What does your ideal cyberpunk setting look like?
What does your ideal cyberpunk setting look like?
No magic.
>Big corps
>Weird advance technology
>Power to and against The Man
>Loads of Neon light
>Maybe an alien races or two
>Religious imagery and actual religion
>Morals in black, white, and gray scale
>Dance clubs
And this. Magic ruins it.
>The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
This. I play cyberpunk and other sci fi genres to get away from elves and dragons. Not get more of them.
a vaporwave-ish setting, where most people are nihlistic office workers. suicide rates are high, but the oligarchic corporations dont care. people are making babies faster than the suicide rates, anyways, and the population is basically a huge creature that is continuously being devoured by suicide
a group of depressed young intellectuals decide to go out and wage anarchy, spitting in the face of capitalism and consumerist society and mocking it
Shadowrun or Shadowrun without magic
Any tips to make a text only game feel more Cyberpunkish? I feel like I'm not describing the setting properly.
I am really not digging this unless it's a parody/dark humor setting.
Also not sure if depression works that way
their actions are not a result of the depression
it is humorous in a way. i want to make it very absurd
Did you put in neon lights and crowded cities?
1d6 sessions where it all goes according to plan
1d4 where it works out in the end
and then every session there after turns to shit.
>Shadowrun without magic.
Literally Neuromancer. The SR devs stole all of the non-fantasy elements from William Gibson.
ah kk sounds good
in fact, im thinking of making the lore where Japan conquers the world after a nuclear war between North Korea and the Free Republic of Texas. everything is Japanized, and an olgiarchy of Yakuza shoguns who are essentially corporate leaders, too. they each have their own private elite force of Yakuza ninjas with the blood of Genghis Khan
oh, and the intellectuals are marxists/stirnerists
dont ask me how. they just are
looks like you got the groundwork all laid out
I just like Neuromancer.
Cyberpunk is better without magic. It's all about the new piling in over the old, which is why places with incredibly dense populations like Tokyo, Hong Kong or Taiwan make great settings.
Ten years into the future of sorts. Speculation on what the world would be like based on current events with sprinklings of advanced technology thrown in as well and shows how actual "Running the shadows" is not glamorous in the least bit and can handle being a member of a street gang working your way up the ranks in the mean streets of (insert city here) USA to being a government spy doing business in bumfuck middle of Africa with your mark bound inside of a old tire about to be fed to some hungry Hyenas if he doesn't talk.
I just want to do a shitton of drugs and then link my BCI to the corp's security systems like a normal person.
Good taste anons
>Cities the size of counties
>A nigh-immortal upper class
>Genetically modified subcultures
>New and exotic drugs
>Set in Tokyo or Shanghai
This has got me thinking. What would cyberpunk set in India look like?
read the novel River of Gods to find out
>Cyberpunk is better without magic
Augmented poop?
Android Netrunner has one of its cycles there - it's not too much different from anywhere else (partly for game reasons), but it's pretty cool.
Notable features include political activism, meditating to make yourself a better hacker, bollywood being applied to sim-sense entertainment, producing food on a super-intensive scale being important, quite a lot of manufacturing, respect for the past, and even greater wealth disparity than usual - the cycle before being set on the west coast of the US kind of highlights it, as does the presence of servants which haven't gone out of style (they're just androids now)
Really can't go wrong with Neuromancer style
Although if the group is really fun I like to run something that is a mix of Jet Set Radio and Hackers set in the near future. The players are hip youths sticking it to the Man (and their parents) through light terrorism. More focused on infiltration and sabotage than combat. Everything is superflat and painfully cool but the price of failure is nerve stapling. Players are encouraged to come up with cringe-worthy slang. Usually run with Mini6
Don't know if really counts as cyberpunk but a game set in the BLAME! superstructure would be pretty kick-ass.
Then don't play shadowrun. I get that it's popular but it's also pretty much the only cyberpunk game with magic.
I don't get why there aren't more Cyberpunk2020 threads here. There is obviously a demand for straight cyberpunk, if more threads were made about it less people would have to use /srg/ to get their fill.
I think shadowrun is actually a lot of fun -not necessarily for being good cyberpunk- but for some reason it's often treated like the only game in town. Which leads to a lot of unnecessary bitterness.
If more attention was given to CP2020 or GRUPs Cyberpunk there really wouldn't be the problem of SR being the go to game, which it really shouldn't be.
