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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
Every time you say "Number Man" I see this guy
So all the Exalted jumps/gauntlet are based off of 3e right?
>Weaker but more expensive version of Half-Caste
Who also can create mega-babies and have the ability to have all of your powers given a few decades. With a longer jump you could have infants with your peak power level.
>Have Craft, Lore, and Occult all at 3.
I note in the perk that you are unparalleled by any but the very best and have knowledge more along the lines of a Shogunate era man. So, More like fives in all the above with three dot specializations in Magitech. Also the tech you can create works better for you, along with any other tech that works by life-force fiat energy or paying with your age/blood/etc.
Sounds neat, CP's tight already for my build though, so I might not be able to get it.
No, they're all based on 2e.
Fairly new jumper here, and I'm a little confused about how companions work. Do you get to bring up to eight with you into a jump automatically? Can you only bring them with you if you buy the import in the jump you're going to? What are the rules on that?
general advice would be nice too
So just to check tou are leaving the 800 discount at 400 cp even though the majority have said they dislike that and that they would prefer it either free as it was or at 200 cp like you pitched it?
What do you look like when you're beyond pissed, drop all pretense, and just want to beat some fool barehanded? I'm not necessarily talking about final form shenanigans, just what you look like when you're so pissed off that you don't even think to use weapons or ranged powers.
You want advice? Fuck off.
I have tabled the matter for now.
I went dwarf in Dragon's Crown. When I wanna beat someone that bad I can turn a human into chunky salsa.
Eight out at any time, you can switch them out in the Warehouse. Imports grant a background and usually other benefits for that jump.
You can have up to eight Companions with you at a time. Importing them only gives them a background and memories of the world, and maybe some perks and items, but you can bring them along no matter what.
As for advice? Run. This thread is self-destructing, and getting out while you can is the best thing you can do. Try Reddit or Spacebattles.
You can bring up to 8 companions with you to any jump. Imports just give them context and perk opportunities, otherwise they're just drop-ins with 0 points and whatever they had before. You can swap companions from the funbox anytimeyou get breathing room and Warehouse access.
As for general advice:
>Don't pick really heavy escalation jumps early
>If you prefer Drop-In, get survival skills or housing/food for Warehouse
>There is no shame in retreat
>Do you get to bring up to eight with you into a jump automatically?
Yes, the Eight Active Slots.
Imports can in some cases let you bring in more than the regular eight slots, but typically it's to A) give the companions an in-setting presence, and/or B) also get them some goodies as well.
And before you ask - nobody can agree on how Companions should be handled.
As for general advice?
Thread is the worst place to ask for advice.
Your number of active companion slots is equal to 8+P, P being the number of pods you bought in the warehouse.
You do not need to import companions to have them with you in a jump; importing companions is for giving them purchases from the jump.
As for advice? Don't take the thread too seriously, be willing to put up with shit, and have fun with your chain. This can be a really fun activity, we've just got our share of dedicated shitposters.
Other advice, do some jumps before you come up with a story a theme. My chains been going for a while, but I didn't really come up with a story for the chain until I was about 60 jumps in.
You get eight slots for active companions. You can have more than that, but they have to hang out in the Warehouse instead of going on adventures with you. Some people interpret it as them being in some sort of suspended animation state, others have the companions just live in there. You can swap out active and passive companions when in the Warehouse.
Your active companions can always accompany you to any jump, unless it explicitly states that they can't. Imports are not needed. However, without imports they will effectively be Drop-Ins, no history in that world. Imports also in many cases give the imported companions new capabilities.
As for general advice, I'd suggest starting in some light-hearted worlds, where you can have adventure and action without it being super serious and deadly. That way you can acclimatize yourself to the jumping lifestyle. The Pokemon jump is quite good for this, possibly the reason why it was the first jump.
Also, ignore . I don't know what's gotten into him. We're normally pretty nice, when we're not having arguments. Those seem to come more and more often these days, though. Still, there's fun conversation to be had despite that, so stick around. If you can learn to ignore the arguments this is a great place.
Is it? That's not good. I hate Spacebattles with a passion and reddit looks dead.
>I have tabled the matter for now.
What does this even mean?
