Ever been disturbed/disgusted by what was going on in a game to the point where you had to walk away from the table?
What was it that set you off?
Ever been disturbed/disgusted by what was going on in a game to the point where you had to walk away from the table?
What was it that set you off?
Other urls found in this thread:
interracial romances
someone rolled a d20 at my table
i almost vomited
Some dude shit his pants a little bit and thought no one would notice.
My DM once tried to give my cleric a white, cis-gendered, heterosexual girl as a love interest.
Oh fuck what. Does this have more of a story?
A PC tried to piss on a prisoner. I was the GM though so I couldn't leave.
I roleplay on f-list as an animoo tomboy getting fucked up the ass by futas and used as a toilet
There is no magical realm that would make me walk away from the table.
But I most certainly have gotten people kicked for being lolsorandum murderhobos that fall off the couch giggling that they crushed a man's testicles to kill them (after the party agreed to maroon the man Jack Sparrow style)
And I usually find out if someone is a feminazi SJW well before I make it to the table
Nah, I'm the always DM, so it's my god damn table.
I possess the power of excommunication.
don't forget human fighter
probably either bad pork or some turbo neckbeartism agent of nurgle.
Post f-list, user
Played once or twice with skinny dude who worked at th FLGS, he was the only other person I knew who was willing to play apocalypse world. He and his friends played and got locked up by a warlord and had to watch him go into female prisoners cells and torture / rape them, usually to orgasm, including slitting the women's throats as they came. This was all describe in great detail. Also a friendly female NPC shot dead in a firefight spent a lot of time puking up her guts and pissing herself while begging us to kill her. It was pretty fucked up, I left the group and never went back. A friend of mine stayed and told me it got even edgier from there.
fine then, something that made you kick them out permanently
Somebody at my table legitimately tried to RP. I punched him in the face and left. Fucking degenerate.
>Ryona/Guro fetish
not even once.
>torture / rape them, usually to orgasm, including slitting the women's throats as they came. This was all describe in great detail
weird, uncomfortable
>Also a friendly female NPC shot dead in a firefight spent a lot of time puking up her guts and pissing herself while begging us to kill her.
good roleplaying
I watched a player fail at basic roleplaying for 10 minutes, me and another walked away to smoke whilst it continued for another 15.
A white male looked at me, which is rape
It wasn't "basic" roleplaying, but apparently, this player had no idea how to react to pain because they "laugh it off".
>which is bullshit because I've seen them piss and moan about injuries before
Yeah but he was really into describing her crawling along getting shot in non vital areas by the sniper to draw out her death. He had a creepy grin on his face the whole time.
>apocalypse world
>apocalyptic setting
>ammo is rare
>sniper is wasting ammo on shooting one chick a bunch of times because reasons
Jesus fuck that pisses me off more than the GM forcing his magical realm in.
>He had a creepy grin on his face the whole time.
I had a player try to kill a character of another player because of an out-of-character argument.
I had a player who stuck around through scenes of physical and mental child abuse then walked away after crit failing twice in a row.
Male Halfling wizard was obsessed with the male human fighter in our party. Said human was a crack addicted who sawed off his arm for drugs, halfling bought the arm off the drug peddler and started fingering himself with it. No I am not making this up.
It's cause they had like 40,000 rounds of ammo, according to the GM. He also described all the different cartridges well past the point that no one cared anymore.
They also did that with women who cheated on the warlord (he had like twenty wives). They were used as target practice for the young boys in training. Some were forced to shoot their own mothers or be killed themselves.
Also one girl had her tits cut off with a chainsaw while she was still alive. Because she refused to fuck the warlord. When she was fourteen.
Now do you understand why I quit this campaign?
Played as the DM in a campaign with a guy and his girlfriend. Didn't realize straight away that they were furries. I did however realize this when he tried to have his gnoll barbarian rape her werewolf monk. They were both really getting into describing the struggle. I just kicked them right the fuck out.
>40,000 cartridges of ammo
>tried to go full /k/
>ten bucks he was wrong on every account
So it was GM's power fantasy warlord magical realm zone or some shit? Jesus what a cancerous game. If they're regularly doing target practice with a group of more than a dozen people that ammo is gonna run out quick, especially if it's not fucking standardized.
Hi Virt.
It was mostly 7.62 and 5.45.
Well I mean, there's a ton of variants of 7.62, but that still splits the ammo pool into 20,000 rounds for either caliber, which is gonna have you get maybe 10 to 20 people proficient. Also was this in some ex-warsaw nation? why the fuck is 5.45 the most common round? Goddamn this is triggering my autism.
There is only one ammo 7.62x54R and Mosin-Nagant is its prophet.
I want to touch the cow.
I want to do it now.
Ave nex alea.
I did not know virt ran Apocalypse World.
No, either my players aren't that fucked up or we're all so fucked up we'll deal with anything
Hallowed be his name.
It was 7.62 x 38 or whatever . They all had AK 47s, so whatever teh fuck that fires.
He probably does, he mentioned liking it in the past, them raged because Dungeon World ended up more popular.
