dont get why people are not building mad decks around this, its so good.
Dont get why people are not building mad decks around this, its so good
Im not very good at magic, but I am sure tg will correct me if I am wrong.
Anyway here we go
>>does not win you the game immediatley
how did I do?
If it was good, there would be decks. You did not find some underrated gem, and you can take that as a general rule about any card you feel the same about. Better players than you have looked at and tried every card.
Pretty close, you only use one > each line though. The sentiments are true though, Mind's Dilation is EDH Trash at best.
>7 mana enchantment
>double blue
>still gets you a terrible effect that is easily not worth the price of running this expensive dead card in your deck
youre dumb mate, gay net decker.
>If it was good, there would be decks
That's not always true. Sometimes there are sleepers that go unused for months.
Admittedly, Mind's Dilation is not one of them.
Unless something comes out in standard that makes it worth using. This thing wil be in standard for a year right?
Nothing can make Mind's Dilation worth using.
You have to be an adult to use this website, sonny boy.
something that allows you to cast it for free would.
Unless you have ways of getting it onto the battlefield by turn 3, and can manipulate the top of your opponents library, it will never see competitive play in *any* format.
No, it wouldn't. If you can cheat an enchantment into play, there will be better enchantments to pick from. I'd rather have Zendikar Resurgent.
Remember when practically nobody used Stoneforge Mystic in standard for a year?
Of course you wouldn't you babby.
like just use any of these and this card is the shit
Get that un-tubular attitude outta here, man!
You shouldn't rely on Standard to judge a card's playability. Eternal formats are where the true potential lies.
Stoneforge isn't good in a format without swords or batterskull.
3/5 swords and batterskull didn't exist at the time, and the other 2 swords were YEARS outside standard.
That's because the best thing you could find was like Behemoth Sledge. There's a reason Caw-Blade didn't get good until Pro Tour Paris.
>7 mana do nothing mythic enchantment
Its an EDH card. How hard is this to understand?
You'll be dead before it resolves
You'll be dead before it resolves
see above
And this has no potential. It's closer to Cast through Time than Omniscience.
On the same note, Omniscience pretty much invalidates any corner case where you'd ever use this. Do you think any Show and Tell deck would ever want Mind's Dilation over Omniscience?
Sure, Mind's Dilation sucks, but it should still be a rule of thumb for all cards to see if Eternal formats use them or not.
What are some other cards with "steal opponent shit" effects besides control magic and reanimation stuff?
yes +
That's not entirely true either.
Sometimes a card is only playable in Standard, but that doesn't make it trash. It doesn't need to be Eternally playable to be "good" if all it was ever meant to be was a Standard card. People used to pay $50 for Bonfire of the Damned, because at the time it was "good", but hell if you're going to see 4x in Legacy.
Doesn't work so good.
Assuming we're using Griptide since it has no other effects and is instant. You'd need to slap that down before the opponent plays a spell.
So you put whatever creature you want on top of his deck.
Then, if it was a good card, he doesn't cast a spell.
You paid four mana to prevent him from casting spells.
More importantly, to make this a reliable strategy, you'd be running four Mind's Dilation, four Griptides, and probably another four "place creature on top of library" cards to be more reliable.
You used up 8 - 12 cards to stall your opponent's turn.
Just play one of these instead.
Or when people thought Sphinx's Revelation was bad?
Yeah okay but it isn't as good as Thraben Inspector.
Telemin Performance, though it obviously isn't actually good.
One of my favorite cards ever.
You're an idiot. I'm not but the point is obvious. You're supposed to cast Griptide in response to your opponent casting a spell, while the trigger for Dilation is still on the stack. Then, when the trigger resolves, the creature you Griptide'd will be on the top of their library, get exiled, and be cast by you.
That's kind of unfair, Thraben Inspector is one of the best 1-drops printed in years.
shifting loyalties
pic related is my favorite
I had a deck with four Desertion, four Treachery and four Bribery. I felt bad when the old guy at the hobby shop rage quit after I stole the third of four Verdant Forces he had in his deck.
And everyone thought it was shit when it was spoiled, including pros.
Villainous Greed, the sultai rare from KTK
built a ramp deck around it shit was cash
Seems some mono blue prison players are running one copy of this just for da lulz.
Btw, if my opponent reveal emrakul with this trigger and I cast it, does the cast trigger from Emi works?
Yeah, I had a Villain Sultai deck too. Using Karametra's Enchantment with flash, I managed to steal ton of stuff from my opponents.
Mmm if thats the case its not that shitty at all. Since MonoBlue Prison run stuff that stall the goddamn game. Maybe a 1 copy of this thing could be good enough for the deck to attack from a different angle.
oh shit this is modern legal. so good
If you could only play your opponent's lands, I would gladly take one copy of it.
Thats not the case but I really dont know what to do with my foil Mind's Dillation.
Its hillarious when someone use this vs Tron and Jeskai Nahiri.
we should make a deck with this on tapped out
Copypaste the last MonoBlue Prison list and take out Rise from the Tides or remove one Naggin thoughts.