Hive Queen:
Rolled Dharius
Hive Queen (200)
Not a total dick (100)
Cheeky Bugger (Free)
Royal beauty (Free)
Motherly Love (100)
Psionic Uplink (200)
The Flesh is Strong (300)
It's ok, I can wait (100)
Xeno-Anthropoligist (100)
A thinker of your own (Free)
Taideran Merchant Madness! (+100)
Isn't it disturbing that I have more than one perk that ensures people will be attracted to me in any form? I could shapeshift into the most horrible monster around an still inspire boners.
>Do you get to bring up to eight with you into a jump automatically?
Yes if you already got them from other jumps. You can get more if you bought pods from the Warehouse supplement. However, you can only have 8+podded companions active at any time, though you can switch. The rest are stored inactive in your Warehouse, though some jumps twist that rule (I think there's one that give you a ship where the crew can stay active).
>Can you only bring them with you if you buy the import in the jump you're going to?
The imports are here to give them an identity, an appropriate form, and maybe some cp to spend for them.
>general advice would be nice too
Rule zero is to enjoy yourself, and that means ignoring a good deal of stupidity in this thread. Anyway,
1)Download the google drive and update it regularly, it's a lot easier to navigate that way,
2)Hit Quicksilver's Pokemon Trainer jump, then any low-powered setting you know. Pay attention to perks that sound useful or fit your building style,
3)There's always someone who can take you down if you're too cocky, so don't assume with "I win everything forever" is a valid outlook. The thread will call bullshit if you try to argue so. Just slowly up your powerlevel, come up with a theme, and enjoy the journey.
>Is it? That's not good. I hate Spacebattles with a passion and reddit looks dead.
People crying about the death of the thread are shitposters. They've been doing that since we were in double digits. Their latest thing is to try and send people to Spacebattles, because they know that Spacebattles brand of autism doesn't sit well with our brand of autism.
You're fine.
>Have Craft, Lore, and Occult all at 3. Nice, but not really great even for a mortal.
Devils advocate here, the ability gives Craft, Lore, and Occult FIVE to build Artifact 3, and maintain Artifact 4. Likely with a Repair, Duplication, or Technomagic (Not the proper name) specialty of 3 in them. The reason the usurpation hit the tech base was the highest Artifact tiers needed superhuman levels of ability, needing elder essence, or being a god in that specialty. (The exalted have some charms to lower the ability minimums.)
As a Artifice perk, it is good (not 800 CP good in my opinion, but at least 600 CP good)
OR it gives some level of Savant (which mortals CAN learn), so you can improve your ability scores. that would be good to.
Don't post builds for that the maker is changing prices.
>the majority
You're only one person, baby.
It's really not that bad, honestly. It's just that arguments on this thread can spiral out of control sometimes. It's fine for the most part. We do have a dedicated shitposters though, we call him scatovore. You'll be able to recognize him by his constant insults towards a Jumpmaker named Red and his complaints about "nerfs".
If you are no longer doing shit with the exalted gauntlet how about taking it off uploads then intil you know what you want to do with it?
He's trying to send you away because new people prevent his plan to kill the thread from working.
Oh I suppose you can't read or count. Does your mommy know you are on the computer?
They're also really bad at spelling and grammar.
And everything else.
Do you even know what jump I made a build for?
>we call him scatovore
But we all get really embarrassed when we see this retarded nickname, so mostly we just hide, report, and pretend he doesn't exist.
Yeah, a mortal who can make rank 3 Artifacts is quite literally the greatest human magitechnician in existence. It only sounds unimpressive because there are a lot of inhuman magitechnicians out there.
He's baiting. Price changes are the trending shitstorm so expect him to toss that gem at anyone that posts a build.
You want advice? Honestly? Never question anything here. You will get called a shitposter and shouted at till you leave.
Hive queen you posted it right there.
That's a relief. Glad this isn't a sinking ship.
My first 3 jumps were Pokemon, PMD, and Infamous. Trying to go for as much durability and regen as possible before I move onto the higher-risk jumps. Infamous isn't too dangerous, right?
A parliamentary procedure, the use of table, as a verb, in this case means to begin consideration (or reconsideration) of a proposal.
