What's the point of berzerkers if every chaosfag is already a maniac in both settings?
>muh I kill even my friendlies, I feel crawling in my skin
nothing out of the ordinary either
What's the point of berzerkers if every chaosfag is already a maniac in both settings?
>muh I kill even my friendlies, I feel crawling in my skin
nothing out of the ordinary either
Because chaos has a wide range of how crazy the followers are. Berzerkers are at one end.
A maniac yes.
But not a suicidal, frenzied, relentless, vicious, powerful blood-drinking ball of hate, rage and metal.
>not a suicidal
marauders and cultists
>Khorne stuff is the most bland and boring of all Chaos
More news at 11
take it for what it is. chaos is a faction for those who enjoy over-the-top retro-metal-album-cover dusty-bookstore-pulp-novels evil-is-cool sci fi. if you don't like it don't think about it too hard
Chaos would be better with just daemons who occasionally posses humans.
i think the setting would be better entirely if space marines didn't exist so that the "against all odds, underdog, massive hordes of guys" thing IG has going on would be humanity's thing. then there would be human cultists and no chaos space marines which i think undermine the coolness factor of the "forbidden fruit" aspect of chaos. ie, only desperate, oppressed individuals of the imperium take it up, and are probably eventually slain in its name, how foolish they are to think they are anything but pawns etc. but CSM are just big murderfuck machines and carry all the worst traits of regular SM
You're wrong to think that.
Giant murder dudes in giant power armor are super fucking cool. Way cooler than your shounen-tier underdog hero fetish.
you're nice
I'm a chaos player, but csm and sm are literally the exact same things.
-Kills without remorse for a god figure
-Brainwashing and indoctrination of recruits
-Does not consider the people/slave lives worth pondering or worth protecting vs an objective
-Constantly fights their own side
-uses same weapons and powers
>What's the point of berserkers irl? Vikings are already barbarians what did they need double barbarians or something?
There were no berserkers in real life, most vikings were more interested in trade than raids.
Yes there were you idiot. The word berserk literally comes from describing the way done norse champions fought. They would not wear metal armor and were savage fighters.
Yes that's why neither Saxons nor Franks or Irish described anything resembling berserkers right? Oh and let's not forget the ability to shapeshift or blunt blades by looking at them that's historical as fuck too.
umm muh Lindybeige amirite? Too bad they often served as villains in the sagas and were described as pretty much bandits.
You have accurately grasped the nuances of chaos.
I swear now you're just pulling things out of your ass to prove your point when literally a 2 minutes google search can prove you wrong.
They aren't actually suicidal, they're just really shit.
I just realized what bugs me about CSM designs.
These guys, with a few exceptions from fallen Space Marine chapters, are supposed to be either the descendants of the traitor legions from the Horus Heresy, or actually them. They've been stationed off in the Eye of Terror or on Daemon Worlds or on asteroids out in the void somewhere, with only renegade tech priests to tend to them, at best. They fought a war -- the bloodiest war since the War in Heaven or the Eldar murder-sprees leading up to the Fall -- and it absolutely does not show on them. They're just Space Marines with gold leaf and more spikes.
Chaos Space Marines should have wrecked armor. The ceramite on all of them should look like stone. There should be exposed power cables on them. If they've got full sets of armor, it should look like it's held together with duct tape and prayers to the Dark Gods, like Plague Marines without the exposed intestines.
CSM right now look like they came fresh off an assembly line.
>On these giants fell sometimes such a fury that they could not control themselves, but killed men or cattle, whatever came in their way and did not take care of itself. While this fury lasted they were afraid of nothing, but when it left them they were so powerless that they did not have half of their strength, and were as feeble as if they had just come out of bed from a sickness. This fury lasted about one day
Hrolf's saga
not very champion like huh? Anyway stop derailing this thread and bring up fucking vikings for no reason dumb retard the point is Khornates fucking suck.
>no armor
>not suicidal
even if you go by the logic that they simply can't afford armor then the marauders certainly at least can afford fucking shields
>Don't bring up the source material that directly inspired this faction.
>khornate berzerkers
>anything at all like fucking vikings
you must be retarded. Do you bring up knights when discussing Space Marines too? Let me guess you also believe vikings were a nation and every monastery and village had a garrison of soldiers protecting them but valiant vikings still attacked them?
They're exactly like the stereotype vikings. Giant savage pagans coming from a mysterious and harsh land to pillage and burn the churches and homes of the faithful before flying back to their homes leaving death behind.
>muh real life zerkers
>a-actually I meant the stereotypical vikings!
lmao keep goalposting
ffs, we are talking about norse berserkers not viking. Vikings were exclusive coast raiders where a berserker had no purpose. Who cares if they actually existed, they are in the sagas, not some Internet meme.
Stop changing the subject.
Berserkers= fighters who fought in a trance like fury, disregarding their own health to the point of not wearing armor while believing a death by battle to be a religious experience.
Khornate berserkers= fighters who fight in a rage, disregarding their health to the point of preferring melee combat while believing death by battle is a religious c experience.
It's an Anonymous image board. The only post I made was the one saying that Khornate warriors are inspired by viking warriors.
Templars - monastic, crusading warriors
Space Marines - monastic, crusading warriors
let's mention knights on every SM thread from now on
I wouldn't really call using shields as ''disregarding their health'' especially considering most vikings didn't have armor to begin with because they couldn't afford it.
Just in case some retard will start this ''but they le dual wielded because muh fantasy art always shows them with two axes!'' and derail the thread even further
>I'll ask of the berserks, you tasters of blood,
Those intrepid heroes, how are they treated,
Those who wade out into battle?
Wolf-skinned they are called. In battle
They bear bloody shields.
>His (Odin's) men rushed forwards without armour, were as mad as dogs or wolves, bit their shields, and were strong as bears or wild oxen, and killed people at a blow, but neither fire nor iron told upon them. This was called Berserkergang.
I have no idea why the fuck people keep portraying them without shields, shields were awesome.
>-Kills without remorse for a god figure
>-Brainwashing and indoctrination of recruits
>-Does not consider the people/slave lives worth pondering or worth protecting vs an objective
>-Constantly fights their own side
>-uses same weapons and powers
These are not all true for the majority of Space Marines. Most do not worship the emperor as a God, brainwashing and indoctrination goes on to some extent but nothing like it does for with chaos cultists, most try to keep imperial guardsman and citizens alive Space Wolves, Salamanders and Ultramarines especially. Not all are Marines Malevolent tier ass holes.
stop shitting up the thread
But all marines are faggots.
>every chaosfag is already a maniac in both settings?
They arnt
That's why GW redesigned chaos space marines you nigger.
It's just they didnt carry on with more models
because people think they wore no armor because "they didunt care aboutnuthing"
while it was more of a mobility and less likely to infect kinda thing
also a shield actually helps you kill more people because you can be much more offensive with it
Have ALL of the Space Marines be traitors, make I
You mean shield bash?
>muh pinions
Bait better.
This CSM player picked his faction based on the models he was interested in converting and collecting, and has never met anyone with an 'emotional investment' in their plastic mans who doesn't post on Veeky Forums.
Jesus, you sound autistic.