(fuck now that I check, there really aren't really any other cyperpunk games out there, that's crazy)
Hey what was that homebrew Jet Set Radio system that was making the rounds here a year or two back? Velocity something?
There are other cyberpunk games, though you kind of have to go into the indie space for them. TechNoir is supposed to be pretty good. The Sprawl is an Apocalypse engine game set in William Gibson's universe from the novels of the same name.
I believe there's another one, but the name escapes me ATM.
> Which leads to a lot of unnecessary bitterness.
Nah, people wanting to be lazy douchebags leads to the bitterness.
It would either need to fully embrace the CUHRAYZEE nature of Cyberpunk or tone it down and move past the 80s.
Either would do.
>I don't get why there aren't more Cyberpunk2020 threads here.
Probably because it's 26 years old at this point
I don't want to start the "we cyberpunk nao" shit, because the genre is speculative near-future fiction, written with some pretty smart and astute writers - it shouldn't be a surprise that some of it rings true.
But that's not helpful when it comes to the game being more popular - it seems outdated, even if the game itself holds up fine
Interface Zero?
Sharing Hardwired (which does, incidentally, have a CP2020 splatbook) because it's a pretty great read, though it's a little more post-apoc than most cyberpunk
VeloCITY. It's on 1d4 if you want the book. It looks good to me but the GM absolutely has to keep three dimensions in mind.
A gritty, post-human society where only robots remain.
That the one designed for freerunning, Mirror's Edge style?
Add a couple of cybernetics, rain penalties, maybe include drones flying about as well (which I'd imagine the 3D would be useful for) and you could have a great way to explore a near-future city.
Might not work as a whole system, if it's not geared for fighting, but certainly sounds like it's worth a look
I want:
> Huge corporations that dominate the world but are not necessarily evil
> Tentacular megalopolises and mostly deserted countryside
> High-tech and clean corporate business, commercial and residential areas with intelligent buildings, efficient mass transit, clean parks, private security, etc.
> Gigantic and dangerous slums with huge housing projects, burnt down housing blocks, refugee camps, shops selling cheap stuff and streets choke full of trash
> Huge sewer system (access to corporate areas is heavily guarded)
> Cyclopean industrial sites and landfills
> Gigantic recycling plants were all the trash is sorted, treated and recycled
> Hot nightclubs and sleazy bars
> Redlight districts full of prostitutes, VR sex cabins, and STD's (both physical and digital)
> New exciting and dangerous synthetic/electronic drugs
> Bloodsports to keep people happy (gladiator fights, dangerous high-speed races...)
> New religious/philosophical paradigms
> Robot waifus
> Cloned waifus
> Genetically engineered waifus
> Cyborg waifus
> Virtual waifus
> Psycho killers (standard psychos, cyberpsychos, drug addicts, bugged A.I.'s, hacked cyberbrains...)
> Brutal vigilantes
> Ultra-violent gangs
> Corrupt cops
> Crazy cults
> Ruthless mercenaries
> Strong contrast between corporate world and slums (high-tech vs. low-tech, clean vs. dirty, elegant vs. vulgar)
> Escapism through virtual worlds, drugs, alcohol, party and sex
Some inspiration:
Enter the Void (visuals, escapism), Hardware (visuals), Strange Days (new drug), Elysium (contrast slums/corporate areas), Dredd (housing projects, gangs, drugs), Akira (sewer system), Automata (visuals), City of God (slums and gang violence), Tropa de Elite 2 (slums, corrupt cops), Total Recall (new technology), Ex Machina & Armitage III (robot waifu), Deus Ex: Human Revolution (corporations, visuals), Syndicate (2012) & Ghost in the Shell (cyberbrain hacking)
Putting all this together gives me a headache.
Good taste user. My personal solution to putting it all together was to not put it all in one place. I simply assumed that different parts of the world developed differently because of different starting conditions and then I let the players travel around. It kept things fresh.
My idea was to mix cyberpunk with post-apocalyptic fiction. Kind of most of the world has turn to shit for some reason (mega-volcano, meteorite strike, WWIII, mega-earthquake...). Surviving mankind is located in some surviving megalopolis.
I'm not shitting on it - cyberpunk combines well with post-apoc, pic related (directed asteroid strikes/orbital bombardment), but do you mind if I ask why?
What does the apocalyptic scenario and trying to survive the world that followed add to the setting?
As one of the anons said above, cyberpunk is about building the new above the bones of the old. Post apoc helps in that it provides plausible reasoning why the world went to shit and corporations took over the role of nation states.
