continue killing things and letting the NPC waifu be continuously exasperated by my PC but the inexplicably seem to be cool with each other at he end of the day.
What's a waifu? Sounds retarded.
My waifu wouldn't be my waifu, if she'd oppose killing.
When you become powerful enough to stop me, then you can stop me. Until then, you'll have to put up with it."
In my character's defense she only kills if the situation demands it or it's forced on her. She has plenty of nonlethal options that end up with enemies chasing her in the future for revenge.
A waifu, or husbu is a fictional character that people fantasize about having relationships with.
Now, having a waifu can either be a nice periodic mental vacation when the day gets tough, or boring that doesn't interfere with your actual meat life. Meaning that you can have a normal life, job and relationship while having your waifu on the side
A Waifu/husbu can be a cringe worthy obsession where said person lets their life fall to shit because they can always imagine their waifu/husbu giving them the emotional gratification that is absent in their actual lives.
"What are you gonna do about it? Use words on me to stop me?"
I wasn't expecting that one! (Or that world to survive being taken over by the Lich.)
>What are you gonna do about it? Use words on me to stop me
>Waifu is a powerful bard
Ah, an emotional crutch used by people with horrible lives and Internet access. Still as retarded as fursonas, furries, and juggalos.
Its my job. I really don't have any other marketable skills
>waifu is former antagonist - sadistic devil-worshiping witch with no regard for human life
>character is religious nutjob, the Old Testament kind
First, I'm so proud of her, she made great progress towards values of humanity.
Of course she's right. No man should ever have to take life of another. But some grow wretched, like she once was. And those we kill, knowing full well it's a great sin. This sin we take upon ourselves so the others don't have to.
>Ah, an emotional crutch used by people with horrible lives and Internet access.
user, you are posting in an online forum for traditional games
I don't know who you are trying to impress or hold yourself over
Imprison her, because my character neither has, or wants, a waifu, and thus he has no idea who this crazy git is.
How'd that wedding pan out?
"Don't worry, I use Stick-n-Shock... Sometimes Gel rounds with Shotgun. Havn't killed anyone sofar. Don't you worry yourself my dear."
"Use Stick-n-Shock, be the king of the block!"
Fourth post best post
The last NPC waifu I ever had in a game was an assassin and poisoner who offed her own dad, so I'm suspecting that she wants to give the kid a good example.
It's not murder, it's pre-meditated self-defense for hire.
I wonder exactly when my high-school biker gang went too far.
Who the fuck cast Atonement on my waifu? I hunt them down, and have her kill them to start her slide back to Evil.
Less off a wedding, more of draining her soul and keeping it custody. There was no way we could let her live, but if we were to simply put her down, the devil she made deal with would come to collect. This bypassed the pact. She lives in my head now. Isn't that what waifus do?
I have to keep doing this. It makes me who I am. Without it, I don't know who I'd be. A shell, if I'm not already. Look, I have to go. You're not the only one who needs me.
I don't exactly have many other skills. And someone has to fight the Dark.
If I could make things so I didnt have to kill I would. But not even the Gods can do tha- wait who are you? I don't remember having anyone like you in my life... this is a witch-dream!
Paladins are fun to play. When you get down to it they've got a simple philosophy to follow and everything else just sort of slots into place.
Kill her too
Kill her, she's an NPC, maybe she has glorious exp gains/loot she's hiding.
Other than that, it depends on my character and character's motivations, on the setting and on who I'd be killing and why.
Well yeah. Good relationships mean you scream the roof down during the day and at night curl up in the same bed big spoon little spoon style and sleep the painful world outside away for upwards of 8 hours.
A pasta from around here. Can't (be bothered to) find it at the moment, but basically it was about a group of adventurers who got dominated by some SJW-possessed person who ignored main quest of stopping a lich from world domination by instead plotting whole campaign and trying to overhtrow the royal family, instill a new government and pass the law for gay marriage being legal. They succeed, just to be curbstomped together with the rest of the world by near-infinite hordes of undead just upon the day of legalisation of gay marriage, since they've done jack shit to stop the lich.
Rethink my life decisions.
Just joking! I lock her in a room with rapists. When I come back, either she's killed them all or she wants to.
Then I kill the rapists for cucking me.
Dump her and get a better waifu, this one is defective.
>implying men listen to more than about a third of what women say
>Feels Goodman
Bloodborne thread?
Go non lethal.
