I'm supposed to make a short argumentative speech about why you should play tabletops instead of video games. Anyone got some good points.
I'm supposed to make a short argumentative speech about why you should play tabletops instead of video games...
Other urls found in this thread:
>forces you into an actual social enviorement instead of sitting infront of electronics
>forces players to use their imaginations
Social aspect
Creative thinking
Main two points innit.
>>allows you to actually reach out and smack someone when they go too far
>>vidya is harder to magical realm
It's fun
You should play both, not one 'instead of'.
Anyway -
socialise with friends
perform non-scripted actions
instead of having a prebuilt world/story, you're collaboratively making one
Physical crafts and arts in case of Wargames
Requires and stimulates creativity and imagination.
More social than playing with a screen.
Limitless gaming potential (you're only limited by your imagination!)
Depending on how the game is played could improve any of the following: improvisational acting skills, teamwork, painting skills (if you're making miniatures for the game).
Much less expensive.
Requires few materials meaning you can play it anywhere you have a rule book dice and character sheets.
Well just talk about things you can do in tabletop that you can't do in video games.
Video games don't allow you to fully craft your own story, NPCs, and scenarios on the fly to each player and your own tastes. Video games don't allow you to do things that aren't programmed into the game. You can't just combine or pick and choose parts of a video game you like to create another video game but you can do that with tabletop/pnp
There's no Season Passes?
The ability to adapt to every player decision in real time, resulting in a level of freedom and emergence that video games won't be able to match until computers actually become intelligent.
Because the people who play videogames are almost universally awful. The average profanity-spewing COD player isn't worth the time of day, let alone the legions of autistic pokemon players, and I'd rather play a game with someone I know who wants to have fun, than some pseudo-anonymous 14 year old who thinks it's funny to be a shit by playing as obnoxiously as possible. Sure, magic players can also be shits, but they have to look me in the eye while they do it. Since I'm 6'7" and very polite, in person there are never issues.
Don't copy this burger.
But it's true. Have you ever played online videogames? After enough time you'll realize that people are almost always lazy entitled assholes who google the way to be the best at everything, without actually practicing or investing time into it. At least table top requires people to spend money to instantly win.
Take this argument and just apply it to games.
I don't recall it ever being as bad as you describe, and I never try to read as much into their behaviour as you do.
Just mute them and play.
I'm not looking for the same kind of enjoyment in a game of COD as I am in a tabletop campaign. He's making a SHORT speech about this and shouldn't waste time going into detail on how terribly the 14 years old hurt your feelings.
>Much less expensive.
How's magical fantasyland treating you user? As soon as content stops being released or a sequel comes out, whatever game you were playing instantly becomes infested with the worst kind of shitheads imaginable, regardless of your skill/tolerance level. Only a true masochist would put up with their bullshit.
To put it in Veeky Forums terms, think about yugioh. The longer you're away, the harder it is to come back, and the worse your stuff gets as a result, even if you had a fully functional T1 deck. As much as the game may be mechanically interesting, you wind up playing with the outcasts of the outcasts, the kind of degenerates who actually steal fucking cards from eachother, and the only people left are either too delusional to quit, or brand spanking new. There aren't any other formats, the banlist is composed entirely to sell packs, and no one gives a shit about the game's well being. But, since it is table top, you can get a group of friends together, and play sub-optimally for fun. If you play sub-optimally for fun in any online video game, not only are you an idiot, but you probably wont have fun once you encounter the same idiots, using the same gear, and the "objectively best" strategy possible, with a memorized layout of every map. But then again, you might enjoy spending all your money on videogames, making sure you have the newest system and the newest iteration of whatever extended sequel is hot button at the moment.
That being said, single player videogames are fine. You can't really tabletop by yourself.
lol tldr
>Fuck you, fuck your shitty attitude, and fuck your illiteracy. I play tabletop so I don't have to deal with people like you.
mate u cant tear up and expect me not to swing at u
>Better social experience
Talking to friends the world over through the interwebs is nice, but there's still something unique and good about being face to face with your friends around a same table. Because then you can do other stuff, go out for food, just hang out in general.
>Programming constraints
What happens around a gaming table is not bound by the constraints put on a video game. There is little real limit to what the GM and players can come up with and implement. This also means that the players must develop the ability to respond to more unexpected situations, rather than 'staying inside the lines' with a predictable computer game.
>Anyone got some good points.
Modding is fuck easy.
Social aspect.
Learning to read people is necessary because you gotta guess what bullshit your GM came up with this time every single time.
>You fuck 100% more bitches
>The sound of rolling dice is pleasant
>There's a good social aspect
>Hard to run out of games once you have a group, while it's easy to run out of vidya games that suit the tastes you crave.
>Video games cause cancer and are responsible for most crime where tt games are only as violent or cancer inducing as the players want it to be.
>You don't gotta worry about console wars or rigs, just finding your favorite systems and playing them
>You can play a game where every single species of dinosaur is alive and roaming earth at once
>No console limitations holding back imagination
> Video games constrains you to playing Witcher, Dragon Age, a couple kickstarter rpgs made by Obsidian and old games what you've played one hundred times.
> In tabletop, you can play new games with new people whenever you want!
something like this?
Gmod and WoW rp servers would disagree.
RPGing is literally training problem solving.
>I'm supposed to make a short argumentative speech
>needs others to provide the arguments
they are more immersive than vidyia.
players attempt to stay in-character, there aren't an twelve year-olds complaining about "kill steals" when you are in the middle of a fucking war, or someone who will attempt to glitch the game because it is "funny"
the focus of RPG is to live the life of someone more interesting than you, and discover a world more interesting than ours, not spend 10 hours a day pressing the keys F1-F12 for "better loot" or "that cool spell" which essentially does the same thing as before, just with higher numbers rolling on your screen
And all of this is just from the player's side, GMs interesting in worldbuilding have a lot of fun researching all kinds of topics (geology, anthropology, astrophysics, linguistics, etc ) to create realistic, believable worlds
It can teach you the Real Power.
>You don't gotta worry about console wars
3.5 threads said hi
Does this come up when you actually play.
1: Depends on the group.
2: Do console wars?
Only assholes complain about systems when they are not running
Only assholes actually give a shit about consoles or loyalty or whatever.
PC is superior anyway.
What tabletops have over vg's?
The ultimate non-linearity thanks to imagination (and how much your GM will allow you to abuse the system). Also makes you interact with live people.
Here's a source...
Sounds like a bad time in the first place.
I can't say, I wouldn't think it would based on how few games seem to have cross-platform play. For actual co-op, I prefer PC anyway.
Don't do this you idiot, make a case for the strengths of tabletops, or what they bring to the table that's unique to the medium without launching a smear campaign against videogames. Don't be that guy yelling about your side on the skub battle is so much better than those plebs on the other side.
Do 3.x players go off whenever you mention liking a system that's not Xbox? Do they start making excuses when you say that a certain system has the capabilities to run social rules when a ps4 can't run 1080p at 60fps?
Tabletop doesn't have bugs or glitches, so you don't crash to desktop.
Fits perfectly
Yes to all