Why are you people so bad at starting new threads edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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Why are you people so bad at starting new threads edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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Who is worse: Garrosh sympathizers or Sylvanas sympathizers?
Garrosh sympathizers > Sylvanas sympathizers > post-MoP Jaina sympathizers
Speaking as one, Sylvanas sympathizers.
Garrosh had a very clearly-defined arc that, had literally anyone tried to consult him or stop him in a way besides murder, might have been averted. He's the monster the Horde deserved, and sadly one of its better warchiefs.
Sylvanas managed to avoid getting raid boss'd ten times over for what she's pulled, and I'll lionize her and even praise her warcrimes because of playing Forsaken for like twelve years, but this needs to end somewhere.
Preferably with Nathan Creepcaller getting thrown out with the trash, Varimathras getting roped into becoming 2iC of Undercity again and Sylvanas herself just chilling with her sisters/Lor'themar and not genociding something.
Jaina was ok in WC3 and she's only gotten worse. Like Thrall, "muh peace" only worked in WC3 and i'm almost glad she switched to "muh war", maybe we can get blizzard to do an actually good inter-faction war again
I know I'm late to the party, but this question always bothered me.
Who is this fucking guy?! Is he undead? He doesn't seem undead. Why is he working for the Scourge? Where did he go after the DK quests - everyone except for him appeared again, either in Naxx or elsewhere, what happened to this asshole?
he shows up in Acherus when you hit 102 and is like "sup fags, sorry I'm late. Let's make horses"
He's our stable master.
We don't know anything about him.
Other than his name, The Salanar.
>Sylvanas chilling with her sisters
Not going to happen. She's too far gone to get with Vereesa again (She tried in War Crimes, pretty much was going to painlessly kill Vereesa and make her into another Super-Dark-Ranger, ended because Vereesa didn't want to leave her kids behind.), and Alleria is either dead or would be so xenophobic/light-oriented that she wouldn't consider the walking corpse working with Orcs to be her sister.
I imagine it would more or less be Sylvanas trying to make up for the past with Alleria just straight up telling her 'You're not my sister'.
Okay, I know I've said differently before, but I'm feeling extremely underwhelmed by the paladin class hall and everything about it. It starts with the followers, really - Tyrosus and Liadrin are fucking boring and have pesonalities of bricks. Sunwalker tauren doesn't behave anything like a sunwalker, instead she behaves like a human paladin. We have to settle for discount Maraad, when Yrel is still alive and we could have had her instead. The only halfway interesting NPC the paladin has so far is Arator the Redeemer, whose only character trait is literally "muh Turalyon", but at least it's fucking something.
Meanwhile, warlock gets multiple scenarios to establish the Black Harvest members, they all have memorable personalities (I've instantly hated the blood elf bitch the second I've looked at her) and Calydus is fucking fun.
Why can't warrior of light have nice things? We can be interesting, if you let us! LET US! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
>being a paladin
>not doing what the living cannot
>Liadrin has the personality of a brick
>We should get Yrel
Only things I would disagree on. Liadrin is at least somewhat established and has been kicking since TBC to be at least close where the action is.
Yrel is awful and honestly I don't think I could tolerate her after her lines in the Archimonde fight. They made her progress way too fast so she went from random slave #4379 to fucking Exarch in a matter of what we can maybe percieve as days.
And if you think you've got it bad, Warrior's have literally three recognizable names, two of which are Titan Watchers, the other was a Dungeon Boss (Twice). And we get ONE Stormforged Dwarf. Literally every other champion is a no-name Vrkyul, we don't even get a real Val'kyr champion. It's honestly a bit disgusting, but the lore outside of them is at least decent.
Remember this year's April's Fools Patch Notes?
>We already gave you guys Ashbringer, what else do you want? (Or something to that extent)
I don't think they were joking when they published that.
