>that guy that shows up to the session with his girlfriend and doesn't bother to let anyone know
I hope you've never been that guy, Veeky Forums
>that guy that shows up to the session with his girlfriend and doesn't bother to let anyone know
I hope you've never been that guy, Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Hmm, this is a pretty convincing story, but it has flaws because if nobody knew then how did the girlfriend know or not know? I can't believe you, all in all.
So, uh, who is that in the pic?
Replace girlfriend with anyone other than an old member that everyone likes (or possibly a friend of everyone at the table that is enthused) and you have the same situation.
>I'm replying in a troll thread
Does sage still do anything?
>giant tits
>zero hips
The worst kind of woman
Just someone whose facebook OP saves the photos from.
He's going to make her his girlfriend.
Atleast she has a cute face.
He's using the tried and true method of texting her at odd hours, always ninja-paying for her snacks and coffees, and buying her inappropriately expensive and personal birthday gifts.
Nice tits but no hips.
Remember children: Thick thighs save lives
tessa fowler
What is ninja paying?
And I wear cargo shorts and sandals almost daily in the summer. But just a plan cotton tee for a shirt.
>belly-button visible
The horror.
Good thing you're gay then.
Ok so I have a question:
I see his like this all the time at my uni campus, fedora, breifcase, trenchcoat type guys. These people must go on the internet right? I mean you don't get like that from being outside all day. How do these people not see all the people online making fun of their exact dress and not think "woah I should reconsider some stuff"? Do they just not put two and two together or are they too blind to their own inadequacy? How does it work?
some of it has to be ironic
>That sure is a mildly entertaining premise, but I make it work, I am the exception to it.
That can't be all of it though right? Surely there isn't an entire culture fueled on ironic stupidity other than hipsters. I mean fuck at least hipsters can be considered "cool" in some circles.
Some people are just incapable of self-awareness.
Plus they shrug off all the fedora hate as Veeky Forums being Veeky Forums and internet haters.
>Does sage still do anything?
Veeky Forums was a marginally better place with visible sageing.
>Veeky Forums.org/news?all#114
so it still functions, it just doesnt appear visibly?
Yes. Just like Bash commands.
>Once had a dnd session while my fuckbuddy came over.
>Told her I had to go play, she was fine with it and stayed at my place.
>Sends me lewds literally the whole time.
>Have to excuse myself early because boners and phone going ape shit.
Better to bring her imo.
Ninja paying when you hang out with your would be gf at a cafeteria, coffee shop etc ans then throwing your card or cash down when the clerk rungs up her order. Because paying for M'Lady is what a true gentleman does. Eventually she'll realize how nice and considerate you are and jump your bones.
Most girls don't find this behavior attractive because acting like a doting toady is off-putting.
>Being so socially inept you can't handle outsiders
>Being so socially inept you can't handle females
>Being so bad at GMing you can't engage the new person in your game(s)
If anything, youi are the guy to avoid, OP, not the other way around
>fucking feminists ragging on my swag!
>if it weren't for them milady would be swooning for me!
>fucking feminists ragging on my class!
>if it weren't for them milady would be swooning for me!
As a gaming man I hate to say this, but if she was that into your dick the correct move would've been skipping the game.
I don't know one player or GM who doesn't understand the occasional ducking out for fucking.
You don't skip a game unless you are already with a flaky party.
This is pretty much how I felt about it. () Of the other four people playing two of them were good friends of mine and everyone was really hype about the whole campaing,
The saddest part is that the DM had a big climatic battle against a succubus (less magical realm, more terrifying demon) but of course that didn't happen because I left.
The campaign mostly fell apart from that point on too, so lesson learned really.
>that guy who makes a thread tangentially related to Veeky Forums in a failed attempt to start an image dump
It's too late for OP, but maybe the rest of you can avoid being a faggot, Veeky Forums.
>just like bash commands
Yeah, there isn't a clock on a fuckbuddy and getting sent the sexy is really really fun but nothing to cancel plans over.