As it has enter another stage of WIP, I may just ask that it be moved to WIP until further notice.
Tell me your tales of chivalry! When do you knight and how do you knight and do you knight at night?
Seems like it.
And show me the post where the jumpmaker said he was changing prices.
Doesn't it take a long time, in the years range, to make high level Artifacts without craft charms? Remember, to make an Artifact 3 you need to either gather three epic ingredients or make them as equivalents to Artifact 2s?
Tell me about a time you applied your keen detective skills.
He said it on the irc I don't have quotes of that.
Chivalry is dead.
I found the meaning of life.
Shouldn't it be coprophage, anyway?
>Trying to go for as much durability and regen as possible before I move onto the higher-risk jumps.
Very sound reasoning, though you'll have to stack all kinds of protections as you move up your chain: stealth, magic and psychic immunities, fate immunities...
>Infamous isn't too dangerous, right?
Never played it, but I frequently see it very early in builds so you should be fine.
I tried to be chivalrous once. Then she cut her arms off and shot me with the guns she had hidden inside her bones. I dont do that anymore.
Infamous is a bit more dangerous but it depends mostly on your locale and how much trouble you're looking for (or get from drawbacks). If you're smart, it's definitely do-able, but consider it a warm up for the crazier shit on chain.
After that, it depends on what you wanna jump. Most, but not all jumps generally have a risk/reward ratio.
I'm a fan of having a code and I'm a fan of armor, but curiously I'm rarely a knight.
I wonder what early Jumps have the lowest risk/reward ratio. The Sims should be one of them, it's full of powerful goodies and you'd only die if you go too crazy on the drawbacks.
Oh, yeah. Artifact 3 requires 60 successes, and without charms you get to make a roll every season. So even the greatest mortal craftsman in Creation, with ridiculous luck, is still going to take four seasons to build an artifact of that strength. More likely he's going to take seven to ten.
Sims is pretty goat, so are Musician and Tenchi SoL.
>he's trying to start up more anti-IRC bullshit
Hey /JC/ out of curiosity has anyone claimed Astro city, Black Summer, or Supergod?
Making a jump for them would be a wonderful excuse to re-read them.
No promises on supergod though. That setting is kinda OP, even by my tastes.
Thanks bois.
Kingdom Hearts looks like a pretty good one. Tons of free perks, plus some very useful ones for later on. Was thinking of taking Time Keeper (which makes you immune to time-manipulating effects) and then going into JoJo later on. That lets you take the They Notice drawback for a cool 600 points without fear of getting completely stomped by ZA WARUDO.
>Sims is pretty goat
That doesn't even make any sense: It's either GOAT or not -- it can't be "pretty goat".
No, I don't think so. If you do make a jump of any of those, though, please choose Astro City. Black Summer and Supergod are BLEAK. Astro City can be, at times, but it's still a world where heroism exists, even if it doesn't always succeed. There are no heroes in Black Summer or Supergod.
>Astro city
Fuck yes. Comfiest superhero setting there.
Never really got into Kingdom Hearts, isn't it basically Final Fantasy-like in terms of powerlevels?
>A gear option to have access to Number Man style money laundering and accounting services wherever you go, yay or nay guys?
This is good, but should be cheap or free, because this is sort of already a default assumption.
Like in the basic Pokemon/Warehouse/Infamous jump at the end it assumes the money you have collected is valid and can be used in later jumps.
Or stuff like Batman's REAL Superpower (Young Justice) or other Annuity perk that give you money in other jumps. would need to be free of strings and untraceable to work.
Businesses that follow you to later jumps would also need to import their accounts from jump to jump as clean money.
Or the Munny Pouch (Kingdom Hearts) which auto converts money to money.
But a number to a Number Man concierge who can untraceably direct your money to purchase what you want for you, and have it delivered where you want, especially Black/Grey stuff like Identification and anonymous Safe houses, would be a good ides for a 50 CP perk. We always need more of those.
Not a bad plan, but don't forget Dio has a long row of minions and Vanilla Ice's bullshit, among others.