Ret and Prot play like shit, and the Class Hall and everything related to it, so far, is boring as all hell; not even the Exodar questline to save the information on Xe'ra's core was class exclusive.
We literally had to be shoved out of the stage so that Demon Hunters that spent years locked away doing nothing can have their moment in the limelight with their whiny, emo bullshit of "We is da only line of deefens 'gainst da Leejuhn". The fuckers that spent years battling demons and undead across continents and time/alternate realities and are up to par with the world's events? Fuck them, bring in the army of demonic Coldsteel the Hedgehog clones.
Before someone asks, yes, i mad.
I feel a part of your pain, I've leveled a warrior and did an artifact quests.
> Warlock gets to invade a demon realm and steal a magic talking skull from a dreadlord
> Death knight defeats the Dark Riders once and for all, while also stealing one of their artifacts
> Warrior comes to a tomb of some literally who vrykul dude, who's so old and stupid, he can't recognize his own son. After beating him for a while, he loots his sword and shield.
>Figured Demon Hunter would be cool to play as, thinking about maining it
>Legion arrives and completely forgrt about her while I do other stuff with my Retadin
>Every DH I've seen in the world has been a KOS faggot playing Havoc, probably a twelve year old.
>Aszuna opening literally has one turn to the Legion for no reason other than drama
>People actually think these fuckers are cool
>Prot is 'Raid random Vrkyul Warrior's tomb'
>Fury is 'Kill random Vrkyul Warrior'
>Arms has you fight a fucking C'thraaxi with the sword of Thoradin Fucking Trollbane still sticking out of its face.
Arms master race.
You and fury can stick your giant swords up your arse. Nothing but tasteful one-handers allowed in this club. Maybe when fury sobers up, it can be allowed back inside.
>Not going Defensive Stance and wielding Strom'kar with one hand
So what justification is there for Illidari on Illidari pvp because Horde/Alliance allegiance?
>Demon Hunter Domestos and Demon Hunter Dariel meet randomly
>One is a Blood Elf,the other a Night Elf
>Burning Legion is burning everything around them
>The two have a slapfight
I used to like Sylvanas (even if she always remained that elf bitch from the elf missions in WC3 in my mind) but it's hard to take her seriously with this whole must make more undead, all the while she is still saying "hat joy is there in this curse?" every time you speak to her.
If they wanted to have an undead leader entirely lacking in morals, I'd have rather had Arthas, at least he was fun in WC3, not so much in Wrath, but still.
Plus Nathanos pisses me off, who the fuck is he to talk to the Netherlord of the Dreadscar, First of the Council of the Black Harvest like that? I have an army of Demons that want to burn fucking worlds for me, all he has is some dried up rotten elf puss and a shitty bat.
Still that intro bit in Stormheim was interesting in that is basically confirmed she's in it for herself at least.
>Ret and Prot play like shit
Really? I've been leveling a ret pally and it seems pretty fun, at least compared to what I remember about low level Classic paladins.
>complaining about demon hunters
My spec got flayed and vivisected, and what spackle did they use to cover up its lack of bodily tissues? That shit pet you never summoned, but now with 200% more!
You were merely cucked by the edgelords. We had our entire 'class fantasy' torn out and replaced with something entirely lacking in fun, interesting visuals or effective gameplay.
I mean, the sassy talking skull pal and hijacking Azgalor's Pussy Palace make up for it but still.
I don't even know how to RP my warlock anymore considering how invested in Meta I was. How is this even going to be explained away? The Council of Dillweeds forbid it after they learned about Kanrethad?
You can take a hit with it though, about the only thing going for it currently, otherwise its gotten pretty boring. What's affliction like with the talents that require kills to work, is it going to be any useful in raids?
I've got no idea. The only thing I've heard about actual high-level warlock play in Legion is "Destro, but also just don't even bother"
Never been a fan of Affliction anyways, especially not now when Shadow priests are just so much cooler and more flavorful.
