Sup Veeky Forums

Sup Veeky Forums

Currently offering a Veeky Forums bonus since paxful and localbitcoins are experiencing some slow loading times

Offering some Amazon & Steam gift codes at a discount

$50 Steam Code = 0.0025 BTC

$100 Steam Code = 0.0055 BTC

$50 Amazon Code = 0.0017 BTC

$100 Amazon Code = 0.0049 BTC

email me at

We can use escrow

Can confirm this user is great

>did business yesterday
>got $1000 in Amazon bux for like $700

Feels good man

Fuck paxful!
doing business with you is fucking top tier. You are a god among men.

Thank you for yesterday’s bonus. I might purchase something today after work.

This guy scammed me for $50 of btc

Literally couldn’t care less but it’s hilarious you would scam for scraps like that

this nigger is making Xmas great again

I doubt you even know what Bitcoin was before 2015, retard.

This nigger is legit

I hope OP catches a ban. MODS.

you, sir, are amazing.
false flagging virgin confirmed.
BitFix don’t scam anyone

thanks user.
hope to do business again. I wish I could leave you some sort of yelp review kek