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It is a tanker’s Number…
….17 / 18 “

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Well, you did say you had the best banner...

folk yesss!

who here is TY Britbong?

I still find it highly amusing when Soviet TY players cry because they aren't superior to NATO. At least they have decent AA, they have recon, they have MANPADS, etc. The Americans are still half finished, but we don't bitch half as much.

I think the main objection was that they were to only ones who were, for all intents and purposes, Trained. And games against Veterans aren't nearly as fun (since it's way to easy to end up at 6s to hit).

I sort of see that to a point. I do think that the only "veteran" troops in the game should, in theory, be the Afghantsy, and maybe the post-Falklands Brits. That being said, the dev's explanation that NATO tech is better sort of makes sense, but sort of doesn't. I don't really see a good way to appease them other than to make everyone trained, but even then it it'll cause a whole new set of gripes.

Soviet players don't want to be better than NATO. They just don't want to be the only faction of redshirts who are hit on 3+. Especially when their veterans coming back from actual combat in Afghanistan are worse than NATO's forces that have seen no combat.

Make them not the only ones "trained", and give them some veteran lists (with fewer numbers, of course).

Love it!

Absolutely beautiful!

Does TY have playable Israelis?

TY currently has Americans, Soviets, and West Germans.

With British coming by the end of the year.

TY only has playable Germans.

I guess I will stick with the FoW Arab-Israeli war stuff. Thanks user.

Should be fairly easy to just proxy if you want to play as greatest ally. Just grab yourself some IDF from Peter pig and merkavas from qrf.

Hyperbole. Pure exaggeration.

The Soviets and the Americans are both playable.

The US lacks enough AA, and the Soviets play like a Trained force in regular FoW, but both are more than playable as-is.

There definitely seems to have been some power-creep with the germans, though.

Only because they got fully fleshed out while the US and Soviets only got put out in part.

Assuming I want to build a balanced american and german LW force to play with friend who arent into tabletops, how would I go about that?

Buy the new compilation books coming out.

It's technically British and Germans, but there is the Open Fire starter set.

britbong here do you have your playing wargames licence valid?


That depends... Are you BWA?

Black While American

I'm definitely going for brits as soon as they're out.

Holy shit all that plastic.

>Plastic FV432/Swingfire
>Plastic Lynx
>Plastic Chieftain
>Plastic Spartan/Striker
>Plastic Scorpion/Scimitar

Also christ, all those swingfire launchers. I feel like brits are going to be ATGM hell.

If they aren't into tabletop, start with a simple mini-game like TANKS. The Americans and Soviets are stronger than the Brits and Germans, so let them use those.

I've just seen the Battle of the Bulge compendiums being released. I've all ready bought Blood Guts Glory, Devil's Charge, Nuts, and Remeagen . Do these compendiums offer anything that's new and ultimately worth the 30 quid price?


Yes. Much needed nerfs.

There's also a few new lists, and the german stuff's gotten a little buff here and there.

thanks user. I'm guessing Yanks got spanked?

In other news, gutted there's no TY Challenger 1 or Centurion lined up

>Based on a lot of player feedback that Patton is considered over-powered, we decided to have a review of his rules. We made changes to change Foul Mouth to give 2+ Motivation for a platoon Patton joins (rather than 3+ for platoons within line of sight), and remove the Spearhead for platoons within line of sight. However, we have reduced his points to 75 points (from 100 points).

Yanks have been spanked.

I never used him or went up against him (I'm sort of a novice) but damn, that's a terrifying ability he used to have. Thanks Virus

Also can't take towed gun TDs anymore (they're just guns that are allowed to make ambushes now), and no mix-and-match with platoon ratings. They still get the sherman multitool platoon but that's probably less easily fixable, and without other stuff it might be less of a problem.

I'm slightly confused on the schedule with brits coming out for october/novermeber, though. I thought Bulge was before the brits?

I don't see what their problem is though, Soviets are the best faction in the game right now IMHO.

It just seems really autistic to focus on that one number like its the most important thing about the game while ignoring everything else.

Are they insisting on trying to out shoot Americans at long range? That is really the only situation that I've seen the to hit number really hurt them, and if you are doing that you aren't playing to the Soviet's strengths.

I think it was done to encourage soviets to close and attack more often, as was the style at the time

M10 kit confirmed to have 17pdr option. Also, TANKS stats for the Achilles. It's a Jackson that costs 1 point less, has 1 less initiative, and has semi-indirect instead of gung ho.

And they still assembled it with the less common early wedge counterweight, when most Achilles were made from the duckbill counterweight M10s.

The bulge lists are on FOW Digital for free right now, anyone have any questions? Just finished downloading.


They have the hero rule lel

FT but passes skill tests as if vets... Where have we seen this before?

On like, a million different lists? The basic idea of 'dies easy, kills good' has been around for a long time.

