The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread

Welcome to the MTG flake/lore thread!
Last Thread:Previously: The Ice Age Continues.

Writefagging last time: Ha.

If you want ANYTHING to go in the repo, just summon me. Otherwise I will only put writefagging and sheets in the repo.

Also, I added the blank template to the ALL FLAKESHEETS folder. And the old snowsheets are under "Snowstorm sheets" > "1- ALL FLAKE SHEETS."

To summon me simply say
Unless that's too gay.

>Current Repository

Other urls found in this thread:


Getias meets and speaks with Koth. Is that grounds for dismissal?

>During each round, flakes will be assigned to random opponents in single-elimination tournament fashion.
>Flakes will be treated as though they are all neowalkers in order to create a balance of power.
>Flakes with meme-levels of power will be treated as though they weren’t.
>Flakes that directly contradict lore, especially by going against or interacting inappropriately with canon characters, will be disqualified.
>Flakes that are joke or troll flakes will be disqualified. The use of silver-bordered cards in a flake’s preferred spell list automatically disqualifies them.

>During the first round, all flakes will be placed into the roster randomly. Flakes that are disqualified will give their random opponents a bye for the round.
>During the first round, flakes will be revealed in smaller groups, noting disqualifications and asking the thread if they wish to disqualify anyone else.

>During each round, small groups of flake match-ups will be revealed
>Arguments and votes will be taken from the thread over which flake is likely to prevail over the other.
>After each round, the flakes that move on will be re-randomized on the roster to make match-ups unpredictable.

>Match-Up rules will treat both competing flakes in a match as though they are both forced into conflict with the other, and neither is allowed to planeswalk away until a winner is determined. Flakes will be treated as though they start with zero assisting summons and will not have prepared for this encounter.

See you all in a few hours.

I haven't been interested in MtG for very long, how do you guys find the preferred spells that would fit each planeswalker? Is there some sort of master list that makes for easy reading?

Fuck it.

I'm out. Tata all.

Gatherer is pretty handy, mostly if you know enough about a plane to base a walker on it then you probably know the associated spells.

Night night.

Who are you and why do we care?

That was Des.

I'd say no. That's not really a case of heavily interacting with lore. That's a minor interaction that sent them on their way.
For instance just about any flake that's been fighting on Zendikar against the eldrazi might have reasonably fought alongside Nissa, Gideon, or any of the gatewatch at some point.
But saying that they're a member of the organization would probably be too much at this point.
That and every flake that's hung around the Izzet has been yelled at by Ral at least once.

I think of a few things:
>Mechanics that fit the character.
>Names and flavor that fit the character.

For example, let's say you're making a flake that cares a lot about speed and going fast. That's likely to be red, probably with an emphasis on aggro because y'know, going fast and with an emphasis on speed-based flavor.

Which leads to flake like this one being made. There's some minor screw-ups, like the Lightning Berserker and the waif could probably be swapped out for the messenger. But most of these fit well with the mechanical side of 'going fast' and the flavor side of 'going fast.'

And nothing of value was lost.

Be nice.

Oh I know the general feel, flavor and colors of the character, but how and where should I browse for and find actual cards that fit?


Gatherer's the official card depository, although there are better places to do it that I personally don't use. is great once you have it's search features down. And using it's images reduced to 60% for the preferred spells and 45% of the equipment section is always a good combo.

matchups when?

The guy is gone for a little bit.


ded thread

Are there cards you lads ignored only to realize it was often better than your old favorite for the role?
Pic related, my go-to unblockable was Keymaster Rogue until a few months ago.

why he have funny colored watermelon rind on him arm?

It's a stylized Silumgar brood dragon scale.

why do silumgar brood have watermelon rinds for scales?

What were you expecting from UB slothful dragons?

Well, Silumgar is the Drifting Death, the Wafting Unpleasantness, the Drafty Funk. Watermelon rinds suit him.

