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They're ... shit?

What exactly are those zog of robits anyway? They aren't Titans are they?

>Haywire shots and 5++ on every model.
>Small blasts on every model.

They blow Rangers fucking out of the water.

>fuck vehicles

They're totally reasonable, which I think is now exciting. They're elites in maniple but not compulsory, can they fit in battle congregation?

You what m8, are we looking at diffrent rules
>10 or more models mean all shots are -1 str
>30" anti-MEQ shots
>lads with haywire
whats the wording on it?

>Parabolic Shot: Weapons with this special rule can be fired at targets out of the unit’s line of sight, so long as they or their target
are not in an enclosed space (such as inside a building).

Well this isn't going to cause arguments with nearly intact ruins at all.

>Flechette shot
>Salvo 4, Shred
That's fucking ridiculous. Puts out almost 50% more unsaved wounds on MEQ than the Kinetic Hammershot.

Why did they bother with making all of those different weapon types if the models are relentless?

>cause arguments

Well yeah that's always what happens.

the peltasts seem pretty good the hoplites seem just ok

yeah, titans without that weird flat bit for a head

Kinetic hammershot is for MCs.

so basically
>fw model is drastically better than gw model
>skitarii codex, already painfully small, actually just gets smaller, and the army becomes more expensive

Against anything with T6, the Flechtette's throw out more wounds. There's a very, very narrow band where that Rending shot beats out 4 (!?!) Shredding shots.

>FW adds two units to the codex
>this makes it smaller

Thanks, user. For the life of me I could not decide on what those things were. Have some music to brighten your day up.
>Grey Knight fighting theme

these guys are much better than the alternatives the majority of the time

They're Elites, not Troops. The extremely short range on the Hoplites also means that Arc Carbine Vanguard are probably still the better choice for MSU vehicle hunting.

oh shit. you right

Kinetic hammershot is for Eldar MCs.

Like I said, a very, very narrow range band. They also get fewer unsaved wounds through than an equal number of basic Skitarii Vanguard.

>fw model is drastically better than gw model

tssk. 80% GW model, 20% FW.

trying to tone down my eldar. want to go for lots of rangers for like a scout theme
what do you guys think of fire dragons in wave serpents for anti tank, rangers, maybe guardians and farseer+warlocks?

who is getting KILL TEAM tomorrow?, and what colour are your dudes going to be?

>pondering black templars even thought I might as well have done the raven guard on the box.


knights, back before knights had models

you can tell they're based on the standing defiler conversions


500 points friendly list for new players? Suggestions? I have bugger all clue about marines at least not since 4th

>10-20 blast shots
Fuck you forgeworld, fuck you. This is in no way fun to actually resolve.


The only real advantage is the extra range and rending: hammer shot is basically a poor mans transuranic aquibus

love me as i do some 2v2 and big old 2k pt 40k, i will always love kill team. i have admech KT and like to run 5 infiltrators and i'm making a nid and eldar KT atm


>he has never fought a full battry of quad mortars
Ig have been able to do 20 blasts per unit, with twin linkwd since 2006 or so

So are termintors vs tacs, yet ypu still see tacticles. I wonder why

Reasonably priced for their survivability. Cool thing the shielded ones are immune to getting instakilled by multilasers

Both units get the -1 str rule senpai

Ruins aren't buildings.

They are two separate things in the rulebook.

>So are terminators vs tacs
hahaha, you fucking what

Grav guns exist, dude. Tactical squads can get three of the suckers.

>such as

>such as
Buildings, fortifications, bunkers, etc.

Not ruins.

I mean yeah you COULD put a salvo weapon with a mid range on a non relentless chassis, if you were dumb. Leave grav to bikes and skyhammer

Bunkers, and the fortifications you mean (presumably not an Aegis Line) are buildings, there's no 'such as' about them.

And you know full well that it means any terrain you can actually "embark", as stated in the rules.

The only arguments this can spark, is the good kind. It helps you make informed decisions about which players you should avoid, because people retarded enough to misunderstand something this simple, will be an absolute sore to play with, at best, or completely insufferable at worst.


I was gonna say that's not what it refers to, but knowing the playerbase, I wouldn't be surprised if some faggots would actually try to argue they could shoot at embarked passengers if they hadn't worded it like this.

sorry, i shouldve specified 1k pts

seriously though, im tired of accidentally winning
anyone know that feel?

In War Convocation? No. War Convocation has that Battle Maniple-formation which is fixed set of units.

Kinda sad but then, also a good thing. War Convo doesnt need to get better.

>not making Hoplites fast Attack and Peltasts heavy support

It woulda been nice for more variety, but honestly the Skitarii Maniple is so easily manageable that it's no big deal. But still, HOLY FUCK THEYRE BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING

they are very nice looking models.
rangers, however, will always hold a special place in my heart as being my favorite 40k mini (except for tech priest dominus obv)

Same, but Vanguard get a very close second. I love everything about the look and feel, and these guys bring a cool Art Deco style to the army. I think they'll be a balanced and smart thing too, Hoplites seem like they're most survivable infantry unit for Skitarii and will be great for vehicle hunting (not too much else, but 4+ armies will be scared), while Peltasts will be interesting (I'm not sure if they'll be good or not) at the very least.

