Are there Jews in 40k? Jews have survived a lot and I think a Jewish influenced regiment or chapter would be cool. Maybe throw in some kabbalah psykers. We already have Tallarn desert raiders for muslims and just about every flavor of christianity has been represented in the ecclesiarchy.
Are there Jews in 40k? Jews have survived a lot and I think a Jewish influenced regiment or chapter would be cool...
Battle mohels?
They are going to circumcise those orks.
With a chainsaw.
"Suffer not the Goyim to live."
But in all seriousness, best not be a spehs mahreen chapter. It would be very ironic when taking into account David and Goliath.
Yeah. A guard chapter with a Jewish aesthetic? I don't want to do the IDF or something. Maybe model them on Jewish partisans in Eastern Europe or something.
An underground resistance against a Chaos controlled planet ala Imperium Asunder?
Well frankly a while back i made a choice to play a Dark Angel in DW. And i played him pretty jewish. But recently i found out the DA are supposed to be native american... but i like my way better. Not even jew here.
My guys name was Luminon Kohanim and he was the initiate of secrets, wore a roab etc. He was an assault marine and used a chainsword, a full boltgun and had a Good craftsmanship jump pack with an Mind Impulse Unit linked in. At one point our transport got shot down and i had to jump out and succeed my fly test and catch another marine (gay bloodangel (shudder)).
We even played a single mission with unlimited requisition, so we all chose terminator armour and i chose a master crafted heavy flamer... i forget what was in the other arm... probably a MC powerfist... my god... you could have chosen an MC hammer! What a fool i have been!
I think a jewish space marine chapter would be good actually... i dont know about any davids vs/ goliaths, but why limit yourself? It could be a fight between a marine and a chaos primarch why not?
It's a dystopia, so I imagine there are a lot of jews.
In Jewish myth, (read: The Old Testament) there is a story of a small man, David, beating the massive, brutish Goliath with well placed slingshots. It would be fitting, thus, to have the Jews be represented by the IG-- the small everyman, against a big, evil bad; Chaos-- maybe even orks.
Well Tzeentch cultists exist.
But they're Zoroastrians or some shit.
>the small everyman, against a big, evil bad; Chaos-- maybe even orks.
Thats a bit of a tired troap... im trying to convince you to be creative, and it isnt working...
What kind of special gear / tactics would mark them out anyway?
An IG regiment from a planet that suffers frequent invasions from a well-organized Chaos faction would make sense. One where they've lost their holy relics so many times they only have records of what they once looked like, and large cathedrals in general have been replaced by smaller shrines and well-distributed priests.
That's a bit closer to old Israel than modern Israel, but I think its also a more fun theme. Hell, make the Chaos faction themed as a cross between Rome and modern Israel; that would be awkward but ironic. Lots of air support, lots of tanks, lots of support from the distant Eye of Terror.
The IG faction could be themed around low-expensive weapons, no armor, and large numbers (fitting early Israelite tactics), with mention in their history of the great Space Marine Samson and the Martyrs of Port Masada.
The Jews don't fight on the front line, they are the ones running the banks and forcing others to fight for them.
That's got to have made the 6-Day War awkward.
How would they view the Emperor?
Their belief gotta be pretty unorthodox by imperial standards, so that aspect would probably work better if they were SMs.
It would be rather funny if they were Vandire-style "old school" Emperor-worshippers, tolerated due to some bureaucratic misnomer or another.
And ineptly driving leman russes off cliffs.
Perfectly acceptable. Friggin iron chariots.
all signs point to no, most earth religions were destroyed during the unification wars. then the age of apostasy spread the imperial cult no doubt purging any religions that didn't match the new dogma.
Like half the SM chapters and all of the IG regiments are based on pre-Age of Strife cultures.
Obviously they wouldn't be Jews-Jews, just Jew-like. Though if one current religion survived up to the 41st millenium, it would be Judaism.
Well of course it's a tired trope-- It's literally a biblical story. Much like everything else in 40k.
That's what I'm saying, though. There's no real way to uniquely present them without diverting from the inspiration too greatly.
Ok im gonna have a crack at this...
Homeworld: Hive world (3)
Commanding Officer: Circumspect (2)
Regiment Type: Gurilla Regiment (4)
Training Doctrines: Close order Drill (2)
Special Equipment Doctrines: Scavengers (3)
Regimental Drawbacks: The Few (+5)
Additional Standard Kit items.
Fury Las pistol carbine 30m S / 2 / 5 1d10+2E 0 30 Full Reliable1.5kg Scarce 10pts
- Whisper bolt upgrade (the Fury Las-carbine fires las shots which are invisible)
Guard Flak armour Ap4 all, Scarce 10pts
Fought with the financial support and weapons given to them by the US and Britain.