7.62x39 then, so basically you were a bunch of slavs fighting in slav ville then, either that or he subscribed to the meme that the AK is the best rifle on the planet and is the only one that will survive the apocalypse. Hilariously, this makes the sniper story even more gregarious bullshit unless he was using an AK variant.
>7.62 x 38
>or whatever
>AK is ... is the only one that will survive the apocalypse
I was always under impression this is mostly based on the idea there's so many AKs in circulation not even apocalypse can destroy them all.
Maybe it was 7.62x54 and they were using a Dragunov.
Killed more people than nuclear bombs.
I think it's a combination. They are an exceptionally durable gun, and there are literally tens of millions of them out there.
I remember hearing they can take really shit ammo too, and is not too picky about rust, sand and shit.
Really depends on the location, if you're in a NATO country there are far less AKs, but if you live in an ex-warsaw pact nation or africa or something you'll find a ton of AKs. The fact there's so many AKs in general is because the Russians sold off the tooling and specification for everyone of their buddies to use. Which means there's a million different variants of the AK, all made in different places.
well they mentioned that the majority of the stockpile was 5.45 and 7.62x39, so they'd be using a couple dozen rounds of ammo that they have much a smaller stockpile of (assuming she didn't eat more than 3 full magazines of ammo).
Probably true, I don't think I've read about many AK's killing bombs.
Yeah, one of the characters has become mutated overtime and is now a huge half-pig woman. Started out as a minor problem she picked up but decided to go fully down that path. The extent of her mutations, her eating practices including cannibalism, her putting out litters of half-pig monster babies, were all bad enough. She's become big enough though where the most recent game, she ate a woman whole. Out of morbid curiosity the DM asked her to describe what she did if she was certain she wanted to, the logistics of it, and I was like "Nope! Need some fresh air!"
It's a post apoc game so I guess I shouldn't complain, and there's worse stuff out there, but it's one thing to have to fight horrible/disgusting mutated monsters, and it's another thing to live and work alongside one.
I had a DM who liked to Magical Realm his players. Not his own Magical Realm. Oh no, that would be too easy.
If he got any sort of whiff of a fetish or kink that any of his players had, he would go out of his way to put it into the game. He found out that one player had a bondage kink and went into long unsettling detail how that player was wrapped up in ropes and bound to a table. It made everyone a little uncomfortable.
What nearly made me leave the table was during a game of Changeling the lost. At the time I was working a really shit job that got me seriously depressed. I was fighting with my boss almost every day and was losing money just working there. Around the same time, me and the DM met up to have some drinks and i confessed some things to him about my sexuality. I don't want to come off like a tumblr post so I'll just say it was a lot of personal issues that I though I could trust him with.
Our group was locating our fetches when we came across mine. He had designed my fetch to act like a stereotypical camp gay man fucking my IRL boss. He really wanted to go into detail about my fetch and my boss would fuck each other. He used some of the things I told him in private to describe the characters.
This was the last thing that happened in that game before we were kicked out of the venue. I told him afterwards that it was pretty shit that used that information to get a rise out of me in a game, he though it would help me get over my issues. I didn't what that stuff brought up in front of a half dozen people in a public place, I just wanted to play a RPG.
He didn't host many more RPGs over that for a number of reasons. I fell out of contact with him a while later. I still don't know what else he wanted to do with those character but to be honest I don't want to know.
It was a Dragunov, I do remember that because we captured it later.
In a wry aside, the setting information notes that bullets and gasoline are the only things there's more than enough of, implying that the apocalypse was biological.
>if you're in a NATO country
>if you live in an ex-warsaw pact nation
Sorry, he was talking about internationally RELEVANT countries.
Well even then, 40,000 rounds is a bit much, especially split between at least 3 different ammo groups, and regularly being used for target practice, training, raiding and torture. You'd either need to spend a long time stocking up and not shooting or you'd have to stumble upon a huge ammo stock pile.
The majority of NATO countries would have been using STANAG compliant weapons and ammo since it's inception. Poland would be the exception given it's close proximity to russia and the fact it was ex-warsaw pact.
amusingly the tolerances in the design mean that you can build a franken AK with parts from all over the world, and generally they'll kick along pretty well in spite of the fact.
that's probably more of an issue of "this is literally the exact same rifle except made in china/east germany/some other buttfuck no where country" rather than the parts being different but the tolerances are loose enough to allow them to fit together. Of course this won't matter if you use shit magazines and you'll still get malfunctions out the ass.
it depends on the round and if there was actually 40K rounds. Back before i was selling my guns I kept ~10K of 22lr, 7.62x54r, and various other ammo laying around
i had no idea where to put it so i just kinda stuffed it in the closet. How the fuck is an apocalypse sniper going to have that much ammo and not worry about being raided constantly
According to the guy who posted the story, the GM straight up said the warlord and his group had 40,000 rounds, most of it being 5.45x39 and 7.62x39. So I mean I guess the warlord 's group reloaded ammo or some shit because the OP also said they trained child soldiers so they'd be burning through thousands of rounds getting them to be proficient marksmen.
I wish my dm would try to magical realm me.