Never assume 'I win' for a capstone drawback. They tend to kick ya in the balls, mate. Still, Time Keeper is excellent for all the temporal bullshit in Jojo.
I’d suggest Nanoha.
>Oh, yeah. Artifact 3 requires 60 successes, and without charms you get to make a roll every season. So even the greatest mortal craftsman in Creation, with ridiculous luck, is still going to take four seasons to build an artifact of that strength. More likely he's going to take seven to ten.
There are teamwork rules, and if you are part of Lookshy or the Realm, they will be probably providing the ingredients.
But pull a Portal and steal everything when you leave?
Pretty much. It even has Final Fantasy characters in it.
You're right, I completely forgot about Vanilla Ice and some of the other Stand users. Would probably have to team up with the protag group for that to work.
>Astro City
Alright, I'll start re-reading it ASAP.
You're forgetting how Oadenol's Codex nerfed crafting. The roll for an Artifact 3 is difficulty 5, and since it's a gauntlet lets assume you have at least one of Dexterity, Intelligence, or Perception at the human average of 2. With five dots and three specialty dots, that gives you an average of 5 successes, meaning you'll only accrue one success on average per season, and all that's assuming you're in a master's workshop so you don't get any dice penalties to the roll.
At that rate, it will take an average of 12 years just to craft an Artifact 3, assuming that someone just hands you all the ingredients on a moonsilver platter.
Vanilla Ice can actually be beaten much easier if you have Hamon, and he'll be guarding the mansion anyway. Big thing with him is not letting him take you by surprise. That's when he's really deadly. ZA WARUDO being nulled will help with DIO, but remember that he's incredibly strong, and so is his Stand. He also has a counter to Hamon with his ice powers, and presumably still has his eye beams. So just be careful with him.
>Never assume 'I win' for a capstone drawback. They tend to kick ya in the balls, mate. Still, Time Keeper is excellent for all the temporal bullshit in Jojo.
Really awesome for Worm.
Bakuda pulls shit, you drag her into a Greyboy loop, and drag out the victims, leaving her there.
How many jakos actually offer immunity to time based shenanigans?
Isn't Worm for late in the chain anyway? The Entities deserve a proper "fuck you", methinks.
Okay, cool. My planned build involves taking the Stand Blue Oyster Cult along with Ripple Mastery, so I can counter DIO's counter to Hamon by channeling it through Blue Oyster Cult's water.
Would Time Keeper even work if you wanted to save Gray Boy victims? It seems to grant personal immunity to time fuckery, not the ability to save others from time fuckery.
Even if it doesn't, you could just throw in Lunar Dial from Touhou.
DeSu user, if you are around...
Polaris and whoever is the Administrator at the time is all knowing and governs what would become SMT multiverse. If we take the drawback to link DeSu 2 with 1... What's the DeSu YHVH, the real one, doing? And how does he compare? Did the Administrators take his job?
Excellent taste and combo, user. Good luck.
Let's talk drawbacks.
>What are the easiest drawbacks to get past?
>What are the most brutal drawbacks in Jumpchain?
>What's an acceptable risk/reward ratio for them?
>How do you feel about taking 0 cp drawbacks?
SMT question. Can I take a 1000 CP race with Demonic Fusion if I pay the full price? Failing that, if I take it as a Demon, can I choose to have fused with a human instead of another demon?
No, actually, I did remember that. I just got my math wrong. Used the wrong probability distribution for Exalted dice. Also was assuming the best possible mortal craftsman, so he's rolling 18 dice in his pool. Less important than screwing up my math, but still better than what you're assuming. That's average of nine successes per season, on my corrected math, so three years.
Draw back from them.
I absolutely love 0CP drawbacks that alter the setting in unusual ways. Keeps things interesting, means I can't rely so much on OOC knowledge. Adds challenge.
>Would Time Keeper even work if you wanted to save Gray Boy victims? It seems to grant personal immunity to time fuckery, not the ability to save others from time fuckery.
1: The ability to loan powers to others. The one in KH is a problem because you loose the power while you are loaning, but others do not have that limitation, like Avatar Empowerment or My Eight Brothers.
