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>Pokemon Personified was only 37 Pages.
0rder IS over 100+ fucking pages. Its a sick drug, Highlander send help.
Martial Arts(3)
Small Arms(3)
Pain Control(1)
News Media Club
Can't say I really knew where I was going with this. Some kind of urban hitman or something. Probably from watching all of Utopia a couple days ago.
This makes me wonder if I am depressed but my schizoid nature makes me not feel it.
There's a difference between being depressed and being depressing.
You are the later.
Hah, as if it's that easy. Try "take sleeping pills until your body forces you to sleep, because otherwise you feel like you don't deserve to relax and enjoy going to sleep".
>because otherwise you feel like you don't deserve to relax and enjoy going to sleep
Or alternatively, "because your internal voice won't stop yelling about how shit you are unless you forcibly shut it up with the sleeping pills."
House: Obcultus
Martial Arts 4
Ki Channeling 4
Transfiguration 4
Metamagic 4
Carriage 2
Communication 2
Intuition 2
Pain Control 2
Extreme Temperatures 2
Durability 2
Club: Tournament Club
Essentially I am a Muscle Wizard.
I'm going to use Metamagic to focus all my Ki inward, wasting nothing on dishonorable things like energy blasts and flight.
I will defeat my enemies with the strength of my body! And deliver great one liners at opportune moments.
My problem is "because your internal voice won't shut up about the gradual shift from political nepotism to legalism incentivized by the dismantling of corporatism and super PAC groups."
But isn't that a good thing?
House: Obcultus
Elementalism 2
Alchemy 4
Transmutation 4
Assuagism 2
Psionics 2
Utilimancy 4
Divination 4
Golemancy 2
Druidism 4
Club: Fixers Club
I am the bone of my bed
Pillow is my body and blanket is my blood
I have created over a thousand chillout playlists
Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life
Have withstood pain to create many comforters
Yet, those hands will never hold anything but cocoa
So as I pray, unlimited comfy works
I wish people responded to CYOA's that took actual effort instead of waifu shit.
its annoying because the schizophrenic social/economical/political thought experiments are too engaging and is preventing me from sleeping.
Angelanon, is that you?
That said, waifu CYOAs are decently fun but the CYOA scene is oversaturated with them at this point.
>House Vespertine
>Small Arms (4)
>Investigation (4)
>Sociology (2)
>Negotiation (2)
>Communication (1)
>Intrigue (2)
>Illusions (1)
>Divination (3)
>Concealment (1)
>Observation (3 FREE)
>Disguise (1 FREE)
>Penetration (2)
>Intuition (1)
>Psionics (1)
A pretty solid Interdimensional Detective build
"Stop being a little bitch and do it yourself" - Muhnigga Ghandi
Why make anything anymore? My last CYOA got so few replies but the pedophile teacher CYOA got twice that.
"When in doubt invade Poland." - Adolf Hitler
"Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough." - Abraham Lincoln
Well why aren't you making cyoa for degenerates?
If likes are all you care about clearly that's what you should be making.
Be happy your art connected with a couple people. That's more than most of humanity gets.
"Have you ever wondered why our fingers look like little pink sausages with these cool ass ring patterns on the tips?" - "Burning Bush" Moses
>Implying waifu cyoas don't take effort.
Most people just come here to mastubate then get caught up in other non-pornographic boards. At least I think so.
They don't actually, it's just copy paste generic waifu shit while I spent hours on my CYOA.
Make the CYOA you want to play, not the one that will get the most (you)'s.
but also:
>he didn't make a strict professionalism build of 10 Halo and Success but 0 or even NEGATIVE Deviant
it's like you don't even know how to turn fetish CYOA's on their head.
"Shits wickity wickity wacked yo." - Stephen Hawking
Then don't make anything and continue being a whiner.
There shouldn't be the option to fuck little girls in a CYOA at all. But that still got more builds.
A classic.
"Sometimes I have this weird recurring dream where my hands and feet are inside the asses of pugs and I have to explain to my mother why I took her gloves and slippers." - Winston Churchill
>you will never get to suck SDA's dick
If I ever meet him I'm going to ask him to say that
Where do you think you are?
No really I'm curious.
It's becoming steadily harder for him to even type. He only does it when necessary at this point.
oh no, I agree.
I just enjoy taking what someone clearly meant to be something fucked up and making something good out of it.
>Option to fuck little girls
>Humanity has been doing it for over 6 million years
>"Its wrong to have that option in FICTION in a CYOA"
That's Really sad.
Whatever you want to say to comfort yourself pedo.
"Many great thinkers puzzle themselves with the true meaning and purpose of life and spend entire lifetimes devising grand philosophies extrapolating and interpolating the metaphysics of being and not being, but they miss a far greater conundrum; that life is not a unsolvable engima but an infallible answer to an far more unfathomable question." - Snoop Lion
>haven't made anything in months
>part of me enjoys the slow death these threads are experiencing due to people shitting on OC or just whining about there not being enough
This isn't your grave, it's the future you chose.
I don't usually bother posting builds, but something about this one I really like, so..
