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Reposting one of my favorites to start off the thread
Last Thread: Resources:
Reposting one of my favorites to start off the thread
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Where is the female option?
Yeah, that's an old unupdated version
user is posting the old version.
Fuck, someone post the new version then
Ciel is worst girl.
Yo, Italics, how do stats work?
Let's say I use dragon pulse (90 power):
My Sp. Atk is at 400, with soul dew it's at 600.
We'll assume the enemy has 300 Sp.Def and isn't a dragon. Does that mean I'll do 390 damage before increases or reduction due to STAB?
King is best bro.
Posting update of my OC from last thread. It's pretty generic fantasy cyoa that's very influenced by Fantasy Army Builder cyoa. This "update" is probably more like it should've been before being posted first time. If enough anons are interested, I might make second page with world stuff and something about "the coming darkness".
>Implying that isn't Meliorate.
user step the fuck up. King is an ass just like Ikol.
This update is going to make for some really diverse builds. You've done really well with this cyoa, AA.
>Girl sees you as your own person and likes you even if she has trouble admitting it.
I never said Anastacia, Altina, Smert, Terre, or Ozeane.
Only the shitty Ciel.
>Implying any of those see you as anything other than an echo of the other hero.
Pearl for ants.
CAn I choose no god?
Thanks bro. 10/10
None of them care for the previous Hero and see you as you.
They best girls. Ciel probably had her pussy crushed by the previous Hero a bunch of time when they weren't pretending to hate each other.
Does anyone have that super hero cyoa with 30 points to spend? I can't remember what it was called. I know some of the options were pyrokinesis and telekinesis.
>Making up lies to justify your unfair hate.
Do you mean the pervy one?
Someone get Universal War, yo.
>CYOAs with more than nine possible choices
Here you go.
The new events for PokePer.
Is the author for this thing here?
>Spirit Gift
The World
>Powers (26)
Shapeshifting x1 (25)
Scanner x2 (23)
Miracles x2 (21)
Tongues x1 (20)
Training x2 (18)
Animus x3 (15)
Alchemist x3 (12)
Inheritor x3 (9)
Endurance x2 (7)
Regeneration x3 (4)
Immunity x3 (1)
Immortality (0)
>Equiptment (175)
Cosmic Gauntlet x2 (125)
Battle Moon (118)
Aestus “bottled fire” Flask x9 (10)
Royal Mushroom x2 (0)
I'll admit Meliorate is a great bloke apart from the whole enjoying genocide thing, but King is bro-tier.
God: Jorunn
Class: Druid
Army: Skirmishers, Cavalry-Knights, Horse Archers
Magical Beasts: Gorgons, Gryffins
Support: Rest Tents
Never forget.
Meliorate > King
>Implying its not true.
House Radiant
Swordplay 4
Observation 3
Investigation 3
Ki Channeling 3
Abjuration 3
Worldwalking 3
Negotiation 3
Communication 3
Strategy 3
Tournament Club
Knight Errant build
Going around the multiverse fighting monsters, saving damsels, righting wrongs and enjoying myself every step of the way.
Congrats Strife, this is one of the few CYOAs I've made more than one build for
>Meliorate > King
That's not an opinion I agree with but it's one that I can respect. At least you're not supporting that autistic luddite Ikol, or worse, the underground.
Thanks so much! Glad you like it!
>CAn I choose no god?
Sure, but there's no bonus for that.
Griffon Riders AND Gorgon Riders! Pretty good mix there! I'm surprised Rest Tents are so popular. Almost everyone has been choosing that.
Intrinsic Stars
Intrinsic Human Shapeshifting
Intrinsic Fire Magic
Intrinsic Familiar (impette with stars magic)
I figure intrinsic is by far the best because it's a permanent guarantee. Everything else is too risky in an extra deadly world.
Human shapeshifting, because it's great for both personal pleasure and concealment utility. Make yourself hot, infiltrate and spy on people, make yourself look like someone else to dodge any fallout. It would make so many things so easy. The one day shift duration limits it in some ways but it's not too bad.
Fire magic because it's also a sort of antimagic in addition to being an offensive option. I was thinking of water magic for the sake of healing instead, but since death doesn't actually cost me that much it's whatever. I can get the occasional healing I need in other ways in a fantasy world. Probably buy some potions or something once I gather enough scorched bear asses to sell for profit.
Stars magic is great, even if the cooldown or price or whatever of the teleport is large. If it's teleport whenever, then it's incredible. The luck is nice too, and was actually a deciding factor in me not taking healing magic intrinsically.
I was considering if memory or familiar were a better way to get important information from life to life, but I think experiencing things again and again while having a familiar remind you of any really important things is a better choice. This depends on my interpretation that the familiar actually stays the same spirit even if I die myself, which seems reasonable for a 25 point intrinsic purchase.
I was also considering inspiration mentalism instead of something else, but it feels like mentalism is better suited to an item based purchase, since that would give you a way to turn it off.
>tfw Italics said they're next cyoa is going to be "Final Fantasy-like."
>tfw you can guess the most likely outcome.
Why do we read the cyoas, Anons?
I'm kind of confused by the purpose of the whole reincarnation thing when the only way to afford more than the bare minimum of magicks don't allow them to transfer from life to life. You kind of have to just take 4 intrinsic spells or else you're stuck with all of your future lives being inherently weaker.
Infinite Transformation Concentration
Personality Shifter
Lewdity Sphere
risk versus reward
you take 50 points of intrinsics and 50 points of lifelongs, and you'll be a lot stronger than a guy with 100 points of intrinsics, you just have to trust yourself to be competent enough to not die
if you bank on one or two powerful intrinsics you can do interesting things, i think i remember a guy who went with void and memory and then tons of magic items, he figured he'd be able to go intangible and die buried under the ground when dying, and then go look for the buried items in his next life
Glad you found it that interesting.