They seem like they'll be very, very good choices for kill team

i definitely think peltasts are gonna be top tier in kill team. hoplites i dunno. i haven't thought about them too much
i WILL be trying them out though
personally i don't like the helmets vanguard have but everything else is cool. i'm pining for more admech models because the ones they have right now are really cool. i love electropriests, even if they don't get much love on the table

Are they Admech or just Skitarii?

There is no 'admech' faction. These guys are titanicus and skitarii

Read the top. They're Skitarii expansion units.

I meant Cult Mechanicus,but never mind it says only Skitarii. :(

That's what I figured. I don't think war convocation will be hurting at all haha.

I just preordered the hoplites, I figured in apocalypse games I'm actually using my titan in they will be a larger deterrent to stuff like knights etc getting in close to give my titan any shit. For the drop pod marines and melt vets you just bubble wrap like a regular person I guess.

Makes sense. Though there REALLY should be a detachment that allows you to take units from both cult mech and skitarii

If I wanted to do a Combine army as in half-life alien invaders. What army or models could work better.

Rules wise and conversion potential?

Death Korps of Krieg and Skitarii for Model Conversion, I'm not sure for rules. Maybe Skitarii? I'm just thinking of the taser sticks

>decide to get Yarrick: Pyres of Armageddon to read on the train
>get so into the book I read in a few hours
>Yarrick is now my god, my favourite character

Steel Legion = best Guard regiment, all the others are just posers.

I lohv dark reepers

One thing I really liked about Fantasy was the fact that core units had a much bigger impact due to the 25% rule.

Do you think a similar rule could be used in 40k?


Well shit.

Guess they're gonna keep trying until they get a result they like.

Calling it now: They gonna cull the lowers preforming and least represented armies.

There, rid of SoB and it's their own fault for being lazy and bad.

Considering that you have bullshit troops like scatbikes and tau battlesuits in the game I'd prefer if 40k introduced a special point cost like infinity for special weapons and equipment.

any reason you chose to define the bikes from their armament but the suits on their own?

It was in 2nd ed (or maybe 3rd I can't remember) and fantasy had a force org for one of its editions as well, so its possible, but unlikely considering the way things have been going.

Isn't there a Shrine world near Cadia?

Do you play this game? Both are pretty much defined by their special weapons. Scatterlaser for scatbikes and fusion/missile/plasma for suits.

My guess is that the Eldar Bikers are really a one trick wonder (Scatterlaser kinda are superior to all other Heavy weapons they can take)

While Tau suits have multiple weapons to fulfill different roles (Fusion suicide / Plasmas to melt 2+ / sit back with their missiles)

But I'm not that user, so I'm just guessing.

Just interesting you callesd one a scatbike but not the other a plassuit or whatever.

Personally i much prefer the shuriken cannons one as I get the benefit form their Core formation.

Those heads are sexy as hell.

>mfw the black legion and abby will have the same success rate as eldrad against the deathwatch

Even with that formation the scatterlasers are much more better due the increased range. Bikes have bad LD and are very fragile so you want to keep them out of harms way as much as possible.

So, given how well it turned out for the eldar, can we assume this means that CSM are being squatted? Lord knows that CSM are far less liked by GW than the eldar

What do people use to build their army lists, usually? like clients

Battlescribe, although it depends on which army since the level of completion can vary.

come on GeeDubs throw us Chaos players a bone and let us win something for a change

>All Secutarii units have the Adeptus Titanicus Faction. The Adeptus Titanicus are part of the Armies of the Imperium and ally as such
as described in the Allies section of Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.
So they're a part of the Skitarii Maniple but they're not a part of the faction?

Give me plastic SoB, then nuke 40k from orbit.

I see. Where do people get the data files for unit stats?

Sure, you can... annihilate the SoB faction, various non-cadian IG recruiting worlds (pointless ones like Tallarn, Valhalla and Mordia) before being beaten back again.

>throw us Chaos players a bone
they did that with warhammer

I'd like to believe they learned something from that.

Yes, technically they are part of the titan legions.

Is the Royal Court fun to use? How would you kit yours out?

By clicking the get data file button.

Man if SoB get squatted I'm gonna laugh so hard

Don't butcher the game for it, just make it so the imperium are on the back foot for a change


>just make it so the imperium are on the back foot for a change
they imperium is on the back foot in every single major campaign book, both GW and FW

having the imperium not in a desperate situation would be pretty new and exciting

Chaos will slaughter a bunch of planets and sectors we've never heard of and don't care about(but it was a lot so it's suerper scary this time!).

Reach planet of importance that we do care what happens. Cue epic battle and then Deus Ex Machina chaos downfall and pop back to the Eye and brood with our possessed.

Keep the ranger theme and instead of using fire dragons in wave serpents (0 subtly) roll with some bright lances on more stealthy units, war walkers or Hornets/vypers, maybe. Or wraithlords, but those are expensive for a bright lance platform

They are already squatted alongside Inquisition.
The new Killteam game omitted them.
Maybe they are merging them again for 8th, but I doubt it.

>Abaddon lands on Cadia with his gathered crusade
>Accidentally steps on an Imperial landmine
>Blown to pieces
>Crusade ends

Either a squatted or being reduced so much in numbers they can be repackaged as an allies minidex and/or forgeworld.

Part of me is pissed of that a factions that is bigger than the Tau get so little attention.

But then again girls are eewww and GW can't into female models.

Pen and paper.

I find the math of many 40k players more suspect than an army roster client. In fact, i'm surprised some 40k players can do math at all, or read and write. And i'm not talking about the kids that pollute some stores..