My idea is to have a post-apocalyptic setting to explain major changes in the world's organization. It's difficult to explain why all of a sudden there should be a giant and especially overcrowded metroplex ranging from New York to Washington D.C. as the US population grows only slowly (possible explanation: European refugees fleeing from radioactive EU, or refugees from USA's central and north-western states due to eruption of the Yellowstone super-volcano...). There need to be also an explanation about why all of a sudden private companies become more powerful than nation-states (ex. what's left of the US government, the US military-industrial complex, and the US armed forces ban together and form a new entity to face an emergency, while abandoning some areas completely). Finally, I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic settings.
Now that I wrote all that, I'm thinking that a pre-apocalyptic setting could be cool, too. The world is going to shit, and life is only possible in a few locations (ex. Automata).
I liked the concept of Kuro - mixing cyberpunk with traditional Japanese horror. Sadly, the result wasn't as good as expected.
For me, cyberpunk is better without magic, but some supernatural stuff is ok (psychic powers, vengeful ghosts, bioengineered mutants and tentacle monsters...). I kind of like Cthulhupunk, although I will probably never GM or play it.
how pink?
That's going to be two groups, minimum, who fucking hate each other. Spooks vs Sancho.
Looks like I'm the only one here who likes magic in a cyberpunk game
What about psions?
Sounds like you'd love EYE Divine Cybermancy, since it has most of that stuff.
>This is what you want.
>This is what you get.
>extremely advanced technology
>pervasive information access
>ability to transform the human body
>cybernetic prosthesis
>invasive ability enhancing surgeries/therapies, >robots
>sentient A.I.
>interplanetary space travel
>space habitats
>virtual reality simulations
>unregulated capitalism with corrupt, near monopolistic entities controlling large parts of markets
>population with a stark contrast between rich and poor
>environmental disasters
>mutants/non-human races
How would you feel about the inclusion of demons? Not as CEOs, just demons doing the usual illuminati wish giving shtick
I'd almost be okay with it, honestly.
I don't like cyberpunk, but I love post-cyberpunk, especially when the protagonists work for the government.
The chief dilemma of a world like this is the tension between the state and private sector, and in particular transnational, really, supernational entities like corporations.
No one is evil, but many, maybe even most people in these settings, as in our world today, are totally self-absorbed and materialistic, and that clashes with organizations that serve the public interest, chiefly the government.
And the financial elites will inevitably try to fully capture public institutions in such a world, and even privatize the essential features of government like the military and police. Cyberpunk typically just has this as a default assumption with the government either totally captured or completely ineffectual, but it isn't and shouldn't be that simple. States will fight back and nationalism won't ever fully disintegrate into captialist globalism.
>cyber poo in the cyber loo
I'll tolerate magic in cyberpunk if it's like some kind of X-Files dealie. Where the fantastic elements are actually some kind of paranormal phenomenon no one really believes in and the characters just stumble upon.
But an Elf computer hacker and a fireball-throwing troll running through a corporate HQ doing errands for a dragon wizard disguised as a business man? That's retarded.
>with organizations that serve the public interest, chiefly the governmen
>The public sector doesn't serve the public interest
When will this meme die?
when we elect a libertarian
>republicans are bootlickers for big business
>democrats are modern day slavers
>"public sector" "public interest"
>not "self-interested government bureaucracy"
>butthurt socialist detected
Lolbercucks are the corporate slaves.
Whoever responded to you may be a socialist degenerate, but I'm an authoritarian nationalist and I can assure you that slaves to the market are the enemy of more than misguided reds.
Is it still a meme if it's truth?
any authoritarian state becomes an oligarchy unresponsive to the people.
Hence the Clintons existing.
Libertarians don't understand how government works. I am shocked.
I'm not a socialist
The people do not know what is in their own interest. They are led around by the nose, by materialism, hedonism, and selfishness. They cannot be trusted to make proper decisions regarding collective security or prosperity.
Oh joy, it's descended into meme politics already
hence a republic designed by libertarians
America needs a good, well bred Monarchy for a while desu.
Lolbercucks will only engineer a further slavery to the market. They are defined by their insatiable lust for power and wealth at the expense of everything and everyone besides themselves. Money is the only that matters to this degenerate subrace. Of course in reality the market is the enemy of civilization, and must be properly enslaved to the collective interest of the nation, rather than the other way around.
That's why people will vote for a second Clinton administration. In truth, people naturally crave dynastic rule.
Guys, I think the troll is right on this one.
