/awg/ - alternative wargames general

ayy lmao edition

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks. /hwg/ doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to very specific games, so this thread isn't tied to a game, or a genre, lets talk about fun wargames.

Any scale, any genre, any company, any minis. Skirmishers welcome. Rules designers welcome.

>Examples of games that qualify
Mighty Armies, Dragon Rampant, Of Gods and Mortals, Frostgrave, Hordes of the Things, Songs of Blades and Heroes, and anything that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread (gorkamundheim).

>Places to get minis

>The Novice Trove
pastebin.com/viWJ1Yvk (embed)

>Question of the Now:
Any new releases you're looking forward to, user?

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I get a sauce on these minis, please?

Not sure, but check Eureka and Copplestone.

their 15mm and either khurasan/bluemoon/GZG, Id check khurasan first (though I didn't spot em in my cursory glance)
Yes. the rules are updated constantly so the printed one is sometimes out of date (though I know DA games used to do trade in on rulebooks at cons)

Found em they are Khurasan. The 15mm Federal Defence Force Exterminator Squad in Extreme Environment Suits

The Open Combat link in the trove still don't real.

What the hell is that fat pikachu coloured thing in the background?

Thanks, user.

They appear to be a fat nazi magic space rocket and a thin nazi magic space rocket. Presumably they are camouflaged, somewhere.

Got the new White Dwarf today, for nostalgia's sake mostly, and the free Bloodexecutioner or whatever the fuck they're called. I'm quite impressed by how sharp the plastics are now.

Christ, the new stuff is simultaneously overwhelming and dull though. Page after page of perfect big plastic kits being pushed around the £200 Citadel™ Realm of Battle® board. No average gamers showing off their average, achievable efforts. Quite boring really, in amongst all the adverts.

As long as we've got the mediafire full of classic WDs who needs the new stuff?


This is true, I have a fair few from that archive but iirc most are the slightly worse American ones rather than the UK main edition.

The new stuff is unreadable too, one guy is building a Beastclaw™ Savage Slaughterwing or something and I literally couldn't guess what it all means.

I miss the days when WD wasn't a catalogue, honestly. I gave up GW a long time ago.
That free mini is tempting though, I've been meaning to get one of GW's newer plastics to see how they are now, this might be a nice opportunity.
that's if I can stand the embarrassment of actually buying one in public

I made a thread about the release of an old relic of an /awg/:


WD used to be in every newsagent, now I think they only sell it in GW stores.

GW™ stores™

Any love for Guild Ball here?
It's basically Blood Bowl as made by Warmahordes, with a simple ruleset that offers massive depth through alternate activations and resource allocation.
It plays like a reversed Capture-the-Flag, where teams beat the shit out of each other while simultaneously trying to score goals with the ball. Naturally the teams will excel at one and fall behind at the other, so you have 2 games going on at once.

Fluffwise, the Guilds are all massively corrupt organisations that have bought into a classic sport and turned it into a spectacle / political arena.

It's really fucking great and everyone should join in. All the rules are free and a starter set is ~£20. A full team only needs 6 models to be tourney-worthy.

*Warhammer™ stores™

I would glady play BUT
here noone knows about the game or at least distributes. also I need to save up for 2 teams at least so I can set up demos or something.

kinda unrelated but do we know anything about Shadow games? the card game set up in the same universe of GB?

What's better for someone far away from bongland? buy the minis from amazon or from the GB store?

You forgot to mention that it's free and they have print out models and tokens/templates on their website.

wow, really? that's bad.

Anybody who runs demos often got any system agnostic tips?

keep it simple, try and keep it "balanced"

in burgerland try warstore or minaturei market. Or just order with free shipping from bongland.

Have good looking minis and terrain

My city is home to some of the best warmachine and hordes players in Australia, they've taken a liking to Guild Ball and I'd rather punch my own teeth out than have to put up with those guys. It's a nice game and has some great looking models but it's not worth my time if I'm going to have a shit time as I get run over by the autism express.

are there any games made with 54 mm minis in mind? How about converting a rules set to that scale

If the terrain is equally scaled up, you couldn't fit very much onto a table, so the game would represent a much smaller amount of physical area. I'm having trouble imagining what kind of thing someone would want to play that would take place in such a physically small setting. Bar fight? Pro wrestling royal rumble?

any combat small scale combat, like football sized wars

Got into this like 2 weeks ago and it made my 2 fav game in no time. Great fun game for beer and pretzlez quick brainy and pretty balanced (bar the Obuls shit that needs to be corrected)

GW's old Inquisitor thing is the only one I can think of.

I used to have 5+ paper shops in my town of ten thousand that sold it, now none of them do.

Wargaming/modelling magazines are still there as always.

Which city are you talking about and what's wrong with the Warmahordes players there?

I don't mean to paint broad strokes, but here in the UK, the WarmaHordes types are the people who were playing 9 Obliterator Iron Warriors lists a decade ago. Americanised garbage.

