Mecha Space Pirate Quest LV

Welcome back, everyone, to the fifty-fifth installment of Mecha Space Pirate Quest. You already know who I am, and today you are still Admiral Roarke Starwind of the Iron Kestrels.

Previous Threads: Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha
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Last time, you made some important announcements on air, but the interview isn't over yet.

"I have..." Gretchen says, getting out her PC and bringing up a list of bulletpoints, "...some questions submitted by our viewers."

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It's time!

Welp, this should be interesting. Wonder if Jesus will throw something at us?

This gonna be good


First things first. This poll will be running all night, let's see who you want to put as the de-facto head of your harem.

Going for democratic.

We shall have the Parliament of Pirate Queens.

>agreeing on things

Keep in mind that this means you're giving Karen, Rosita, and Clemmy a vote. May Jove have mercy on your soul.



Missed, last session, and I'm disappointing with anons. You lost the opportunity to insult Fairy over saying an attack was unprovoked when litterally everyone knows that Sol and Avalon had been shooting at each other for a while. Seriously, that bit was silly and dumb and everyone knows it.

Fuck me, you win either way as you watch us squirm.

and already a nest of samefagging.

You know what, I'm gonna pick Sam, if Fatima wouldn't murder Lori then it would be her

Democracy won't work for this user we need leadership in a harem, almost all of the girls are too biased or have rivalries to get anything done fairly. Theres a reason harem's usually have a head wife

Gotta play nice for now user, when we form our kingdom we can release all the info we know on both sides

Dear gods.. it'll end with Karen making weapons of mass destruction and getting them through thanks to Clemmy and one other wife.

>You know what, I'm gonna pick Sam, if Fatima wouldn't murder Lori then it would be her
Fatima wouldn't murder Lori though. She would want to, but she's responsible.

To be fair avalon made a fuck up either way and I am still down with the military more than I am with a bunch of green weenie sucking nutjobs.

No, the Gate attack itself is was a clean attack on a military target.

She would be heavily biased and would constantly cause problems with her you can't have that in a leadership position.

Thats the biggest problem, if Sam and Karen or Rosita and Clemmy vote as a block then problems are going to come up especially if they get another girl on their side and win a majority

Meh, I'm good with any of the decisions on the poll really, just like the idea of our wives collaborating.

>implying Sam wouldnt also be down with murder
Special forces military pilots probably have a low opinion of paladins.

Anyone voting Democratic needs to see this.

But what if i wanted to have Clemmy be head waifu

But Sam isn't from a religion who are the biggest Greenmen hates in history

We've seen it, user. It's gonna be fucking hilarious.


>11 posters in thread
>18 votes on the strawpoll
This is why you don't use strawpoll

and shes from a religion taught to follow the instructions of the husband.

If we tell her please dont harm lori, she wont.

I dont know man, I think everyone hates greenmen especially anyone in the military.

"Going by boards, here. I'll start with the ones from the official JNN boards, then the military boards, and finally...GYchan. First off...'blondes, brunettes, or redheads?'" Gretchen waggles her eyebrows at you.

You grin, and answer without hesitation, "All of the above."

She nods, "Next is 'How did someone as talented as you end up as a pirate?'"

You hesitate for a moment, but your brother is no longer alive and you don't need to protect his job anymore, "My parents were low-level employees for a major Europan mech company." The only reason you don't specify Bucephalus is because, in your opinion, Bahamutcorp deserves the suspicion too, "They were killed and my brother was crippled, but it was covered up. I left home at fifteen to find independent work on California Station and ended up as one of the Iron Kestrels."

She frowns, "That's a bit barebones, but maybe it's a subject for another day...or perhaps a biography! Alright, here's a third. 'Admiral, I've been a fan of yours for some time, but no matter how good I get at piloting, I just don't understand girls! Can you give me any tips?'" Gretchen smiles, "Aww. That's just a little bit adorable."

>[What say?] the people voting for democracy are trolls. Good to know.

Or worse, the ties between those two blocs cause them to never get along AND make Fatima the inevitable tiebreaker and therefore effective decision-maker anyway.

No, I actually do think that a democratic harem would be the best way to make the 5 of them civil and sisterly. I just thought that you guys were the trolls and that the other answer was more convincing.

I'm pretty sure Samantha actively talked out the plan that involves saving her with Roarke.

Lurkers user, but they should post in the thread to try and see how it matches up to the poll

I would like to hear Wong's opinion on this

>Well anonymous women are a lot like a fine mech, its takes understanding and a whole lot of elbow grease and sometimes it won't be anything but a burden and a pain in the ass. But you always know theres no machine you would rather be with

> As with most things in life Confidence is key, Though an excellent soundtrack and perfect hair help

"Women are people too. Get to know them, and treat them with respect. Having a silver tongue helps sure, but people tend to figure out what you really are after dealing with you for a while."
That and democracy's without effective protections for minority rights tend to suck horribly. Lori in a democratic regime is a terrible idea.