Usually I just need to knock people out to get what I want anyways.
"My wife died 15 years ago."
"Whoever, whatever you are. You're dead meat."
>fellow Shadowrun nonlethalbros
Mah riggas.
I've never understood why more players don't use the nonlethal options the system gives, when they're often at least as effective as lethal.
Interesting methodology.
I take out my jumper cables and beat the shit out of the DM for inserting his politics into our games..
>They fucked.
"By what metric do you determine right and wrong?"
Society's. And as a longstanding member of it i am a decent yardstick for such things.
Lady, let me tell you something. People who are good at cooking, they cook. People who are good at sports, play sports. Some people's calling in life is to be a greengrocer, and that's fine too.
This is literally my only marketable skill. I would have died penniless and forgotten in a gutter several years ago if I didn't do what I do. They made me a knight because of it! I got really good at killing, killed a whole bunch of things, and bam! They make me a noble!
Basically, sad as it is to say, murder has been far more reliable than pretty much anything else in this life of mine, and isn't that just a sorry thing to say, but damned if it ain't true. So you can take your amateur hour moralistic horseshit someplace else, because I ain't listening.
PS. Love you, what is for dinner?
>Implying that will save you from shattered eardrums/bones
"Robots, nonsapient aliens, alien robots... none of those are people, sweetcheeks, and I only kill those."
"...Aside from those Russian kids. Collateral, I guess."
"Honey, I'm pretty sure society would rather me kill the lich bent on slaughtering the entire town as a sacrifice to his dark god than let him live."
It helps that PC is an engineering genius with few understandable morals and far too much curiosity regarding the paranormal.
That and measuring, understanding, and harnessing magic in easy to repeat technological ways.
Christ, your morality circuits must be arcing again. Turn and around and pop your neck port. We'll get this straightened out.
I mean the Russian kids would probably die anyway, everyone knows that the only true Russians are the ones who survive.
>Women being strong enough to hurt men
Oh, user. What imaginary world do you live in? Name it and make a book full of all your other crazy idea's and you'll make millions. I'll even be your first customer!
I pat her on the head and give her a bit of the D to help calm her down before I keep on killing. I also keep on the lookout for a new waifu as this one is obviously defective.
You ever just try sitting down and talking too them? Maybe....find some common ground and hash it out mono e mono? Maybe you don't HAVE to kill the lich if you could make friends with him. Maybe if he has some friends and less bullies he won't feel the need to bully others.
Alright edgelord, tone it down yeah? Not everyone is fully equipped for a full on blast of your hot opinions like that.
>this terrible user throws Wraithguard at his poor waifus Tac Marines in Rhinos and wonders why his wife asks him to stop killing everything on the tabletop as their marriage slowly deteriorates from his WAACy Faggotry
I shout "Deus Vult!" as I continue my Crusade.
Well i suppose they could injure numales with their vegan diet paper mache skeletal structure and lack of muscle mass.
τ= r * F
P = τ * ω
They might not have the Force, but they've certainly got distance to point of rotation on their side.
>wife displays supreme innocence and nievity
>reminds me why I married her
>murder boner goes limp
I swear this has never happened before.
>Women being strong enough to hurt men
>Fantasy world
u wot m8
But dearest, as a humble priest of Phoenix, I've taken a vow of pacifism. I have never killed a soul, and I do what I can to quell violence before it even begins, as maintained by the teachings of the faith.
Now once diplomacy fails and all hell breaks loose, I might conjure a barrier of radiant energy around my allies to protect them, or melt the enemy's arms with holy fire, but no life has been ended by my own hands.
"Don't tell me my little death machine is growing a conscience now?"
>Effeminate dragon queen in dragon form
Kill the changeling pretending to be my waifu.
I tell the Dread Queen of the Shadowlands that I think we need to spend some time apart. Ever since she received that weird helmet as tribute for her victory at the Battle of the Shivering Pass she's just hasn't been behaving like the woman I fell in love with. It's like she's suddenly become an entirely different person. It's been a whole year since the last time we conquered a peaceful neighboring Kingdom and now there is this this whole "Killing is wrong" stuff she's talking about.
I don't know.
Technically steel hurt the man not the woman. steel fucks up anything, even more steel.
>yfw she doesn't revert upon death
Racial trait.
Oh, well. Time to get a new one, again.
It would be pretty shocking.
Silly user, we all know who the real best waifu of the Souls/Borne series is.
Downright terrible.