They would have been steamrolled otherwise. These days, USA wages all their wars for them.
Providing equipment isn't the same as providing boots on the ground, but this is the wrong place for an argument about nationalism.
US gave guns to one side, Soviets to the other. It was no different in that respect to many other wars during the Cold War.
The Emperor knows how to finish a race.
No Jews left. Emperor Holocausted them all.
>DA are supposed to be native american
Where the hell did you get that from?
So, they provided the fighting, and other people provided the support? Isn't that the exact opposite of what you just said previously?
You could go with a few of the Jewish units in the late medieval and renaissance, usually in the Turkic sphere of influence, but a few others in Hungary and the like. They're not actually a regiment from a world, but they're a kind of brotherhood that spans several, maybe after their home world was sacked by Orks or whomever your favorite bad guy is; but they dispersed to a bunch of different neighboring worlds, but kept up their martial traditions.
So you've got a dozen worlds across the subsector, none of whom have this "Jewish" regiment, but every regiment has some "Jewish" companies in it, with their own doctrines and way of doing things.
The old Deathwing novel. It's since been retconned as a DA lie they tell initiates.
Good, because nothing else about them points to them being like Native Americans.
>Where the hell did you get that from?
Someone on here said that they were... i dont know where it came from... i own the 3rd Ed codex afterall and i dont remeber any mention of it...
>implying 40K doesn't already have enough autism
It's a horrible idea. It's way to serious of a subject to make light off in a game. Unless you are jewish yourself this would be really offensive.
>You're not allowed to portray another race or culture in your fiction unless you belong to it.
This attitude needs to die.
still not as shit as jewish shit
>What kind of special gear / tactics would mark them out anyway?
Accusing everyone of exterminatus against jew people
no worries, jews got squatted
Are you all so quick to shill for Israel that you missed literally a quarter of the entire text content of the post?
These days, USA wages all their wars for them.
These days, USA wages all their wars for them.
These days, USA wages all their wars for them.
That's just 40k writers being lazy and transplanting every military sterotype in existence in a single setting.
But user, Games Workshop are the Jews. There's no need for them to type-cast.
That'd be awesome.
>chaos cult takes over planet, majority of populace at this point is with them
>starts mandating that everyone that follows the Imperial Creed be branded with a golden aquila
>IG forces land on planet, start ground campaign
>Some ~space politics~ occur between various imperial factions over control of the planet
>branded citizens start getting ghetto'd, pogrom'd, concentration camp'd
>A bunch of them in the cold northern mountain towns manage to band together during the massacres and form a resistance group that fights with guerilla tactics and stolen PDF equipment
>fuck up supply lines to the chaos forces
>blow up trains
>blow up airplanes
>blow up tanks
>kill space nazis
Sounds like fun
>Are there Jews in 40k?
Silly, he's a Turk.
I didn't know I wanted this
I think you mean Malcador
got it wrong, space nazis are the imperium not the chaos dudes
The only surviving branch of Abrahamic faith after the Emprahs angst was possibly the Adeptus Mechanicus if you're among those that believe their religion is a heavily filtered version of Christianity.
If it makes you feel any better though, it might be possible that the Jews were taken out by techno-barbarians before the purging began.
Didn't thought about that. But there are some similarities.
Incense, robes, circumcision (remove of flesh to serve god), fanaticism, golems (robots/automata), live in the desert (mars).
Yes, mechanicus are the space jews. Jewchanicus.
A Jewish space marine chapter? I was just thinking about this after having read the first five books of the old testament (Torah, basically). The Israelites had a pretty hardcore warrior culture, so it actually works. I could see them having really interesting psykers, who more or less lead the chapter after having received visions from what may or may not be the Emperor. The thousand sons would be appropriate enemies of the chapter, but I could also see them bearing an intense enmity with the Word Bearers, or the Necrons. Bonus points if their base of operations (if we're using later biblical history) is near ultrimar, and they have to contend with the Ultramarines over political/spiritual/tactical differences.
Aren't all space marines circumcised anyway?
Also, you want to talk about purging the unclean? The Torah is full of that kind of stuff, and I'm talking about the fatal brand of purging alongside the spiritual. Several populations get straight up exterminatus'd, right down to the livestock. Old Testament Jew Marines would not fucking play with Chaos, or Xenos, or any combination of the two.
Or psykers. Black Termplars are jews too.
I'm not sure really, I'll admit some hesitation at the prospect of finding out. It'd be a funny little detail, at most.