>average, achievable efforts

No thanks. Why would you pay to see shitty minis? Just go play with the local primed Tau battlesuits with the weapons lying on the base if you want the average gamer.

>Why would you pay to see shitty minis?
If average means shit to you...

Well what do you find to be average? Most people don't have high standards here.

You've misunderstood mate. I said average, not "shitty".

White Dwarf used to be chock-full of tutorials that you could actually have a go at, and featured stuff like the Tale of Four Gamers where people at an average or slightly above average level collected an army slowly, like you or I would. That's inspiring. They even told you where to get supplies for terrain from and showed out of production miniatures, hell even non-GW stuff before the millennium.

Now it's exclusively made from official Citadel™ terrain, the models are rarely converted, and it just reads like a fucking catalogue for their technical paints or whatever else they're trying to flog.

Appropriate colors everywhere with at least a wash and/or a highlight. Basically TTQ or TTQ+, mostly depends on how you define it.

All details picked out, some efforts at highlights/shading, paint not too thick, acceptably based.

My fellow Rivendell man.

I wish I'd liked LotR at the time, some of the plastics are brilliant.

The only ones I know of are Historicals.

Lord of the Rings is probably one of GW's better skirmish wargames in terms of rules; the models are great but it's just never shaken off the image of being a cheap film tie in thing despite everything.

War of the Ring is pretty decent too, and it was written by the one and only Matt War

Shame the models have at least doubled in price if they are even sold at all.

Its amazing to me how many people dropped it given it was a legitimately good game in its own right.

Aye, as a 15 year old I couldn't be bothered with the near-yearly "new" editions each time a film came out, and then the Mines of Moria box after it all.

I used to get the miniatures mostly from the fortnightly magazine that came with the odd sprue or metal model. I only really dropped it because most of my local community at the time felt that it wasn't a true GW product, AKA 40K/WFB setting. Ironically, they now refuse to play 40K/WFB due to GW's attitude towards the games.

That was the general gist all around, I felt. People just didn't see it as a 'real' GW game and were constantly surprised to see it keep going.

I see. I never even got to play a game of it; even my local GW didn't support it terrain-wise for gameplay, and at that point I was too young to search for a club or store that did. I probably still have the minis somewhere, but I'd rather spend the time it'd take to find them painting the ones I use now.

New from Crooked Dice: Paranormal Investigators

>Has a Life on Mars set of miniatures
>No The Sweeney miniatures.

Breaking my heart here, CD.

I enjoy when companies produce 'definitely-not-from-that-one-film-guv-swear-on-me-mum' models


That's what Crooked Dice are all about, they have tons of 70's Brit TV stuff like Doctor Who, Blake's 7, The Prisoner etc; and licensed stuff like Danger 5.

You could actually use those Life on Mars minis for Regan and Carter, with a well-done paint job and perhaps a little conversion.

Eh, you'd need a fair bit of work on them.

I do want to get into 7TV. I had a play of it at last years Salute and I love the kind of shows it's supposed to portray. I also think the ruleset would work fantastically for a tokusatsu style game.

Well, that is rather easy way to generate revenue.
"Some random post-apoc minis? I guess I pass."

Gotta have that market recognition.

Hasslefree Miniatures are also pretty good for this: recently though they've really developed an infatuation with "teh boobies XD" and I can't be arsed with keeping up with releases.

Pretty odd from a husband and wife team, must be good sellers to desperate types.

>you'd need a fair bit of work on them.

There's a guy in the new Heroes set (on the left here) called "Tough Detective" who is the spit of Regan. For Carter you just need an appropriate-looking guy in a turtleneck!

Brother Vinni go the whole hog.

This actually.

When i was a child/teenager, i had to take the train to the next town to go to school. There was a newspaper/books store right at the station. I always bought the WD there.

Last year when they announced that there is a Sigmar mini in the WD i went to several newspaper stores and looked (and actually asked in one of them) for the WD, but i couldn't find it. Quite an interesting development. (Remember the discussion last week about the bad future of our hobby? This is another indicator.. I bought my very first WD because its cover looked nice and interesting, not knowing anything about GW at all).

I ended up ordering that issue with the Sigmarine directly at a GW store. (Same with the current one, Hobby Stores really seem to be the only place to get it)

Be glad you didn't liked it back then.

These days you can buy the plastics for next to nothing on ebay. You'll save alot of money.

Is this a wyrd WWII game? Why does the ape have a gun?

No its not, GW is not in newsagents but the wargaming/modelling magazines still are.

GW is not 'the hobby'.

My town's magazine shop - and this is in a remote shithole in New Zealand - carries a copy of WD and Wargames Illustrated every month (although of course they're shipped out and three months behind). Maybe your local shops are just shit.

But GW and their artwork is what young people would buy out of curiosity.