I am 10 minutes into the Allied book and it's still loading, it appears to be an early version uploaded by mistake based on the crosshairs on each page. I'm tired of screenshots, but am reading the Vet Rangers currently. Any questions on the Axis stuff should require at least 10 minutes for this to load again. IT MIGHT BE PULLED AT ANY TIME

They fucked up bad, also the book unloads earlier sections and need to be redownloadex. It is virtually nonfucntional.

This is the African American division, correct?

I've heard some great stuff about them.

Dammit now everyone is gonna play them. I thought I was gonna be special dammt

>All that plastic
I just assembled 9 boxes of resin for my West Germans.


Seperate topic
>Infantry in team yankee

They don't get talked about much, but from the games I have played, infantry are good in Team Yankee. Dig them in on the objective, especially if you are Soviet, and you at the very least force your enemy to move up their MBTs or self propelled arty to dig them out. Afgansty are especially nasty, with a lot of integrated support against air and armor.

West Germans have Milans which are nice, but they have too few stands to stand up in a prolonged assault. The Brits may be able to put more milans on the table.

What are your thoughts on infantry in TY? With the Brits having a heli company, we should see even more infantry involvement. Not to mention infantry assaults are going to bust right throught the Chieftains bazooka skirts.

they die to tank assault.

american infantry cannot survive tank assault with Russians. they can't pen in assault

Sure, but when you know where the enemy is going to have to send their tanks, you can plan accordingly.

American infantry are solid, but need to at range against armor. West German infantry are pretty good too, but are so weak in numbers that they die off pretty easy. Soviet infantry are pretty good, but lack range and can only hurt lighter vehicles from the front.

>but need to at range against armor
And if they don't, they just


just look at the LAW values, realize the Dragon is a lame Assault 5 or 6 weapon, and look at BDD armor. and keep in mind all those T-72's have brutal, so.....


Did battlefront suffer a stroke?

Because these are really the new books, for free, on Flames of War digital. It's got Patton's new rules and everything.

Someone else mentioned it a bit up, so it seems so. If you guys with forces can somehow get it into a distributeable pdf copy, we'd all be grateful.

the app is free, may as well get tit and download the lists.

I mean I'd imagine some guys don't have smart phones/tablets but for most people you can grab it right now. It works great on my phone at least.

>dat Eddie

In case some of /fow/ were unaware, Iron Maiden's frontman Bruce Dickinson is a tank enthusiast, his particular waifu being the T-34.

Awesome, I love how metal heads tend to be history nuts.

his tank waifu is inferior to Lemmy's of course

Could someone pls upload the Bulge books somewhere?

I dont have the app.

I can't seem to find it on the app store (I have an older iPhone though, so maybe that's why).

Seconding this.

I may be missing something but can soviet infantry do anything against abrams except bail on a roll of 1?

That nigger unit has some nice rules. If I ever have to play against that I demand the figures to be painted as niggers though.
What you see is what you get. :^)

Oh it's you again. You've been acknowledged, now get back to to >>/pol/ the grownups are talking.

Given theyve got the best of the German and Soviet special rules apparently you get a whole goddamn lot.

Theyre americans who get rerolls on their first bombardment with 105 shermans, Mission tactics, and essentially get the hero rule for their trained equivalent so they're pretty much vets no matter what.

Plus, they get access to all the good tanks in good numbers. You don't have to take a single 75mm sherman, to the point where they're considered an "upgrade" from 76mms.

Granted, theyre crazy expensive, but given all the abilities they have its for a damn good reason

No, the problem is as usual, everyone else gets a ton of new content and the soviets get to sit on their asses with nothing shiny.

So, it turns away players stuck with the same stagnant shit (with only a couple lists to play with), while NATO keeps raking it in with all sorts of new hotness, and then people leave because they feel cheated. And for those metas that don't let blue on blue games, it weakens the game when everyone is NATO with its options for days.

Also yes, trained soviets vs vets for days.

Yeah, turns out if you give soldiers 2 years to train and drill they get pretty good at their jobs, who knew? I would wager that Mr. Edgelord is pretty butthurt that a black unit is pretty much better than most of its white equivalents at their job.

FT with Hero works pretty well for them, yeah. Lacked the field knowledge that experience brings, hence the enemy hitting them on trained, but all that training and the "we cannot afford to fuck this up" attitude makes fearless and Hero entirely logical.

And IIRC, they get a FV option as well, which is a bit more expensive for obvious reasons and represents them after they HAVE been thrown into combat and learned how to most effectively keep their heads down.

>No, the problem is as usual, everyone else gets a ton of new content and the soviets get to sit on their asses with nothing shiny.
So, where's that new US content in TY?

After bongs next two books will be Warsaw Pact and then any betting man would put their money on more americans


How triggered can one fascist be?

Soviet's had a lot of shiny support options when they dropped.