The "bare minimum of magics" is actually more than many other CYOAs give you. Sure, you won't be an incredible archmage, but you'll still get a lot of stuff.
I didn't.
House Obcultus
Swordplay 2
Small Arms 2
Penetration 4
Observation 4
Technomancy 4
Arcane Study 4
Enchantment 4
Programing & AI 4
Tournament Club
Yes, I'm making an army of magic robot ninjas, why do you ask?
Beyond Peak Human
The Immortal
The Living Arsenal
The Try Again
Here's mine. My build is an attempt at a more well-rounded transfigurator and healer.
I'd go back to Earth and start secretly healing people and turning you fags into little girls like you all know you want. Then turn into someone else and go do it in another city, and so on.
I could have gone full wizard mode like some of the people who just took 7 master level magic schools, but it feels like banking too much on a single approach. Those builds would be incredibly good as a part of a well coordinated team, but have a lot of weaknesses on their own.
Hey, Veeky Forums.
I need a list of ideas for different classes, for a new CYOA I'm brewing.
I need to put at least 9/12 of them, and for now I got: Knight, Berseker, Mage, Factotum, Underdog, Jester, Monster Tamer, Cleric.
Considering that Underdog is a class I'll keep around to give an hard mode ("high risk, high reward" sort of deal), what other classes one could put in there that wouldn't be too rendundant?
tfw no necromancy for magic zombie ninja robots
Necromancy is the worst of all magics.
Bounty Hunter
Treasure Hunter
Magic Knight
Sorcery Shooter
Terror Knight
Techno Necromancer Bard
Will you be adding more Ragnarok Pokemon? It really need it.
I could get behind that idea.
Beyond Peak Human
Wealth (Generosity)
Sustenance (Sleep)
The Immortal
The Unlocked Mind
The Leech of Life (which I plan to use sparingly until my immortality kicks in, then never again)
The Try Again
True Love
The World's Gift: Holy Light
>Put Zombie on hámster wheel
>Hace him perpetually run on it
>Infinite energy for your cities without wasting food or money on other means.
>No rights workers who dont feel
>Also free
>Cheap, easy to mantain military
Checkmate, Paladins.
crypt of the necrodancer dlc
Infinite Transformation Concentration
Personality Shifter
House Obcultus
Worldwalking/Arcane Study/Metamagic
Quantum Physics/Cybernetics/Unified Field Physics
>day 31: I think I have finally succeeded in my time reversal experiment!
>day 30: I might have a problem here...
You get 6 classes a year + 1 bonus ; 6( or 7 if you use the bonus points) * 4.
Tempering with time has the most peculiar ramifications.
Why hello Doctor.
But it's not true.
Anyone got Vampire King?
I like misery.
Yeah, just imagine if you tampered with it though.
I for one agree that Ciel is the best girl, at least among the Imperial Thrones.
The energy that powers the undead still comes from somewhere you know.
While this might sound like a bad thing for your idea, it's actually not. Just cut out the middle man (middle zombie?) and create a necromantic energy reactor instead.
I know I'm in the minority, but I don't care about this CYOA at all. And I'm usually a fan of huge selections of companions.
I have. In great detail in how I fucked up everything, where, and when beyond repair and comprehensible recognition.
And you know what? I'd do it all over again if I could.
black season
The Heir
Simonenko dynasty, Svetozarovich branch
Inheritance, dragonslaying
Arthurian confession
elective monarchy
plotsk, lekotka-crown holdings
black end, konotop, long shore, wild field-frontier
horvatia,saray-feudal holdings
4650 wealth
7250 military
bookkeeper, spymaster, elder, cousin, merchant
3500 wealth
Izyaslav Fyodorov
Marriage with Sarnay, +250 wealth and military
exalted relationship with Theodosia and norseland
2950 wealth
palisade 2850
detinets 2650
watchtower 2500
1 dismounted voivode 7050
2 city garrison 6550
2 river raiders 6150
3 ratnik veterans 5400
2 regiment footmen 4700
2 senior druzhina 3800
3 berdiche riflemen 3050
1 landship 2750
1 mortar 2400
2 wizards 1600
2 temnik guard 850
1 volkhv circle 550
1 huscarls 100
military advisor-hero of might and magic
thrice ninth tsardom 0 wealth
-95% revolt risk
13 glory
4 honor
7 will
money got a little tight so my capital sucks, but with almost half of svetlania under my control already and 3 foreign allies backing me I think I've got a decent shot at the whole enchilada
Good taste user.
I haven't read Underground in 2 editions or so but I remember some good waifus there too.
I'm not sure we're the minority. A few fans in a slow thread looks like a lot of fans.
Check Traveler's Tales hackaton of companions.
I finished reading Imperial Throne's section and concluded that the only way to win is to not play.
If I'm ever to build something for it is because Tex, Rabi and Dig.
Got any really old favorites?
Maybe not THE favorite but I like this one. might like it too.
I'd have to go with the blue power, because it matches my personal emotions (clinical depression is a cunt) and has what I want in it.
monstergirl survival allies
Broquest is classic, of course I like it.
What's the companion limit again?
Some of my favorite are Nameless rank and file soldier, Orc Troublemaker, Realigned Villainous Vixen, Amazon Huntress, Dragon Knight, and Ancient Steam Knight.
as far as I know there was never a stated limit. Originally there were like, six choices and it was implied you get one. But then things just kept growing and one was not enough. I've generally seen parties of three or four. Once upon a time it was gonna be a vidya where you could collect them all
sweet a pdf, thanks
Dunno, I never "played" it, just read through the characters.
That's funny, matching and desire is why I'm going with Joy and Anger.
What's the worst that could happen?
And how do I have fun with it?