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I always wanted to hear more misconceptions that the japanese have about christianity beside that pic and their misconcetion of Santa Clause being Jesus.
I doubt the Japanese in general would have that many misconceptions about Christianity given how many Japanese Christians there have been for hundreds of years.
Shit got pretty weird after Tokugawa.
You overestimate the insight people have into religions that are not their own, even if they live in close proximity to them.
>persona 5 plot
That's an appropriation!
This triggers the weeaboo
Japan. Appropriating other cultures since............. who the fuck knows
>given how many Japanese Christians there have been for hundreds of years.
So like 5%?
I think I would have gotten into Evangelion, if it just had its had a bit less up its own ass...
Absolutely batshit crazy. It's literally an entirely different religion as it had to adopt and assimilate local beliefs in various areas to survive then when unification came around combine those separate parts into a new even crazier whole.
If you have a local japanese christian church, google it I guarantee there's one within 20 miles of you they're everywhere just like korean or chinese church, go see one of their sermons it gets crazy. Fucking dragons are considered angels in a lot of places, jesus is santa claus is the easter bunny as a secondary holy trinity, the holy ghost doesn't exist, prayer boxes that require coins, shinto priest attire possible, traditional japanese monsters errywer as demons, god is sleeping, jesus is not god, the virgin mary wasn't a virgin, the devil either doesn't exist, has 3 brothers, is his own father and routinely dies, or is god all rolled up into one at the same time.
Seriously you wanna have a jewish christian shinto christmas over the course of a single month, starts jan 28(chinese new year), then make friends with a japanese christian family as some denominations require sharing merrymaking with EVERYONE and is a perfect time to attempt to recruit people.
Since there was a Japan, essentially. Early Japan took massive technological and cultural influences from Korea and China, up to and including "modern" agriculture, their second biggest religious influence and their first alphabet.
The Meiji Era in the 1860s was when it really kicked up a notch, though there are notable examples of earlier cultural elements being taken from the mainland like Buddhism.
There's a saying about the Japanese: they're born Shinto, marry Christian, and die Buddhist.
I just got this one
>I'm Donte the heretic killer. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?
This is so fucking true.
Is that the dog whisperer dude
Man, Oldboy is shittier than I remembered.
What movie?
>11/10, would revere as Honored Elder Warhahraw the Prudent, The Immovable Boulder
>Dog whisperer
>Kicks the dog
>itt anons with zero dog training experience
Kick em in the sternum to make them yelp and let go cause they have sensitive nerves there. Kick em in the throat to make them cough and let go.
You could squeeze the ever living piss out of their ears to make them yelp but some dogs will tank that zero issues and depending on how hard you have to squeeze means you might fuck up the cartilage and give them cauliflower ear so the first 2 are the best.
Bonus: just aim between the 2 and you'll hit one so its basically easy mode.
You must be one shitty trainer if you have that much experience kicking dogs.
>this_is_ bait.gif
What movie is this?
They could've at least tried to make it look like he actually hits anyone...
>filename thread
What is the backslop?
It's the Fargo show
vaginas are so gross but WHY DO I WANT TO BE INSIDE THEM ALL OF THE TIME
>Not Nurgle
Take a new batter and add old batter with an established culture to restart the yeast.
Scenario: you fucked up and your yeast culture is on the downslope. You could let it die and start all over or backslop using another established dough and hopefully this will restart the yeast making process and your dough will be fine.
Doing this too often gives you bad rise in your dough as its too many disparate yeast cultures in one dough so no matter how you do it the dough won't rise and if it downslopes you're getting diminishing returns.
Once or twice is safe but any more and you court danger.
Yogurt factories do this as well.
A. Biological hardwiring
B. Women are cruel monsters and know their ugliness firsthand. They demand you share in their daily experience of suffering so as to even the scales and thus have embarked on a campaign centuries long in manipulating your mind into wanting what they're forced to endure.
Break the cycle and bang cute traps to quench your thirst.
I want trapfags to leave
>vaginas are gross
>you should fuck a man's anus instead
>the literal shithole of human anatomy
That's the brainwashing talking! Fight it anons!
Truly one of the most complex struggles of the human condition
Fargo TV show
It's The raid 2. It's actually good, the battle choreography is very good even if the hits don't look realistic there
I've seen what this gif is from and I remember it being really good but I don't have a name. Anyone know?
>Hey Tom, what happened to all the application forms? You were supposed to have those sorted by 2pm
>Jason said that you've been.. throwing them out of the window all day
>You know we can't replace those applications, right? Each one of those came from a unique applicant, and we don't make copies until after they've been sorted.
>This is deeply disturbing Tom, we're going to have to let you go
>... a woman?
>I don't understand. Why didn't you just go into that building during lunch? You know those forms were important
>Hell you could have just asked me for a sheaf of printer paper
>Anyway, we don't see a future for you here. We'll mail you your belongings within the week.
>Vaginas are literally alters consecrated to Papa Nurgle.
That's one hardcore princess.
Hey, tim. Shove it up your ass and look at it this way. Now you won't have unlucky people working for you.
Better than someone so superstitious it effects how they do their job.
Well yeah. Hell, most don't even wash it cause the false belief that it's self cleaning still gets passed around. Most don't even ask their gyno to confirm or deny it. Then they get yeast infections and wonder how the fuck it happened.
There have been Christians in Europe for nearly a thousand years and they have no fucking idea how any basic theology works.
I never said it had anything to do with my personal beliefs, don't project like that it's unhealthy. anyway, we're a big company which means one way or another they'll apply again or we'll get more of the same.
Hell, we sift through and throw out 80% just cause they aren't white, look around if you don't believe me. We'll get more.
>prayer boxes that require coins
They have these in Europe too.
In Italy baby jesus brings gifts because father christmas is an abomination, mix of a turk saint, a slavic winter god and anglo capitalistic spirit, so it was forbidden.
Like just a big ass 6x8x3 box that you walk up, toss a coin in, and pray knowing gods been properly "lubricated"?
No, they have a little box that you tuck money in to buy a candle and then you light that in order to lubricate god. Which is kind of worse, since changing one currency for a more "holy" one is shit that Jesus literally flipped tables because of.
We also have electric candles that light up automatically when you put in the coin.
Casinoes should do tha-wait....
Needs a better filename.
The second girl was hot, what a waste
Does anyone have that webm where the guys are flicking a light on and off, and when the monster at the end of the hallway teleports closer they start beating the shit out of it?
Diamond dozen thanks to hormones in the food supply. Didn't even have proper blue eyes.
99% sure you're mixing up vaginas (which don't really need cleaning) with vulvas (which do)
This movie wishes it was Oldboy.
Nah. Internals are a PH level only inhospitable to about 70% of ambient bacteria. Most reach a balance with local flora also foreign and don't become an issue like your eyes and nasal canal. Yeast and a few others are not only ambient but actively enjoy the enviroment provided. This is also why they're so prone to UTI's by about 7-800%.
If you don't believe any of this check any medical textbook or even google.
It even blooms during periods as it changes the levels towards more hospitable levels and provides more nutrients.