>Rocket arty
>3 formations (once afghansty dropped)
>MANPADS and Missile AA
>2 nice BMP options
> an attack helicopter with a 4+ save that can carry infantry

After the Brits drop we'll likely see a soviet/ WarPac book. Hopefully we'll see a formation with T-64/T-80 option at a 4+ to hit or RoF 2. Even then, my guess is that people are still going to find something to be upset about.

The new brit and west german stuff has nice variety, but the Soviets current gear isn't be any less viable with their release.

East Germans are confirmed for a full book, not a magazine release like the Afgansty by Wayne. They're next up after Iron Maiden.

Bit of a Team Yankee question: does anyone have scans of the M109, 2S1 and Shilka cards?

I know at least some of us have the Zvezda versions but would still like to make some reference cards for them.

The PDF is in the scans database. You should be able to copy the "unit cards" from there abd print them out.

Spigot/fagot missiles can bust them from the side, anything else will really struggle to do anything meaningful.

Those are still quite fiddly to get working properly.
In particular, the special rules explanation on the back.

Good point. I was thinking the quick reference sheets had rule explanations... but alas they do not. I guess you could scribble it on the back.

he's right. if they are that unit, paint them in african tones. or, you can paint them actually black and have units full of honest Golliwogs.

I do find it deliciously ironic that them being held back from combat due to their race is what allowed them to train so much and get as good as they did. The racist sumbitch that were trying to ensure they failed essentially gave them exactly what they needed to survive all the bullshit that would be thrown against them in Europe.

Had they been thrown into combat with as little training as some of the other units got, history couldve been very different. If that had happened, it could have pushed back desegregation in the military by another decade, if not more.

Got the Team Yankee soivet box for 45 squidos what am I in for lads?

Anyone here used a Churchill-based armored force? Which of the 3 lists (Overlord, Road to Rome, Nachtjager) would you recommend? And what do you think is the right amount/type of support choices?

That seems to be a commonality among African American military units during WWII.

They had something to prove to their superior officers, to other soldiers, and to American society as a whole.

So they pushed themselves to be as good as they can. To prove that they are just as good, if not better than white soldiers.

A fun, fast and lethal game.

With Soviet tanks in particular, you get cheap but solid MBTs that are more than capable of taking out anything that NATO can throw at them while still appearing in numbers.
Haven't used my Hinds much yet, mostly because I only just set up my transport foam for the pair of them.

Rockin' BRT-40s and a couple of BMP-2s right? Haha. Fug, having the infantry will be nice, instead of converting normal soviets with the peter pig helmet pack.

To be fair, their actual CO was actually pretty cool with them - Jackie Robinson was actually transferred out to another unit because the station commander wanted to pull him up on charges for insubordination for not sitting at the back of a bus, but the commander refused, so he was transferred to the other African-American tank battalion whose CO was willing to go through with the court martial.

It's also worth noting that one of the guys pushing for African-Americans in combat was Leslie McNair - who honestly seems to get a bad rap overall.

Ditto the Japanese-Americans.


Enjoy the game ;)



Used my handful of Churchills a bit for fun in Italy infantry lists.
They seem pretty solid there, especially against medium tank lists.

wanted to play with Churchills from Nachtjager and combine them with paratroopers (since with special rule they get 3+ save as tank passengers) but it's not a big boost as Churchills are slow, so it's a 8 inch move instead of infantry 6. Still want to test the list thought...

They had heaps of BMP1 and BTR-70. Only like 20 BMP2 though so they might not be included in the lists.

Don't use tanks as transports. They're bullet-magnets.

Basically this. It's ok with Lorried Rifles and Cromwells, but that's because 16" move ain't nothin to fuck with. With 8" move Churchills... Not really great. Even when night attacking (taking the paras as the main force with Churchill support, obviously) you'll want the infantry on foot, since the Churchills won't get the spearhead move. Basically only useful so when you desperately mount your paras onto your double-timing chuchills you don't get quite as fucked by the enemy (though you'll still get fucked)

They probably will, knowing Battlefront. And wargamers deploying more of X special snowflake unit than ever did exists.

Did they atleast get BMP-1Ps so we can avoid the gay looking sagger?

The most successful ones I’ve seen have been Road to Rome infantry lists with as much Churchill support as they could take. Their lack of mobility isn’t a big deal in those lists, but it’s also more fun than plain infantry (i.e. sit back and roll dice).

Yeah, but they started the upgrade program in 1987 so it's slightly late for the time period.

I'll get that added to the scans database after I return from my vacation.

Did just spot that misses a bunch of card backs.

I play US Mech and I don't really view them as infantry but a large platoon of AT guns and kind of play them accordingly. From that standpoint they are a very good deal as all the soviet players around here run BMP swarm lists.

possibly, got them from a friend and I didn't check them all desu