Why everyone in this setting fights like it's XX century? Trenches and tanks,seriously? Where are the fucking drones and missles? Why only Tau have drones and care about lives of their soldiers?
Why everyone in this setting fights like it's XX century? Trenches and tanks,seriously...
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Because you touch yourself at night.
Also those are laser guns, not bullet firing ones.
Because GW doesn't want to confuse their 12 year old fan base so they have to dumb down the concepts of war for them
Yeah, an asymetric wargame about space FOB patrols checking for space IEDs in space durka roads would sell like hotcakes.
Rule of cool which is, admittedly, subjective.
I think futuristic trench warfare is dope, combining the bleakness of WW1 with the heroics of war fiction with a nice dose of lasers and alien monsters.
I think Infinity is more your speed, that seems be straight futurism.
Then just don't make this shit wargame to begin with and stick to Battlefleet Gothic.
So space age of sail naval combat is kosher but space trench warfare is not?
How else are space ships supposed to fight retard?
Because you dont care about 'characters' when those characters are nameless drones and missiles.
Cant remember the film but it has some form of drone aircraft assault on something, with the standard heroic sacrifice music as dozens of the things were shot down, but no one actually died so little was sacrificed, made me stop watching the damn thing.
Its a problem I have with armies like tyranids and necrons, the standard infantry are mindless robots, they arent fighting for their lives or for honor. You dont root for them in any where near the same way as a imperial guard squad facing down a pack of orks, or a lone space marine in single combat with an overwhelming enemy.
they have names and faces and families, every one has a story that is longer and more interesting than
drone 000499032 constructed
drone 000499032 deployed
drone 000499032 fired three shots, killing a scrub
drone 000499032 destroyed
because the imperium is in a technological dark age
AI are forbidden since the insurrection of the men of iron that caused the dawnfall of mankind in its golden age; there are servitors controlled weapons but the logistics for them are insufficient to hold the pressure the imperium is subject to.
Tau are naive in their development of technology, still young and fairly low in numbers; in the imperium one of the cheapest to produce, mantain, deploy and waste in large numbers is human lifes.
welcome to grimdark
remember to replace dark with derp when analysing the setting from an outside point of view.
found the retard
I know that drones are currently remotely piloted, but since you're lamenting the setting not adhering to a nebulous standard of futuristic warfare I thought it would be easy to assume shifting the discussion towards the logical end of drones tech would facilitate answering.
I was wrong.
You made a retarded projection that's all.
You made a retarded thread and going to strawman for argument's sake, that's all.
In 3D space, to begin with.
The whole argument is retarded. What makes you so sure than drones and hi-tech will be the way to go in warfare one century into the future? It's even more retarded to theorise warfare from thirty eight thousand years into the future. We just can not do it, we can't predict the future.
And besides, it's fantasy, the whole premise is that anything can happen. It just looks cool, fun things are fun. If you want ultramodern stuff play Force on Force or something.
Fun is a buzzword.
It sucks to be you.
>Rooting for badly modelled plastic toys
>Inventing stories about the family of sameface dude #2124
You are pic related level of autism
>everyone now plays tau but worse
>turn 1
>player one wipes out two thirds of player two's army with JDAM spam and drone strikes
>player two returns the favor by showering half the table with grads killing the majority of player 1's forces
>turn 2
>remainder of player two's army is wiped out by cruise missiles
>game decided by who rolled to start
Sounds like fun OP, really motivates you to put effort into assembling and painting your hitpoint markers.
>pretending to be /v/
A whole new level of retard
>scan for enemy ships
>see one a few tens of thousands of megameters away
>fire a warhead at it
>when the warhead is a few thousand kilometers away the enemy ship's countermeasures deploy and your warhead detonates prematurely
>both ships FTL away, knowing the battle as-is is a stalemate
1) rule of cool
2)it's tactics that most people are familiar with
3) it's a tactic that fucking works, a force that relies on guile and stealth or whatever to achieve it's goals can get outwitted , an army that is prepared to fight a war of attrition is much harder to defeat
what army is going to match the imperium in sheer numbers ? a single tau could kill 1000 guardsmen and still get overwhelm , and the imperium can spare those numbers so why bother ?
>o ur so fucken smart how about we send enough men to occupy half your capitol in sheer square feet and body mass have fun with ur fucken spies
>what army is going to match the imperium in sheer numbers?
Nids, Orks, Chaos
Best answer so far.
Which oddly enough are the three factions most likely to destroy the Imperium.
Why the fuck would you play 40k if not for the narrative aspect? It's one of the worst wargames out there in terms of actual gameplay.
Simple answer? IG units were originally repurposed WWI/WW2/Vietnam miniatures and given rules to imitate WW2 Soviet armies.
are you sure? IG also use some billions of projectile guns, including small arms
By fighting like battleships, or with carriers being the primary capital ship, instead of modeling them after ships of the line from the 18th century you inbred fuckstain.
Play as missile character is not fun...
Wait, isn't it?
Are you really so stupid you are implying tanks will be obsolete any time soon?
A vehicle that is effectively impervious to anything below dedicated AT weapons and which can kill anything within 2 km is always going to have a place.
>Player 1 rolls for attack with his devastating space technology.
>Player 2 rolls for defense with his anti devastating space technology.
>One player win the roll other lose.
>End of the game.
What kind of game do you want to play?
Think you mean Nids, Necrons and Chaos, orks are just a constant inconvenience
Learn to think for yourself, stop parroting what you see other anons say on here to fit in.
>What makes you so sure than drones and hi-tech will be the way to go in warfare one century into the future?
