Dark Eldar army makes no sense according to their own lore! If they raid for slaves and avoid prolonged combat why the fuck would they engage any army? They could just go to some feral or feudal world for easy prey what kind of shit ''raid'' involves fighting tanks? Where are they even trying to get the slaves from? Military bases?
Dark Eldar army makes no sense according to their own lore! If they raid for slaves and avoid prolonged combat why the...
Space Marines and Orks are best for torturing, they don't die so fast.
Feral and Feudal worlds have much lower populations than high tech worlds. So less slaves to grab.
Then there is the matter of spreading terror during the raid. Hit a high tech world and the locals will do it for you.
rule of cool
They have those kind of weapons so they're not caught out by an ever changing ever shifting landscape.
What was a feudal planet 6 months ago could be over run with orks, or be the home of a new Imperium outpost.
Dark Eldar are completely obsessed with getting that adrenaline rush whenever they can and arrogant beyond a fault. They're not going to deal with smelly, pleb-tier Feudal Worlders, they want to see that previously devout Guardsman denounce his duty through pain and fear, they want to tease whimpers of all that goes against the Sister's vows from her own lips with gentle agony and mindfuckery. Only the greatest of pains can sustain them, and the greatest of these is watching the strong men fall to quivering messes.
If they want adrenaline rush maybe they should invest in a proper fucking army and wage actual war then.
Maybe they're too busty getting that adrenaline rush in the first place and maybe their faction is just as fucked as everyone else's in terms of being even remotely rational.
Haemys can make much better abominations out of a Space Marines.
>and wage actual war then
Too unimportant.
They also do it for sport more than anything. Sure, they could pick up some scared hobos on some back water feudal planet, but that would be like a game Hunter going to a petting zoo. You can't go back to the city of murder-rape-opolis with that. No one is going to want to see or hear about that shit.
It's all about the show. Nobles go and actually watch the carnage and shit, others out out a challenge for the best/worst thing.
Deldar don't wage war because they are so arrogant that declaring war on another species would be demeaning. They hunt for sport.
So, has anyone decided on what colour schemes they're going to try painting their dropfleet ships in?
I had the vague idea of trying the mercury look for a phr fleet that I used on 40k power weapons- base coat of a silvery metallic colour, then wash with different colour, usually blue/greenish, but wipe away most the wash right away so it only lies in a couple of locations to get a mottled look. I'm just not so sure on how well it would look on larger surfaces like the full ship
>feral or feudal world
Takes too much time to train them to the modern world. Maybe good for hard labor or sacrifice fodder and shit.
The Imperium went into a galactic state of depression when Necrons defeated the Ultramarines. Dark Eldar want to see if they can cause that suffering elsewhere
You seem to be under the impression that the Dark Eldar are rational actors.
Very few people in 40k are.
Some fluff I wrote, I do love the DE I think it's the fact that they are rampaging dickbags whose main form of entertainment is trolling everyone else.
Raiding for the Dark Eldar represents the highest pinnacle of art and can bring mirth and joy to even the grimmest Heamonculous. For Dark Eldar, it is not just the raid itself, but the planning of the raid. The art of gathering a host together and the wonderful planning that go into the whole grand adventure. An invitation to participate in a raid of a notable or creative Kabal or Coven is greeted with the same excitement as an invite to the opera or a particularly good evening soiree.
Of course a good raid doesn’t simply take on some tedious Agri-world of hicks, where would be the fun of that. Kabals need food but that kind of raid is boring and left for minor functionaries of the Kabal it is a necessity rather than something to be savoured. Much more fun for a Kabal is to murder space marines whilst they begin their chapter initiation ceremony or unleash genetically mutated horrors into the congregation of a cardinal. Such vile acts however are not easy to accomplish and may require the Kabal and it’s allies to neutralise thousands of opponents, this of course makes it all the more fun.
The actual success or failure of a raid is immaterial to the participating Archons (as long as they don’t come out of the raid weakened). Much as though they would enjoy watching an abbey re-painted with the insides of it’s Abbess, they would be equally amused if the their host is baked alive in their own armour. It’s something to bring up at the next dinner party.
kill yourself, didn't read, kill your cunt mother too
His headcanon is basically the actual canon tho
>reading lore
kys, didn't read that shit either
One of these threads again, huh.
You're so fucking cool user.