/wg/ - Weaver Dice/Worm General #3: GMs never Edition

Last time on /wg/: Welcome to the Wormverse, where everything gets worse. Additionally, people get superpowers by having the worst day of their lives, and then it somehow gets worse for them.
Yeah, things are bad here on Earth Bet.

If you want to read original story, Worm:

If you're lazy and want to listen to the story, they've got an audiobook here:

If you're looking for the game built by the author, Weaver Dice:

Enjoy your stay here...until a Cape ruins everything.

The characters that received the Skitter Treatment took it really well, all things considered.

Only Clockblocker got a bit traumatised by the whole ordeal and Alexandria got a bit dead.

>Lisa is fun, but she is also an incredible piece of shit person.

She's self-interested and prone to inflicting verbal damage at inopportune moments, but I wouldn't call her *that* bad of a person by Worm standards.

She also often doesn't think of the consequences of her actions. With a thinker, that's a big deal.

It's her only weapon. Problem is that it's just so effective in this setting, where everyone and their grandmother has secrets and schemes.

It would be more accurate to say that she is aware of the consequences, but can't help herself.

That's even worse.

You bet!

It's like when you hear somebody say something and you could make a joke that is so off-color as to be offensive, you really want to make that joke, even if it would be wrong to do so.

Only the joke costs peoples lives.

Except with tattle, it's whenever she can show someone up, or make someone feel stupid, or otherwise assert her intellectual dominance.
This comes up a lot because, despite having one of the more bullshit-tier thinker powers out there, she isn't actually very smart on her own.

Didn't Faultline prove herself smarter than her and that's why Lisa hates her?

Pretty much. Being able to find out things (TTs power) is not all there is to intelligence.

Yes, and not just Faultline, it's not that tattle is stupid, its that she's an average-intellect person who's had this amazing crutch for years that she can't fully divorce herself from even if she wants to - the ability to "cheat" all the time has really got her out of the practice of actually doing the damn work herself

It's not that she lost practice, it's that she cannot into realizing that there are other things to intelligence than knowledge, like risk evaluation and judgement.

>she isn't actually very smart on her own.

I would debate this. She's shown to be quite adept at cold reading, guesswork, and banter without the use of her power.

She isn't a genius when laid bare, but she's not a fool, either.

well, these are things that normal people would have, but when you think you have all the answers, what risks are there to evaluate? How do you second guess magical space whale answers? (judgement)

That's the thing, her power gives her only facts or guesses at facts. It doesn't give her subjective things like what to do.

is there a difference between shards that came from the warrior and shards that came from the thinker?
also spoil me, what happens to shards after scion gets killed?

Stat this fine youth.

No difference from what I can tell as long and after Scion's death they start acting up with restriction being removed in some offshoots which isn't good for anyone involved.

There is some different.
Thinker shards, since they came from the dead entity, are "Dead" they cannot bud, it's unclear if they can second trigger, they can "run out of juice" (see: Eidolon)
Post Scion-death, the shards "in play" continue working as normal, but a few shards leak out into circulation that aren't properly "regulated" and cause mansplosions when people trigger with them

what system?

Tattletale isn't of average intellect.... But Faultline is smarter.

Take normal fit teenager stats, add crossbow skills, knowledge of gangs, allies (protectorate) and her breaker power.

>like risk evaluation and judgement.
she's also what, in her early twenties?
She does some stupid impulsive things, almost always talking before thinking, but that's pretty damn normal for people in their early twenties.

The stakes are way higher, because the worlds a crapsack conflict machine, but I honestly doubt the average person on this board would actually behave any more intelligently.

>Desolidification (does not work on Electrical damage)
>Naked Power advantage: Affects real world for ranged attacks
>Invisibility: Bright Fringe
>Some other stuff I can't be bothered typing out.

Pretty much this. Iirc, she can still operate pretty well with her powers out of commission.

She's under 18 IIRC. Grue was the oldest and he was 18.

