What can the tabletop industry do to capture the elusive and very profitable female demographic?
What can the tabletop industry do to capture the elusive and very profitable female demographic?
Keep doing what their doing?
Mei *is* bae
>very profitable female demographic
>Profitable as anything but eyecandy/fucking
Choose one.
Gor: the RPG.
Honestly, the industry is fine for the most part. The thing limiting how much the industry profits off women is the table top community.
Same way the beauty industry gets all that male audience.
Seriously, if there was a market, someone would have cornered it already. You think a big corporation hates women more than they love money? If they could get away with selling crack to babies, they would. If there was a massive, untapped female audience in tabletop, someone would have figured out already how to sell to them.
It's people who don't know shit about the free market looking at the stats and going "I don't like how this looks, make it more even." without the slightest idea how to actually do it or why things are the way they are. It's like some fucking dictator deciding a river is running the wrong way and he doesn't care how many has to die to reverse its stream, he will have his dream. Then forget about it the moment it no longer needs his attention.
Nothing. They want to destroy tabletop because it requires too much dedication - they just want to look like nerds so Chad will want them (since Chad won't want us betas getting any).
Only on the superficial/casual level.
For example, the most recent time I went to a Gamestop, they had a wall with those shitty Funko Pop figures, and there were more girls in there buying those than guys buying games.
If they can find a way to casualize tabletop stuff and make it cutesy or trendy, like have plush D&D creatures or MTG characters, they'll make bank. And really, that's the extent they can expect for the female market to spend, 95% will never delve deeper into the hobby than that.
Create more party games, but that's for casuals in general
Maybe put an emphasis on more girl-oriented CYOA books? Like, less dungeon-crawling, more The Last Unicorn or whatever's popular these days
Burn Valve HQ to the ground
Invest in memetic impingement research so that we can figure out how to indoctrinate all children with a love of charts and Phoenix Command
Put effort into designing 'evolving' games, which begin with simple, accessible mechanics but the players are introduce more complex rules and interactions as they become more familiar with the system
Or just continue as things are now, because I'd rather have a hobbyist 'industry' than bring in corporate culture into game design.
an Apples-to-Apples + superhero rpg crossover advertised on Pinterest and sold at Target
Ah... A trap. Got ya.
This thread is full of primo examples as to why women aren't more into table top games. A significant part of the community has no respect for them.
>Profitable as anything other then buying cute gifts for
Choose some.
Roughly a third of the players I know have lady parts.
So... What he said
Put in more masculine, handsome white men. Chicks love those the most.
Move to the makeup industry
They don't deserve our respect. Within the context of the hobby, they just aren't the sort of people that would enjoy it and dumbing down games to appeal to women ruins them. They are ruining our hobby. I don't care about their worth as human beings, that is a discussion for another time, but I do care that they will ruin our hobby, and expect us to go along with it.
Um, have they not?
In my experience, the tabletop community is a fuck ton more evenly distributed than, say, the computer science industry. Personally, all you need to do is make it approachable and the people that want to come will come and stay when they see the community's decent.
I'm a common customer of Wonko's, and the store policy of 'don't be a dick/cunt' works pretty well.
>mindflayer plush
>kobold plush
>mimic plush
>mycanoid plush
God damn user that really has potential for shit
Dating a trap, and let me tell you it's the best fucking thing ever. The sex, the conversations, just hanging out...
I may never go back.
>mindflayer, kobold, mimic and mycanoid realdolls
Shit, I'd buy Shadowrun plushies.
>Plush Mister Johnson
>Plush Big D
>Plush Lofwyr
>Plush standard races
>Plush bug spirits
Nah, they're just really loud about it. Also, Veeky Forums ≠ a significant part of the community.
Dumb down
the hairy balls
This. As people chill out and the creepers realize that they should stop creepin things will naturally spread.
Don't be like that, you knew it was coming as soon as you posted that.
The dumbing down of the hobby isn't a consequence of women joining table top. It's the consequence of the community not wanting to bring them in and get them on our level.
If women want to play, hell if any new demographic want to play, the industry will cater to what they want to play. So if the community doesn't welcome in new demographics and bring them up to speed. Then the industry is gonna pump out a lot of dumbed down shit.
Depending on turnout, my group is either 50% or majority female, so yeah.
What are you, gay?