>I would like to hear Wong's opinion on this

We already have. This be a woman who thought that something extremely foul was afoot when her fiancee refused to bargain but still wanted to return to mars to fulfill her duty to her father.

>"gotta have 10 cool, brah."

Do you know a guy named Thunderbird?

Listen to them.

No matter what many men believe women don't speak some alien language that only other women understand, and nine times out of ten they actually tell you what they want.

For that other time, intuition, luck, and a very good memory.

Above all else remember, you're a man, act like one.

Don't whine, don't quibble. Women want a man who takes care of his business, not a fool who can't manage his own affairs.

Take care of yourself, become the man you always wanted to be, and I guarantee you won't have to find a woman, she'll find you.

Since Samantha obviously isn't gonna win, can we have a 2-option poll between democracy and fatima?


Well, girls are like anyone else. Some differences in terms of hormones and chemistry, but like anyone it's a matter of respect, knowing your limits, and knowing theirs. Sometimes you need to say no, sometimes you need to push or back away. Of course, you have to know about your girl as well. Of course, that goes both ways, girls. Treat your partner well and desire to be treated well yourself.

Be really hot and have a bitching mecha.

Early in the thread user, she might pull a surprise win before it's all said and done.

Don't think we need it user, Democracy should have to beat both Sam and Fatima's votes

I'm thinking Shinji, Caesar already got his girl

Ceasar has a girl and he got her with barely any effort on his point.

>Democracy should have to beat both Sam and Fatima's votes
Thats not how a three way vote works thunder.


what are you thinking, why does any of you think that "Harem Democracy" could end well?

We need a true competent leader...

Vote for FATIMA!

>Naomi seduced him to keep the son of Merrow from being able to kill the queen who looks like her
Clever girl

Because they're both voting for a single head instead of a democracy so it can be assumed both are against the democratic option, but its just a thought its not my poll to run

Fatima personally believes (as you've already seen) in making her husband's life easier rather than harder. Consequently, as much as she might like to core the Anseis' torso with the Tarrasque's primary mega beam cannon and melt the cockpit to slag with the Countess still inside, doing that would cause problems for Roarke. Besides, she doesn't know that Roarke would prefer to give her back to Avalon, so to her it's just a matter of waiting until Lori is up in front of a Martian firing squad. It's not a difficult wait, because she is getting her special day at last and that's occupying much of her time.

>people voting for dictatorship instead of democracy
And you call yourselves pirates!

Avalonian hussies belong in the gulag.

Were basically the King of the Kestrels user, we don't have anyone vote in the crew. At best were an Oligarchy

Do martian nobility respond to wedding invites off world.

It's really more like Naomi got Caesar. She's an assertive mechajock, he's a shy nerd. She even asked him out rather than the other way around.

Yeah, that's why democracy with more than 2 options doesn't work, it is in fact mathematically proven that when you have more than 2 options the system just break.

In fact... the relationship with them is ours, and none of them should have any power about how we interact with the others... Everything about this is just bonkers to me.

but if a have to make a narrow choice... I guess i don't want the emotional, imprudent, impulsive gothic waifu in charge

>we don't have anyone vote in the crew
didn't we give this whole big speech before we fought the countess that, yes, we're only admiral because our crew choose to follow us?

Have you ever heard of democratic pirates?

>You shrug, "It's tradition, isn't it? I have offers from the UJCIDF as well, and I'm sure her people will offer me something. She's an ace, a useful political tool, but not unbeatable. I don't think she'll make enough of a difference to consider it betrayal of the Solar System if I just hear what her allies can pay me for her return. If it was a Green Man, it would be a different matter, but the Countess is human, I don't want to just condemn her to a miserable death for a war she didn't start."
>Fatima tries to scowl, but it doesn't have her usual intensity, and after a moment she just sighs happily and rests in your arms. "I will tell the Caliph that you are a good man with a sinful heart that requires wise counsel. I will tell him that even though she has taken lives, you insist on the honorable treatment of captives.
I kinda read this as her being aware that we'd really rather she not die.

They do when an Ahmad hand-writes the invitation and guarantees they won't be robbed this time.

The only loose end there is Red Siren.

Voting to accept a leader doesn't make it a democracy, it makes this either an elective monarchy, or a tribal set up

Yeah but they didnt vote on it. You think people voted to be led by miles?

They follow us because they want, and it implies respecting our decisions with no right of vote.