Wild Talents:
Shadow Form: (A D U+1 4 per die)
Flaws: Obvious, If/Then (Weak to electricity)
You can become intangible, though still effected by electricity, at the cost of becoming an edgelord

Also sufficient disruption of her shadow form can result in pain (but doesn't end the effect) and she needs time to pull herself back together in such circumstances.


That'd be another If/Then and would bump it down to 3 per die. Overall a cheap power that doesn't have too many bells and whistles attached to it.


She can end the breaker state for any objects that leave her person (crossbow bolts) at will, making them materialize inside things, like people.

That'd be under the Attack quality which is the A.

Though I never understood how she made use of that ability with the crossbow bolts unless they were particularly slow and even then gauging when to turn it off at night? I'm not buying it as she's normal in every other regard.

I always figured she outsourced the maths to her shard, that was excited enough in the application of the power (and how much conflict she caused) to play ball, effectively granting her a very specific thinker-1 sub power - similar to what Flachette had going for her

Needs super leap, only while desolid.

>at will,
I thought it was just a proximity thing.

Surpised she didn't use more hand grenades.

I thought that the breaker state only persists for a second or so after the cessation of contact.

Both of these things maybe correct. The point is she can exploit it.

Glory girl is my waifu

it's a pity she's a lesbian now....

and also a blob

Before or after Pancea?

>waifuing a parahuman

>Those hips

Why are like 50% of the characters niggers?

Worm has more than 8 characters. Read the thing before u talk ok

She'll return one day, not to fear. Riley will find a way.

>Riley becomes Tiny Tina, surgeon edition

>Bonesaw and GU will be the top two heroes in Worm II

Don't reply to trolls, mate.

She already was, before she turned good.

Honestly it could have been worse.

Setting wise, "trigger event's" are necessary to get superpowers. You're a lot more likely to get a shitty upbringing and violent trigger events if you're living in the ghetto.

so who all still has powers by the end of the story?

Skitter/weaver/tailor had powers at the end of her life

every cape but one.

I like the thought of Taylor without powers living the rest of her life isolated on an Earth without capes, trying to be okay and being all melancholy about the fact that nothing she ever does will ever compare to the Golden Morning.

It's an ending.

It's the best possible ending. Far superior to Taylor dying, or the ridiculous coma theory.

Bittersweet, with a great deal of loss, but not an unmitigated tragedy to close out two years of suffering.

so she doesn't have her powers right? I mean at least shes kind of besties with some of the most powerful people on the planet

Too bad she is on an Earth without capes or any contact with other universes.

No, just no. I'll sacrifice your soul to the Outer Gods if it means we don't get a sequel to Worm.

Tats has some means of keeping tabs on her, or at least attempts to reach the Earth on which she's sequestered.

No, I'd say that her dying in the end would be the biggest mercy. Nothing she ever does is going to live up to Gold Morning and it's better to die at your peak than suffer the slow decline that comes after.

You mean you don't know that one's already planned? It should be coming once Twig wraps up.

I preferred her just being dead dead.

>and it's better to die at your peak than suffer the slow decline that comes after.

Careful with that edge, Jack.

...Fuck. Worm went downhill ever since the bit with Alexandria and now it's going to just get further dragged through the muck. How fantastic.
It's true though just look at Chavez.

Are the Entities still around at the end of the story?

>...Fuck. Worm went downhill ever since the bit with Alexandria and now it's going to just get further dragged through the muck. How fantastic.
Nah, it's getting rewritten/edited before Worm 2.

For all intent and purposes, the two that were on Earth are dead. We have no idea what the third is doing, or even if it's coming to Earth. The rest of them are doing who knows what who knows where.

>and now it's going to just get further dragged through the muck.

You do realize that the problem with Wildbow has much more experience now, and even if he does cock up the latter half again, I'm absolutely there for a few hundred thousand words' worth of brand-new street level Worm, before it crumbles again.

man im really confused by the ending, probably doesn't help that its been quite a while since ive read it and it was late as hell when i did

Well, that's one good thing at least and maybe he can fix the timeline because that always stretched my SoD.
Is it starting a street level though? Also. I'm really hoping the bird guy isn't the new protag.