Like, unless it is a "friend who is in town for a few days" situation
She's leaning forward m8
She has some hips
I know what bash is, what do you mean by, much like sage, it functions invisibly
are you telling me you can pass commands through the Options field
We have 2 of these, one is an actual GF who slightly detracted from our experience, but is joining us next session so it may work out.
The other is coming Soon™, and has the guy super friend zoned, so i expect it to be even worse.
Have you considered sitting him down and explaining to him that you and the rest of the group don't want to put up with his beta bullshit on game night?
Cuck him at the table, make her so uncomfortable that she leaves or seduce her and make him watch her blow you under the table as you wipe the party.
This is your only options for making it out of this situation with any dignity left. You're losing your group either way with this much drama so might as well do it.
dude fuck what I said ( ) do this! way funnier.
I like your picture do you have the source
This can kinda work
I was working with this girl on a project at uni. Whenever we would head for a meeting we would stop to pick up coffee. She was so slow at paying that I would pay for her instead. Literally fumbling around in the bag for the money. Whenever it came to texting her at odd hours it was usually about work. She would sidetrack to talk about other stuff. This went on for quite a while until she mistook it for something else.
Basically picture related?
Been on the reciving end of that is so odd
>Didn't even bone her
What a hetero.
Our gm recently introduced his older uncle who has been playing rpgs forever and taught him every thing he know etc.
"oh he knows all the tricks"
Character is powerbuild to the max including shit like invisible incubus familiar that can cast charm person at will, constantly knowingly misusing spells and abilities to fuck over shit(pathfinder) , in one session basically becomes the new bbeg by exterminating the biggest city and turning it into an army of shadows, "helps" the gm at gm'ing. Doesn't show up for half the sessions. Later i find out he was pissed that he wasn't allowed to play his character like he wanted after basically fucking over the gm's plot and becoming the bbeg thus no motivation to play. Constantly tells other players how "real people/humans" would act in a given situation, gets really in character (read: "it's what my character would do" ) and recently took over the second campaign of the gm (halo) and put us on the worst railroads i've ever experienced to a point where space pirates surrounded our 3man escape pod with 40man and multiple anti tank guns after we discussed going out guns blazing to fuck up their day and the pirates suddenly had x ray vision to notice something was up
Our gm recently introduced his older uncle who has been playing rpgs forever and taught him every thing he know etc.
"oh he knows all the tricks"
Character is powerbuild to the max including shit like invisible incubus familiar that can cast charm person at will, constantly knowingly misusing spells and abilities to fuck over shit(pathfinder) , in one session basically becomes the new bbeg by exterminating the biggest city and turning it into an army of shadows, "helps" the gm at gm'ing. Doesn't show up for half the sessions. Later i find out he was pissed that he wasn't allowed to play his character like he wanted after basically fucking over the gm's plot and becoming the bbeg thus no motivation to play. Constantly tells other players how "real people/humans" would act in a given situation, gets really in character (read: "it's what my character would do" ) and recently took over the second campaign of the gm (halo) and put us on the worst railroads i've ever experienced to a point where space pirates surrounded our 3 man escape pod with 40man and multiple 90mm anti tank guns
It's funny how communication can be interpreted. What was your situation like?
>Women asking men on dates
>Women ever spending money on anything but themselves
>Women thinking it's cute to say "I just want to take advantage of you, I don't actually want you" and think this is flirting.
Whores and bitches
Basically picture related but with tickets for Don Quijote de la Mancha.
It was very odd since I've rarely talk to her bedside class related things. Her inability to construct a sentence made me think she was failing hard to make a joke.
>whores and bitches
>not bores and witches
>Hey welcome, glad to have you here. You're welcome to watch or read something or whatever, feel free to ask questions. If you're interested in playing, we might have an open spot, but I'm afraid you'll just have to observe for today, if that's not a problem.
>Moving on into the session...
>umm what? Come on man why can't my girlfriend play? A 'fifth' party member won't ruin the game.
Sorry man, you didn't tell me she's coming, I don't have the session planned for her. She can join in next time, cool?
GM actually plan? Beyond "today they'll do something along this lines"? I mean no plan survives the players.
>Beyond "today they'll do something along this lines"?
