

Novus Maximus Imperium

>Duchy of Moscow

The 4th republic of poland

red or blue

Make sure to start us outside cities

Holy Empire

Also forgot name

Map is utter shit



oh wait actually no sorry im not playing with the 1 turn rivers thing

ruins the game


Can you cross rivers in original?

Get Constantinople

I'll remove it.

Surround and take Moscow

Surround and take warsaw

Surround Rome

yes i think so, but for this edit with cities i never had that rule. i made the cities and the bonuses. they were created to be balanced with the map without the rivers rule. adding 1 turn rivers fucks everything up

surround and siege athens.
spills towards egypt, taking those islands first

rivers are free to cross

Almost 2 nukes in turn 1
Damn nigguh

Rolled 47775 (1d99999)

Suround stockholm spill to Copenhagen also one turn to cross a river? That is ignorant. A sea or ocean yes... but a river

You made an unconquerable city then mate.
Cant show cuz on mobile

Captain Average

no. you just entirely misunderstood what i said

when i made this version of the map, it was intended that crossing any water was free.

if you start making crazy expenses to cross water it totally changes the playing field

alexandria can be conquered. doesnt need to be surrounded due to not having any clay around it


Oh wait. You could cross rivers for free then?

Can i has city nao?
Keep going east after taking constantinople

You can now cross them for free.
Also you can either siege a city, or take the country.

Rolled 17807 (1d99999)

Forgot me...
Siege city

Continue to attack Moscow

General spread, you know what to do.


OP you fucked up. i told you to take control of athens.

my bonus is 3

rolling to defend from all attacks, fill alexandria then spills towards jerusalem

Occupy warsaw
then go west to city

Take Rome!

This map is fucking trash. There's dumb cities being bonuses, there's cities that should be bonuses but aren't, and the bonuses seems almost arbitrary and stupid. Like why is constantinople or baghdad not red and why is jerusalem not on the map?

This is a siege style map. Why would u have spill on a siege roll

I didn't make it.
People wanted to play this.
You can siege a city, or take land. It is your choice. You have to spend a turn sieging a city.

jerusalem is on the map dipshit

all the bonuses make sense, youre just a thicko

constantinople is yellow because it is very easy to capture

i spent a long time thinking about these bonuses

Also I'm lowering gets next turn, and making it harder to take some cities.

Rolled 95838 (1d99999)

Take copenhagen

Go east, sorround next city

Take Porto and Madrid!
If there are the troops then surround Barcelona.

>spend a turn seiging a city
thats not mentioned on the rules, you're bollocksing it all up

capture alexandria

Fill Italy

That is canonical for siege realtime

Push towards FInland

look at that crazy word i dont understand

the rules are made so it takes 6T to capture Moscow anyway. it takes a large chunk of your roll for a big city. OP could easily increase the cost to 3+value instead of 1+value but making it take 1 turn is dumb, capturing 1t cities is basically pointless

Go west to red city

I have 2+ i forgoy

Fixed bonus

That is how siege risk works
Terrority and siege rolls are separate rolls... u made a siege map without that in mind?

Cities now take *4 their value to take in a siege. If the siege fails, you lose your roll.

I know how to play, I just think it's a garbage map
That's not where jerusalem is you dumb fuck, it's along the dead sea. Apparently, you're stupid as fuck then cuz your bonuses are garbage. And if you're gunna put cities right next to each other, you should have included Oslo, or Crimea, or Volgograd, or Bordeaux, or Damascus/Aleppo

well, do what you want but im just saying this map edit was specifically designed to be played by the rules set out

you can carry on but i dont think it will work as well

Siege then towards the north

Lol im on a roll

Fine, take Porto

Take those lands bordering the river in the west but don't take it, and head towards the city

Take the city, then keep going east

Continue push towards Finnish cities

hey guys. can you come check this out real quick? new style of Risk, super conducive to long term play. Call it... seasonal risk. If you could just read the rules and ask me any questions you have.

Thanks, and sorry to interrupt.

Fill scandi

for sure m8

next mup
People that missed this mup get one chance to do a make up roll.


Take Sicily and sail to that teal city, Tripoli?

I'll give you Berlin.
You also failed to reply to the mup though.
Roll now.

Go north after taking berlin

Into Scandinavia?

Please make a bee-line for Barcelona and surround it.

With any extra troops, make another single file line down past Gibraltar to Casablanca.

Attempt to capture the Finnish cities


Correction on bonus!!
My brain had a spasm...

Also get that blue city

Go east

Go north west anf take the blue city please

Next mup
Trying to keep these coming fast.
I will allow you to siege multiple cities going forwards from here.


Go south take Jerusalem

Go west and surround both cities.

Take Barcelona first,

Then continue the drive to surround Casablanca if anything left general fill.

Meh im bored. I decided to leave

Well its not #op

dafuq m8

bonus change

Kek, try #fuckingspaz

Nvm west and south to surround the cities

we're down to three rollers....

Get Jerusalem and take Greek territories

welp this is done

Sadly I think you're right.

Fuck it. I'm still ballin'

Build to Surround Casablanca then hug the east coast of France moving north

I can op the next one

Siege cities while goig for the greens south and using the remaining to go towards england

It seems I'm the winner.

Everyone else, thanks... Great competitors.

I wanna thank my family, some god or another, I wanna thank my friends, I wanna thank Wilfred the spider who watches me from the corner every night. Without you bro, none of this would be possible!!


Sorry I'm bowling right now. So can't play risk. See y'all later

Welp gg

sorry man, i was stuck in traffic and had to stop and eat