House Conclamatus
I don't really care about any grand goals or anything. I just want to live my life my way.
arcane studyx4
These are my core classes. Intuition and concealment are great for staying out of trouble with a ton of utility, and arcane study lets me continue to improve outside of classes for a steady ramp up of power.
martial artsx2
ki channelingx2
these are my self defense skills. Martial arts is a combat style I can use at any time in any situation. Ki channeling gives all my stats a boost for improved offense and defense. Abjuration protects me from magic and improves my defense, while a year of assuagim is enough to provide some protection from poison and minor healing,
These are my more focused utility skills. Between the mind reading and shape changing I should be able to fit into any society without anyone noticing anything I don't want them to.
Sustenance and extreme temperatures are one point wonders that will allow me to survive in any environment.
Then I rounded it all out with summoning illusion and worldwalking. Summoning lets me get some help with anything I can't or don't want to do myself. One point in illusion is all I need to take peoples sight away long enough to use concealment. Meanwhile worldwalking lets me teleport out of any unfavorable situation.
Now as for the rest, I don't see any reason I can't purchase an immortality potion and an AI from others, or any other item I might want. The AI lets me get anything I want from computers while the immortality lets me... guess.
None of this is particularly powerful or ground breaking, but what it does do is live my life without any worries, wherever and however I want to live it. Survival at its fittest.
>Implying its not Hebephilia or Ephebophilia
user when are you going to learn?
He had a good run, if we're being honest with ourselves here.
The man has been surviving ALS for like 50 fucking years.
25 times longer than they expected him to live.
Five times longer than the top 10%.
Seriously, he's so extreme an outlier that it's mind boggling.
I'll be surprised if the ALS kills him at this point.
He'll probably just die of old age.
"I wish to be the little girl." - Joseph Stalin
>Muh Ephebophilia
Just going down the generic pedo defense strategy list aren't ya
We don't need more waifu shit that's ok.
Who cares? As long as he doesn't rape anyone let him get with whoever he wants. No means no, but yes means yes. I've never understood this whole, "But she's 16! How could anyone think she was in any way responsible! Now go drive this car."
>Ephebophilia being anything close to pedophilia
>Age of consent in majority of places are 16+, sometimes 13+ depending on country.
user are you retarded or trolling?
>Pedo countries say it's ok so it's not Pedo
"If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit."
- Socrates
> posting a smug anime girl
you're part of the problem
YOU FOOL! You're supposed to have the filename to be Merlin
Here is a map of the world. Get a good look at it and go fuck yourself.
>All user needs is other people to agree with him to let out his pedo urges.
Wait the age of consent is 14 in Canada?
God dammit...
>Japan's age of consent is 13
Well I guess they're getting desperate, seeing how they're going extinct.
I am ending the conversation here because you're either A) Troll or B) a dumb fuck
user I showed you the legal laws of the various states of the world and their age of consent. By your words more than 80% of humanity is "pedophiles".
"That didn't occur to me."
- Yuri Gagarin
That's the federal minimum. Most provinces have a minimum of 16, which overrides the federal minimum.
Until very recently, there was a special exception for buttsex.
>Province minimum override Federal minimum
That doesn't feel bad anymore then.
"Oh, no tears please. It's a waste of good suffering!" - Mr. Rogers
Just because the world is full of degenerates doesn't mean you have to be one user.
Your predecessors were "degenerates".
You are the offspring of "degeneracy".
You are degeneracy incarnate.
TIL the normal vanilla sex that most people are the result of is in the same category as preying on underage girls, scat, gore, and violent yiffing.
Look, user, just because your father liked to make you suck his dick doesn't mean everyone's the offspring of degenerates :^)
You disgust me.
Degeneracy is a spook.
> "haha this le concept doesnt exist, look at me im enlightend xDDD"
People consider it relevant, therefore its actual existence is not in question nor is it important.
"There is no greater joy than fingering yourself while your girl pinches your nipples" -Neil DeGrasse Tyson
"Spooks" are a spook.
I found this website while looking for background information for the pokemon personified cyoa. Do you think the information here can be considered canon?
warning: some pics could be considered NSFW
>All user needs is other people to agree with him to let out his pedo urges.
That is literally all you need for anything, you twat.
I don't know what I expected.
Going with B.
It's arousing, isn't it?
House: Regillus
“The right to rule.”
Year one:
Year two:
Year three:
Year four:
Student Council
This isn't a game boys and girls. I'm out here studying to lead my nation to an economic powerhouse. True I'm not a master at the cloak and dagger aspects. But that's what we pay house Vespertine for.
What do you think of them?
Pedos fucking non-adults still go to jail in those countries.
I was hoping for cute gijinka to fuel writefaggotry and now I regret trusting a random user on the internet.
Not him, but I unironically hope you kill yourself.
Would it make you feel better if I told you the creator is a devout heterosexual Christian who only likes uncircumcised penises for cuddles and non-sexual purposes, does not consider those pics to be erotic, and does not consider himself a furry either?
Hey man I didn't do her, she was just willing.
Now if it HAD been legal, well...
>Gastly with a penis
Join the Obcultus House
4 Ki Channeling
4 Abjuration
4 World Walking
4 Arcane Study
4 Assuagism
4 Alchemy
2 Martial Arts
1 Brewing/Distilling
1 Intuition
Join the Occult Club
I guess I'm basically a mage. Use ki beams and defensive magic to keep people out, use martial arts if someone gets too close.
Because the biggest furries tend to also be huge faggots. Don't know why, but it's like an 80% chance or more for some reason.
The amount of people who insert their rape magical realm into CYOAs is ridiculous.
Elf Slave is the only right choice.