I need art Veeky Forums. Art of Dragons. Any size, shape, color, breath weapon. I just need a fuckton of different dragons.
Dragon Art
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Smaller dragons are way more terryfying
I'm probably the only one in the world who thinks so
I'm with you that something of relatable-sized is scarier than something overly huge, but something the size of a car would still be scarier than something the size of a large dog. What's your reasoning?
>What's your reasoning?
No reason
I'm quite surprised that these Dragons are even large enough and in sufficient numbers to pose a threat.
Usual art of that era depicting dragons is absolutely pathetic, and makes the heroes in question look like peat control with ideas far above their station.
>Dragon Art Thread
>Posting mainly Wyverns
nah, its just that monks were very, very, VERY bad at perception while drawing stuff. like, even worse than the byzantines
I'm out.
Your contribution has been greatly appreciation.
>very persistent knight who hasnt figured out how to deal with hydras
Thought I had some dragon art to contribute but that must be on a flash drive somewhere. Take a bump and keep this thread alive
>Any size, shape, color, breath weapon.
Ah, yes. Draconis carlae plexippus. A wonderful specimen, perfect for beginners.
Have a Draconis Hemidactylus.
dragon does a study
These counts right?
Tiny dragons are best dragons.
You just KNOW