>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Other urls found in this thread:
New World of Darkness
5:00 pm MT
Here's the campaign listing on roll20.
The game is listed as mature, meaning there will be mature themes, but this not a magical realms game. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.
>GM or Player
Nobilis 3rd Edition
>Time availability
Play-By-Post (probably via rpol)
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected]
Pls ignore weeb throwaway
>Additional Information
Diceless system with easy introduction to the setting. Begin as mortals, become gods early on, rock the world-ash, fuck excrucians. Three rules; Have fun, don't be a cunt, no autism.
>le edgy weedfag campaign
Cyberpunk 2020
Every Saturday, 12:00pm PST
Discord: williamgreenparkerv#6783
Game will either be primarily about arms dealing or law enforcement, it depends on the players I get.
>>GM or Player
Shadowrun 4E
Eastern (GMT -5)/Yet to determine game time
>Text or Voice
Text and Voice
>Contact Information
Email:[email protected]
>Additional Information:
The game/runs will be primarily centered around arms dealing and running probably set either in Miami or Seattle. /k/ Knowledge would be good, but will not be required, hit me up in the thread or via e-mail if you're interested.
>le edgy weedfag campaign
Anyone looking to get into some magical realms?
Sent you mail-o
>GM or Player
Dungeons and Dragons 5e
>Time availability
Wednesday or Thursday 1pm to 10 pm PST
>Text or Voice
Voice on Discord
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
This game with have a handful of Homerules and be in a Homebrew setting
Are you GMing?
I can either be a GM or a Player.
depends on the magical realm
I'm down to include damn near anything the player(s) want to include, with only a few exceptions, so long as everything included is agreed upon by everyone involved.
Absolutely. What have you got?
Contact info?
Color me interested I guess. What could go wrong?
Message me on Skype and we'll talk about it. Look for Alt Ernate. Pic is pic related
I'm interested. Were you thinking of putting this into an actual game system like DnD 5E, or are you looking for something more free form?
I'm thinking of discussing with all interested players to try to find a system, but if that proves too difficult we can do something free form.
There's about a dozen people that come up when I search for Alt Ernate.
>Alt Ernate
Having the same problem.
Have an e-mail?
Do not play with this man, he is a cuck.
Same, none have profile pictures, or none that are displayed
I just noticed that too. Look me up by email. It's [email protected]. I'm not a brony; that's from my younger high school years. I just don't wanna be using an actual email for things like this.
My mistake guys. Just made the account right when I posted in this thread. See
Hardfire and or Zed pls go
Sent you a message
literally shitposting. C'mon, we already screencapped your confession.
>because it's impossible multiple people would be shitposting on Veeky Forums of all places
Fuck off you fag
>Middle of the day on a weekend
That is an odd time to do online gaming, but have fun with it. I know I've had fun with that system in the past.
Mine isn't focused entirely on magical realms and is a Mature Rated Setting
stop shilling your shitty game
ITT Shitposting and nobody finding games.
Speak for yourself pal; I've got 3 players and we're all planning things out now.
your game will never start and if it does it will last one or two sessions
enjoy dedgame
Can confirm. We're actually coming up with a pretty legit settings for something that started off as "Who wants some Magical Realm?"
What system? What kind of magical realm settings?
Are you interested? I am a player from that group and the GM went to sleep.
GM never replied to my messsage ;-;
>GM or Player
Players/Possible GM
Rogue Trader or other Warhammer 40k RPGS
>Time availability
EST, Sunday Evenings
>Text or Voice
Voice prefered
>Contact Information
darkspineryenzx on Skype, VadeAway on roll20
>Additional Information
Me and another dude from Veeky Forums have been trying to throw together a game of Rogue Trader or maybe another 40K RPG if that doesn't work out. The other user said if no one else wants to GM he'll give it a go, but the both of us are new to d100 systems and I myself am still learning about the 40K Setting. But I do have a general idea of it all, so I'm not completely in the dark. I'd say I know enough to get by.
Reply to me?
Discord: Lysander1992
>GM or Player
WoD with houserules.
>Time availability
3pm-7pm EST, Mondays
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
damascusxie on skype
>Additional Information
Fate Grail War set in World of Darkness Hong Kong. Looking for a couple of players to play a master/servant pair - specifically the Rider class.
