Stat me
Stat me
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Nobody even gonna post owlbear stats?
No. Fuck off.
White creature
Legendary creature: Celestial
Protection from Black
First Strike, Hexproof
Whenever this creature kills a Black creature, the player heals for 7 damage.
Level 5 bard.
Though really, I want to use him as a PC some day, intent on spreading the gospel of fast food across the setting.
Zero Sticks of Bubblegum.
Get the fuck off of here moonman
good thread boys
Lol kill yourself, leftist.
+4 to Armour rating against Hood Rat and subspecies.
+2 to Firearms Accuracy against Hood Rat and subspecies.
+3 to Detect against Hood Rat and subspecies.
Make sure you have one of these in your deck too.
This is very problematic, we need to address the racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and islamophobia problems in Magic the Gathering.
-3 INT
-3 CHA
Drawback: Homosexuality
Is moonman an actual symbol of racism or is that just something you made up ?
>only 10 Cha
You seem to be new here.
Posting Owlbear statblocks without even changing them is like, the lowest tier of shitpost.
And I'm saying this in a Stat me + Moonman thread, which already deserves to fuck off through /trash/, out /b/ and into a trashcan.
my autism requires me to correct the abyssmal wording on this card
>First Strike, Hexproof, Protection from Black
>Whenever a black creatre dealt damage by Moonman dies, you gain 7 life.