That's exactly what we do, but no GM ever should admit it to his players.
Ninja-paying only works if you're already dating the girl and she's the type that insists on not letting you paying for everything.
She'll be struggling with her purse, digging through keys, make up, a bottle of gatorade, her phone, unable to find the money. At that point you slowly and deliberately pull out your wallet, take out your card, pay while she's still fighting her purse, never breaking eye contact with her.
Then you get to act like a smug shit for the rest of the day.
Big veiny blobs of fat are overrated. C-cups are god tier.
>Allowing women in your game
I hope you've never been that GM, OP
I think you mean "at least she knows how to apply make-up", a task I'm pretty sure a well-trained monkey could accomplish.
I would have turned out like that if I hadn't have found this place back in 08. I had a fedora and I wanted a trench coat.
Oh no..... Oh no..... I've been making terrible mistakes.
Literally this, she was easy to tease, so I would tease her quite a bit too.
>"user why are why did you pay for me?"
>Because its my victory.
Tbf she was a really nice girl but she would always get friendly teasings.
>mfw I realize I've been ninja paying but all my friends are dudes in relationships with no interest in my tits
Tell her the truth
Because statistically one of the best ways to not get another date is to make the woman pay for it. It gives you a -1 subconsciously which will build up over time until you no longer want to let me use your cum bucket
>>that guy that shows up to the session with his girlfriend and doesn't bother to let anyone know
>>that guy that shows up to the session with his son and doesn't bother to let anyone know
>>that guy that shows up to the session with his dog and doesn't bother to let anyone know
Usually we just seat them all together.
Ninja paying only works in my opinion if you can tease them.
Case A: Girl to boy ninja paying
>Friend buys gravity rush
>Checks his account balance
> Huh thats odd, balance hasn't changed
>Girlfriend says she sent him the money
>Tells him the game now technically belongs to her since he used her money
Case B: Boy to girl
>Buys icecream
>She says it is not needed she would have bought it herself
>Try some of her ice cream whilst she says that.
>ninja paying
Have not seen that one in years. Unless boss paying for the employees at company organized event counts.
Why don't you try that trick cosplayers use to fluff their tits to make them look more impressive?
I quit a nearly 10 year regular rpg group because the tone of everything had to change when it became unavoidable that one of the players have their niece and nephew there every time. I have barely played rpgs since.
Guys wearing "fedoras" (actually trilbies) are like girls with bright dyed hair. While they're stereotyped as being part of some crazy political movement (MRAs and 3rd wave feminism respectively), most of them are just normal people, who just don't particularly care about what people think of how they look. If you like hats, wear a hat. If you want to dye your hair a bright colour, do that. If you live your life only caring about what others think about you, you won't live your live well.
Well, it can be worked around - when it's a young kid, you can keep the nasty stuff in references and innuendos that will go over the child's head. When it's older kid, why the hell does it need babysitting all the time?
But I guess it depends on the child's nature and how it was raised - some will sit tight when you give them something to occupy themselves with. Some will always be disruptive unless heavily sedated.
>are you telling me you can pass commands through the Options field
No. It was a bad joke. About how the only feedback from Bash commands are error messages.
While I've met exceptions, most dudes I've seen wearing trilbies look and act exactly like what the internet associates with them.
of course not, i informed him long before she showed up and she started playing day 1
It was not just a matter of having to tone down the content but dealing with constant interruption.
Not all of them, user.
:(){ :|:& };:
This would make sense if you were a complete fucking retard to human psychology.
People wear the uniforms of people they want to be like and want to hang around with. Gamers wear their gaming shirts, dykes dress like lumber jacks and attention seeking faggots dye their hair and get piercings.
It's not that they don't give a fuck, it's that they very much do give a fuck but have to pretend they don't to fit in with the sub group they want to belong to.
The internet is a huge place user, they probably only browse their own echo chambers of like minded people who don't make fun of their own kind.
Its both. Many do it because they care too much.