>wargaming/modelling magazines
That stuff doesn't exists in Germany. The closest thing would be scale modeler/railroad magazines. In the age before the internet the White Dwarf was literally the only way you could learn about tabletop wargames in general if you had no GW or "Fantasy/Hobby" store in your town, and these are super rare too.

I think that is partly their own doing. When WD became a weekly leaflet, they seemed to push it to only be released in hobby stores and I think Visions was supposed to become... actually I'm not sure what it was supposed to be.

This move would some way force people into b&m stores on weekly basis and impulse buy new stuff.

Wargaming is dying in Europe. The demographic shift means whites won't be around to play it any more.

We ran these circles last thread, no need to shit this one up too.

Sure, pollack. It's not muh vidyas fault, they good stuff.

Vidya is helping, but we agreed that wargaming passes mostly from family members. It's viral in how it spreads and the new demographics aren't carriers.

What alot of nonsense even in a hundred years when there are no whites there'll be even more Asian Tau players to keep the hobby afloat and it's not totally unpopular with the Jews themselves.

'We' did not agree anything and that is not even true.

Go home faggot the Aryan master race are discussing toy soldiers.

Because kids aren't interested in wargaming or fantasy/sci-fi/historical warfare at all unless it's GW, right?

Except not at all. GW is big because it's got the big shop on the high street. That's pretty much it. We've got tons of young children in the various wargaming clubs around our small town and while they all play GW stuff, they also play other games, scales and periods.

>muh race war

Bore off, mate. Bet you're a right laugh down the club.

Did someone say race war?


Terragnosis do one.


GW is the gateway drug for lots of wargamers and has always been.
Granted, there are a few children with an natural interest for military and history but that is not the majority. In fact, that is a tiny minority.

Ignoring the fact that there is no wargaming magazine besides the WD in german language a child could buy out of sudden interest, do you really think the cover of a magazine like Wargames Illustrated sparks the interest of a 12 year old as some big orks or space marines?
You can say what you want about the WD, the quality of the cover and the pics inside are very good.

>We've got tons of young children in the various wargaming clubs around our small town

The situation is entirely different here. We have no clubs in every small-ish town or even in schools. It might have changed a bit, but back in the day, before games like Dawn of War (or widespread internet) existed and living outside of one of the bigger cities with a GW or Hobby store you simply had no way to learn about wargaming as a hobby.
When we were like 16, my friends and i had a 2-hour train ride to the next store to actually buy some minis or talk to people about the hobby beside our small group of 3. The fucking train did cost more than a blister too.

I guess its hard to imagine how niche this hobby actually is if you don't live outside of GB.

Original page 5 seemed directly written to attract those people to the game.

There are still like 20 magazines a month published but they all focus on military modeling and trains. They're fun to browse but they lack the games element which is the bit I enjoy. There's only so many Nazis I can see before I get bored.

True, but mags like this only attract a small number of children.
In fact, i bought some scale modeler magazines solely because they had pics and bits of history about tanks inside. I remember them being very expensive though.

Nice jokaero sculpt on the right

You can grab all of them from pirate bay once a month for free any way.

I know. But i was speaking about 20 years ago when i was a child.

There used to be a 4shared archive of the Battle Games in Middle Earth magazine, their guides were all aimed at novice-intermediate people, and the tutorials were along the lines of "Go to the grocers, buy sponges. Now you have hedges!"

>the models are rarely converted

To be fair, in the recent WD (the new, big one) they converted some minis from the Kill team box and explained how and why they did it.
It felt like they really tried to catch the spirit of the old WDs.

I'll certainly download the next issues to see if they stay on that path.

are there any combat systems for 1/144 gunpla models?
I imagine the only hard part is balancing the beam rifles.

I think Heavy Gear has the same scale robuts

Heavy Gear is 1/144 scale but the mecha in the setting are way smaller than Gundam mobile suits.

>an infatuation with "teh boobies XD"
Kinda, yeah.

OTOH nudes are good as sculpting dollies. I saw one guy doing a range of kobolds recently, he sculpted a naked kobold complete with dick, cast them up, and then started adding clothes and weapons. Having some basic anatomy helps.

Of course, some people just buy naked women because tiny tin tits are their thing.

So basically invite people who aren't straight white old men to play wargames, and it will spread - perhaps slowly at first, but once someone grows up and remembers an old hobby and sees a toy soldier, or has kids and wants something to do, you've got a new dynasty.

More diversity is the key, gotcha.

There are some Gundam tabletop games using 1/144 yes. Google it.

>People who have no interest in the hobby will suddenly like it if you invite them.

Not how it works goy

I've looked at it and it seems cool, but I worry it'll suffer from the same issues I have with Blood Bowl. Reading the rules the game seems more focused on beating the opponent to death than actually scoring goals.

>hobbyists just magically spawn out of Aryan closets and basements

Perhaps if we did better among the other 50.5% of superior white civilization aryan master chiefs we could solve this one

Can't be master race and have been in the closet mate. Milo is not Aryan master race.

There are a few; you can also use Mekton Zeta's combat rules.