A good portion of the Illidari hate each other (At least on the lower levels of the ladder). No joke. Especially with Night Elves against Blood Elves. The Illidari we see are just the ones who hate the demons more.
Affliction works well with the fact my guy is a troll and I like the idea of having a scythe, but dots doesn't seem all that fun and I don't enjoy destruction very much at all.
Yeah, I'm actually quite of disappointed with it. The thing I liked about warlocks was the fact that they were ranged and I could see what I was doing, while still not dying immediately when I inevitably fuck up like I do with mages
I hit 110 today and the class hall is the only thing I'm excited for. Like you said the fantasy is ruined and I don't enjoy melee specs because I never get to see the environment, just masses of mobs everywhere.
Just need to work out if Balance or elemental is more bulkier now and switch to one of them I guess.
>Be DK
>Find another fellow knight
>(((Pretend))) to fight for the alliance/horde against the alliance/horde
>We're just sharing secrets and info since we're spies for the lich king
And the living nd the forsaken know shit.
Well, compared from what I've heard about Vanilla Ret (Catababby here), it is certainly an improvement. But we went from MoP/WoD's 4 different spells just for Holy Power generation and a first-come-first-serve priority system that rewarded fast thinking and decision making, with a proc thrown in for fun and improved gameplay, to Legion's ROTATION of 4 spells, TOTAL. If you don't take the Fires of Justice talent, you can play using a castsequence macro:
>#showtooltip Hibernate
>/castsequence Crusader Strike, Blade of Wrath, Crusader Strike, Crusader Strike, Judgment, Templar's Verdict, Crusader Strike, Templar's Verdict, Crusader Strike, Blade of Wrath, Templar's Verdict
Ret at least can build a bit of a rotation.
>Blade of Wrath
>Crusader's Strike
>Execution Sentence
>Wake of Ash
>Crusader's Strike
>trusting the horde EVER
they are italian tier
I just tried this, doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong? No, I don't have fires of justice
this nigga gets it.
>no alliancexhorde DK shipping
>inb4 thassarian and koltira
>tfw doing what the living cannot
>>no alliancexhorde DK shipping
>tfw Siouxsie the Banshee still uses the NE model for some reason so she sits in the center of Acherus bouncing her tits around like a stripper
>trust the Alliance
>get Garithos'd
>get Malfurion'd
No thanks trust no one
post yfw Xe'ra tells you we're all gona die without Illidan and there's absolutely nothing we need to save ourselves other than Illidan and your priority is to somehow find Illidan. And don't be sad that the whole pantheon is dead because we've got Illidan
>Illidan kills Sargeras
>pssh, but one of many, kiddo
I feel like that's probably some kind of ruse on Xe'ra's part
no i'm not just saying that because it's blatantly obvious they're making Illidan into Kerrigan 2.0.
Better than Sylvanas turning into a star god.
Are you giving the abilities time to come off CD/GCD, or merely frenetically pressing the macro's button?
Did people at Blizzard lost their corruption fetish, and are now forcing green saviour cock down out throats?
>Three expacs of Thrall power wanking
>Now that he's lost his "confidence", we get Illidan's fel-tainted taint to suck on
I think "pssh, but one of many" and "N O F U T U R E" are my two favorite Legion memes.
Gais, how can we fix the Tauren?Every time they're in a story they're always getting rekt.
Idk, Tauren have never really been my thing.
Bring back Cairne and then have him actually do stuff (but also not job)?
Literally just have Cairne come back from the dead with a legion of protected kodos to genocide the Centaur.
For starters, give them something, ANYTHING to do. The last time a Horde-affiliated Tauren had some noticeable participation in an important event might have been in the 5.3/Battlefield Barrens patch, in which Baine showed up to help retake Razor Hill from the Kor'kron. He showed up in the SoO final cinematic and Broken Shore, but had no major roles, or no roles that advanced the race's story.