I said GOOD
I'm a Dem voting Trump because I've reached the stage where I want SOMETHING to change. I feel Clinton is just 4-8 years of the same shit. Trump might be the same, he might to a good job or he might be so bad people will get involved in politics again.
To be honest, looking at 2nd World places is the best way to do Cyberpunk. Places like India or Mexico. You have all the latest electronics and gizmos at prices even the poorest McDonalds worker can afford, but most people still live in poverty and there are huge gaps where you can just disappear.
And with less of this 'Cybernetics will eat your mind' shit.
>Syndicate (2012)
I thought I was the only person who cared about that game.
Some semi fatalistic black humor setting where things are funny because the future doesn't really matter, just the moment.
Major companies rule the world with more power then the players will ever be in a position to truely understand dominate the gameboard as you deal with people turning the Matrix into essentially cyber drugs.
No one cares about the world because everyone just tunes into a different part of cyberspace too chase a false dream. People gradually forget their name isnt Malfagor the Endowed, arch paladin from some medieval porn mmo because Tom is just a name that shows up on emails telling him which form he has to fill out to properly evict that orphanage down the street no one gave two shits about in the first place.
I dont mind magic, since ive never played a shadowrun game that wasnt fun yet (dont ruin that for me) but in my mind cyber-magic is a different genre about a sortof Neverland that despite everything grew up. The wonder of "Wow magic can doo anything" has died and wizards sell their own blood to power technology as Red Oil.
Not a single mention of Transmetropolitan. You degenerate mongoloids sicken me.
>10 mb glasses
Trump is p. cyberpunk tbqh
Well it sure as hell isn't Paris. Talk about instantly killing the mood.
I can just picture some ice cold street samurai as he steps off his hoverbike. He nonchalantly adjusts his kevlar trenchcoat, slowly removes his mirrored shades, opens his mouth to speak and
More likely he'd be speaking Arabic and wearing a jelaba.
>le escargot
>non Francophone in charge of mocking French
Reminder English stole 30 to 40% percent of its vocabulary (depends on the source) from French, and then some more from Latin.
>Surr3nd3r M0nk3y
This would be the best fucking street samurai ever.
Whenever he is on runs he does a horrible french impersonation and sounds like a total douchebag to help hide his identity.
Goes by: Le Estranger
s1c|< l337 |3r0
Remind that it works both ways and nobody gives a fuque.
Deus Ex, Blade Runner stuff
>No real religions, only Facebook tier mantras and philosophies reserved for the introverts.
>Extremely extroverted society, based on social standing, charisma, and physical appearance.
>Going against the flow in the right way is always fashion
>Territary socialisation is based upon being unique, while at the same time shunning non-conformists
>The past is looked down on at all times, except when extremely romanticised to lift a certain moral
>All languages looking more and more like pidgeon english
>Tech is widely used and in fact is the only thing keeping a modern person functioning, although actual knowledge of it is looked down on
>The people and the government do their best to be enviromentally friendly, resulting in the richer districts being massive skyscrapers made out of glass and blinding white plastics, full of parks, green areas, and biking routes
>Most of the actual traffic is in vast networks underneath the streets, the streets being reserved for green reserves, storefronts, and entrances.
>The poorer districts do not have the two floors, but still attempt to recreate the same style seen in the inner city, leading to older, filthy, greyish white buildings with hard-trampled dirt in what used to be hedges
MFW I just described my home rn
>Territary socialisation is based upon being unique, while at the same time shunning non-conformists
>No real religions, only Facebook tier mantras and philosophies reserved for the introverts.
>Extremely extroverted society, based on social standing, charisma, and physical appearance.
>Tech is widely used and in fact is the only thing keeping a modern person functioning, although actual knowledge of it is looked down on
So, our society right now, only taken to 11?
Kind of hilarious.
He steps out of a cloud of foul smoke, flicking the stub of a gauloises to the floor.
>bonsswoirrrr meesurrre, ah ahm, 'ow you say, Le Estraanguerrrrr
How do you prefer your cybernetic prosthetics, Veeky Forums?
>Basic construction, plain pipes and joints, thinner than a human limb but stronger
>Covered in brightly-colored panels to mimic the shape of the original limb
>Covered in flesh-colored panels
>Covered in flesh-colored silicone or other imitation flesh
>our society right now, only taken to 11?
Kind of how speculative fiction works.
Just add a couple of cool ideas that you think might come to pass and you're good, if you're a decent writer