I thought something similar, but I'd like to think there were a few figures like Moses (this one's important) and Elijah in this chapter. People with incredible supernatural powers, tempered and bolstered by intense (read; absolutely fanatical) faith. I could see them fulfilling a role that crosses the Librarian and the Chaplain together, which would make the Jew Marines rather distinct.
I really like where we are going.
Time to think about who their primarch would be, though. I can se them worshiping one of the two lost primarchs, claiming to be the true keepers of his story.
Could be some exile backstory, too. Where the TS burned down their homeworld, and the marines had to lead them to a new planet on the other side of the galaxy, letting many groups settle on various planets on the way. All the resorting cultures keep similar beliefs and dream about reconquering their long-lost homeworld.
He was from Anatolia long before the Turks arrived.
Seconding the Lost Primarch idea, can't think of another Primarch that'd encompass the Jew Marines character aside from Lorgar, which bears it's own set of (potentially engaging) complications. If we're starting with an Exodus like event, we could have the chapter end up being enslaved basically at conception on a thousand sons controlled planet. Again, the Necrons could be a suitable replacement, but the Jew Marines' weariness towards sorcery would implicate the Sons. Them being freed via the efforts of a legendary psyker-chaplain, who would become the first true Chapter-Master, would be cool. Since he wouldn't have a hand in the current events of the chapter, on the account of being centuries dead, we could have not-Moses be incredibly fucking powerful, nearly alpha level, at least. Coming up with laws that he'd lay down would be fun too.
>Are there Jews in 40k?
The Eldar.
>ancient people with their own strange ways
>live in tight knit family groups
>persecuted by other races
>manipulate the other races behind the scenes.
Eldar are super kikes.
Uh... Judaism's primary difference from the other Abrahamic faiths can be summed up as "we are waiting for the Messiah to come and save us". The Imperial Cult teaches very, very firmly that the Messiah has come and been ensconsed in the Golden Throne because of our sins, and will brutally purge anyone who doesn't accept the Emperor is the Messiah.
So, Jews in 40K are almost assuredly extinct. Either because their faith has mutated from its roots by placing the Emperor in the Messiah's place, or because they were obliterated as heretics.
>violently lash out at others while proclaiming their moral superiority in all things
>displaced community without a proper homeland
>oy vey another fallocaust
>confused as to why people do not trust them after all the manipulation and lies
to a T
>think that they are the superior race, and that the lesser race exist at best, to serve them, and at worst, are merely cattle or vermin.
>are massively arrogant dicks who will backstab even their perceived allies the moment it suits them.
Eldar=Space Jews confirmed.
proto turk
There is most definitely at least one character with a jewish name, most likely a self insert for the author, in one of the novels.
Irrelevant on the larger scale of things, and constantly under the threat of extermination, just like Jewish communities in the middle east (outside of Israel), are.
Israel is just a pitifully impoverished vassal state for America, like the possible Kurdistan. There are tons of other middle eastern "ally" countries that also drag us into wars, like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and they, like Israel, broadly agree on all the same interventionist nonsense. Feels great that the era of nation building is coming to a close, though.
no jews in 40k - all got "purged" for jewish tricks and shananingans. Or was that II WW ?
>just like Jewish communities in the middle east (outside of Israel), are.
Don't forget about Iran.
#2 in Jewish population worldwide I think? or just in the middle east
#2 in sex reassignment surgery worldwide
#1 in state sponsored sex assignment surgery worldwide
No I'm not implying there's a connection, just I find it a hysterical way to mock sexually uptight Persians.
You should expect this because you're on Veeky Forums, but kill yourself. What's the fucking point of roleplaying if you can't play a role, race, culture or religion different to your own you sack of shit.
While real straight up Judaism would be impossible, a chapter or refimrnt that borrows from ancient Hebrew war tactics.and culture could be potentially interesting. While the idea of enormous Jewish ubermensch is amusing, most of the "themes" of Jewish history and culture works better or is simply more interesting with the guard. Take for instance Judaic isolationism (do not associate with the Goyim), mysticism, and secrecy. These are just completely average traits for a space marine chapter. Meanwhile, you take a regiment made up of some very old genetic stock - perhaps the first humans to leave earth or some such - who consider themselves the Emperors chosen people, who can only be joined by matrilineal birth or marriage, with strange secretive rights that the ecclesiarchy considers borderline heretical but that they get away with because of behind the door influence, as well as a focus on guerilla warfare and force multiplication, then you have the potential for something very interesting. My suggestion would be to make them friends of the Admech somehow, because the admech already sort of fills this niche, and further more the Jewish legend of the Golem fits admech approaches to robotics to a T
Hell yeah. The chapter was created on a world under heavy thousand sons domination (maybe to fight said domination), or were even used as Ahriman's warhounds since the heresy, and they ended up rebelling under the lead of not-space Moses.