When they get anything to do, stories can be developed from that point onward:
>Baine's development as a good and wise leader
>The Grimtotem's redemption
>Using Anduin and Baine's friendship as a bridge between RED and BLU
>>Using said friendship as a means to clarify what ACTUALLY happened in the Broken Shore and dial down the HxA retardation,
>Finding out what happened to Sunwalker Dezco's remaining child/calf
>Giving the Taunka some more story than "they're Tauren, but uglier and from Northrend"
Brother, serving the Light is its own reward. If this class was easy, it would encourage the unworthy. Go forth and smite your enemies knowing thou art truly favored. Only the chosen can endure, such as we did in Vanilla and TBC.
>Grimtotem redemption
Do you really think that's gonna happen? Magatha wants power above all else, enough that she was willing to use Garrosh as a tool for her coup d'etat.
I actually liked that the black dragon in hightotem wasn't that little shit black whelp
>Jaina's turn to a horny Horde hater is completely rushed and horribly done considering how she's spent most of her life defending them
>My friends defend her at EVERY turn when I say it's horrible character development
>Greymane absolutely destroys Sylvanas
>friends rant and rage at him even thought he's x100 better than Jaina right now
And I thought I was a massive waifufag.
Jaina and Genn both have one thing in common, though.
They both need a hug.
Greymane more so, I'd say.
Kalec needs to hurry up and give Jaina the dragon dick to calm her down. Greymane has no one for that.
Not really, but it is something that could happen/be attempted, even if unsuccessfully, to advance the race's lore a bit. The biggest event Tauren history had in recent years was Cairne's death and the subsequent Grimtotem coup; everything else was:
>Baine befriends Anduin
>Baine helps retaking Razor Hill, hasn't even new VA for it, he just shows up at the end and hangs around that observation tower
>Baine nods his head to Vol'jin being chosen as Warchief at SoO's final cinematic
>Baine is around during the Broken Shore invasion
>Baine is in Grommash Hold when Sylvanas is announced as the new Warchief
>And thus ends the summary of the participation of the Horde-aligned Tauren activities since the Cataclysm
Genn does have a wife, you know. Who is still alive.
I understand your point entirely.
not Magatha specifically, but there's got to be at least a few Grimtotems tired of getting their shit pushed in for Magatha's powerlust.
Shit, forgot about that. Assumed she was a goner as well.
His family need to appear a lot more then.
>Like Thrall, "muh peace" only worked in WC3 and i'm almost glad she switched to "muh war"
As a matter of facts, neither wanted to be allied until mediv told them to kiss.
>talking shit about Maxwell Tyrosus, the guy who served at the side of OG Ashbringer Alexandros Mograine, and ever since his fall kept fighting against the undead first as aScarlet Crusader, a member of the Argent Dawn, then Argent Crusade and now the reborn Silver Hand
>talking shit about Lady Liadrin, the redeemer of the Blood Knights and possibly blood elves as a whole in the eyes of the Light, being instrumental in reigniting the Sunwell and guiding the blood elves down the path of the Light, the very first on the lines of battle on Draenor, eager to repay the draenei for their sacrifice and doing her part to immediately hunt down the Legion near Auchindoun
>talking shit about Boros (and by proxy, the Triumvirate of the Hand) who, after ten fucking years finally gets to not only do something, but is on a prominent role as the new Highlord's advisor, brushing off the dust from draenei characters who are from the main universe and aren't Maraad, who became aan actual character only during WoD and Lords of War
>then pulls out the Black Harvest as some sort of a memorable cast with rich backstory, a bunch of warlocks who only exist since MoP
I don't think you understand what being a warrior of the Light entails, and you sure as shit should first learn what you are representing before whining like a snotty squire.
Somebody get ready to lay on hands, that was brutal
I don't give a flying fuck for how long the character existed. Med'an existed for a long time, doesn't make him a good fucking character. You don't get medals for length of service here. I'll take Black Harvest over anything you listed, because they have actual characterization, despite being a recent addition to the lore.
