>futures market is separate from btc >it doesn't matter tow much someone short futures >we had China gud >we had forks >we had flipining
After Monday BTC will have run to 20k. But you will do everything wrong and hold alts bags.
Zachary Allen
>go all in now instead of waiting for the crash Kek ok goyim, let me get my MasterCard and download my coinbase app
Chase Smith
is there absolutely 100% going to be a dip? I tried catching a dip before and it did not work so im probably just going to hodl.
Austin Stewart
What crash?
Remember how it crashed at 1k, 5k and 10k?
Matthew Reed
bought 100k thanks
Jayden Price
There's going to be heavy shorting on monday on Bitcoin futures. As a result Litecoin will skyrocket this weekend. You can turn a profit by getting in on Litecoin now before all the Bitcoin holders move there, and buy Bitcoin on the dip that's coming monday. Then hold through next year.
Jace King
This is my main concern. I've bought so many "dips" that turned out to be cliffs. >buy the coin that just pumped and nearly doubled in 24 hours hmmm
Wyatt Bell
Why the fuck would it dip? Futures do not affect btc price. It is a separate market.
And ltc will correct to 95$
Tyler Jenkins
Every fat cat futures investor will be shorting it first thing Monday and then pumping after that If you're not already in alts or at very least diversified then you should be
Carson Bennett
Yeah and remember how people had to hold for 3 years just to break even that bought above 1k after that crash?
Volume and media coverage is bigger than it ever was at the 1k collapse sure things like mtgox contributed but this is going to be absolutely devastating the minute this bubble pops