>dm fills campaign with lolis who through themselves at my paladin
>paladin refuses their advances and sets them up in a proper homes
>some grow up to idolize the paladin, so he trains them and eventual leads a unit of paladin girls
You see the dm would assume lolis were my fetish my by merely searching the surface, but he'd never realized that kind-hearted paladin girls were my true fetish the entire time
>[Princess Maker intensifies]
I lol'd.
All I want to play is a troubled youth made into a proper hero with the gentle guidance of the mature, motherly Paladin.
And then it's revealed near the end that she's been grooming him to be the perfect groom for her daughter, the NPC acolyte we met in Session 3 who fell for the troubled youth HARD.
Okay, Poland is the magical place where most of their guns are sticks with triggers attached.
Session one. The party wakes up in an abandoned ruin. One player goes forth to explore, ends up falling into a pond. Character is immediately tentacle raped and impregnated (despite being a guy) by a squid monster.
I got up and left. GM was genuinely puzzled as to why. The guy whose character was raped later reported that the GM had his character give anal birth to a squid, and he was told that the squid was his new familiar, which was the point at which guy stopped being morbidly curious and started being morbidly nauseous, and left.
Said GM would later go on to reveal, in an extremely creepy fashion before an assembled crowd at the local LGS, that it was his dream in life to carry a child to term, and that he had written a story featuring himself, and 'would any of you guys like to hear it? Yes? Ok!'
People ran. There was screaming. Restraining orders were filed. It was a horrifying experience for everyone involved.
Being magical realm'd like this is my worst nightmare. I would lose so much face with my group forever. It isn't like I'm into something totally fucked up, like diapers, but I'm basically a small, angry, rebellious fuck, and my characters follow suit. If my party knew I have a massive fetish for being ordered around and controlled, as well as being way into being spanked, I wouldn't live it down.
Jesus christ, I refuse to believe you are telling the truth, for my sanity's sake.
>It was a horrifying experience for everyone involved.
Not for him it wasn't
user, I love giving orders and spanking.
My group played Car Lesbians.
I honestly don't know what I expected.
>DM plays into my magical realm
>Petite, barefoot, flat chested girl way into fucking
>she gets impregnated later on
Goddamit being a vanilla fag sucks.
>barefoot, small chested
user please, give her great big boobs and an obsession with getting them fondled.
Oh my god, I remember the thread where we first made that. I was in it. Veeky Forums got shit done so fast, but... I don't know how anybody could ever actually PLAY it.
Somebody stood up and slapped him to the ground, because he just started talking louder and louder as the sounds of disgust from his unwilling audience grew, until he was essentially bellowing with such volume that people in the Starbucks across the street could hear.
Fairly certain it didn't go as he had planned, either.
GM kept adding players. So many players.
When I sign on for a three man game I expected one or two people to join eventually, not for the party to bloat to 7 players in two sessions. Fuck off, man. Who enjoys inflated parties like this? You have no chance to roleplay and you have such little impact on anything. Didn't help that his campaign immediately turned into a boring grognard-esq combat-centric murder fest. At least be honest if you're going to do that. The only choice when the game's that bad is to just retire.
Nah, the huge tits go to the curvy, slutty milf mother of the petite girl.
Does she engage in MFF threesomes where she coaches the daughter on how to do all the hardcore stuff?
Well that's some beautiful imagery.
Naturally. It's a hard choice because I like both big tits and DFC. I have a preference towards petite girls though.
It was a fucking train wreck in more ways than one.
It was hilarious at first, which we thought it would be, but it got increasingly more awkward and borderlining on ERP as time went on.
Still somewhat hilarious, but we as a group swore to never talk about or mention that session again.
I will not enter this magical realm with you. I'm a strong, independent bard, who don't need no gentle, authoritative admonishment and punishment.
user please, we both know a strong bard is a bard that can handle a little public spanking, nape-pinching and enforced chastity.
>It's a hard choice because I like both big tits and DFC. I have a preference towards petite girls though.
are you me
>oh man I really need the stuff
>but I'm broke, shit, what do I do?
>I heard people sell like kidneys and shit
>my arms are, like, hella dope, they're worth like at least three kidneys! At least!
What about a petite girl that becomes a soft, motherly woman with cow tits after settling down and living an easy, sedentary lifestyle with her husband and growing brood?
Then she won't be DFC any more mang, gotta have my older, motherly flat chested girl somehow.
That's called real life, bro
>mfw living the dream
I could never bear to see the flat justice go.
Unless she gains the power of shape shifting, and decides to have a different bust size every friday.
I hate that I can never see Polandball as anything but a Voltorb.
Oh shit I've found my people
>tfw equally attracted to beefy amazons and chubby shortstacks and find myself constantly changing minds over which one is better than the other
I know that feel bro
>Like lithe athletic girls
>Like curvy busty women
>Like flat chested petite girls
The only reasonable thing to do is to have it all.
I imagine this was the logic that caused the ancients to invent the first harem.
for sure
>be ancient king
>Like tall girls
>also like short girls
>already have tall girl, but also want a short girl
>Fuck it why not have both
and it just escalates from there.
Nigga are you forgetting what a harem even was?
You're thinking of concubines.