Why would women get partial treatment? Don't they want equal treatment? Or is this just entitlement?
> The Veeky Forums community treat women like shit
> But we also treat men like shit
> For women to receive equal treatment, they just have to join in but also be assholes
My god.
>waxing balls
How the fuck did you get "women want special treatment" from that
.... Eh, I prefer us as snarky asses.
.... Hey, I know plenty of ladies IRL who fit that, so it can't be a non-fitting of cultures.
Except that guys usually are not relegated to sex objects on Veeky Forums except traps, while women are.
> Not sexually objectifying everything that moves and like 60% of stuff that doesn't move
What are you, gay?
There's a difference between being snarky and having no respect for others.
One is being witty or sardonic, the other is just being an unlikable asshole.
Sadly, I like my sex objects to have degrees in philosophy and linguistics.
This makes going to a whorehouse rather difficult.
Yeah but that'd be one good whore house
I could never do it, but the results are surprisingly pleasant.
>FLGS MTG fags be faggin
>Girl walks into the store, doesn't matter how or who with
>They all stare like it's a fucking unicorn
>Wonder why girl doesn't hang around long
>Back to turning overpriced cardboard sideways
Well stop being so goddamn picky, jeez.
>There's a difference between being snarky and having no respect for others.
The only difference is literally your charisma score determining whether you can pull it without people starting to actually hate you.
Are you fucking retarded? Tabletop games require strategic and logical thinking, which women are objectively far worse than men at. They just can't handle complex rules. Sure, they're more social than us, so they should be better at rpgs, but they want to turn rpgs into improvised theatre with no rules, just them making up shit as they go along. You remember all the hours spent reading rulebooks, rolling up characters and planning out your tactics? All rendered invalid. In the dumbed down rpg of tomorrow, you will be forced to play as a black transwoman who kills evil white cis males, since character creation will be removed, and always succeed at everything because using stats and numbers would give the white cis males a chance to win. It will just be improvised theatre about how white cis males are evil and your feels are more important than facts. And you want this to happen.
mmmm hairy balls. I'm also dating a trap with smooth balls. Its pretty damn great!
Aaayyyyyy, this fella knows what up. You ain't lived until you nudged your friend's ribs and pointed out that well built, sexy looking town clock.
I know of a place, just walk though the north gate 7 minutes before midnight while whistling a lively tune.
I'd buy a male kobold one in a heartbeat
Not at all. You can be snarky while having respect for others. its actually not that fucking hard.
Being an asshole isn't secretly a virtue.
I just realized how similar that sort of paranoid SJW theory posting is to old people on facebook making fun of millennials.
optional, unless you're dating a tennis player
I think you're triggered, user.
>not a kobold (male)
It generally boils down to
> I actually know nothing about this group of people but I hear bad things about them sometimes
yo don't slide too far down that slope you made dude. Looks hella slippery.
More D&D comics with humor.
Make Shadowrun comics.
Make another V:tM vidya.
Put more characters like Karl Franz and Vlad von Carstein into media.
Also chicks love Kobolds, medieval Japan, and things that let you be or be friends with a dragon.
>you will be forced to play as a black transwoman who kills evil white cis males
>You can be snarky while having respect for others.
That much is true. But when dealing with others their reaction depends mostly on how they perceive what you're doing / saying, not so much on whether you're just ribbing or actually dissing them.
You think I'M fucking triggered?
Let me tell you something - these whores come into our games and THEY get triggered when we don't pay them constant attention for being so brave to play a male-dominated patriarchy game, or when we don't allow their faggot-ass special snowflakes, or when we don't let them automatically succeed at everything because snowflake. They force our companies to dumb our games down and force SJW bullshit down our throats, because they want to kick us out of the hobby and make it about them, and them alone. I'm not triggered, I'm just telling you spineless betas the truth.
This shit is better than cable, no joke.
Short of bringing the '90s World of Darkness scene back again I don't think it's really possible. Don't get me wrong, there are FAR more female roleplayers these days than ever before but it's extremely unlikely they'll be a deciding in the genre.
And how you react to that is part of having respect. If a snarky person hurt someone's feelings accidentally and they are told they did that, the respectful thing is to apologize. Or fuck, even stop being snarky around that person.
It's a matter of socialization. People get told from day one, "You can't do that! That's not not something somebody who is masculine/feminine would do!" And they don't do the thing very out of shame or fear of ostracation/bullying.