I'm suddenly picturing some fuckhuge archeotech space vessel containing enough terraformation material to turn a dead world into a paradise, and enough genetic and industrial means to rebuild their legion from scratch.
Proto-Turks were in Altay at the time, proto-Armenian maybe, they're the only ones left with any influence from old Anatolian languages, even if it's minor and conjectural.
>the era of nation building is coming to a close
>about to elect 'giving guns to the moderates in Syria only failed because not enough were given, Libya was great success, Saudis have our support for whatever they want in Yemen' as president
The best (only) way to use the Jews as a human part of the Imperium requires considering the Jewish experience, which is that of an oppressed and misunderstood minority among a majority that barely tolerates them for their practical uses.
It's going to sound like a meme, but your best bet is to make them Abhumans. It's the only social demographic that the Imperium oppresses but also suffers to live (as long as they're human enough).
This means we must consider what possible mutation/differences we could have.
Just gonna throw this out there.
at least they're not literally hitler :^)
I do not envy the american's choices this time around, despite being stuck with the weed man.
And for some of that good old 40k brutality, I think some of the worlds in the marines's promised quadrant should be already well occupied by chaos worshipping types. And the there's only one way any self respecting Israel-Marine should deal with that. Wars of extermination, quite possibly by what the marines perceive to be the Emperor's mandate, which is communicated through the psyker-chaplains' visions.
You may be surprised.
Or I may be disappointed. In the latter case I will nurse my broken heart with DUDE FREE SHIT LMAO and webms of DUDE THE CIA FUNDED MODERATE REBELS ARE AT IT AGAIN, so I guess I win either way.
Hilary leading the race in Murrica is baffling.
Are americans utterly unaware of what sort of utterly corrupted cunt she is?
Oh no we're pretty aware.
The choice is between a corrupt cunt and a blithering idiot. There is literally no good vote to be made.
>INB4 3rd party
The 3rd party candidates are just as bad. Stein is a lunatic, she wants to put a moratorium on all GMO products in America and doesn't believe in Vaccination.
Libertarian guy is a Libertarian, but not even a good one, so he's disappointing to Libertarians and sane people.
weed man isn't that bad. anyone is better than Harper
On topic, this chapter would be trying to reclaim its chaos-controlled home world, right? It should be some sort of super-fortress. Preferably manned by TS.
Of course we do.
That's one thing you can't hold against Americans, pro and anti Hillary people are both completely aware of how horrendous she is, for the most part.
The hard core raging feminists I know, old and young alike who were mortified over shirtgate and consider Christianity equal in terms of oppression of women and who are turbo politically correct, still HATE HRC. They HATE. HAAAAAATE HRC and hate what she did to Bernie, but he told them to vote for HRC, so they do.
Meanwhile the two male HRC supporters I know sound like the most kooky stereotypical Trump supporters in every respect -- deranged conspiracy theories, good ole southern boys, love Reagan, etc., and deeply dislike her. They're not as outspoken emotionally (I suspect men feel uncomfortable about expressing passionate hate for women or something?), but instead they simply explain they identify as Democrats, and think the Republican party ARE the Klu Klux Klan or is going to take away his citizenship because and kill him, because he has brown skin.
You can hold everything else against us, and please do if she wins, but I have yet to meet anyone in person who is even remotely happy to support her.
Holy newfag. If you dont know rudimentary 40k fluff, dont comment on it.
Fucking reddit Hillary-shrill go home.
It's a game about little plastic men shooting other little plastic men. Who cares?
>He's an idiot because he said a mean thing.
You slurp up that propaganda.
I thought this thread had been up for an awfully long time, but then I realized that OP is just remaking the same thread every day.
You can't be gay in Iran, but being born in the wrong body is just a mental issue which can be fixed by surgery and drugs.
Exclusive sexual attraction to the same sex qualifies you.
The modern Turks are about as Turkic as the Germans, they're genetically the same as the Anatolian, just with a now-gone ruling class and culture who was Central Asian.
It sounds like you haven't actually done any research into either third party candidate.
This is obviously thinly veiled bait to make people say that the Emperor got rid of the Jews when he got rid of all religions, but i propose a different reading of the canon. What if the Jewish people recognized the Emperor as the messiah?
Then the Emperor got rid of them first. Remember, he was a fedora tipping atheist who wanted to break religion under his boot.