The fuck is the far left supposed to be?
The fuck is the far left supposed to be?
Other urls found in this thread:
Eldrad's 2016 Winterwear
the only semi-passable one that works as normal fucking clothes
The middle one seems like a decent cosplay prop
You could rock the one on the far right if you were a little bit tattoo'd and scruffy, like a working class bad ass, but yeah.
>big red x
trust me, no, no you couldnt
1st looks like a cultist robe
1 and 2 look like pretty good cosplay starters
3 looks like something if you want to cosplay as a stormboy
Eye of Isha logo + Eldar babble.
>not wearing the Alabama flag on your clothes
Fuck off, yankee.
Did they get Nicholas of Kreig to design these?
>Eldar shit
>Commissar jacket
>Blood Angels leather jacket
>limited to 500 pieces
Doesnt even come with the fucking hat
>there's never any Ork stuff
Suppose that defeats the purpose and I should loot other people's clothes and sew patches and gubbinz on them.
I don't think there's a way to wear these without looking like a complete retard. Maybe if you use them for some sort of costume or you're just going to be among friends, but not in general. The commissar coat is especially noticeable.
Cool idea but I couldn't wear them.
Wear them until they rot off to simulate Ork Teef
The tau hoodie too
1 and 3 are honestly wearable depending on your look and general style.
>implying 2 won't be wearable in Trump's America
I just want dem giant low-flying zeppelins and fascist stormtroopers.
Tau Hoodie? Help me out here, I'm in Canada and it won't let me look at this American stuff even when I switch regions.
I am currently seeing the commissar coat and a necron hoodie
The Necron hoodie doesn't look too bad actually other than the little symbol on one arm. Pretty acceptable clothing honestly.
I just wish the zipper was dark grey instead of neon green, though I kinda get it.
Looks a bit Star Trek-ish
This would be Veeky Forums as fuck without the necron logo and neon green zipper
Left to right: Kriegsmarine, Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe. Nice job GW.
Even the symbol on the arm looks like nothing specific, just some circles and lines
Please. Nazis had much more style.
It was an older piece
You mean Heer.
The Wehrmacht was the military as a whole.
The Heer was specifically the army.
If you're going to make comparisions to the military branches of 1940s Germany, do your research.
You philistine.
Was that rude enough? Am I doing Veeky Forums right?
Commissar coat is only good for cosplay. Depending on the material the Death Company jacket would be okay to wear to a pub or something. The Eldar jacket looks shit.
>He hasn't already signed up for the Right Wing Death Squads
Get in now and you get a free arm patch and a spring baton.
You know, this guy's work does suffer a bit from all the sameface going on, but other than that I really like the variation he puts into his characters. Props to that dapper looking Iron Warrior there, I can just imagine him twirling that mustache while plotting nefarious chaos shenanigans.
far left can't decide if it wants to be techwear or gothninja. It probably doesn't have engineered fibers though.
lel no
it wants to be techwear but it's fucking cotton knit
The only one your average pasty nerd could pull off.
Just get the Watchdogs coat instead you fucking weirdo.
I fucking love leather jackets, own like 2 of them.
>The orc one has longer arms than torso
Well fuck me for being tall then, it looks pretty cool
Cheaper to buy a Gothic frock coat
Jinkies! Imagine the horror of a future America where armed and uniformed men and women are tasked with enforcing the law.
It's about average cosplay quality as well.
>100% cotton
>long coat
Absolutely disgusting.
Anarchism, arguably communism. Definitely radical socialism in general.
They're inspired by the Commies you illiterate fucknugget.
Should've voted Sanders if you wanted to go full Commissar.
They looked like girls, dressed up in skirts.
It's embarrassing, really.
1st one looks actually pretty alright as lighter winter jacket. Nearly anyone could wear it though those zigzags on the sleeves I could do without. Just nice, comfy, practical (yay for pockets) long jacket. the only thing I am concerned about are those plastic things for blocking strings - they'd better be sturdy. 8/10 Would wear.
Second one is in theory a nice coat but the design makes it look weird, like something from some reenactment. A person wearing that would stand out from the crowd and not necessarily in a good way.
Third one is okay if you're somewhat pumped up tough guy type or in some particular subculture - some skinheads or punks would probably fit with it just right in. Probably could be also a decent motorocycle riding leather.
Also, it's more Veeky Forums than anything.