Breakdown that and the demographics wil change gradually.
Another smaller thing is creeps, but that problem is a lot easier to fix then ingrained social rules. (But are they connected? Hmmm?)
A lot of boys were discouraged from stuff like this as well though because it was 'nerdy'.
Then again nerdiness doesn't seem to be as much of a stigma these days so who knows.
Do go on.
>the '90s World of Darkness scene
I always hear mythical stuff about it, but was it really that good?
yeah some of those tennis players sound like they belong in a death metal band when they hit the ball
Well, because it generally IS weird. While I was working in a relevant store when I was younger I saw maybe two women buy something in all of four years I spent here selling minis and cards. Women need to realize men aren't really staring at YOU personally as much as they're flabbergasted that a women would even enter the place and even less, know why she is there.
Yeah, but tell us what you think about Israel
Well, the SJWs control cable now.
YMMV, I was never discourage from books or games.
On the other hand, my parents were flipping when I tried to pick up embroidery...
Nah, men just need to stop staring cause while that's a valid point you're making, it won't hold true for every stare. Or at least it won't be 100% of why everyone stares.
On top of that. Staring is just plain rude.
So basically, everyone learns some manners and this problem goes away?
Israel isn't really relevant to the thread, nor are Israeli players a threat to the hobby. Women players are a threat to the hobby, but you and your beta buddies are scared that your chances of getting one of Chad's hand-me-down-whores will be even lower if you acknowledge that threat.
But RPG's being 'dumbed down'( which arguably just means streamlined for a wider audience). Isn't to get women into the hobby, it's to get teenage male gamers who grew up on video games into the hobby.
4E is a prime example of this which was aimed at a generation of WoW players and worked in doing so , some of these players happen to be women but women aren't the target audience 16 year old,mostly boys, are.
Likewise companies catering towards SJW aren't doing so to attract women they're doing to avoid the negative publicity somebody on the internet deciding a picture in a fantasy book is somehow sexist.
That really depends on your definition of "good". Did it get a ton of women into the hobby compared to other games, mainly D&D? Without a doubt. Would you actually want to be around them and play with them, though? Compared to today's saner scene not really. Back then you were mainly dealing with goths, landwhales and women who were just there for their fetishes. So... it basically got a lot of goth kids laid.
There are probably there for the store's goods and services. Really less of a leap in logic to "know" why a woman would be in a store then for a woman to "know" why she is being stared at.
Manners and respect for each other yeah.
user I want you to really take a long hard look at what you've posted and have a deep think about your sanity.
Odds on that ever happening?
We treat women worse then men because we don't attack men on the basis they are men.
Within our lifetime? Low.
Objection - I attack everyone for no reason because I am a hopeless misanthrope.
You cunt.
Just look at all the LGBT characters in nWoD, and how the game calls you a bigot if you don't love them. Look at how every game needs a page on fucking gender identity, even D&D 5e. Look at how true tabletop fans are insulted by game companies who'd rather put diversity and SJW bullshit before quality. Look at how every major rpg has been dumbed down to appeal to women.
Look at D&D 5e, a potentially great game ruined by d dumbed down rules. Notice the aforementioned gender identity page and the abundance of women and peple of colour in the art. WotC doesn't care about quality, because they know that diversity gets bitches and minorities to buy their shit, and betas like you people buy it anyway because you're devoted to a shitty company.
Yeah man, I can't wait for all my white knighting on Veeky Forums, under the veil of anonymity, scores me some of that sweet virtual poon.
That's that is for sure my motivation.
What's a number that signifies none more than 0?
Passive aggressive snark certainly isn't getting women into tabletop either, dipshit.
The feeling I get watching internet fights like this, I wonder if this is what the Romans felt watching gladiators fight?
Actually it's probably way less cool, but the best I'm gonna get.
user I want you to really take a long hard look at what is happening to our beloved hobby and have a deep think about your blind acceptance of leftist propaganda.
Honestly I don't know why nWoD treatment surprised anyone. White Wolf was always liked that, except back in the day before everyone went crazy about SJWs and LGBT it was just equal representation. Like user above said it's no coincidence so many women got into the hobby through WoD games.
How's that passive aggression. That's my open disdain for shit heads.
The fact that you believe that says more about you than about Veeky Forums.