Favorite minis thread. Any company, any subject, post as many as you wang, just whatever you love.
>Shalelu, Elf Ranger by Reaper Miniatures
This is how I Elf.
Favorite minis thread. Any company, any subject, post as many as you wang, just whatever you love.
>Shalelu, Elf Ranger by Reaper Miniatures
This is how I Elf.
Also, I caught that typo but posted it anyway.
>Necromancer, Chronopia
This is how an evil wizard should look.
I just found out Infiinity's got fucking Landmates, so right now they're kinda at the top of the list.
Never been able to find it in a store, always wanted to paint it
I have that exact same figure. It is pretty cool IMO. My only gripe is that there is absolutely no detail on the back of his hands, so I had to go in and paint the bones in.
It has so much more than Landmates...
I like a lot of Reapers stuff, not quite the same insane detail as lots of GW stuff, but usually a lot of a fun to paint.
I like their Warlords Overlords faction style.
I kinda miss being young-me, staring at the huge plexiglass case of Ral Partha minis at the LGS.
I mean, I realize I can still get minis, but nostalgic reasons mean those were better.
These days everything from every part of the globe is readily, and I have the means to acquire it.
I just don't wargame/paint anymore...
always liked this guy and the other guys from this series
>Not liking Combat firefighter
Always thought this guy looked pretty rad.
this girl looks cool too
>Of the vast array of awesome KD models, intentionally picking one of the most plain.
i like her though! all of the kingdom death models are good though.
TGG2 was fucking amazing, there's so many good minis in it. But this baby is the one I'm really excited for.
Also this because I'm a sucker for medics.
Also violin Daemonette, because the smug and content look on her face while playing one of my favorite instruments is really appealing.
There's just so much going on in this model that its a one-kit wargame diorama. I don't even know what to use it as, maybe a Soul Grinder. Its too big to be anything else for Daemons I think.
Finally, this. Because a Keeper of Secrets shushing someone just seems to obviously great that I love it.
>shh, if you don't scream the rape hurts less
What gets me is that the Avatar of Shaah matches the aesthetic of Warhammer Chaos art much better than the Forgeworld or regular ones ever have. KoS never have had good models.
Forgot my second pic.
My favorite miniature in the Bones line
Swag as fuck
another kd
Holy shit, that fucker is BIG...
My current favourite's are the Wolfbane Mourning Wolves from the warzone resurrection line by Prodos.
War widows, grieving mothers, sisters, and orphans. So driven by the deaths of their loved ones in the corporate wars and the fight against the dark legion that they leave behind their old and broken lives to take up a death quest to gain revenge and be reunited with their departed loved ones.
I love how the models capture this, the ferocious expressions on the faces, the poses illustrating them charging pell-mell into the front lines of the enemy to unleash terrible vengeance. And I love the general aesthetic of them, this wild Celtic Warrior Woman look about them from their warpaint to their leather tunics, like something out of my favourite Bad Girl comics coming onto the tabletop. I have 20 of these girls in my collection, I hope their upgrade character(Sheila McGregor, former film star turned murder maiden) gets a mini in the coming year, she's going to look great I reckon.
I was expecting someone to make an ICP joke, didn't even think of that.
I don't even think they're bad models, it's just that the design choices behind them are a little obvious "Manowar with corpsepaint".
Backstory sounds like Panteras though.
Warzone and Mutant Chronicles have their origins in 1990s Sweden, so that's not far off the mark as far as the units influences go. Now where did that page in the link you posted come from?
I'm not professional interpreter of grumbling/gurgling/rumbling/roaring style songs but I think they are singing in either finnish or swedish. Can't really tell.
I like this mini though. Don't like the paint job shown here. Mini is nice.
Counterblast - Lancer Clipper from Bombshellminis
Ctrl+F "Apokalypse"
Cheers mate. Have some Enhanced Machinators, murderous killbots of the Cybertronic megacorporation, adept at infiltration, assassination, and fucking shit up.
Oh, those actually look pretty nice. I don't remember too much from MC back in the day...
But why the hell do Praetorian Stalkers have a ccw? They should be literal supernatural/biomechanical Rambos with machineguns!
Infinity's pretty good at havign a decent tna quota, aren't they? I'm thinking of getting into it. I've heard they do a lot of limited runs on models though? :(
In before the tentacle rape monster from Kingdom Death or the Eldar rape diorama.
Thanks user! Just today I was wondering where the fuck I was going to find anthropomorphic cat minis for the new Fragged Empire expansion.
I like "giving no shits" air about this one, and the cornered posing.
Well. That is basically the only proper anthro cat mini I've found when looking for them. So I hope it helps.
It's one of their options, works pretty well too.
Would make for a quite kewl champion for my Landsknechts Nurgle Warriors.
Forgot to post my currently fav miniature:
Festis the Muthafawking Leechlord
Bro. That's a nomad iguana. You like landmates? Go look at the nomad Gecko. It's a two pack of chunky, low points models that are fucking boss and fun in game.
Then look up the maghariba guard. If you liked Stand Alone complex, it's a great think tank style model.
Could make for a kickass Warshrine aswell!
Holly fawk I just found my 9th Age Chaos lord/harbinger!
Limited runs? No. There are usually some "special" model that comes with something else, like with artbook or game box or tournament award. But nothing says you can't just buy those tournament boxes yourself for the models. I don't care for the tournament environment myself but I still buy those boxes for the models, patches and pins. :)
Everything else is buyable. There are few really old sculpts that are now getting resculpts but havn't encountered this "limited run" thing before. You are actually first one I've heard to say it in regards of Infinity.
Oh, I know exactly which folder this one's going in...