Aw man, Draft Funk are from Silumgar turf? Wow, the more you know, I just got their new album Ruthless Deathfang Mindrots

Silumgar's the face of Drafty Funk, man. He's just got a show name and a fancy mask.

Hey everyone, sorry for being gone for so long - glad to see that these threads have gotten such a burst of new activity! Woohoo!

Anyway, here's something to go in the Repo - it's not a new piece of writing, just an older one with some edits made that I'd like to replace the existing document. Thanks, whoever looks after the Repo now (if anyone). (LEWD)

Also, I have here Ussa's kink-flakesheet. I figured it was appropriate that I start doing these, considering, you know, the kind of content I put out. Don't be alarmed by the Eldrazi talk in the sheet, by the way - she's not crazy, she's just inquisitive.

>inquisitive about eldrazi
i've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.

Oh, oops, I meant to post a version without measurements. Well, whatever.
I'm sure this disappoints people, but there's not going to be any of that going on.

>I'm sure this disappoints people
nah, i just wanted to tell a shitty joke. it's totally fine dude.

And I'm back.

Man, we let that junk slip by. Reposting the current flake bunch for reference:

>Melkeroth [DISQUALIFIED: Demon with a spark]








Yay, it's been a while since you were around.
Ussa was in a match. , She won.

Ten minute period to hear out cases of disqualification before I reveal the match-ups.

I will simultaneously be going over the flakes again, myself.

neat lineup, was gonna comment about pitch but her life/death state doesn't change during her story, so I think she's good to stay.
Immubruo is pretty bare for sheet content.

I think that for once, we have no additional cases that push too hard on the lore. We might slip through this round with only one disqualification.

>Sem VS Melkeroth
Sem gets a bye to the next round due to Melkeroth's disqualification.

>Rynn VS Izari

>Nicodemus VS Pitch

>Getias VS Immubruo


>Rynn vs Izari
I think Izari has this one. Magical experience, greater capabilities with creatures and magic more suited for combat purposes of the two really does shift things in her favor

>Nico vs Pitch
ooooooh, tough call. Honestly Nico seems like one of the few flakes that Pitch would ally with by teaching her how to adjust to her new form and finding a way to modify it into something less painful. Pitch has her hate driving her, but in a battle of magics Nico has the upper hand specifically over her artifact based skills. Sorry Pitch, wanted to see you go far, bad luck.

>Geitas vs Immubruo
>Local man throws rocks at ocean. Squid calls police.
Honestly, their powers are elemental opposites almost, I can't guess at who would win. Imm has big squishies, Gei has small sharpies.

>Rynn and Izari
Rynn's pretty new to this shit, Izari isn't and has more formidable types of magic. Izari gets this.
>Nicodemus and Pitch
Being from Esper, Nicodemus is a master of manipulating artifice. I'll have to give this to Nicodemus over the scarecrow-tribal flake.
>Getias and Immubruo
Immubruo is sadly largely environment-based. Without the waves to dominate and control, he seems lie he's at a disadvantage compared to the geomancer that manipulates the earth they're surrounded by. Getias wins this one.

Slow thread right now, eh? Well, hopefully we get some more life back in here.

I'm gonna go ahead and drop off the polls.


>Rynn VS Izari
I love little Rynn, but he really doesn't have the experience to deal with Izari. In time perhaps. But atm? Nope. Izari wins.

>Nico Vs Pitch
Hmm...Ultimate control? Or raw power? Hmmm....Ultimate control orr... I'll go in for Pitch. Tough call, but I've faced too many scarecrow decks.

>Rock man vs Squid
I think Immubruo has it. Their power is actually pretty close, methinks. But Immubruo is smarter and a schemer.



how long before Ka'koarm enters the fray? I've updated his sheet but gaia isn't online, so I can add his new sheet to the repository tonight I think.

Hang on, let me look.