But some do it simply because they don't give a fuck
>pull fool aside
>Dude, we had this talk. I do NOT do guests at my game unless they plan to join the campaign, and you popping up with her is rude as fuck, full stop
>She sits there, quietly, asks no questions, does not distract you or anyone else from the game at hand.
>If she does, I will ask you BOTH to leave
Alright, everyone, sheets out, who needs a recap?
>mfw I have been here before, and handled it exactly as the above, because my game, my rules, get dunked
I swear to you that every guy I've met who wears a fedora with his daily outfit is a greasy social inept and every blue/pink haired girl is either a crazy feminist or a total slut.
You're retarded. No human ever does something purely because they don't care. That is literally impossible in the way humans act.
They may consciously think they don't care but subconsciously they are signalling their social status.
>But some do it simply because they don't give a fuck
If you didn't give a fuck you wouldn't put metal barbs inside your skin to get attention, you wouldn't do anything because you don't give a fuck
if they didn't care they wouldn't bother to do it in the first place.
Once I played on a modern fantasy game, one of the females was playing a wish fulfillment party girl Wicca chick, and she was going teehee i never have to pay for drinks guys are great~ and my character, a manic depressive office worker who lived alone with his cat and was just a bitter autistic looked at her and asked "...why the hell would I buy YOUR drink? That makes no sense"
Booy she got pissed, turned into a whole ic fight. Funny part was my character was just genuinely confused as to why the fuck he would buy someone else a drink (because again, autism - he was the party wizard) but he was accused of "slut shaming her" or whatever
The two characters later reconciled and hooked up.
Then she dumped him when things got serious and hooked up with some NPC.
My games are wierd
>a crazy feminist or a total slut
Why did you use an 'or'?
This, most hardcore feminists are sluts in denial who are super thirsty for the dick and bitter they cant get it
>>Women thinking it's cute to say "I just want to take advantage of you, I don't actually want you" and think this is flirting.
Honesty is always cute. And it works as a flirting - your next question should be along the lines of "What's in it for me?"
fat girl with dyed hair = can't sleep around so feminist
skinny girl with dyed hair = sleeps around
Lad.. Lad.. You're hanging around a bunch of erotic roleplaying feminist retards. Throw her on the table, put a condom on and fuck her brains out then leave after you've came in her hair or just never return.
You got cucked in game you fucking faggot.
*All women
If you can fuck 3 guys at once and there is no way to test for who the kid's father is they all have to support it. You just tripled your kid's college fund and all you had to do was take an extra foot of dick.
No chick is so fat she can't get laid
>fat girl = can't sleep around
Are we talking like, morbidly obese? Because while fat may discourage some it's not a complete deal breaker most of the times. Hell, I fucked fat chick once... Okay, maybe more than once. But I can explain.
or they're wearing clothes that both they and (insert group of choice here) both happen to like for whatever myriad reasons people have for liking clothes.
pick one
I wanted to argument that most of my clothes chosen solely because they were cheapest piece possible with not too bright colors and not too offensive logos and that it doesn't signal my social status.
But I guess it actually does - that of a poorfag. ;_;
>there is no way to test for who the kid's father is they all have to support it
Unless you fucked identical triplets, this is functionally impossible.
You can read that as "passable boyfriend".
>I'm thirsty, I fancy some orange juice
conscious thought
>I am lacking in vitamin C and liquid, I need to acquire both to continue to function
Subconscious mind.
Now try drop your bullshit magical soul idea of human psychology. Everything we do have a reason behind it, we just don't know the reason.
user, hit thrift shops.
I've gotten $600 coats, suits, shoes for pennies on the dollar.
Hell, if a suit doesn't fit, 20 for the suit, 20 to have it tailored beats 300 off the rack.
>>I am lacking in vitamin C and liquid, I need to acquire both to continue to function
>Subconscious mind.
I don't think that's quite how subconscious mind works.
It shows your functional and not tacky. The poor fags try to buy expensive stuff to show how they're not poor. Like niggers with expensive sneakers.
Humans did not evolve in the last 100 years. If you fucked 3 dudes with similiar genetics because you're all from the same area you have no way to detect who the kid belongs to. Most people in a region share similiar skin colour and hair colour.