Also, good job samefagging and sucking your own dick.
the problem isn't the characters or their backstory. That's fine, even great.
Problem is that, as far as I can tell, they don't do much. Shit, these are the greatest Paladins all united under one banner and they just kinda stand around and look cool.
>>My friends defend her at EVERY turn when I say it's horrible character development
how is it horrible
>trust the horde and do everything for peace
>the horde destroys your city and enslaves it's people.
>and enslaves it's people
Did that happen? I missed out on the specifics of what actually occurred at Theramore.
It might sound silly, but WHY exactly are we enjoying and appreciating Genn so much?
Is it become he was spared most of Blozzard shir writing? Being an all around badass, down to earth guy, no nonsense guy?
I mean, I'm a worgen olayer so he was always my dude, but in the background. And suddenly now his one of my favorite character.
What made you like him?
This post reminds me of why I want to level my Vengeance DH.
>Bare minimum edge. Chows down on demonic power to fight the Legion, but doesn't go 'oh woe is me' about it.
>No 'I lost everything I love' backstory, just a person who genuinely cares for the world enough to make a personal sacrifice.
>Only regret is spending so long in prison, when they could've been killing more demons.
I don't want to go full anti-edge, since it would clash with the class concept.
But god damn, I spent five minutes in the class hall and couldn't stand that shit. Every PC is named Illidank, Felkiller, Fuckrogues or some shit, every NPC whines "I have given everything! What have YOU sacrificed?" when I click them.
All I want is to smile and stomp demon faces.
My point is simple - no shit you think already established characters are less interesting than a bunch of relative nobodies (their claim to fame is being kicked in the curb by the warlock to get the green fire, what amazing accomplishments and deep lore) that were introduced just five minutes ago, when you have absolute zero knowledge of anything.
Also, I don't need to samefag for the truth to burn your rectum.
That's what the Order Hall campaign is, that's where they actually do shit.
NPC of hero classes seem to have a knack for arrogance.
Dare I say a Knaak?
Paladins used to have one cool guy. Guess where being interesting got him.
If you want to serve Light, you have to as bland as natural yogurt with a brain of similar consistency.
sometimes you've just gotta roll with the edge.
>Had 3 days beard on both W3 and TFT arts
>Face smooth as a baby's in Wow
Could have make him more ruggish, but seeing how WoW only allows for full blown beard and mustaches, it would have been weird.
He actually did something (besides die), unlike Malfurion, Tyrande, Magni, Vol'jin, Lor'themar, Cairne, Varian, and I'm bored now so I'll stop listing racial leaders but who have all been trapped in various states of doing nothing, or dying pointlessly.
That, and it was something really cool.
the evacuating ships are captured by horde sailors and the civvies are all made to fight in deathmatches or their kids die.
Say it with me, faglord. "Being in classic and giving a couple quests does not an interesting character make".
The /v/ is strong in this thread.
And a daughter who was with him in Stormhieim
Tess isn't with him. She's busy being in the rogue secret club. The one you're thinking of is Lorna Crowley.
Oh ok but he does still have a wife and daughter he just need to spend more time with them to cool down.
>What made you like him?
I don't like him, per se. I don't hate him, and I think his attitude is justified. But I don't like him for the blatant RvB pushing he brings.
I'm torn on him in Stormheim, as I can't decide if the Forsaken carting around plague barrels and Sylvanas trying to enslave all Val'kyr is the writers setting it up to justify his actions or if it's just Sylvanas continuing to be a complete monster.
Note that I liked pre-Cata Sylvanas.
But oh god, do I love that someone finally thwarted Sylvanas' plans for once. I'd have preferred it was me, but I'll take what I can get.
I'm really hoping the expansion ends with a dead Sylvanas, because the way things are working out, she's going to be Garrosh 2.0. With all the sloppy writing that entails.