Because historically we have every reason to think it will? People have never decided "lol jk let's just go back to tribal warfare, grab your stone spears boys"
That's a meme you dumbasses
>not "It's a meme you dip."
one job.
rule of cool
literally every day multiple threads like this
>how come there's this big plot hole in 40k that would make the setting more boring
cause rule of cool
Warhammer 40k isn't about realistic future warfare, it's the Holy Roman Empire in Space and it was written in the 80s. It's a power metal album cover made into a setting.
Drones and missiles are fucking gay, and so are the Tau. If you're playing 40k you're playing it because you saw a box with a guy holding a chainsaw in one hand and a pistol that shoots rockets in the other, with a WWI tank in the background, and said "yeah, this looks cool." If you want sleek faggot weeb shit go play Infinity.
You're an idiot and you don't understand 40k.
No, it was a shit answer, you're just assravaged and don't understand 40k.
It's not that people don't "understand" 40k user. It's possible to understand something and still not like it, believe it or not. You're overstimating the complexity of 40k.
>Trenches and tanks,seriously?
Have you been keeping up with wars in Syrian, Armenia, Iraq, and the Ukraine? Trenches and armored fighting vehicles have played a very big role in all of those wars.
>Where are the fucking drones and missles?
There is a lot of signs that drones are not a effective as people hoped they would be. The USAF is in fact looking to downsize its drone fleet ( getting rid of older drone without replacing them with new drones) and to by a fleet of 200 to 300 fixed wing maned aircraft for COIN. The thing is that the first gens of drone were so cheap because they were not all weather planes and they have a shorter service life then manned planes. The MQ-9 Reaper has a flyway cost of $ 16.9 million. For that price a updated OV-10 is starting to look very for a better ability to use old dum weapons like rockets.
The truth of the matter is that to fight the way the US does these days you need a very large high quality air force and the ability to destroy enemy air defense via SEAD/DEAD missions.
This current way of warfare is barely able to achieve jack shit in our time of relative peace and will be swapped out as soon as an actual conflict comes out between first world countries
Is there ever going to be another age of mass warfare between first-world nations? Because given the advances in destructive capabilities, not to mention atomic weaponry, I would have thought that age was long over.
Not even complaining about the lack of modern weaponry, so don't know why you're so mad about that. I'm complaining about the sheer lack of tactical or strategic understand displayed by people who are supposed to live in a setting where 'there is only war'. The fucking idiots think that bayonet charges are still a viable tactic when a couple of heavy bolters or multilases would easily negate the effectiveness of that. Even against space marines
>b-but they've forgot about tactics be-because muh grimdark...!
And yet they still remember how to dig a trench and get shot to death in them? Which was developed before the idea of combined arms.
But they have to be retarded, because 'm-muh grimdark', so it'll never get fixed
Doesnt help that guns IN THE BOARD GAME only have barely the range to reach across a street. Heck, I can throw a brick further than a bolter can shoot (scaled up) That's why everything is so retarded, because the super high tech weapons have had their (what should be) line of sight horizon ranges cut down to a sparrow fart, so a wargame can be fought on a coffee table and not on a sports field. Hence the main tactic of 'I run in and hit them wiv my chainsaw.'
>I'm complaining about the sheer lack of tactical or strategic understand
Why do you deny something that exists in 40k? Are you a contrarian on purpose? If you're not, let me help you understand how both these are present;
>Tactics: the science and art of organizing a military force, and the techniques for combining and using weapons and military units to engage and defeat an enemy in battle.
Just to name a few we have ambushes, guerilla warfare, night fighting, reconnaissance, infiltration suppression (in a small unit tactics sense). And we have Catachan doing the prior two with excellence, night fighting was done in the Guant's Ghosts, suppression just exists when someone has a heavy weapon that's belt fed/high capacity, and many more examples.
>Strategy:deals with the planning and conduct of campaigns, the movement and disposition of forces, and the deception of the enemy.
Every time the someone fights someone else, they have a goal they aim to achieve. Any time an Ork raids a weapon depot, Guardsmens storm a town, chaos spreads it's cults and incites violence, multitudes of units and resources are shifted to new or old fronts, strategy is being applied.
Oh, and in a world where there are biomass consuming bugs that gain strength as they gain ground and resources, a trench line stuffed with bolters and flamers isn't such an invalid tactic, and many trenches aren't a bad strategy.
I'd play it.
tg doesn't know what fun is anymore
>I wuz only pretending to be retarded hur
Bayonet charges are still viable tactics, the Brits removed sandshits with a bayonet charge in Basra during 2004 I think, killed 20 combatants with 3 friendly wounded. 40k isn't meant to be realistic anyway, as said earlier, it's a metal album cover in space.
IG is so varied, they use all sorts of different weapons.
I just imagined a more hard sci fi 40 k in my head and I dont know how to explain it to you guys. But it might involve colony generation ships mixed with the The Witch film.
Because despite the fact that it sounds retarded it makes for fun gameplay and allows for interesting situations like hyper-advanced ultra-sadistic space elves versus gritty krauts in trenches armed with nothing but shovels and the will to live.
Naive to the point of retardation.
Every post above this is Summer newfag shitstorming. The answer to every one of these shitty /k/ trolls has always been that 40k is not, and never has been, a milsim. It's a space fantasy game. Don't like it? Fuck off back to historicals and stay fucked off.
What did you expect in a setting where 1)you have noble officers (so your rank isn't based on merit/efficiency) 2) manpower is the most available ressource by a far margin.
Read a book on some of the most disastrous military defeats in History, and you'll see errors that would put a thrid-grader to shame.