Yeah, we are a monarchy, even in the sense of taking what we want by force of arms.

Would it make more sense if I told you that if the harem deploys as a squad, Roarke would be in command and the head wife would effectively be his first officer?

You can't deny, at least, that it's a bottom-up form of rulership instead of a top-down form.

You do realize Roarke's existence is a democracy right?

So the head wife is a type of second in comand in the ausence of Roarke?

Thanks for your answer ^^

Sttil voting Fatima.

We can deny it though, who made the decision to go to Mars? How made the decision to attack the Cruise ship? How made the decision to save Suleiman?

I'm pretty sure its 90% roarke just doing what he wants and everyone else going along with it because they dont have much choice in the matter.

They get loot, food, and pussy so it ain't all bad

Everyone made the choice. Literally everyone who followed us did so because they chose too.

If we wanted to go to Mars and Oda or someone else couldn't go for whatever reason, what would we have done? Forced them to go? Threatened them?

Bottom? No, it's almost horizontal.
Free association an all, the power that unite the iron kestrels come in the same amount from Roarke and from the rest, without any part they wouldn't be the same.

Joining up with a kingdom because they are strong doesnt mean you have any impact in what they do. Plus when we first met Oda we beat him up and made him join us.

That's basically the pirate benefits package right there in any case.

Hell why else become a pirate if it wasn't for the loot, the food, or indeed, as we have seen many times before because of your dice, the pussy?

Making a choice is not voting, having the power of choice doesn't make things a democracy.

The grand adventure, the job stability, the freedom from space taxes?

We would have told him to go, first rule of being a pirate captain is don't look weak

Please explain

Why, with all that about the impetus of power coming equally from all individuals, that's sounding a lot like democracy, user.

No. We beat up Oda, and he chose to follow us. If he had turned tail and fled like a saturday-morning badguy (which Oda technically is), none of us would have batted an eye.

if it's not a democracy, than its CERTAINLY not a dictatorship.

Point takes, Space taxes are quite the bitch.

Yes actually most pirate ships were democratic except for in battle where the captains word was law

It's meta kouhai. We all vote cause it's a quest. duh.

You clear your throat, "Well, women are a lot like a fine mech, its takes understanding and a whole lot of elbow grease and sometimes it won't be anything but a burden and a pain in the ass. But you always know theres no machine you would rather be with. You respect your mech. You treat it right. Again, women are the same way." You sigh, "That's the part you already knew, I'm sure. Here's the part you want to hear. You've gotta have thunder."

"Thunder?" Gretchen questions.

"Chutzpah, confidence. You need to put yourself out there and walk tall with the wind in your mane and your themesong playing." You snap your fingers, "Oh, and you wouldn't pilot your mech without reading the instruments, so you should listen to your woman too. Yeah." It's hard to articulate things that come naturally.

Gretchen's lips quirk into a smirk, "Breaking news, women apparently very much like twenty-meter weapons platforms."

"Well, they're both fun to be inside." You wink at her, and she bursts into gales of laughter along with the audience.

"Alright, next question, before someone else in the audience throws her underwear at you. What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?"

>[What say?]

It doesn't help that the IRS have control over a fleet of mega heavy mechs that have Mv 0.

Hehehe, epic meta.

Its literally a dictatorship. One guy is in charge and if anyone doesn't like the decisions he makes they can fuck off because he is going to do them anyway. Its a largely benevolent dictatorship but still a dictatorship.

The entire quest is about voting on actions.

Granted historical pirates worked that way but we don't

Shit I don't remember anything romantic that the girls did, any ideas?

"You're trying to get me in trouble, aren't you?"

What they really have is the Wels-class. Or whatever the Martian equivalent is, a big honking battleship that could probably destroy a colony even if it doesn't break it in half the way the Avalon megaships do. This isn't quite gundam because the ships are actually useful.

That's Anarchy, user. "I'm gonna go do what I want, you all can go along with it if you want. Or not, I guess."

Democracy normally consists of 50% +1 guy imposing their will on the rest. I disagree with you in that.

I think it's more like a normal job contract, you either accept or reject it, either way you don't get to vote about how it should be.

>"A girl painted my entire mech for me!"
Let's take a crack at Miles.

You can go along with it or you can fuck off out of my pirate group.

still anarchy


Karen did make us some sweetass thunder gloves.

If I remember right we used them on old fuckface back on mars to great effect.

Clemmy and Sam abandoned their careers for us
Red spoils us a lot
Karen builds our mech advancements
Fatima chose us over her people
No matter what we say though try to brown nose all the waifus


What would we do if someone in our crew seriously fucks up in a battle, or pulls some shit we don't like? Maroon them? Make them walk the space plank?