TCG-Shifted Custom Cards round 2

TCG-Shifted Custom Cards round 2.
Need a proper op image edition.

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Literally just swap the image onto Progenitus and add a retarded summon clause.

So would anyone be interested in making a MtG set for Yugioh? I could eventually put all the cards in ygopro after we finish.

If I do it alone, it would toake a long time.

Also, I don't actually play Magic, just Yugioh.

If I had any idea how yugioh worked I could help. As it stands, I'm only good for converting amateur rules text to proper mtg formating.

I really just need help with card effects. Maybe other small things. Not sure yet.

I have some cards in my set that were based of some yugioh cards.

This one is the most obvious.

AKA Infernity Archfiend

Shiny C for multicolored and colorless creatures.

>Mirri the Cursed

I would also tighten that by eliminating "precombat." It may not be as functionally similar to its yugioh inspiration but it need not be so specific in magic. In most cases, their next main phase will nearly always be precombat barring some corner cases.

Infernity Launcher

Holy shit, I never noticed that. Thanks, dude. Also, it makes sense. I'll remove the "precombat".