Do not play with him, he's a flake GM who kicks out players for not living up to extremely specific expectations anyway. Doesn't know a thing about the rules and makes players autofail or autosucceed on a whim regardless of their stats.
From what you described, he's just acting extremely faithful to the Fate source material.
Maybe he's being bad on purpose?
Wait, what? The rules are pretty much made up because Fate doesn't really work on anything. I don't actually know which player you are since I don't recall kicking anyone for not meeting an expectation other than showing up for game on time.
Wow, he is being bad on purpose.
Take your drama elsewhere
Take your shitty game elsewhere, you flaky piece of shit
I'm not even you fucking twat.
What's the Fate Grail War? I don't remember that being a part of the WoD canon.
It's just a mash up between two settings.
> edgy weedfag
Whtat are you talking aboutt?
More like, ITT: People are are upset that they got rejected from the majority of these games listed
More like, ITT: People who are upset that they got rejected from the majority of these games listed
Lots of GMs today.
the double cross one vanished ;_;
>GM or Player
The Mutant Epoch
>Time availability
Wednesday, at 9 PM, UTC+2
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: jaso111111/Jason Kordelis
>Additional Information
I have the books and im willing to provide them for anyone new to the system, as well as help with generating characters.
I expect you to be on time of course, and have at least some investment in char gen. No fancy backstories are needed since this will be a one shot.
I sent you a contact request.
Eternal game finder discord server. Get in here and make me hate my lfie.
That you're edgy, weedfag
Do not play with this cuck, he is a man.
Only technically, I assure you.
I can't wait for a day when Hiroshimoot makes a filter that replaces "cuck" with "baka"
We used to have a filter that replaced cuck with kek, but that seems to be gone now.
To be fair, we've done that ourselves by now. No one takes "cuck" seriously, as you can see from this thread. It's like fedoralords going m'sir, or whatever.
Nobody once mentioned weed.
So you're not denying you're edgy?
This word has lost its meaning a looong time ago
Is this guy a cuck?
I played BC with him. He's a turbocuck.
Black Cock.
Are you playing on skype or roll20?
Just send him an e-mail, you cuck.
ITT cucks
Maybe sometime I'll hear back
>GM or Player
D&D 3.5, D&D 4e, Pathfinder, open to other games, not intersted in D&D 5e though. I'm over saturated in D&D 5e games.
>Time availability
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday CST Afternoons, evenings, nights.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
crunchym8 on Skype, Crunchym8#4675 on Discord
>Additional Information
Though I put down Text, that is merely my preferred method of RP and in-character interactions. I don't mind voice OOC, especially for things like speeding up combat. I also play a few vidya games and wouldn't mind a few buds to game with both tabletop and vidya. (Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, and League of Legends mostly at the moment, but just got a new rig and willing to try out some other things.)
GMs never reply.
The ones that post Roll20 links or any sort of public area where you can post just make it obvious, check them out.
Do not play with this cuck. He is a thread.
As a GM I can confirm. I only post here when I'm desperate to fill one spot or I'm trying to run something niche enough to require sourcing players from every venue known to man and cuck.
As a direct result, I tend to fill up almost immediately and ignore futher communication.
You are everything that is wrong with the Cuckfinder.
Everything? Be careful, you'll make me blush.
Seriously though, this is the only reasonable way to use this thread. Expecting to fill a group with nothing but flatulen/tg/entlecucks invites disaster.
You could just post "all right, we're full".
Could we say cuck a few more times, I don't think we've said it enough yet.
It doesn't work is the problem. Instead of 'hi I want in' you just get 'hi I know you're full but can you fit one more player pretty please here's why I need to play and why you want me and please notice me senpai or I'LL KILL EVERYTHING FOREVER nya?~"
It probably cuts it down a fair bit, but that's a good point.
That's a good thing.
Strangely enough, I haven't really noticed any difference in the number of responses, hence why I stopped bothering. I guess if someone wants to play something, they'll try to play it even if their chances appear slim. Plus it's a flaky environment so you can't blame them for trying to get onto the reserve list.
Gee I wish I had the problem of too many players.
What're you running?
No, Jason, you don't count.
Nobilis: The pretentioning. And who the fuck is Jason
>uncertain venue
You have no one to blame but yourself, but good luck.
The guy who's been trying to start the same game for three months straight now, and is consistently scaring people away.
To be honest, I almost don't want anyone to reply, looking at these threads most of the time.