You... You have time. That being said, the repository may or may not be updated anymore. It generally doesn't.

no worries, if I have time that's good. The only changes are switching out soulsurge elemental for bedlam reveler and adding Mutant to his class. Very very minor change, but worth noting.

The following flakes advance to the next round:

The next batch of flakes is as follows:










Yeah, no really though. The possibility exists that we won't get to that match tomorrow.

Shoot, forgot to put an image on the batch post.

oh man, lucky me. I hope I'm not up against a time mage or a mindsculptor, Ka'koarm can't deal with that shit.
oh hey, one of the five little witches. cute!
I fear for the lives of any of her opponents, she too grump to lose.

Tazdir is questionably/hilariously lore breaking due to being a literal jeskai monk.

Whoa, now. Winifred's not from that set of five. She's a little older in make than them.

I would know, I'm the user that made her.

we have two cute little black witches with black cats running around?
They should meet and become BFFFs

I'm not all up and up on my Khans lore, but that's one of the old timeline clans, right? So it doesn't exist anymore via time retcon?

from what we've been informed, the changes to tarkir's timeline don't effect anything outside of tarkir, so any tarkir walkers that were off-world when the time change happened are now temporal orphans IIRC. This was stated to make it so that Bolas would not know what Ugin survived in an ask I believe.

Efreet are a type of djinn, right? Do they qualify for sparks?

Yup. Sarkhan went back a thousand years and saved Ugin. The dragonstorms intensified and the 5 elder dragons nuked the old clans and replaced them with their broods.

depends on the plane, some have efreet that are naturally born enough as a race that they might qualify, like tarkir.

They had said that Sarkhan was an orphan of time due to time travelling himself, but they had said that there simply weren't any walkers that came to or from Tarkir to avoid this timey-wimey ball.

well we got walkers from tarkir, which means we either have to disqualify them all as non-canon due to that statement, or assume that they all avoided the time-wimey ball unless they were born in the new dragon tarkir.

We're mostly looking pretty good.

Last call to call any possible disqualifications.

Typically the statement isn't really followed, but most flakes just use the dragon side of Tarkir out of a courtesy to avoid this debate.

Sarkhan is the only temporal orphan. Canonically, no one outside of Sarkhan ever came to or from Tarkir between Ugin going comatose and Ugin waking up.

Any planeswalker other than Sarkhan would be able to transmit the time fuckery from Tarkir to another plane. Let's put it this way:

>Ugin is killed by Nicol Bolas, leaving his knowledge lost forever and him incapable of imparting his knowledge on Jace, on another plane separate from Tarkir.


>Instead of dying, Ugin goes comatose and is awoken and is able to wake up and go on to educate Jace and help him combat the Eldrazi on Zendikar.
>This is evidence that the time shenanigans of Tarkir did have an impact on other planes. In the first world, Jace did not learn from Ugin on Zendikar. In the second world, Jace did learn from Ugin on Zendikar.

Now, here's a non-canon, imaginary example working on the same principle.

>A Mardu warrior becomes a planeswalker in this thirteen-century period.
>Visiting another plane, he liberates the slaves of a vast kingdom and teaches them how to rule themselves and dominate the men that once led them.
>A new nation is left where the kingdom once stood, built on the values of liberty and the right of all free-willed creatures to determine their own fates.


>It turns out that the Mardu warrior that visited the plane was actually a Kolaghan cannibal.
>Instead of liberating the kingdom, the berserker went on a vast, vicious massacre, turning the entire kingdom into a blood-stained, anarchic wasteland.
>In the world before Fate Reforged, the Mardu warrior created a nation that respects freedom and self-determinism above all else. In the world after Fate Reforged, the Kolaghan barbarian ravaged the land and created nothing but death.

This is how time travel works, and how the changes on Tarkir are transmitted to other planes.

post the polls so I can sleep.

Pffft. I didn't even post the match-ups yet. Think I'm gonna call one disqualification on this one, though it's an unfortunate effect of the lore.

