/tv/ approved science fiction movies and television and books?
/tv/ approved science fiction movies and television and books?
Other urls found in this thread:
Outland, The Expanse, Alien, Gravity, 2010
Do comics count?
Pretty much all of them, science-fiction is Veeky Forums almost by definition.
Guardians of the Galaxy is probably the one that feels the most like a standard campaign, though.
No blade runner? Isn't that shadowrun without the magic and races?
Right Decker?
and then for those not into memehammer 40k I got this godlike comic
Donjon is very much Veeky Forums, but I'm not sure if it's been translated.
Are there even any movies or series that are both cyberpunk and urban fantasy, outside of chinese cartoons?
That silly girl with fantasy tattoos movie series. Not full cyberpunk, but kinda..
>Isn't that shadowrun without the magic and races?
Are we really at this point now? This shouldn't upset me but it does.
Season 5 of Angel is that, if the protagonists work for a megacorp.
How is the expanse?
I liked Leviathan Wakes, is the show half as good?
Not that user, but it was my first introduction to Leviathan Wakes and I loved it. First couple of eps seemed a bit slow but after that I was hooked.
The expanse
It's bait
footfall anyone?
Firefly was shit.
Can I suggest Revelation Space?
The crew of a lighthugger would be a fantastic concept to built a party around. Ultras are mostly crazy murderhobos already.
Also the books are pretty good too
mistype, I suppose
I'm not all of Veeky Forums, but:
Dune (no one mentioned it because it's too obvious, but just to be safe)
The Stainless Steel Rat
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I, Robot
Anything William Gibson ever wrote, Snow Crash, The Risen Empire by Scott Westerfield
God Tier taste right here. We're friends now.
>cuckold captain
>miscegenation first mate and pilot
>literal whore
>childfucking engineer
>Buddhist masquerading as a Christian
>faggot doctor
>highest bidder murderer for hire
The only redeemable character was River.
That comic was (and continues to be) the shit
>highest bidder murderer for hire
What's your point?
Adam Baldwin has this remarkable ability to show up in something and immediately become my favorite character.
He's a treasure.
>childfucking engineer
>faggot doctor
I don't recall these.
So is your opinion. The difference between the two is that there are people who believe Firefly was not shit.
This invalidates anything else you have to say. I'm sure there's more... like more use of the overused "cuckold" word but this was enough to stop me readIng.
There's been worse Rivers.
Capaldi and Eccleston nuWho was actually okay because the main leads carried the show hard
Otherwise yeah, it's incoherent, cheap, preachy shite.
I wholeheartedly agree on Eccleston and Capaldi. Tennant just had bad luck with the writers, I think.
Yeah I think Tenant is a good actor, but his series were even more poorly written than later Smith series. They were more uniform and made more sense but were just fucking boring.
No, Shadowrun is Neuromancer with elves. Blade Runner just looks like Neuromancer.
I like you.
Ghost in the shell
Alistor renolds revelation space series
Star treck
Definitely not that.
It's mediocre. Not bad, no, but definitely not worth recommending.
>The Worm Ouroboros (epic fantasy campaigns)
>Alamut (focused political campaigns)
>Book of the New Sun (unfocused political campaigns)
>Don Quixote (sandbox campaigns)
>Borges short stories (dungeon material)
>Decision at Duna or whatever (catering to furries 101)
>Conan the Barbarian (self explanatory)
>Space Marine (self explanatory)
>Dwarf Fortress (setting material)
>Caves of Qud (setting material)
I'd accuse this of being bait, but I don't give your intelligence that much credit; you're just a cunt. Get back in your hole.
>>Buddhist masquerading as a Christian
We call them "stoics".
>The only redeemable character was River.
Best bait in the whole post.
Oh shit, I forgot Dominions 4. Play it, and read the manual, for a guide on how to worldbuild. And how to implement your worldbuilding, too.
Whenever this gets made
Apparently, Gibson walked out of Blade Runner because he didn't want it to color his perspectives while writing Neuromancer.
What's the rest of Veeky Forumss opinion of Dark Matter?
For those who missed the first season, 4 assassins/terrorists, a robot/android, and a technopath teenage girl have their memories erased, and try to become intergalactic robin hoods, while trying to discover their past.
It's trash, but it's got enough firefly in it's blood that I can't stop watching.
Also Android best girl
>trite, uninspired DUDE WESTERN IN SPACE LMAO show
>Veeky Forums-approved
>literally inspired by a Traveller campaign
>not Veeky Forums-approved
U wot m8?
[citation needed]
II don't really like it but I'm watching it for the android and the occasional David Hewlett appearance
John is the best
Anyone here read the Ketty Jay series? It's my favorite morally-questionable-but-ultimately-heroic-freebooters-adventure.
Farscape *is* a frelling D&D party.
>Aeryn (Sebacean Fighter)
>D'Argo (Luxan Barbarian)
>Zhaan (Delvian Cleric)
>Rygel (Hynerian Thief/Aristocrat)
>Chiana (Nebari Thief)
>Stark (Bannik Cleric)
>Joolushko (Interion Expert)
>Sikozu (Kalish Expert)
>Noranti (Traskan Witch)
…and of course:
>Crichton (Human Bard)
She was a clever idea when she first showed up.
Then she got to be a Mary Sue way hard.
Funny thing is, Old Who had a pretty much perfect relationship between the Doctor and a Time Lord who's smarter than him in the form of Romana 1. Well, at least Book Smarts smarter than him.
Killjoys and Dark matter are my top two sci-fi shows.
Holy shit season 2 needs to hit netflix. of both.
Dark Matter is pretty cool for a modern sci-fi, fair bit of the old Blakes7 in terms of feel and general criminality
He truly does.
Speaking of Veeky Forums approved shows starring Adam Baldwin: The Last Ship.
It is actually a fairly good post apocalypse drama, despite being made for cable TV. (then again, not like there's been much competition.)
Sonny, throwing the whole goddamn tackle box off of the dock does not constitute fishing.
TLS is kind of cool as its not really trying too hard to be anything it isn't and the actors and characters are likeable enough.
There's been a few like it in the last few years but they've generally been terrible-mediocre (ie- Last Resort)
Stranger Things was pretty neat, that whole 80's chic and a bunch of D&D playing kids I loved
>caves of qud
My man!
Babylon 5
Canticle for Leibowitz, I Robot, Dresden Files, Laird Barron, HP Lovecraft, Bradbury, Neverwhere, Charles Stross, Fritz Leiber, Perdirto Street Station, The Diamond Age, Clark Ashton Smith, I Am Legend
>There's been a few like it in the last few years but they've generally been terrible-mediocre (ie- Last Resort)
Or, God help us all, Revolution. Never have I been so disappointed. I go in expecting S.M. Stirling's The Change, and what do I get? I-am-totally-not -Katniss. With a crossbow. TWO SEASONS OF IT. At least the Monroe Republic was cool.
I really wanted to like that show, but man... it turned into an annoying piece of shit fairly quick
Good god, I'd love to see someone run a Caves of Qud quest
>Look, I can make anything sound trite if I boil it down far enough!
Book is Okay, show is Great, fictional world is Aces