Honestly, even summer bloom came outa nowhere. That deck could have existed years ago
>no one used stoneforge mystic for a year
but they did user, we had Naya Lightsaber decks that used Stoneforge to tutor up basilisk collar to equip onto that hasty sparkmage guy
Is Thraben better than Doomed Traveler?
Yes, hands down. Almost a card is much better then a bird in 90% of decks.
>I don't like to play good cards
Magic isn't some sort of a big mental puzzle. Some cards are obviously better than other ones. All you need is IQ ~100 to create the most of good standard decks like G/B delirium, bant or ww. Without netdecking these decks would be like 90% identical between players instead of clone army.
I genuinely always thought it was good. I mean, it's a 1/2 for W so its fairly bulky as it is and it lets you do something relevant T2 without fail in the event you don't got any 2-drops.
Its just very reliable.
>All you need is IQ ~100 to create the most of good standard decks like G/B delirium, bant or ww.
I'd argue that as IQ increases, so does the variance among decks, since those with the capacity to do so tend to create more outlandish brews. And I'm not talking shit memedecks, but actually functional ones.
Maybe the end result isn't as strong as netdecks but the thing is, smart people are good enough to win using subpar decks and are always ready to shoot down a netdeck the moment it rears its head (and would certainly crush the opposition if they were piloting said netdeck).
In a way, brews are to them both a masturbatory device, to showcase their greatness, and a self-imposed handicap.
>What is eggs
I want to get into magic and plan to do booster drafts and sealed to build my collection. Which sealed deck would you recommend I buy to get the best value out of them?
Nissa vs Ob Nixilis duel deck
Maybe the planeswalker decks coming with Kaladesh, at the end of the month, but we don't know what's in it yet
Or just do drafts and prereleases
Thanks, you da man.
>dont get why people are not building mad decks around this
Because it's trash.
This guy gets it.
I know a guy who never netdecks and always builds cool stuff that actually works. He actually built RB Dragons for standard before it became popular.
There's also this other guy who builds borderline pauper combo decks for modern and consistently goes at least 2-2, beating stuff like jund, grixis delver and the likes.
I'd be a cool commander card, but that's really about it.
I'm more surprised we don't see more of this bad boy in constructed
I can see it working in EDH Izzet or Dimir fun decks.
Oh wow.
>hating on net-decking
Holy shit are you niggers serious?
Mind Dilattion needs something to see the top of your opponents deck to work as aa wincon.
Yeah, dunno why people get mad when someone usse a list from thee last big tourney.
Why botter building a deck from scratch when you can get the cards for bant coco or gr delirium.
About that blue card, its annoying when my opponent makes me anticipate in response to his trigger. Somr guy runni prison U have a copy of it too at my lgs.
Lantern's dilation
There i gave you the deck name, go brew it
>Wow guys, he built genericmidrange.dec with some cute tribal synergies! He's so creative and not a net-decker and if you piece together obvious pre-built decks from Wizards R&D you can also be Sam Black!
>Thunderbreak Regent + Draconic Roar COMBO DECK!
>beating Jund and Grixis Delver like it's some sort of accomplishment
Well, those decks are bad, so... kys
Basically, what it boils down to is that autists have "special-snowflake syndrome" and want to feel excused for losing because they know if they played actual tiered decks they'd be exposed for being shitty MtG players. Look into your heart, you know this to be true.
Too bad i dont play modern :(
>not playing best format
Kys please
>>beating Jund and Grixis Delver like it's some sort of accomplishment
So what do you play in Modern?
Well of course I don't play the best format, Black Lotus is crazy expensive.
Been out of magic for years but the reason I would see people disliking this card is due to the fact that when a new set and environment cycles the first thing people look for is aggro potential and this guy is more of a control body. They are looking for high impact 1 drops like goblin guide or if it synergies with established builds by supplanting drops.
Modern is the closest thing to Hearthstone that MtG can get and is a close second to EDH in regards to being the worst format.
Infect, because winning is more important than looking smart or creative. I have a winning record in comp REL against Jund btw :^)
Jund has poor matchups against most of the Tier 1 decks, not enough sideboard slots to cover them all, and has underperformed by conversion metrics in all major tournaments recently. Being the "most played deck" does not make it the best. It's mediocre as fuck right now.
Pick one. Until they give blue a decent cantrip, Delver variants will continue to be shit.
Didn't somebody played a UG ramp deck yesterday at a tourny? A 1-off in that deck maybe.
But yeah, only in EDH you can have a chance to snipe three or four activations of it.
>Until they give blue a decent cantrip, Delver variants will continue to be shit.
delver just spiked a gp. when was the last time you spiked a gp?
modern players are the worst kind of people.
>It won a tournament, so it must be a good deck!
Does sample size mean anything to you? If you show me some data that demonstrates a higher than average conversion rate for Grixis Delver pilots, I will concede that it's good. Until then, I'll look at the abysmal Burn and Dredge matchups and shrug.
I play it as a 1-of copy in my Esper Starfield deck in the side. It's good in control matchups as it just wrecks them down in terms of card advantage and I can bring this card in for free on turn 6 by reanimating through Starfield of Nyx.