>Tazdir VS Xaniphe
Xaniphe gets a bye to the next round as the result of Tazdir's disqualification.

>Forpols VS Karas

>Narimi VS Mephiri

>Winifred VS Gwendolyn


>Some kind of vampire vs a thallid

>Animator vs Efreet

>Curse-Witch vs Spirit Knight

That's some wild match-ups.

This is me. I have to sleep, because I wake up in 6 hours. Can't wait any longer. So here's my vote.

+1 Xaniphe
Abstain from Karas vs Forpols
+1 Narimi (she's an oldwalker and a practical demi-god from her plane to boot)
The last one is very, very close. I flipped a coin. +1 Gwendolyn


Rynn user here, what have I missed?

Your flake came up in the previous round.


I think the vampire might be more combat-ready.

The second match is pretty interesting.

That third one is DEADLY. They both do a lot of punishing, but one of them is a knight and the other one likes to stack weakening enchantments. I'm giving that one to Winifred.

Not a lot of people voting right now, but we have an odd number rolling. Slow part of the night. The next round I think is going to be the last one, and I'll leave that poll up overnight.


The following flakes advance to the next round:


The next batch of flakes is as follows:




>Doctor Roman Whitebog






Sephren breaks lore hard, particularly with the fact that he's best friends with Cromat, an established character. And he can summon Cromat on other worlds? Please. The soul of Dominaria stays on Dominaria. Disqualified?

Cromat's not actually the soul of Dominaria, that's lore invented by Vronak.

All we know about Cromat is that it is a five-color illusion. There's no established lore.

I... don't think Cromat has any lore?

Read Sephren's sheet. He invents that lore for Cromat.

Man, shouldn't be making up lore like that.

Also, I was literally reading the Ravnica novel earlier and Siah'liel is making me slightly uneasy. The Sisters of Stone Death were supposedly the only gorgons anywhere on the plane at the time. The notice about their betrayal is right, and only one of them survived, because she stood down when confronted with the idea that if she kept fighting, then gorgons would go extinct.

As an aside, your votes didn't tilt anything in any direction, but since you decided that last one on a coin filp, your vote would have caused a tie that would have made me flip a coin.
The chaos is real.

Thanks for your input, though.

That's what your problem is?

She seems to not have been able to go back to Ravnica, but her spell list is practically all newschool Golgari and Simic. Simic weren't even making Krasis and other related mutants back then, they were focused on bio-engineering body augmentations and using cytoplasty.

Well, that's conflicting.

So, folks, give me your feedback: Do we let the gorgon play, or does she push too hard on the lore?

which is the gorgon? gimme a second to read, just got here

I'd say let her stay. The Sisters of Stone Death were the only known gorgons of Ravnica, but a hidden gorgon makes perfect sense. Otherwise where did the other ones come from in time for RtR?
Besides that she was in hiding, then basically bailed after being discovered by the one type of guildmage that wouldn't give enough of a shit to tell everyone "There are more gorgons in hiding"

isn't vraska originally from ravnica? Or was she from a different plane? I thought there were more than just those legendary gorgons on ravnica?

I have confirmation of ravnican non-legendary gorgons, Siah'liel is good to go

The only reason that gorgons like Vraska are possible now is because one Sister didn't die, preventing the whole race from going extinct.

Wrong time period.

to be fair, "born to the sisters of stone death" in this very situation is easily replaced with "born to the remaining sister of stone death". Seeing as the nonlegendary ravnican gorgon I found is an adult, there is reason to believe they were born a while back, meaning that there's wiggle room for whatever her ages is. Her discrepancy is minor, she should stay.

Though, she should really change her font. Jesus christ that isn't fun to read.

A lot of time passed between Ravnica and Return to Ravnica. There was the Mending between those blocks, even.

The flake being discussed would have been born sometime before the events of the first Ravnica book.

the salvation wiki, while outdated, does lists as a source next to the statement that "gorgons" were one of the races inhabiting ravnica during the ravnica block, while waiting to mention the sisters in another paragraph. What is your source that states the sisters were the ONLY gorgons?