Weren't all Grimtotems officially cunts?
Yes all grimtotems were given the choice to renounce their clan and stay in Thunder Bluff or leave with Magath into exile. The only Grimtotems left are cunts
Oh god, the end of Val'Sharah.
We're another Dragon Aspect down. I'm not even mad that it wasn't a raid fight or something mechanical, I felt sad and I almost teared up when Ysera was framed and became a star constellation
>We're another Dragon Aspect down.
Only one left now.
Isn't Norz still about?
I just know Blizz is going to make some 'Mother of Dragons' joke out of Alexstrasza. They seem to be fangasming over Game of Thrones lately.
Yes, but due to time fuckery, he's "fated" to go insane, go back in time, and then we kill him for trying to fuck with the time line.
And I know just the way to send her off.
>Isn't Norz still about?
Titans gave him control over time, saw his own death, became depressed, get pushed by the old gods to try and stop this fate.
Boom, infinite dragonflight is born, on multiple occasions..
>Look into the future
>Sees that he's a douchebag
>Hires adventurers to travel through time and kill his future self
>Instead of just not turning into a douchebag
Time travel is kind of shit.
The problem is that it's not Jaina's character to go full crazy revenge mode. It's literally what made her the opposite of Arthas. If Jaina don't think there's any chance for peace with the Horde, she'd most likely just give up and do something else, make half dragon babies with Kalec or go back to studying like she always wanted and become Aegwyn 2.0. So then if she thinks she can no longer keep being the peacekeeper, at least she won't be undoing her own previous work.
any cinematic link?
>make half dragon babies with Kalec
You mean quarter dragon. Kalec's half-dragon.
the horde literally undid all of her work by blowing up and destroying her city. Just because she likes peace doesn't mean that she will just back away from the horde. She didn't go full hostile against the horde until they left the alliance in the lurch.
kalec's a dragon.
If the old gods were a more dignified pantheon, what attributes would their priests invoke them for?
Mental abilities. Solving puzzles and problems. Warding against fear and courage to face the what is on the dark but not protection from it. Maybe the knowledge on how to defeat enemies.
>every NPC whines "I have given everything! What have YOU sacrificed?" when I click them.
That gets really annoying really fast. I'm also a fucking demon hunter, I've sacrificed exactly as much as you have, and you don't see me complaining about it whenever somebody talks to me! Now stop whining and go kick demon ass!
Minimum edge is also how I'd play my DH. Like, the concept of DH is in itself kind of edgy, but basically you're a guy who using demon powers, even at the risk of losing control of them and getting corrupted, is worth the risk because it makes you much better at fighting demons, and fuck the demons.
I'd play mine as an "end justifies the means" kind of guy when it comes to fighting the Legion. Does an action help the fight against the Legion? If yes, it's automatically a good and justified thing.
"but one of many" is more of a HotS meme than a Legion meme, but it is pretty good
>minimum edge
>ends justify the means
literally maximum edgy.
>yfw they say it to a DK
It seems like a perfectly reasonable attitude to take when you're fighting against a legion of demons out to fuck the world. Anything that helps in stopping the Legion is a good thing, because the alternative is everybody dying. Trying to take a moral high ground when your only alternatives are "world gets fucked by demons" and "world doesn't get fucked by demons" is kind of pointless.
I don't know, I'm pretty utilitarian in real life, so I don't see that kind of attitude as particularly unreasonable or edgy.
>tfw your job is to maintain the timeline in which you go insane and try to destroy the timeline
>tfw attempting to not go insane is a breach of your ancient duty
>tfw you know exactly when, how, and where everyone you have ever met, yourself included, will die
>tfw so many terrible things could have been prevented if your job wasn't specifically to make sure they happened
Being Nozdormu is suffering.
Seriously does Jim Cummings even try to hide his voice anymore? I recognized him as this nigga and Havi instantly