Is there a version of this chart with board games?
Feel like making one?
Is there a version of this chart with board games?
Feel like making one?
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This is inaccurate.
Golden Sky Stories can't be Neckbear Awakened leve.
Catan should always be at either the top layer or just at the top of the second layer.
"Catan" on the other hand is at the blackest depths of the abyssal deepest layer.
Everyone is John doesn't seem like it should be that far down either.
>Apocalype World
But that's Stubblechin
Where should Barbarians of Lemuria be on this list?
How is Double Cross True Neckbeard?
True Neckbeards are too busy complaining about imaginary weaboos playing kitsune to even so much as look in the vague direction of an anime-themed game.
What's "Catan"?
>40k below Rogue Trader, Deathwatch and 40k roleplay
I'm going to guess that you do not catan?
Requires hand painted miniatures in large quantities
>Year of our Lord 2016
>He does not Catan
>There is hope yet
Someone post the screencap for this uninformed soul, lest he be able to leave this place uncorrupted
But that chart is completely backwards. It's the D&D 3.5 that hardcore neckbeards play, there's nothing casual about it! It's all about system mastery and op builds for them.
this chart needs phoenix command and rolemaster
Looked it up on 1d4chan, you referring to that thing with the sub chick that acted as the table and such?
So the big question now;
Do you Catan?
Alright, yeah. I'd seen this, just didn't get the reference immediately.
No Werewolf, Munchkin, or Cards Against Humanity.
Man, werewolf/mafia is the shit. Once had a game with a group of like 20 people. At one point I got away as mafia with the defense of "Eh. Just kill me."
>hide and seek, cops and robbers, sports and pranks paired with boardgames
>Pokémon TGC played sincerely by normal people
>Difference in tier between DnD 5e and 4e. Do you really think new players won't immediately go for the newest edition?
>Ouija boards
>Chess and poker on the same tier as freeform, rogue trader and exalted
>Furry RPG's not on lowest of low tier
>I'm not even going to analyze the rest of the chart because the conclusion is obvious:
This chart is shit.
If you actually play with people who know what they're doing and paying attention you can have some pretty insane games.
Yeah, it's pretty insane. Got into an online group among a few people I know IRL but don't come into contact with often a while ago, doesn't really compare.
Does anyone have the music genre version that goes down around 20 levels?
>5e lower than 4e
Don't get me wrong, 5e is obviously the better game but 4e is way more palatable to the aspie neckbeard target group.
The very bottom is definitely The Campgain for North Africa.
>It is recommended that each side be played by a five-person team, including a Commander-In-Chief and four subordinate commanders, making a total of ten players needed for a game, although it can be played with the usual two.
>According to SPI, a complete game can run over 1,500 hours. However, the logistics of keeping a ten-person group together for fifteen hundred hours of gaming was a feat beyond even most hardcore wargamers, and completed full games of The Campaign for North Africa are rare.
Last year I played weekly with a bunch of people irl and our metagame got complicated, fast. Playing as the "lul randumb" troll is actually a valid strategy to prevent others from building reads on you between games. I've sold out my mafia partners early and often, fake claimed roles, and announced my power on day one just to keep people guessing.
What the fuck. Why do I want to buy this.
This story always gives me a raging erection.
I wish I could Catan.
Same reason why some people run multiple marathons.
Endurance test and bragging rights.
It's D&D 5e not Next reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
My favorite things are never on these charts and so I'll never know how obscure my RPG taste is
Your favorite games are in their own special tier: Shit
All of them.
>tfw none of them have OD&D :(
>homebrews meant to represent universal physics on a numerical scale
I...I want this
>Magic: The Gathering
>Not level 6
Those people are the biggest autists I've ever seen, and we have weekly Weiss Schwarz and Wixoss tourneys at my FLGS.
>Kill puppies for satan
Pfffft, you totally fucked up. You sacrifice goats to the devil.
In the old testament, goats represent evil and lambs represent good. This is because most people were farmers and understood that sheep are obedient, peaceful creatures, while goats are defiant and obnoxious.
When you wanted forgiveness, you would sacrifice a lamb to God.
So when you want to sin, you sacrifice a goat to the devil.
You realize that Kill Puppies For Satan is a game, right?
Where'd be traveller?
I'm not sure which one of them disgust me more
I have a hardcopy of MAID and nechronica.
never played either because I can't into moonrunes
I have played FATAL as a joke
Someone called?
>not in lowest tier
>implying rape is always multiple males on one female
I'm deeply triggered
But 3.5 is the most commonly played RPG out there
it also says it's almost impossible to be sentenced for rape in sweden, despite the fact that sweden has one of the highest reported rapes in he world.
In other words, it's literal political propaganda in the form of a RPG. But then again it has pretty good aesthetics
>The before situation should be played relatively jeeply, i.e., acting everything out as you would in a (symbolic) larp
true avant-garde role playing
>no "Catan with a leash"
>Futa Inc. T-Shirt
i'd wear it
>"Catan with a leash"
>not just "Catan"
pleb go and stay go