Because I literally own and have read that book several times. I can even give you context as to why that was important.

Part of Savra's arc in the book is that she wants to overthrow the Sisters of Stone Death, putting the guild into her hands so that the Devkarin Elves will be on top again. To accomplish this, with Szadek's help figuring out the details, she travels down into the most hidden reaches of the Guild Hall, where the parun Svogthir was entombed. Svogthir was such a talented necromancer and a crazy, power-hungry person that most of his body had been replaced with other parts, except for his head. There was so much necromantic magic in his head that he was actually extremely difficult to kill.

Now, Svogthir had been entombed down for a thousand years or so. The Sisters of Stone Death had overthrown him, because their power as Gorgons was to siphon the power of others. When they defeated him, they trapped him where no one in the guild knew to look and behaved as though they had slain the "God-Zombie."

Savra not only rejuvenates and empowers Svogthir's body, giving him mobility again, she basically takes control over it. The deal she barters with him is that he'll help her take control of the guild from the Sisters, and in exchange his leadership will only be as a figurehead, while she does all of the heavy lifting.
So Svogthir goes on a rampage through the Guildhall and gains the respect of the monstrous hybrid creatures that live there, and then eventually faces off with the Sisters. This time, Savra is protecting him from their power siphoning. He easily kills the first, then the second. The third sister, the wisest one, Ludmilla, is given the chance to back down, lest she not only die, but there be no gorgons left. Facing the death of herself and her entire race, Ludmilla surrenders.

there we go, found it on their own personal page, I can confirm your statement. "The former guildmaster challenged the Sisters and swiftly killed two of them, making Ludmilla the last living sister, and the last living member of the gorgon race on Ravnica".
If the gorgon is to be lore-friendly, it would either, as above says, had to have been a hidden member of the sisters, but that is pushing lore too much, or would have had to be younger than the murder of the two other sisters. Ice Age user, I change my mind, I believe the gorgon in that bundle is disqualifiable.

while I can corroborate your story now, simply saying you've read the book a bunch of times is not a defense that holds up well. Though, your elaboration on the details in the manner you've manage does support the claims and is consistent with what I've read, so yes, it appears that the gorgon we have, as written, seems to be lore breaking in a way that is not necessary or justified. She should be disqualified.

Well, the room seems to have settled, so I guess I'll post the overnight match-ups. The polls will be up shortly.

>Balbus VS Doctor Roman Whitebog

>Haria VS Andromeda

>Venn VS Siah'liel
Venn gets a bye to the next round as the result of Siah'liel's disqualification.

>Sephren VS Sim
Sim gets a bye to the next round as the result of Sephren's disqualification.

Polls will also be available shortly, and will be up all night.


These will be up all night and won't close until after I give the ten minute call sometime in the morning.
There are going to be a lot of match-ups during the day tomorrow, followed by none during the evening and then some more that night.

>Balbus vs Whitebog
gonna have to give this one to whitebog, balbus has some diversity in spells but nothing too powerful or exceptionally offensive, whereas whitebog has eldrazi, the atchmaking's cheap way for victory. Since both of them are human, Balbus doesn't wally have a race advantage he can try and swing in his favor.

>Harla vs Andro
a classice fight of skill vs strength.
This is actually a pretty hard fight to discern. Andro seems to have the brawn advantage, but Harla has the skill and maneuverability advantage. I think Andro has her fight because she's dealing with a lote more raw power with her selection, and her ranged capabilities bridge the gap between the two pretty fast.

The Cromat summon itself isn't always the worldsoul of Dominaria. Only on Dominaria it is. When on other planes, it's that plane's worldsoul. So, on Zendikar, Cromat would say "Oh." A lot.

Here's one for you: how do you portray a novice magic user planeswalker with favored spells/cards?

Fleeting Distraction

A bunch of one drops.