>Is it starting a street level though? Also. I'm really hoping the bird guy isn't the new protag.

We don't know yet. Twig isn't even done.

>man im really confused by the ending, probably doesn't help that its been quite a while since ive read it and it was late as hell when i did
It was purposefully left up to interpretation.

>maybe he can fix the timeline because that always stretched my SoD.

The timeline needs to be unfucked in a major way.

He ought to cut literally everything between Alexandria's fall and Gold Morning, cut the Teeth and Fallen arcs, and put some downtime in between the major arcs of the first half (ABB, S9, Coil, Echidna).

Rejigger the post-surrender so you have the Behemoth fight (maybe) and a vastly reduced S9 plotline, then jump right into Gold Morning.

Doesn't help that there is literally no good summary anywhere to read up on

How well would he fare in Brockton Bay?

Be a man and take advantage of the best summary that there is: the re-read.

Very well.

Because the plot, sub-plot, and side-plots of Worm is so convolutedly complex that it's not an easy task to simplify it into a one-page paper that even cares to explain everything in acceptable detail. You're talking about a MILLION+ word web novel here.

Spidey would be a pretty high-tier cape in Brockton, given his versatility. High-level Brute, Mover, and Tinker, and arguably Thinker points as well (depending on whether you lump spider sense into the Brute rating).

Very well until you get Endbringers or people like Cherish.

What's the exact word count of Worm anyways?

Im thinking of trying to run something worm like when abberent second edition finally comes out

1.7 million IIRC. Just under the published ASOIAF series.

Something like 1.6 million.

Hopefully Wildbow doesn't hold back in the edit. There's a lot of fat to be trimmed, and I'd love to see Worm make it big mainstream.

Hell, I've read the story three times, and I still couldn't tell you the aims of the Vegas team.

Or the entirety of the Harry Potter series and you can still squeeze the Hobbit in, too.

If it does go mainstream he should break it up into at least two parts. The first is Skitter and the second would cover Weaver+Khepri.

Hmm, Spidey would be a pretty strong Worm cape.
Granted, *which* spidey makes a big difference, sometimes he's a long stronger, sometimes he's a lot more intelligent.
I'd say at least

Brute 4/ Thinker 3/ Tinker 2 / Mover 2
for a conservative baseline

He'd be screwed against top tier capes, but there's only a handful in BB that would give him issues (Lung and Hookwolf straight up brute too hard, Velocity is probably too fast Armsmaster could probably tinker a counter. Skitter is bullshit, for examples)

Simple physics means Spider-Man is a Brute 6 at least. He stopped a train once and instantly stopped a flying car going 60+ mph that must have weighed at minimum 1,600 lbs. that's over 40,000 lbs of force coming from casual calculations.

Now you're making me imagine a version of Kaine for Skitter.

He said it depends on the spiderman.

In other comics, he can't even lift a car.

I was just about to ask that.

Just finished up reading it, and they don't seem to be there for any reason except to get in Skitter's way.

Also something about love, or something.

Vegas capes are one of the plotlines that wouldn't make the second draft, just like the Teeth and the Fallen.

Worm's depth as a world constitutes its greatest strength, but there are some factions that contribute absolutely nothing to the larger story.

Not that I blame Wildbow, of course. The story turned out incredibly well for a first draft authored at breakneck speed by a novice.

There's a lot he can do with the setting just with shit already established. The Vegas Team getting their own short stories would be neat as hell.

>Vegas team
Weren't they on Cauldron's payroll?

Was it ever stated what would happen if Cauldron took someone who had already triggered with a Warrior shard and gave them a Thinker shard as well?

Yeah, nothing. One cannot have two shards. Only thing that can change powers is when the Shard decides to look at others during a second trigger.

Chevalier and weld best heroes, they were too pure for earth bet.

Good to know. Thanks.