Just got six boxes of SOI



What you hoped to achieve with this, user?

I love old Innistrad so much, I decided I couldn't go wrong with getting a case of the return visit. (And it was a deal, 250 for all six)

I was hoping for a foil Arlinn Kord, and some a large amount of sweet highly sought after foils of all rarity.

Isn't there a point where it's just better to buy a full set?

Innistrad has a fuckton of swag in its look

Are you retarded?

Buying a full set would be more cost effective if I paid full price, no doubt. But I didnt pay full price for all six and I also like the excitement of cracking packs.

>250 for all six
well that's pretty cheap. good luck with those user.

Na, not retarded but I do have clinically diagnosed with severe major depression and organizing Magic cards and crackin packs is something that always gets me through tough times.

That's a pretty good deal.

>tfw it would be cheaper to buy it as singles

>No, but yes

If this was /v/ there would be a dozen joker posts by now.

Fuck off.

Open one box and post results

Should have buy better couch instead. This thing is hideous.

Got some walkers from all the boxes, nothing too wild. Ended up with a playset of everything except the mythics.

Nice trips OP. Also y no Eldritch Moon?, you don't like it or somethin'?

I can relate to that.

Also this. Tell us the story of how this madness happened too.

That chair is hideous.

Oh shit actual nigger what are you doing?

Never let the chan know you are black. Now its going to be endless /pol/ shitposting for you.

Also that's a very shoddy way to post results, you gotta make it more visual, like pic related.

I assumed he was Indian actually.

>Implying /pol/lacks can tell the difference or care at all.