Wahhh I knew about bitcoin in 2010 missed a once in a lifetime opportunity!

>wahhh I knew about bitcoin in 2010 missed a once in a lifetime opportunity!
>I will never be able to forget that!

Guys, please. Just buy LlNK. Sergey is giving us all a second chance at escaping wagecucking. Don't be an idiot, don't miss this chance.
Linkmarines report in!

Other urls found in this thread:


Link is poo-poo
Dont buy poo-poo
Honest advice

Veeky Forums suggests something
You know what to avoid

>buy my bags please
link is a worthless investment


try harder fgt

Finally brought back my link

>"investing" on an ERC20 shit token
Hey, wojak, there's still time to join in the moon train. Bitcoin will still go to 1 million a piece. Don't be late, mkay?

How do you buy it with BTC?

This gives me hope. There's at least one of you faggots in every LINK thread now.