2. Power Combinations with a AT field from NGE for area of effect.
3. Assume immune means immune, and don't try to quibble it away to uselessness. If time stuck stuff is still a barrier, then stuff like Clockblocker touching your clothes can fuck you over. So assume if you are touching something time fucked, you can move it like it was NOT time fucked.
Yes, though you'd be the result of a triple fusion in that case and still be allowed to pick a second demon race while having some human in you.
>2. Power Combinations with a AT field from NGE for area of effect.
How would that work with loaning out powers? The AT Field defines your selfhood, so giving people a part of your power through it could make for some weird blurring of identity. You should probably get an identity-protection perk, too.
What YHVH is doing during the linked DeSu 2 depends on how you ended DeSu 1. As long as you didn't go the Chaos route and wage war against Him, He'll at least be providing mankind aid, and if you went the Law route or otherwise allied with Him, God will be providing direct military support against the invasion. In a straight fight, YHVH can take on and defeat the Administrators. The problem is, due to the Heavenly Throne's conceptual abilities, it's much harder for Him to actually have a straight fight with them. Canopus with his factorsis stronger then Him, and Errai in his drawback will also be stronger due to stealing the factors. No, they did not take his job. Think of it like the Administrators are enroaching on God's territory, trying to force their own order on His kingdom.
Would taking Herald and a Dormant Power boosted Law capstone put me on SMT 2 Metatron's level? Would I at least be stronger than Michael and the other Heralds?
>Isn't Worm for late in the chain anyway? The Entities deserve a proper "fuck you", methinks.
Wanting to fuck over something running on Animal instinct seems to be unenlightened and lame.
If you have abilities to No Sell Precognition of various types, shut down (and or use) dimensional fuckery, and time shenanigans, and knowledge of the plot, a charisma/diplomancy build can short circuit the plot, and unfuck a lot of problems, possibly even co-opting Scion itself, no matter how early the chain
And if you want some of them as companions, or the ability to give the powers to later jumps, you want to go fairly early.
Don't forget wakfu has a xelor background which comes with a whole bunch of time fuckery powers
It actually means the opposite in America, to table it is to postpone the consideration.
>running on Animal instinct
Are you high? Scion took joy from killing people. It's explicitly stated. The entities are sentient.
SMTAnon, is the shield provided by a Dormant Power-boosted Primordial Might a passive effect once activated, or does it require concentration to maintain? Can you "re-attune" the shield or make a new one eventually?
>You're forgetting how Oadenol's Codex nerfed crafting
Ladies and gentlemen, EXALTED, the system that INVENTED the "Air Breathing Mermaid Problem" Fuck You Methodology!
>the system that INVENTED the "Air Breathing Mermaid Problem"
Eh? The closest things to mermaids in Exalted are all amphibious, I think.
Supergod would be GOAT. And it isn't really OP compared to SMT, SBURB, and most D&D jumps, though it's understandable if you don't want to deal with it.
>Wanting to fuck over something running on Animal instinct seems to be unenlightened and lame.
I meant more that they make way too many victims to be left alive and unchecked. It's not really a punishment thing.
To be fair, they also invented Power Creep Prana, because there's another Charm that's just "fuck it, all the other Charms in this ability have their prerequisites reduced by one."
Later response but to the user who claimed Otoyomegatari jump, looking forward to it. What are your plans for it if you've gotten that far yet?
Rolled 1 (1d8)
Huh, the more you know.
SMT power levels are bullshit to begin with and returning SMT1 characters being lower level while also being stronger muddles the waters. But I'd say you're probably on par with the literal illuminati Heralds if you've reached Dormant Power's level cap.
Passive. You can change it as you wish. Being able to do that is kind of the whole point.
>Are you high? Scion took joy from killing people. It's explicitly stated. The entities are sentient.
The stupid decisions they make during the cycle seem to be hard wired in, like the rush of adrenaline you get when you see someone wrong on the internet and type out a rude response so you can engorge your hateboner.
You can say it is your choice, but there is a lot a Animal Instinct there. And Scion only did not feel that, it was spoofed by the Human Emulation Software, after trying to be a hero the the best of his autistic abilities for how many decades?
Sentient does not mean what you think it means. It in no way means smart.
>Supergod would be GOAT